http://kentarchaeology.org.uk/research/archaeologia-cantiana/ Kent Archaeological Society is a registered charity number 223382 © 2017 Kent Archaeological Society 323 GENERAL INDEX. W. signifies that the party is witness to a deed. T. signifies that the place or parti/ is connected with the Wat Tyler riots. N.S. The full Indices to the "Pedes Mnium" and "Inquisitiones Post Mortem" are deferred till the completion of tlie reigns of John and Henry III. respectively. Abbey of SS. Peter, Paul, and Augus- Ancient carving at Maidstone, 113 ; its tine, Canterbury, 57. probable design, 115. Abel, Alderman, case of, 172. Anglo-Saxon names of months. 94. Addington, extracts from the parish, re- Anne, the Lady, future consort of gisters of, 258. Bichard IL, pardon granted to insur- Adelit, mother of Hugo de Ohilham, 205. gents at her request, T., 70 n. Adrian of Africa, the abbot, 95. Anne, daughter of Sir Thomas Wyatt, Adrian IV., pope, deprives St. Augus- 197. tine's of its rank as the first of Eng- Anselm, Archbishop, builds Trinity lish abbeys, in favour of St. Alban's, Chapel in Canterbury Cathedral, 12. 57 ; confirms grants of the churches Apoldre, Philip de, T., 75. of Throwley and Ohilham to the ab- Appeals of treason, T., 74, 75. bey of St. Bertin, 207. Appledore [Apoldre], T., 75. JEstur, i. e. Stour, the river, q. v. Approver, pardon to, T., 81 n. Ailgar, abbot of Faversham, Bosenden, Archa3ologia,vol. xxv., grants of Kentish 286. churches printed in, 203. Ailmerstone, Hamo de, Ehnstone, 274. Architectural Notes on St. Augustine's Aketon, William de, Charing, 300. College, Canterbury, 57. Alcuin, his Pastoral Calendar, 90; ex- Ardres, in Picardy, 45. tract from, 95 ; names of the months, Arms, grants and confirmations of, 242, 94. 250, 252, 253, 259, 261, 267. Aiding, i. e. Elding, q. v. Arnald of Boulogne, W., 205. Alexander III., pope, bull of, forbidding Arnold, arms of, 258. Sir Nathanael de Leveland to molest Arundel Tower, Canterbury Cathedral, the monks of St. Bertin in their pos- discovery of animal remains in dig- session of the chapel of Leveland, ging a new foundation, 39. 215. Asceline, first prior of Dover, 6. Alexander, son of Cunilda, Dartford, Ash, near Sandwich, glass vase -within 277. an amphora discovered at, 33. Alexander of Wales, W., 209. Ash, Mr. John, the chairman of a com- Alien cells, their usual constitution, mittee at Goldsmiths' Hall, 146 ; al- 208 n. lows that Sir Boger Twysden had had All Hallows Barking, London, brass very hard measure, 147 ; refuses him in, 243; extracts from registers of, ib. any relief, 181; his declaration that Allington Castle, visit to, xlv; extracts Sir Boger is not liable to the imposi- from the parish registers, 268. tion of the fifth and the twentieth Amicius, clerk, W., 211. parts, 188; explains his speech away, Amiens Cathedral, 25. 189. Amsterdam, its pile foundations, 41. Ashford, Boman camp near, 27; ex- Anastasius IV., pope, confirms grants of tracts from the parish register of, 267. the churches of Throwley and Chil- Aucher, Sir Anthony, Lyminge granted ham to the Abbey of St. Bertin, 207. to, by Henry VIII., 4*8 n. Y 2 324 GENEBAL INDEX. Aucher, Sir Anthony (his grandson), Barry, Sir William, brass of, at Seving- flees from England to avoid his cre- ton, 119. ditors, 54; his lands sold by Act of Barry Court, 120. Parliament, A.D. 1604, 53. Barton Court, portrait of Sir William Aula de Lymings, 125. Hardres at, 54. Austin, Mr., Sir Boger Twysden lives Barun, Hugh de, grant and seal of, in the house of a, in Westminster, 180. 