See discussions, stats, and author profiles for this publication at: https://www.researchgate.net/publication/275099200 Using a One Health framework to promote food security in Tanzania and Zambia Article · January 2014 CITATIONS READS 4 206 1 author: Robyn Alders Chatham House 118 PUBLICATIONS 944 CITATIONS SEE PROFILE Some of the authors of this publication are also working on these related projects: Strengthening food and nutrition security through family poultry and crop integration in Tanzania and Zambia View project Strengthening food and nutrition security through family poultry and crop integration in Tanzania and Zambia View project All content following this page was uploaded by Robyn Alders on 27 April 2015. The user has requested enhancement of the downloaded file. GRF Davos Planet@Risk, Volume 2, Number 3, Special Issue on One Health (Part I/II), April, 2014 187 Using a One Health Approa to Promote Food and Nutrition Security in Tanzania and Zambia¹ ALDERS, Robyn푎,푐, AONGOLO, Agnes푏, BAGNOL, Brigie푐,푑, DE BRUYN, Julia푎, KIMBOKA, Sabas푒, KOCJ, Richard푓 , LI, Mu푎, MAULAGA, Wende푔, MCCONCHIE, Robyn푎, MOR, Siobhan푎, MSAMI, Halifa푔, MULENGA Francisℎ, MWALA, Mick푖, MWALE, Shadreckℎ, PENGELLY, Bruce푎, RUSHTON, Jonathan푓 , SIMPSON, Judy푎, VICTOR, Rose푒, YONGOLO, Charles푗, and YOUNG Mary푐 푎 University of Sydney, Sydney, Australia. E-mail: [email protected] 푏 Ministry of Health, Lusaka, Zambia. E-mail: [email protected] 푐 Kyeema Foundation, Brisbane, Australia. E-mail: [email protected] 푑 University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, South Africa. E-mail: [email protected] 푒 Tanzania Food and Nutrition Centre, Dar es Salaam, Tanzania. E-mail: [email protected] 푓 Royal Veterinary College, London, UK. E-mail: [email protected] 푔 Tanzania Veterinary Laboratory Agency, Dar es Salaam, Tanzania. E-mail: [email protected] ℎ Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock, Lusaka, Zambia. E-mail: [email protected] 푖 University of Zambia, Lusaka, Zambia. E-mail: [email protected] 푗 Ministry of Agriculture, Food Security and Cooperatives, Dar es Salaam, Tanzania. E-mail: [email protected] Abstract – Food security is a global priority requiring a multidisciplinary approach. In Tanza- nia and Zambia stunting in children under five, a major determinant of individual development, is estimated to be 42% and 45% respectively, despite years of agricultural research and develop- ment. Both countries are seeking sustainable solutions to the food security challenge that will improve human nutrition through improved household income and dietary diversification. De- spite increases in agricultural production over the past two decades, malnutrition rates in chil- dren have not diminished significantly in many developing countries. Local initiatives, such as enhancing traditional livestock-crop systems, can provide a sustainable solution to the ongoing demographic challenges in Africa which are driving the need for more food, improved livelihood opportunities and reduced migration to urban centres. e aim of this project is to reduce child- hood undernutrition by analysing and testing opportunities to enhance the key role that women play in improving poultry and crop integration and efficiency to strengthen household nutrition in an ecologically sustainable manner. A One Health approach is being employed by the project in support of increased poultry and crop value chain efficiency and household food and nutrition security by bringing together animal, crop and human health specialists, economists, ecologists and social scientists to work with participating communities. Keywords – Family poultry, sustainable agriculture, nutrition security, One Health, food security. 1. Introduction search linking agriculture and nutrition (Hawkes et al., 2012). Undernutrition is a result of complex causes and Food security is a global priority requiring an multidisci- to date lile research has examined nutrition-specific, plinary approach. Despite increases in agricultural pro- health-based approaches in collaboration with food sys- duction over the past two decades, undernutrition rates tem and livelihood-based interventions. Crucially, sup- in children have not diminished significantly in many de- plying women of childbearing age and their children with veloping countries (Masset et al., 2012). e context to sufficient calories is important but it is not enough to op- these poor achievements is that gender inequality and cul- timise epigenetic programming; the proper balance of mi- tural issues have been inadequately addressed in most re- cronutrients is also essential for both short- and long-term ¹is article is based on a presentation given during the 2nd GRF Davos One Health Summit 2013, held 17-20 November 2013 in Davos, Switzerland (hp://onehealth.grforum.org/home/) 