AIRPOST JOURNAL ORAN GE BOWL FLYER DECEMBER 1ST 1928~YfARS Of flY ING f'XPfRlfNU-1 948 EASTERN AIR LINES JANUARY 1949 - VOL. XX NO. 4 What · Should You Do? · when one of the largest or- ed Kessler Airmail Auctions. ganizations of its kind There are always Big things in in the world is specially organ­ the wind and unless your in­ ized to serve airmail enthusi­ quiry tells us of your interest, asts, you might well ask. "How there is always the possibility can I reap the benefits?" that· the good things may pass you by. The answer is easy. "BET­ TER WRITE TO KESSLER." BETTER WRITE TO KESS­ If you want the new issues as LER. We cannot offer a more they appear, including the rari­ helpful suggestion because we ties at the new issue price, are sincerely desirous of serv­ BETTER WRITE TO KESS­ ing your wants completely, . LER. comprehensively and satisfac­ Should you have any special torily. wants. it is likely that you will turn to a proven source for the finest in mint airmails. so why not WRITE TO KESSLER? Better Write to Kessler Best and most important of all, you should follow the fam- NOW! Eastern Air Lines Celebrates 20 Years Of Miami Service • by ERNEST A. KEHR • T o .mark simultaneously the twen­ ed tl1at this craft would become the nu­ Jll tieth anniversarv of air mail cleus of an "aviation museum" which he service out of Miami to~ards New York had long dreamed of establishing in and to inaugurate new four-hour, non­ Miami. stop Constellation service between these Shortly before departure of the Con­ cities, Eastern Air Lines staged a celebra­ stellation on its inaugural northbound tion which was so predominantly aero­ trip, Acting Postmaster Sam R. Valliere philatelic that it might well serve as an of Miami, brought to the field about example of how airlines and the Ameri­ 5,000 covers in the same 1928 Ford can Air Mail Society can cooperate in which was used to serve the field two calling public attention to the progress of deeades ago, and which had been spec­ air mail. ially repainted for the occasion. Hearing Noon of December 1 found hundreds about Capt. Rickenbacker's dream of a of airline, civic, government and phila­ museum, visualized as a center similar telic guests at Eastern's Miami airport to to the automobile one at Dearborn, witness and participate in the various Mich., and containing planes, engines, ceremonies arranged. After the cham­ radios and other equipment which trace pagne splashing by a professional model the historv of aviation and airmail, Post­ which named one of the new giant Con­ master V~lliere contributed this vehicle stellations, "The Orange Bowl Flyer," as "exhibit Number Two." Captain Eddie Rickenbacker, President The covers carried ?n the anniversary and General Manager of EAL, was given · flight each were impressed with a violet the original Pitcairn Mailwing which cachet designed by an officer of the flew the first mails northward out of American Air Mail Society for the air­ Miami in 1928, by a group of the 20- line. year pilots which included Captains J. Prior to December 1, the Miami Stamp R. Armstrong, E. G. Cross, T. R. Cole­ Club and G. S. Knoth, its president, of­ man, J. C. Abbey, F. B. Cann, W. S. fered a prize to any collector in the Tefft, T P. Caldwell, R. H. Weant, W. J. Shaffer, F A. Stone, E. R. Brown, T. F. Armstrong and H. T. "Dick" Merrill. OUR COVER DESIGN The ancient open-cockpit biplane had • Our cover shows• a group of Eastern been discovered only a few months be­ Air Lines 2D year men gathered in fore, abandoned and junked in an over­ front of the Mailwing plane the' com­ pany used to inaugurate service to grown weed field eighty miles north of Miami 20 years ago and the mail truck Miami, brought back to the shops, and that delivered the air mail to the Air­ port on December 1, 1928. Captain the expense of reconditioning had been Eddie Rickenbacker is shown at ex­ underwritten through contributions by treme left. One of Eastern'li bi&: new the pilots. In accepting the unusual sur­ "Constellations" is in the background. -Photo by Eastern Air Lmes. prise gift, Capt. Rickenbacker announc- Tl-IE AIRPOST JOURNAL =:~!1l~c~N~ Entered as second-class matter, February 10, 1932, at the post office at Albion. Pa., under the Act of March 3. 