208. Axemuth, WilHam de, 311, 314. Battely on ancient pilework foundations Ayers, Mr., takes notes and measure- in Canterbury, 41. ments of the Priory Church, Dover, Battle, wager of, in Tothill Fields, T., 3, 11, 12. 69, 77, 78. .Aylesford, extracts from the parish re- Baxon, or Bexon, in Bredgar, 234. gister, 265 ; inscription in the church, Bayeux Cathedral, 25. ib.; visit to, xlvii. Beatrice, widow of Hamo de Gatton, 210 n. Baddechese, Asketine, Lewisham, 273. Becco, William de, Livingsborne, 279, Badlesmere, Bartholomew de, 211. 280, 299. Badlesmere, Peter de, 211. Beche, Bobert, T., 86. Badlesmere, [Badelesmere], Sir Wil- Beckingham, Mr., 52. liam, W., 218. Bedgbury [Begeburie], 236. Baker, John, T., 71. Beer, a brewer, his vat in the great Baldwin, archbishop of Canterbury, c. gate of St. Augustine's Abbey, 58. 1186, confirms the confirmation of his Bekehurst, manor, sale of, 53. predecessor Bichard of the church of Bekesbourne, the shaft at, 33. See also Throwley to the Abbey of St. Bertin, vol. ii. 43-48. 216. Belknap, Alice, an ancestress of Lord Baldwin of Boulogne, W., 209. Keeper Finch, 196. Baldwin of Sturry, W., 205. Belknap, Philip, of the Mote, near Can- Balebroc, 273. terbury, 196. Bamme, arms of, 258. Bellard, John, T., 75. Baptisms, Index to Begister of, at New- Bendour, Bichard, T., 7l, 72, 73, 74. enden, 1552-1820, 107; at Ware- Benedict, abbot of Peterborough, W., horne, 1727-1820, 103. 213. Barbour, John, T., 75. Benedict, abbot of Stratford, Lewisham, Barden, co. York, sale of, 53. 281. Bargrave, arms and pedigree of, 252. Benedictine Order, hospitality enjoined Bamham, arms of, 254. by the rules of the, 20; established Barnham, Sir Francis, anecdote related in Dover Priory instead of the Au- by, 185. gustine, 6. Barnham, Mr. Bobert, his imprisonment JBeneficia, Benefacta, 290. by the Kentish Committee, 185. Benestede, John de, Elmstone, 274. Barre, in Normandy, 118. Bere, arms and pedigree of, 250. Barre, Alice, 121. Berham, Bobert de, Ham, 276. Barre, Edward, 121 bis. Berners, J., a Parliamentary committee- Barre, Juliane, 121 bis. man, 188, 191. Barre, Bichard, 121. Besbeech, Mr., suit of, against Sir Boger Barre, Thomas, 121. Twysden, 175. Barre, Sir William, 121. Besevill, John de, Higham, 278. Barre, William, 121 bis. Besevhl, Petronilla, wife of John, 278. Barre More, or the Great, 120. Best, arms and pedigree of, 268. Barrow, arms of, 268. Best, Mr. George, 234. Barry, Audriari, 118. Betenham, Stephen de, T., 72. Barry, Sir Edward, 119, 120. Beverley, T., 70 n. Barry, Isabella, Joan, and Margaret, Bexon, in Bredgar, 234. brasses of, at Sevington, 119. Biddenden [Bedyndenn], T., 71. Barry, Sir John, brass of, at Sevington, Bigberry Hill, near Harbledown, Bo- 118. man antiquities discovered at, 33. Barry, Bobert, his settlement in Ire- Biondi, Gio. Franc, letter of, to Sir land, 120; his family ennobled, ib. Eoger Twysden, 240. Barry, Umfridus, brass' of, at Sevington, Bircholt [Biricholt], fine of lands in, 120. •287. GENERAL INDEX. 