HOLT ATHERTON SPECIAL COLLECTIONS MS4: BRUBECK COLLECTION SERIES II: PHOTOGRAPHS BOX 10: BRUBECK PHOTOGRAPHS, 1990-1995 DBP-90-1 DB, Chris B, Danny B --- Worcester MA, 1-25 [5x7; credit: Warren Fowler] DBP-90-2 Chris B --- Worcester MA, 1-25 [5x7; credit: Warren Fowler] DBP-90-3 Danny B --- Worcester MA, 1-25 [5x7; credit: Warren Fowler] DBP-90-4a Matthew B --- Worcester MA, 1-25 [5x7; credit: Warren Fowler] DBP-90-4b Matthew B [foreground], DB, Chris B, Danny B [bkgrd] in perf.--- Worcester MA, 1-25 [5x7; credit: Warren Fowler] DBP-90-5 Russell Gloyd --- Worcester MA, 1-25 [5x7; credit: Warren Fowler] DBP-90-6 DB, Russell Gloyd, Bill Cossell [TV Producer, Boston Pops] --- Boston Pops rehearsal, 5-21 [8x10] DBP-90-7 DB, unident. man --- Boston Pops rehearsal, 5-21 [8x10; credit Warren Fowler] DBP-90-8 Boston Pops rehearsal proof sheet #1, 5-21 [8x10; credit: Warren Fowler] DBP-90-9 Boston Pops rehearsal proof sheet #2, 5-21 [8x10; credit: Warren Fowler] DBP-90-10 DB --- Boston Pops rehearsal, 5-21 [color, 3.5x5; credit : Warren Fowler] DBP-90-11 DB, Bill Smith --- Boston Pops rehearsal, 5-21 [color, 3.5x5; credit Warren Fowler] DBP-90-12 DB, Bill Smith --- Boston Pops rehearsal, 5-21 [color, 3.5x5; credit Warren Fowler] DBP-90-13 DB, Bill Smith --- Boston Pops rehearsal, 5-21 [color, 3.5x5; credit Warren Fowler] DBP-90-14 DB, Bill Smith --- Boston Pops rehearsal, 5-21 [color, 3.5x5; credit Warren Fowler] DBP-90-15 DB, Bill Smith --- Boston Pops rehearsal, 5-21 [color, 3.5x5; credit Warren Fowler] DBP-90-16 DB, Bill Smith, Jack Six --- Boston Pops rehearsal, 5-21 [color, 3.5x5; credit: Warren Fowler] DBP-90-17 DB, Jack Six --- Boston Pops rehearsal, 5-21 [color, 3.5x5; credit: Warren Fowler] DBP-90-18 DB, Leonard Slatkin --- Boston Pops rehearsal, 5-21 [color, 3.5x5; credit: Warren Fowler] DBP-90-19 DB, Bill Smith, Jack Six, Randy Jones, Leonard Slatkin --- Boston Pops rehearsal, 5-21 [color, 3.5x5; credit: Warren Fowler] DBP-90-20 DB, Bill Smith, Jack Six, Randy Jones, Leonard Slatkin --- Boston Pops rehearsal, 5-21 [color, 3.5x5; credit: Warren Fowler] DBP-90-21 DB, Bill Smith, Jack Six, Randy Jones, Leonard Slatkin --- Boston Pops rehearsal, 5-21 [color, 3.5x5; credit: Warren Fowler] DBP-90-22 DB, Bill Smith, Jack Six, Randy Jones, Leonard Slatkin --- Boston Pops rehearsal, 5-21 [color, 3.5x5; credit: Warren Fowler] DBP-90-23 DB, Bill Smith, Jack Six, Leonard Slatkin --- Boston Pops rehearsal, 5-21 [color, 3.5x5; credit: Warren Fowler] DBP-90-24 DB, Bill Smith, Jack Six, Iola B, Shirley Fowler --- Boston Pops rehearsal, 5-21 [color, 3.5x5; credit: Warren Fowler] DBP-90-25 DB, Bill Smith, Jack Six, Iola B, Shirley Fowler --- Boston Pops rehearsal, 5-21 [color, 3.5x5; credit: Warren Fowler] DBP-90-26 DB, Iola B, Shirley Fowler --- Boston Pops rehearsal, 5-21 [color, 3.5x5; credit: Warren Fowler] DBP-90-27 DB, Iola B, Shirley Fowler --- Boston Pops rehearsal, 5-21 [color, 3.5x5; credit: Warren Fowler] DBP-90-28 Leonard