Property of the Watertown Historical Society XTowwatertownhistoricalsociety.orgn tlimes The Waiertown - Oakviilc Weekly Timely Coverage Of News In The Fastest Growing Community In Litchfield County VOL, 31, NO. 25 Subscription Price $6.00'Per Year PRICE is CENTS' JUNE 23, 1977 Diplomas Awarded To 303 High School Graduates The Class of 1977 at Watertown Class officers are John F, High School graduated 303 Pillis. president: Robyn M, members on Tuesday in outdoor Kaminski, vice president: exercises held on the high school Michele T. Beauehamp, grounds. secretary; and Joan D. D'Ad- Presenting the class were Asks Budget Hike dona, treasurer. WHS principal William P, The graduates, with Honor Williams, and Superintendent of Society members denoted by an Schools James Q, Holigan, asterisk, are; Awarding the diplomas were Donald Poulln, chairman of the Eric R. Adam, Laurie Irene Totaling $583,264 Albano, Paul Anthony Altomarl, Board of Education, and Board Peter H, Archibald, Matthew members Mrs. Virginia Slavin Baker, Ann Balnis, Michele The Board of Education has and Mrs. Shirley Zuraitis, Barabasz, Alan B. Bares. submitted a mial budget of Sfi,. The Rev. Harry Frank, Trinity Edward Peter Barkus. Cynthia 577,950 to the Tnwn Council for Lutheran.Church, asked the In- Murray Barnes. Gerald J. Earth the 1977-78 fiscal year vocation, and the Rev. William Jr., Vicky Jean Bartlett, The figure is an inrrease of Zito, First Congregational Alessandra Maria Bassi, "Debra $58,'i.2rt4 over what was ap- Church, gave the Benediction. Alice Bates, John Bavone III, propriated for 197677. hut the The high school band, con- Michele Teresa Beauehamp, Al Board anticipates a net increase ducted by Robert M, Pettjnicchi, R. Beauvillier, Martha Ann of only $461,H19, since revenues played the processional and Belfiore, Benjamin S. Ben- also have jumped more than recessional marches before and savage, June Olga Berchonak. $121,000. A surplus u.f $13,795 also after the ceremonies. Joyce Marie Berube, Allan is expected The class Valedictorian, Brian Biderman, Mary Beth Bilokon, The net budget going before P. Lombardo, gave "New Lisa Marie Blacker, Joseph M, Council scrutiny is S4.047.lii3 Directions-New Decisions" as Blake III, Mark Clinton Bliss, In his summarizing address his commencement address, Charles Arthur Block, Raymond Superintendent of Schools James while class Salutatorian Timothy Thomas Blum Jr., *Sara Ann Q Holigan said the budget, while D, Rosa gave "A La Recherche Boak, Janice Lee Roileau, not a "status qim ' one. "covers Du Temps Perdu" (A Look at •Nicholas Peter Bonne!!, Rharyn onlv the increase in fixed CONN" Lost Time;. i Continued on Page 12 and several improvements in the educational system. The* major boosts are $294,078 in the salary .ice-mint. $49.58ii f,,r Outdoor Graduation Fri. tuition for •.indents placed m other schools, S-12, IM5 fl(r At Swift Junior High elementary textbooks ,ind Diplomanininiv,,s, wil....11l bt. ..e awarde. d. " workbnnks. and .?:)". I Co fnr tomorrow night (Friday) to 343 The seventh grade band operation and maintenance of students in graduation exercises members, with Antonio Palleria plan! services at Swift Junior High School, conducting, will perform the Key improvements outlined by scheduled for the first time out- processional, and recessional Mr Hciliuan include an .ilier- side in front of the school, begin- John Kinyon's "Brothers Two," Larry Weiss's "Rhinestone Cow- natie learning center at Water- ning at 6:30 p.m. A FRIENDLY WELCOME is extended hv the reigning Miss town High, new math .mil social boy," and Dale Laudor's "Soul 1 In case of rain, the ceremonies Rock." Connecticut. Debrj LaRoch* of Cheshire left, to Lvdia Ann studies programs at the elemen- will be held inside the gym- \uieh. Miss W.j|i'i (own i!»77 prior In the beginii"i» of foui (Ki\sof tary level. an instructional com- nasium, starting at 8 p.m. Charles Collier is the vocal competition for the 11/77 Miss Connecticut til*- The 75 Warwick puter for secondary school Making the diploma presen- director for the ceremonies. Kdad resident is one of in contest.ints being housed ,n the students, additional girls' sports tations will be Swift Principal The Superintendent's Address Bmrwood S( hool lor Women in Southmglon. anil hopeful of the ti- activities, u metals shop teacher Joseph A. Mercier. Vice Prin- will be given by Mr. Holigan, and tle which .iwaid-- «1 ri0O ip «-r-h'iKji * hip , jnd gilt-, limn several for Swift Junior High, a WHS cipal William J, Norwod. the presentation of awards will stale merchants Tickets to the pageant, which climaxes Satur- electricity-power machine Superintendent of Schools James be made by Mr. Mercier and Mr, day. Juno 25, are available al the Center Theatre box office course, and an addition of a sec- Q. Holigan, and Board of Educa- Norwood. Waterbury (7.