325 Biricholt, John de, Bircholt, 286. favourable to Sfr Boger Twysden, 131, Biricholt, Boger de, 286. 137 ; his advice to him, 181. Bishop family, of Newenden, 108 n.; of Brunstun, Benedict, Gillingham, 299. Hawkhurst, ib.; arms, ib. Bryan, arms and pedigree of, 244. Bishop, Elizabeth and Thankful, 108 ». Bryght, Thomas, T., 71, 72, 73, 74, 75. Black Prince, knighting of the, 118. Bull's Stake, in the centre of Canterbury, Blankney, in Lincolnshire, 239. a branch of tlie Stour once flowed near Blois, Peter of, W., 211. the, 42. Bocher, William, T., 71. Bunckly, Sir George, his death at Lam- Boidinus, son of Sowin, Dartford, 277. beth, 201. Bordefeld [Berdefeld], Thomas, T., 69, Burham, advowson of, 290 and n. 75 ; his pardon, 81, 82. Burn, Alan de, Livingsborn, 298. Borden registers, referred to, 269. Burnes, Warin de, Ore, 301. Bordoun, John, T., 71. Burraston, Mrs., cousin of Sir Roger Bosenden, fine of lands in, 286, and n. Twysden, present at his wife's death, Bosenden, Solomon de, Bosenden, 286. 200. Boteler, Thomas, T., 86. Bury St. Edmund's, T., 70 ». Botfield, Mr., his Catalogue of Monastic Butiphont, Viscount, 120. Libraries, 17. Butterfield, Mr., his reconstruction of Boughton Hegh, T., 68, 75, 84. St. Augustine's Abbey as a Mission- Boulogne, capture of, by King Henry ary College, 59. VIII., 44, 49 ; the Gates of the town Butter Market, Canterbmy, a branch given to Sir Thomas Hardres, and by of the Stour once flowed near the, 42. him set up at Hardres Court, 44, 47, Buxhill, Alan de, Constable of the 48; sketch of the Gates, 52; their Tower of London, T., 68, 73, 74, 77. destruction, ib. Byngesvode, Eeginald, 208. Boxley, abbot of, an arbitrator between Byngesvode, Stephen, W., 208. Sir Nathanael de Leveland and the Byngesvode, William, W., 208. monks of St. Bertin, 215. Boys, Thomas, of Willesborough, 120, Cade, William, propositus at Dover, 121. temp. Hen. II., W., 205 n. Bramfeld, Gunilda, Ore, 302. Calais, 47. Bramfeld, Roger de, 301. Cambridge, T., 70 n. Brasses formerly in Sevington Church, Camden, William (Clarenceux), confirm- account of, 117. ation of arms by, 242 ; grants, 252, Brasses, indents of, in Warehorne 261. church, 101. Camera de Lymings, 125. Braybrok, T., 86. Canterbury, an important station in Brenchesle, William, T., 82. Roman times, 37, 38 ; the earliest Brenchley [Brenchelse], 315, 320. habitations probably insular, or like Brent, John, jun., on Roman Cemeteries the crannoges of Ireland, 39,40; Cel- in Canterbury, with some Conjectures tic antiquities, 40; ancient pilework concerning its earhest Inhabitants, foundations, 41. 27. Canterbury, Roman cemeteries, three Bret, a companion of Sir T. Wyatt, exe- lately laid open at, 27; articles found, cution of, 221. 28 et sea. Bridge, extract from the parish register, Canterbury, visit of Northern strangers 252. to, T„ 69, 76, 85. Bridgewater, T., 70 n. Canterbury, see of, St. Martin-le- Brockhul family, its present represen- Grand, and the Priory at Dover, tative, 123. granted to the, 6 ; survey of its ma- Bromley, arms of, 253. nors, temp. Lanfranc, 44. Brooke, Mr., his account of a Parlia- Canterbury Cathedral, 12, 13, 25, 39.
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