Slatkin --- Boston Pops rehearsal, 5-21 [color, 3.5x5; credit: Warren Fowler] DBP-90-29 Leonard Slatkin--- Boston Pops rehearsal, 5-21 [color, 3.5x5; credit: Warren Fowler] DBP-90-30 Mellon Jazz Festival [Pittsburgh PA] proof sheet, 6-21 [8x10; credit: Robert Bowman & Assoc.] DBP-90-31 DB, Malvin Massey --- Memphis, “June” [8x10; credit: Phyliss Massey] DBP-90-32 DB w/ caption about his jacket --- Racine WI, 6-27 [8x10; credit: Chuck D’Acquisto/Journal Times] DBP-90-33 Chu Chiechetti, Bobby Rogers --- CT, “June” [color, 3.5x5; credit: David F. Austin] DBP-90-34 Bill Smith, Jack Six --- Istanbul, Turkey, 7-9 [5x7] DBP-90-35 Randy Jones --- Istanbul, Turkey, 7-9 [5x7] DBP-90-36 DB, Bill Smith, Jack Six, Randy Jones --- Istanbul, Turkey, 7-9 [5x7] DBP-90-37 DB, unident. woman ---Northwood MI, 8-3/4 [color, 3.5x5; credit Bernice Schwartz] DBP-90-38 DB, unident. woman ---Northwood MI, 8-3/4 [color, 3.5x5; credit Bernice Schwartz] DBP-90-39 DB, unident. man ---Northwood MI, 8-3/4 [color, 3.5x5; credit Bernice Schwartz] DBP-90-40 DB, orchestra ---Northwood MI, 8-3/4 [color, 3.5x5; credit Bernice Schwartz] DBP-90-41 DB, unident. man, 2 unident. women ---Northwood MI, 8-3/4 [color, 3.5x5; credit Bernice Schwartz] DBP-90-42 DB, Bill Smith, Russell Gloyd, orchestra ---Northwood MI, 8-3/4 [color, 3.5x5; credit Bernice Schwartz] DBP-90-43 crowd scene --- Northwood MI, 8-3/4 [color, 3.5x5; credit Bernice Schwartz] DBP-90-44 crowd scene --- Northwood MI, 8-3/4 [color, 3.5x5; credit Bernice Schwartz] DBP-90-45 crowd scene --- Northwood MI, 8-3/4 [color, 3.5x5; credit Bernice Schwartz] DBP-90-46 barn --- Northwood MI, 8-3/4 [color, 3.5x5; credit Bernice Schwartz] DBP-90-47 llama --- Northwood MI, 8-3/4 [color, 3.5x5; credit Bernice Schwartz] DBP-90-48 DB --- home of K-G Fischer, Duisberg, Ger. , 9-5 [color, 5x7; credit Helen Sachs] DBP-90-49 DB --- home of K-G Fischer, Duisberg, Ger. , 9-5 [color, 5x7; credit Helen Sachs] DBP-90-50 DB --- home of K-G Fischer, Duisberg, Ger. , 9-5 [color, 5x7; credit Helen Sachs] DBP-90-51 DB, Iola B --- home of K-G Fischer, Duisberg, Ger. , 9-5 [color, 5x7; credit Helen Sachs] DBP-90-52 DB, Iola B --- home of K-G Fischer, Duisberg, Ger. , 9-5 [color, 5x7; credit Helen Sachs] DBP-90-53 DB, K-G Fischer --- home of K-G Fischer, Duisberg, Ger. , 9-5 [color, 5x7; credit Helen Sachs] DBP-90-54 DB, Ilse Storb --- home of K-G Fischer, Duisberg, Ger. , 9-5 [color, 5x7; credit Helen Sachs] DBP-90-55 DB, Mrs. Fischer [?] --- home of K-G Fischer, Duisberg, Ger. , 9-5 [color, 5x7; credit Helen Sachs] DBP-90-56 DB, K-G Fischer, Ilse Storb --- home of K-G Fischer, Duisberg, Ger., 9-5 [color, 5x7; credit Helen Sachs] DBP-90-57 DB, Ilse Storb, Iola B --- home of K-G Fischer, Duisberg, Ger. , 9-5 [color, 5x7; credit Helen Sachs] DBP-90-58 DB, Ilse Storb, Mrs. Fischer [?] --- home of K-G Fischer, Duisberg, Ger. , 9-5 [color, 5x7; credit Helen Sachs] DBP-90-59 DB, Ilse Storb, K-G Fischer --- home of K-G Fischer, Duisberg, Ger. , 