I \l\\\\\ ll Itg\ 11'N19Vl9ii 3 3286 0026 4169 w, j r s1andi'North America's #1 Native Weekly Newspaper As. Reminc Library and Archives Canada Collection Snow Snakes ....see page 10 Time B Newspaper 395 Wellington St. Ottawa, ON K I A ON4 Nations of the Grand Ch 5, 2008 Okarahshona kenh Onkwehonwene,' Six Pub. No. 40016309 Reg. No. 10963 tG 'I . A 1è'L F 11. a -1!.ka --.II 1 ' , 1 t . , t i r ß e 4, 't r T (L' About 40 people marked the second anniversary of the Six Nations Reclamation last Thursday with a march down Sixth Line and over to Argyle Street and onto Kanonhstaton. Leading the march were organizer Dawn Smith one of the original organizers of the Reclamation and well known "guardian of the land" Ruby Montour. (Photo by Mark Ladan) Comemorative march marks anniversary of Reclamation By Mark Ladan a couple dozen more supporters at like they're moving ahead slowly." Writer the entrance to Kanonhstaton to At the top of Jamieson's list of the Inside In the two years since Six Nations greet the marchers. "good" things over the last two cinnamon reclaimed Kanonhstaton, there "It's been a long time, and it's good years is the unity the people of Six Local 2 have been "a lot of ups and downs" to see we still have a lot of support Nations have shown through it all. Editorial 6 according to one of people who with us for the land issue that's "When the situation has called for 9 Sports melts` was a key organizer in the reclama- going on despite a lot of the things it, the unity has been there with our 14 Colouring Contest tion. that have happened," said Janie people," she said. "And the aware- Careers 16 On Feb. 28, the second anniversary Jamieson, one of three main orga- ness that's been created throughout Classified 19 m the reclamation, about 40 peo- nizers of the reclamation. "You this - not just here southern Business Directory 18 of know, you take the good with the Ontario, but internationally. One of Price $1.25 ple, of all ages, marched from Silver Pines on Sixth Line to the bad. It's had its ups and downs - a the reasons that I had gotten Daily news updates former Douglas Creek Estates on roller coaster ride for the last two involved was, if I could help any - www.theturtleislandnews. the edge of Caledonia. There were years - but in the end things seem (Continued on page 3) corn 01 Fontaine says fed budget will bring protests By Lynda Powless eral Tory's have neglected First budget over two years for First Editor Nations in last weeks federal bud- Nations. I think that's great," he ' OTTAWA -Assembly of Frist get, but Six Nations elected chief said Argyle St. 282 Nations national leader Phil Bill Montour, disagrees. o ii47o 04ii1 Caledonia Fontaine may be charging the fed- "There's over $600 million in that ( See story Page 2) . ® TOYOTA ®TOYOTA BIG RED IS BACK! - -1 RED The best time of the year VE to get a new Toyota. ZA Lease' orPurchose APR for 48 months f THEY.A I 08 Corolla IMOIONIs 51000 , $500_ RE REVTË S THES bof Ell/DlE' cashback' TOYOTAS 6A j OTTA6009 5-SPEED MANUAL ONLY THE MYYIY.YIIwY..11llsw.YMMnYIIrwalSwoa. .M.IS.aItlMIRIYYwIO.M1Melrwn.w.tMt 1111fiWMrN1NWlw.wPlYlCry lbw man .11).1dlIM,fIM..MlIw.1111uM'{NlNrwtrrns..111b.)RMn hoar wMUUVINIxI/.MIYLLYra411r1..yaWWlYw..1YyMw1141YYUAy.IywMMY..YY.IW..M1tllWl.14.h.i1CwY OYrMtlr4af.l1W../...471MwY..F1.R.1./wJ1M1YIl(aMwfyaYyl.lwNYMraMII.IIw/.MMV/..a.w4aMMYw tltJltl..Iw.wirrt%INM11YgyewN1IUl1.am.Ow.u.oaY.hM.M...IY.\... 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Podcasing ! calls land Cmdtad d' by First in Boot The C d Rfca f fs inevitable," n d in .1 'h g m produce mmu. Summit typbelieve, 1 IlbnldM d many do. ant, neigh- ally agreed upon :atement . why settle for second rate summit that all those dg will sio off on ' nenon L 01'o al We're streaming native news all the time! Ours, w down and talk to Lather rather Nan talk at each Dialogue and claims then to the Fake, and Calemx+nmns.m AFN's Fontaine warning of more protests but money is there.... Six Nations marks 2nd anniversary with commemorative walk $43 million for 2,500 'It's we care By Lynda Powless nominee. child more officers under want taken of, water being Tuesday's budget included only (..eontmaedf front) does it That's an nwmplishment §k ... xtn.