%-Mfifi i. tion to the high school's food ser- tion members Edward Thomp- The graduates are; Nicholas vices program, son and Mrs. Cynthia Whitaker. Francis Albanese. Vincent J, Equalizing sports for girls ac- The Rev. John A, Carrig, St. Amodio, Richard Carroll Ander- counts for SI 1.253 of the $18,276 Mary Magdalen Church, son Jr., Jeffrey Lloyd Antonio, Mark Anthony Ardoiino, Slieryl Union Will Fight Layoff increase in junior and senior Oakvllle, will ask the Invocation high school athletic programs and give the Benediction. Ann Arrriond, Richard Lynn Ar- mor,-Eric Arroya. Knol Anthony At Swift, field hockey will be Class speakers are Char- Of School Custodians started, and cheerleader advisor Atwood, Wendy Joan At wood', A state union official Monday the University of maigne Vera and David Kelly, Melissa Ann Aureli, Philip asked the Town Council to get a D e n v e r and athletic coordinator and marshals for the ceremonies Banis, Keith Robert Baribault, "very thorough report" on a cancelled a custodial contract positions added. Junior varsity are Heather Dyer and Michele Richard John Barkauskns, Susan feasibility study regarding im- after only six months. programs will he tacked on to Jalbert. I. Barrett, Brenda Leigh Barth, pending layoffs of school He emphasized contracted ser- the existing girls' varsity soft, Kim Gyuricsko will be the ac- Walter John Battelli, Robert custodians. vices prove more expensive in ball, field hockey, and basket, companist for "The Star Spangl- 1 Anthony Bellemare, James The Board of Education voted the second year, and pleaded ball, whole volleyball, girls ed Banner," and the Class of 1977 with the Council to investigate swimming, badminton, and gym- will give the Pledge of William Bennington, Denlse Ann 6-2 in secret meeting last week to Berish, Mark Jeffrey Beveridge, draft specifications and seek other systems to see how they nastics teams will be instituted, Allegiance and sing "I Write the were handled and what was iContinued on Page U0i Songs." John Peter Bilokon, Dean Arthur bids from private contractors for (Continued on Page 14 the custodial work, The Board done. luuijunuea on page 141 figures to contract out 26 of the? Allen Dwyer, president of Mrs. S. P. Jayne present 40 custodial jobs. Local 1049. said almost 300 peo- Appearing on behalf of Local ple have signed a petition since Rejected Regent Council Will Push For 1049, American Federation of Saturday, expressing "concern" State. County, and Municipal over the Board's intentions. By Local D.A.R, Taking exception to the Wo Ik Property Purchase Employes, Dick Warner, a Mrs, S, P Jayne was reelected Town officials are going to She added another one made public relations officer for Coun- gloomy remarks of Mr, Warner take another stab at acquiring a was Councilman James Mullen, Regent at the annual meeting of later was for "more than that." cil 4, warned the Town Council a Sarah Whitman Trumbull piece of land in Oakvjlle and hold changeover could lead to oppor- who asserted graft and corrup- it for future municipal purposes. The owners apparently are tion "necessarily don't have to Chapter, DAR, held recentiv at asking 1150.000 for the entire tunities for "graft, corruption, the Waterbury Club. The Town Council voted un- tract, at $10,000 per usuable and kickbacks," follow" contracting out a ser- animously Monday to seek a 60- vice. He Indicated the town has Other officers for the !977-197fi acre. The other 15 acres would He said he is concerned about hired other contractors, and no year are: First Vice-Regent day option on the 30-acre Wolk be "thrown in," according to reports $100,000 can be saved by property off David and Evelyn corruption has resulted. Mrs. William C. Cleveland- Se- town officials. the Board, Furthermore, the cond Vice-Regent, Mrs, Francis Streets, and scheduled a public Mrs. Zibell said she has walk- taxpayers would have to pay the But he agreed a feasibility hearing for Monday, July 18, to H. Geoghegan; Chaplain, Mrs ed the land before, and classifies full cost of unemployment for a study should be done, and "1 John T. Miller: Recording get comments on buying the it as "very good." But she men- year for the affected personnel, assume the Board will do it." parcel. Secretary, Mrs, John K, Upson tioned a previous attempt to buy Mr, Warner mentioned to the Mr. Warner said Council 4 Asst. Recording Secretary, Mrs Laureta Zlbell, chairwoman of the land "never did get beyond" Council he knows of at least a would bring In economists from Dudley Atwood; Treasurer, Mrs the Public Buildings Committee, the town's Conservation half dozen cases where custodial its international headquarters in Edward C, Stanley II- Asst said a 1969 appraisal of the Commission-Inland Wetlands jobs have reverted back to local Washington, D.C.
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