111'19. Published monthly. JANUARY, 1949 - VOL. XX. HO. 4 - ISSUE 225 - 25c PER COPY 112 THE AIRPOST JOURNAL Miami area who owned one of the cov­ support and cooperation of air cover col­ ers flown out of Miami on the inaugural lectors, and that this cooperation would trip of C.A.M. 25 on December 1, 1928: be sought through the Society in all - If there ever was any doubt about the future· events of a similar nature staged popularity of air mail cover collecting, by Eastern Air Lines. the club's single announcement should FOOTNOTE: C. A. M. 25 was inaugurated offer evidence positive. More than 125 by Pitcairn Aviation, Inc., on Dec. I, such covers were submitted. The owners 1928, and flew air mail northward from Miami to Atlanta, Ga., where it con­ were given, as a prize, a special l lh­ nected with C. A. M. 19, and extended hour courtesy flight in a Constellation to New York. The first pilots were Don­ ald B. Johnston, F. J. Schwaemmle and over Miami, the Florida Keys, Ever­ F. A. Stone. glades National Park and the Gulf Stream. Following the ceremonies, H. L. Lind­ • quist presented a duplicate of the cachet • Our composite photo on next page, handstamp to Pat Steckman, who named shows: Top center; Capt. Rickenbacker, Samuel R. Valliere, Miami Postmaster, "The Orange Bowl Flyer," while the and group of pilots and guests ill front original was given to the writer for pre­ of the 1928 Mailwing plane. Center left, loading the 1948 special Anniversary sentation in the name of the airline and mail; President Knoth of the Miami the Society to the Philatelic Museum Stamp Club applying the special Anni­ versary cachet to the souvenir covers which was opened in Philadelphia on carried on the occasion; Bottom, group December 4. taken on the courtesy flight in Eastern's Captain Rickenbacker stated that no new type "Constellation." airmail anniversarv in aviation's history -All photos by Eastern Air Lines. had ever received so much public at­ tention, a fact which he attributed to the r0-~ IMPORT-EXPORT COVER LOTS We have just purchased several thousand covers, accumulated over a period of years by a large import-export house. These have been combined with several score covers from a 19th Century collection to form a truly unusual mixture. About a third of the covers show Airmail usage, many of them censored. Another third are British Colonial, many of shilling or higher value. There are the usual cheaper covers as well as some cataloguing over a dollar. These are offered, with an unconditional guarantee, at the outstanding price of .300 for $10.00 I. S. GOODMAN 72 Branch Brook Drive Belleville, N. J. _ - _:__ - - - - - - - - - - - - ) ~·~__ AIRS of the MONTH • By ALTON J. BLANK 1089 Winston Rd., So. Euclid Zl, Ohio ·• 11£"'1 hile, in its most recent issue, pre­ ECUADOR '-..i sents a real novelty in the form . We illustrate the two basic designs of of twenty-five different designs for one the 4 stamps chronicled last month hon­ value. Handsome items are at hand from oring Pedro Vicente Maldonado. Lebanon, and Argentina. Turkey's long ISRAEL promised set is due this month. Four airs were reportedly ready for UNITED STATES release last December. IRAQ The .new 6 cents air mail stamp has Both the perforated and irnperforated had the following plate numbers assign­ air sheet have been given postal validity ed to it: 23973, 23974, 23975, 23976, and are momentadly expected. Eleven 23977, 23978, 23979, 23980. The first values of the air set were also to appear. two, i. e. "3" and "4", were sent to press Denominations as promised are: 2, 3, 4, December 1, 1948. 5, 10, 20, 30, 35, 40, 50 and 100 fils. The ARGENTINE REPUBLIC design will show a plane, bridge, train, mosque, and aerodrome if last year's re­ A 70c dark green, in large format, ports are true. A. H. Rashty. commemorates the Fourth Pan Ameri­ can Reunion of Cartographers held in LEBANON Buenos Aires in November. The design Five stamps have been issued honor­ shows a map of the Argentine area in ing the United Nations Education, South America as well as this country's Science and Culture Organizatfon. Three claimed holdings in the South Polar depict Apollo riding thru the sky. They regions. To the right is a globe with the are vertical stamps and denominations Western Hem4phere indicated and a are 7.50p ultramarine, 15p gray, and 20p protractor superimposed thereon. Illus­ cerise. The 35p pink and 75p emerald trated. Alfred F. Stem. are horizontal in format and show a crowned woman and the words "Berytus AUSTRIA Legum Nutrix." Beirut, source of laws, A new sedes is being prepared ac­ might be a rough translation referring to cording to Aero Philatelists, Inc. the fact that the ancient Phoenecians sailed from this port and carried their CHILE trade and laws thruout the ancient Claudio Gay's "History of Chile" was world. We illustrate the 15 piastres. first published in 1884. This book was Alfred F.
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