Ì Editor and family services on reserves and Tackling Crime and Bolstering one of them, Child and Family see- modest amounts to dirty clean up e of our people to help re-instill in itself and I would say that very y million for on reserve deity.- Security. Wire going to go aller we need O and some ° Assembly of First Nations 5330 vices, Id them under- drinking water improve that pride in them. To let them person here should be proud of á ing over two years mme that for our police here." the Ontario , ,i National leader Phil Fontaine water of stall system does not education, employment and health know that we have a really strong ihat .- time period is what He said there's take inns coraideretion s 3 E sued a curt warning O Canada Montour said 8122 million over the extend- on First Nations, he said. history, we rc a strong people" Smith also noted one of Mc main following last wank. federal bud- makes the amount of money so two years for the feral correction ed family and don't work foe m- The Conservatives say they're Another the key organizer of the positive develop..0 over the last get. swam "First Nations people make Fontaine takes a different view. already spending about $10 billion KnonM1Staton reclamation 6 24 months is Out the government is n Claiming the federal budget failed up 60 per cent of the prison popu- "There are many, many situations a year for native programs nod Dawn Smith. She called last listening to he Confederacy chiefs native poverty, Fontaine lotion in Canada but we just let our that are in a precarious state O address at the amO convinced it's well used. week's march a celebration of and taking their demands seriously. warned another summer of protest people sit there and fester. We need t that could very easily But Fontaine points o t that accomplishments since Feb. 28, Jamieson has noticed that many nod potential disruption is mio.. f go after some of this money to deteriorate," Fontaine told a news Auditor General Sheila Fraser bas 2006. native people are now walking with Phil Fontaine said Implement a correctional conference 'Our people A furious better ere said cash- strapped First Nations "We've stopped the development pace. opposed to walking Wednesday that pins fora nation- system." he said. becoming more roomed They're -audited. Federal funding on this Ind," Smith said. "And slowly with the faces dawn" al day of action have been stepped Ill said last week's budget had losing rape and losing patience. Weal kept pace with inflation, let gl.Iy up after this week's Conservative orne good stuff, good stuff." "We're looking for a day of soli- alone population growth, he added. spending blueprint offered little for ¡s+ 4r Ile said Six Nations can look 0 dune with Canadian. We need Indian Affairs Minister Chuck Firs Wiliam things like Roth Tact "Do a Canadians. We woe asking Strahl says it's .t -.5 1 "It is not responsible to spend bit . catty wane o let them tear doer Canadian Ind up and tell the of agog more money at halite lions f dollars rebuild + the building and make farmland out Conservative government that this problems. His government has cute ì Afgnanist0 while ignoring the of it, or should we revamp it with neglect, this disinterest, does not Me number of First Nations most at Dawn Smith laughs as marchers head down Sink Line (Photos ley Mark Loden) poverty of First Nations here at Milky that has our own way of reflect the values of Canda." risk from polluted warb about the eoryoralion of Canada, the pass the bock off onto Ontario. It they ever by *mumble No, I home," he said dealing with perpltratws." It's "irresponsible' for 100 from 193, he said Ottawa to Wednesday. Crown, and by the church.
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