9-5 [color, 5x7; credit Helen Sachs] DBP-90-60 DB, Ilse Storb, Mrs. Fischer [?], Iola Brubeck --- home of K-G Fischer, Duisberg, Ger. , 9-5 [color, 5x7; credit Helen Sachs] DBP-90-61 DB, Ilse Storb, K-G Fischer, Iola B --- home of K-G Fischer, Duisberg, Ger. , 9-5 [color, 5x7; credit Helen Sachs] DBP-90-62 DB, Ilse Storb, K-G Fischer, Iola B --- home of K-G Fischer, Duisberg, Ger. , 9-5 [color, 5x7; credit Helen Sachs] DBP-90-63 DB, Ilse Storb, K-G Fischer, Iola B --- home of K-G Fischer, Duisberg, Ger. , 9-5 [color, 5x7; credit Helen Sachs] DBP-90-64 DB, Ilse Storb, K-G Fischer, Iola B --- home of K-G Fischer, Duisberg, Ger. , 9-5 [color, 5x7; credit Helen Sachs] DBP-90-65 Iola B --- home of K-G Fischer, Duisberg, Ger., 9-5 [color, 5x7; Credit: Helen Sachs] DBP-90-66 & 66a DB at piano --- Chattanooga TN, 9-14 [color, 3.5x5] DBP-90-67 DB --- Chattanooga TN, 9-14 [color, 3.5x5] DBP-90-68a DB , Nancy Wade --- Chattanooga TN, 9-14 [color, 3.5x5] DBP-90-68b DB, Dot Wade --- Chatt. TN, 9-14 DBP-90-68c DB, Nancy & Dot Wade --- Chatt. TN, 9-14 DBP-90-69 DB, Frank Orilio --- Coral Ridge Presbyterian, Ft. Lauderdale FL, 10-5 [color, 3.5x5] DBP-90-70 DB, Bobby Militello, Jack Six --- Coral Ridge Presbyterian, Ft. Lauderdale FL, 10-5 [color, 3.5x5] DBP-90-71 DB --- Omaha NB, 10-12 [8x10; credit: Nick Schinker/Catholic Voice] DBP-90-72 DB at piano --- Omaha NB, 10-12 [8x10; credit: Nick Schinker/Catholic Voice] DBP-90-73 DB, unident. woman, unident. man --- Omaha NB, 10-12 [8x10; credit: Nick Schinker/Catholic Voice] DBP-90-74 Russell Gloyd, chorus, orch. --- Omaha NB, 10-12 [8x10; credit: Nick Schinker/Catholic Voice] DBP-90-75 DB on deck --- Queen Elizabeth II voyage to England, late Oct. [color, 3.5x5] DBP-90-76 DB on deck --- Queen Elizabeth II voyage to England, late Oct. [color, 3.5x5] DBP-90-77 DB in stateroom --- Queen Elizabeth II voyage to England, late Oct. [color, 3.5x5] DBP-90-78 DB in stateroom --- Queen Elizabeth II voyage to England, late Oct. [color, 3.5x5] DBP-90-79 DB at electric piano --- Queen Elizabeth II voyage to England, late Oct. [color, 3.5x5] DBP-90-80 DB at electric piano --- Queen Elizabeth II voyage to England, late Oct. [color, 3.5x5] DBP-90-81* DB, Iola B, ship’s officer --- Queen Elizabeth II voyage to England, late Oct. [color, 5x7; credit: Ocean Pictures Cruising, Ltd.] [*moved to 87] DBP-90-82* DB, Iola B --- Queen Elizabeth II voyage to England, late Oct. [color, 5x7; credit: Ocean Pictures Cruising, Ltd.] [*moved to 88] DBP-90-83* DB, Iola B --- Queen Elizabeth II voyage to England, late Oct. [color, 5x7; credit: Ocean Pictures Cruising, Ltd.] [*moved to 86] DBP-90-84 Iola B in stateroom --- Queen Elizabeth II voyage to England, late Oct. [color, 3.5x5] DBP-90-85 Iola B in stateroom --- Queen Elizabeth II voyage to England, late Oct. [color, 3.5x5] DBP-90-83 Iola B below decks --- Queen Elizabeth II voyage to England, late Oct.
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