745 INDEX to VOL. CXIV. (A) Allen (H. S.) and Sandeman (I.) Bands in the Secondary Spectrum of Hydrogen, 293. Alpha-particles from Radium C (Briggs), 313, 341. Atom, oriented hydrogen, its effective cross section (Fraser), 212. Atoms and ions, many-electron, theoretical prediction of their physical properties (Pauling), 181. Auroral green line (McLennan, McLeod and McQuarrie), 1. Barnes (H. T.) Some Physical Properties of Icebergs and a Method for their Destruction, 161. Beckett (H. E.) See George and Beckett. Beta-rays, photographic action (Ellis and Wooster), 266. Bismuth and lead, L-emission spectra (Eddy and Turner), 605. Bone (W. A.) and Forshaw (A.) Studies upon Catalytic Combustion, V, 169. Bone (W. A.), Fraser (R. P.) and Winter (D. A.) The Initial Stages of Gaseous Explosions, I, 402. II, 420. Bone (W. A.), Fraser (R. P.) and Witt (F.) The Initial Stages of Gaseous Explosions, III, 442. Bragg (W. L.) and West (J.) The Structure of Certain Silicates, 450. Briggs (G. H.) The Straggling of a-Particles from Radium C, 313. The Decrease in Velocity of a-Particles from Radium C, 341. Buchanan (D.) Periodic Orbits of the Second Genus, 490. Burgers (W. G.) An X-Ray Investigation of Optically Anomalous Crystals of Racemic Potassium Chlorosulphoacetate, 222. Carbon dioxide, thermal conductivity (Gregory and Marshall), 354. Catalytic Combustion, V (Bone and Forshaw), 169. Consonants, voiced and unvoiced, their nature and artificial production (Paget), 98. Craib (J.) See Schonland and Craib. Crystals, optical anomalous, of racemic potassium chlorosulphoacetate (Burgers), 222. Cuthbertson (C.) Absorption of Radiation in the Extreme Ultra-Violet by the Inert Gases, 650 ; On a Relation between the Refractive and Dispersive Constants of the Inert Gases, 659. Darwin (C. G.) and Watson (W. H.) The Constants of the Magnetic Dispersion of Light, 474. Detonation of gaseous mixtures (Egerton and Gates), 137, 152. Dirac (P. A. M.) The Quantum Theory of the Emission and Absorption of Radiation, 243 ; The Quantum Theory of Dispersion, 710. Dispersion of light, magnetic, constants (Darwin and Watson), 4 <4. Dispersion, quantum theory (Dirac), 710. Dobson (G. M. B.), Harrison (D. N.) and Lawrence (J.) Measurements of the Amount of Ozone in the Earth’s Atmosphere, II, 521. Doppler effects in molecular spectrum of hydrogen (Johnson), 697. Doublets, mutual potential energy of a plane network (Topping), 67. 746 Eddy (C. E.) and Turner (A. H.) The L-Emission Spectra of Lead and Bismuth, 605. Egerton (A.) and Gates (S. F.) On Detonation of Gaseous Mixtures of Acetylene and of Pentane, 137 ; On Detonation in Gaseous Mixtures at High Initial Pressures and Temperatures, 152. Electromagnetic field, analysis into moving elements (Milner), 23. Electrons, capture by electrified particles (Thomas), 561. Ellis (C. D.) and Wooster (W. A.) The Photographic Action of (3-Rays, 266 ; The Relative Intensities of the Groups in the Magnetic [3-Ray Spectra of Radium B and C, 276. Fells (H. A.) and Firth (J. B.) The Phenomena arising from the Addition of Hydrogen Peroxide to the Sol of Silicic Acid, 517. Films, solid unimolecular, rigidity of (Mouquin and Rideal), 690. Firth (J. B.) See Fells and Firth. Forsdyke (A. G.) See Levy and Forsdyke. Forshaw (A.) See Bone and Forshaw. Foster (J. S.) Stark Patterns observed in Helium, 47. Fowler (A.) and Freeman (L. J.) The Spectrum of Ionised Nitrogen, 662. Fraser (R. G. J.) The Effective Cross Section of the Oriented Hydrogen Atom, 212. Fraser (R. P.) See Bone, Fraser and Winter and Bone, Fraser and Witt. Freeman (L. J.) See Fowler and Freeman. Garrett (M. W.) Experiments to Test the Possibility of Transmutation by Electronic Bombardment, 289. Gaseous explosions, initial stages (Bone and others), 402, 420, 442. Gaseous mixtures, detonation (Egerton and Gates), 137, 152. Gates (S. F.) See Egerton and Gates. George (W. H.) and Beckett (H. E.) The Energy of the Struck String, I, 111. Gifford (J. W.) and Lowry (T. M.) The Refractive Indices of Nicotine, 592. Gregory (H.) and Marshall (S.) The Thermal Conductivity of Carbon Dioxide, 354. Harrison (D. N.) See Dobson, Harrison and Lawrence. Hinshelwood (C. N.) Quasi-Unimolecular Reactions. The Decomposition of Diethyl Ether in the Gaseous State, 84. Hydrogen, bands in the secondary spectrum (Allen and Sandeman), 293. Hydrogen, connection between visible and ultra-violet bands (Richardson), 643. Hydrogen positive rays, spectrum, Doppler effects and intensities of lines (Johnson), 697. Icebergs, some physical properties and a method for destruction (Barnes), 161. Inert gases, absorption of radiation in the extreme ultra-violet (Cuthbertson), 650. Inert gases, relation between refractive and dispersive constants (Cuthbertson), 659. Intensity of radiation from a source of electric waves (Macdonald), 367. Intertraction (Wright), 576. Ions and atoms, many-electron, theoretical prediction of their physical properties (Pauling), 181. Johnson (M. C.) Doppler Effects and Intensities of Lines in the Molecular Spectrum of Hydrogen Positive Rays, 697. Lawrence (J.) See Dobson, Harrison and Lawrence. Lead and bismuth, L-emission spectra (Eddy and Turner), 605. Levy (H.) and Forsdyke (A. G.) The Stability of an Infinite System of Circular Vortices, 594. 