188 GRF Davos Planet@Risk, Volume 2, Number 3, Special Issue on One Health (Part I/II), April, 2014 health (Kaput, 2010). and crop health and production), Muhimbili University of Health and Allied Sciences (public health), the University 1.1. e disconnect between agricultural production and of Dar es Salaam (social sciences), the Tanzanian Com- human nutrition mission for Science and Technology, the Zambian Min- istry of Agriculture and Livestock, the Zambian Ministry Despite global industrial agribusiness increasing the of Health, the National Food and Nutrition Commission of availability of food in markets, for a significant number of Zambia, the Tropical Diseases Research Centre, the Uni- people in many countries this food remains inaccessible as versity of Zambia (animal and crop health and production, the price is relatively high for their purchasing power. In public health and social sciences), the Kyeema Foundation addition this processed food has variable nutritional con- and the Royal Veterinary College, London. tent and the long-term sustainability of large-scale farm- Tanzania and Zambia were selected following a com- ing practices it is based on are questionable (Foley et al., prehensive review of the literature and visits to the Food 2011). In Tanzania and Zambia stunting in children un- Security Units of the East African Community and the der five, a major determinant of individual development, Southern African Development Community. Both coun- is estimated to be 42% (NBS and ICF Macro, 2011) and tries have high rates of undernutrition in children and 45% (CSO, MOH, TDRC, UNZA and Macro International provide contrasting circumstances concerning the con- Inc., 2009) respectively, despite years of agricultural re- trol of Newcastle disease in village chickens: Tanzania search and development. Human health-related multilat- has been producing and using the I-2 Newcastle disease eral agencies have been supporting micronutrient fortifi- vaccine in village chickens for over 10 years (Msami and cation and supplementation through Ministries of Health Young, 2009), whereas Zambia has only recently intro- while agriculture-related multilateral agencies have been duced the vaccine following successful laboratory and supporting increased agricultural production. e long field trials (Bagnol, 2013). term sustainability of these interventions is being ques- In addition, both Tanzania and Zambia have relatively tioned, because many of the rural poor are not able to high Gender Inequity Indices (UNDP, 2013). Research in- access fortified foods and increased agricultural produc- dicates that resources under the control of women are tion has tended to emphasise energy-rich and nutrient- more likely to be used to support the education and nutri- poor staples such as hybrid maize (Idikut et al., 2009). Al- tion of children (isumbing et al., 1995). us, it is hy- though animal source foods (ASFs) have great potential to pothesised that improving women’s production of family improve nutrition through their macro- and micronutri- poultry and crops will have a beneficial impact on chil- ent content and high protein digestibility compared with dren’s overall nutritional status and health. plants, rural populations do not always benefit from ade- quate consumption of ASFs from the livestock they pro- 2.1. Research aim duce (Turk, 2013). Both Tanzania and Zambia are seeking sustainable solutions to the food security challenge that e aim of our project is to reduce childhood undernu- will improve human nutrition through improved house- trition by analysing and testing opportunities to enhance hold income and dietary diversification as outlined in the key role that women play in improving poultry and the Tanzanian Government Vision 2025 and the Zambian crop integration and efficiency to strengthen household Government Vision 2030. Local initiatives, such as en- nutrition in an ecologically sustainable manner. hancing traditional livestock-crop systems can provide a sustainable solution to the ongoing demographic chal- 2.2. Key elements and overarching methodologies lenges in Africa which are driving the need for more food. For these initiatives to succeed the authors believe that Family poultry (which comprises extensive and small- understanding the social, cultural and economic context scale, intensive poultry production) have a special place in of the food system is critical in gaining equitable access food security as they are owned by between 70 and 99% to food for the vulnerable. of households in the project area and are frequently the only livestock under the control of women (Alders and 2. One Health resear in support of food and nutri- Pym, 2009; Bagnol, 2009). ey require low investment tion security
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