747 Long-Chain compounds, X-ray investigation (Muller), 542. Lowry (T. M.) See Gifford and Lowry. Macdonald (H. M.) The Intensity of Radiation from a Source of Electric Waves, 367. McLennan (J . C.), McLeod (J. H.) and McQuarrie (W. C.) An Investigation into the Nature and Occurrence of the Auroral Green Line, 1. McLeod (J. H.) See McLennan, McLeod and McQuarrie. McQuarrie (W. C.) See McLennan, McLeod and McQuarrie. Magnetic dispersion of light (Darwin and Watson)), 474. Magnetic field, analysis of beams of moving charged particles by (Wooster), 729. Magneto-resistance effect, transverse in single crystals of iron (Webster), 611. Marshall (S.) See Gregory and Marshall. Mercury band-spectrum of long duration (Rayleigh), 620. Milner (S. R.) An Analysis of the Electromagnetic Field into Moving Elements, 23. Mouquin (H.) and Rideal (E. K.) The Rigidity of Solid Unimolecular Films, 690. Muller (A.) An X-Ray Investigation of Certain Long-Chain Compounds, 542. Newbery (E.) Anodic Overvoltage Measurements with the Cathode Ray Oscillograph, 103. Nicotine, refractive indices (Gifford and Lowry), 592. Nitrogen, ionised, spectrum (Fowler and Freeman), 662. Orbits, periodic, of the second genus (Buchanan), 490. Overvoltage measurements with oscillograph (Newbery), 103. Ozone in the Earth’s Atmosphere (Dobson, Harrison and Lawrence), 521. Paget (Sir Richard) The Nature and Artificial Production of the (so-called) Voiced and Unvoiced Consonants, 98. Pauling (L.) The Theoretical Prediction of the Physical Properties of Many-Electron Atoms and Ions. Mole Refraction, Diamagnetic Susceptibility and Extension in Space, 181. Quantum theory of dispersion (Dirac), 710. Quantum theory of the emission and absorption of radiation (Dirac), 243. Quasi-unimolecular reactions (Hinshelwood), 84. Radiation from a source of electric waves (Macdonald), 367. Radiation, quantum theory of emission and absorption (Dirac), 24,5. Radium B and C, relative intensities of the groups in the magnetic (3-ray spectra (Ellis and Wooster), 276. Radium C, oc-particles from (Briggs), 313, 341. Rayleigh (Lord) Studies on the Mercury Band-Spectrum of Long Duration, 620. Richardson (O. W.) Note on a Connection between the Visible and Ultra-Violet Bands of Hydrogen, 643. Rideal (E. K.) See Mouquin and Rideal. Sandeman (I.) See Allen and Sandeman. Schonland (B. F. J.) and Craib (J.) The Electric Fields of South African Thunders orms, 229. Silicates, structure (Bragg and West), 450. Silicic acid, addition of H202 to the sol (Fells and Firth), 517. Simpson (G. C.) The Mechanism of a Thunderstorm, 376. Sparking potentials of discharge tubes (Taylor), 73. VOL. CXIV.— A. 748 Spectra, L-emission of lead and bismuth (Eddy and Turner), 605. Spectra of radium, magnetic (3-ray (Ellis and Wooster), 276. Spectra, ultra-violet, of the inert gases (Cuthbertson), 650. Spectrum—auroral green line (McLennan, McLeod and McQuarrie), 1. Spectrum, band, of mercury (Rayleigh), 620. Spectrum of hydrogen, visible and ultra-violet bands (Richardson), 643. Spectrum of ionised nitrogen (Fowler and Freeman), 662. Spectrum, secondary, of hydrogen, bands (Allen and Sandeman), 293. Stark patterns observed in helium (Foster), 47. Taylor (J.) On the Sparking Potentials of Discharge Tubes containing carefully Purified Electrodes, 73. Thomas (L. H.) On the Capture of Electrons by Swiftly Moving Electrified Particles, 561. Thunderstorm, mechanism (Simpson), 376. Thunderstorms, electric fields (Schonland and Craib), 229. Topping (J.) On the Mutual Potential Energy of a Plane Network of Doublets, 67. Transmutation by electronic bombardment (Garrett), 289. Turner (A. H.) See Eddy and Turner. Vortices, circular, stability of an infinite system (Levy and Forsdyke), 594. Watson (W. H.) See Darwin and Watson. Webster (W. L.) The Transverse Magneto-Resistance Effect in Single Crystals of Iron, 611. West (J.) See Bragg and West. Winter (D. A.) See Bone, Fraser and Winter. Witt (F.) See Bone, Fraser and Witt. Wooster (W. A.) The Analysis of Beams of Moving Charged Particles by a Magnetic Field, 729. Wooster (W. A.) See also Ellis and Wooster. Wright (Sir Almroth) A further Contribution to the Study of the Phenomena of Inter- tractiojn, 576. -END OF THE ONE HUNDRED AND FOURTEENTH VOLUME (SERIES A). MINUTES OF MEETINGS OF THE ROYAL SOCIETY.
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