Report of the ABA Checklist Committee for 1984-1985 In the past we have published the annual Supplement to the ABA Checklist, giving only the results of the Committee's deliberations. However, many members have inquired about the process by means of which the decisions are made. Are the annual changes mere whims of afew elitists whose majorfunction is tofoul up thousands of lifelists?Are thesepeoplejust coming up with arbitrary opinions to satisfv their own egos? Or do they actually work at this d~$cuIt problem? We have deciakd to intercept just a few of the communications among this year's Committee so that our members can gain some sense of the scholarly investment which these dedicated expen3 make in their annualsearch for an accurate, correct, and defensibleList of the birdr which have positively occurred in the ABA Checklist Area. The ABA Checklist Committee completed judged in comparison with Lesser Golden- detailed reviews of the first substantiated Plovers and Killdeers; (2) its slender build records of four species and has approved and small-headed look; (3) the shortness their addition to the ABA Checklist: and relative lack of curvature of the bill; (4) Little Curlew (Numenius minutus) the extensive pale area at the base of the bill; 0 Caribbean Elaenia (Elaenia mam'nica) (5) the presence of fine streaks, rather than 0 Brown-chested Martin (Phaeoprogne chevrons, on the breast; (6) the overall lack topera) of buff coloration; and (7) the 'off-white', 0 Yucatan Vireo ( Vireo magister) rather than cinnamon, wing-linings." Of the characters listed above, the ones Discussions which rule out Eskimo Curlew (Numenius borealis) are Nos. 4,5,6, and 7.All of these Little Curlew, Numenius minutus characters except the last are visible in the Whew Santa Maria (Santa Barbara Co.), photographs, a fact that provides confirma- California. tion of the written descriptions and also makes possible future verification of the When. September 16 to October 14, 1984. record. The delicate proportions and the buff color of the eyebrow mitigate against Observers: P. Lehman, D. Roberson, G. the bird's being a "runt" Whimbrel. The McCaskie. delicate proportions and the lack of buff Published Details: American Birdr 39: tones mitigate against the unlikely possibility 25 1-254; Birding 17:15- 18. of an extreme "runt" Long-billed Curlew. &umentaLion. Photos; detailed field de- [Courtesy J. Farrand, comments (edited) in scriptions by Lehman, McCaskie, Roberson. letter of March 29, 1985.1 VLREO/ABA Records File: Photos by S. LaFrance. Motion to Add SmalVMcCaskie. Expert Opinions: J. Farrand and S. Vote: 9 For, 1 Against, 1 Abstain. Moon (Wales). Dissenting Opinion: Descriptions do Identification: "The most convincing not completely eliminate the possibility of a details are (1) the (small) size of the bird as runt Whimbrel. Volume XVII. Number 6 Brown-chested Martin, Phaeoprogne Ident@ation: The other vireos with tapera which this species might be confused are the Where: Monomoy Island (Barnstable Black-whiskered Vireo (Vireo altiloguus) Co.), Massachusetts. and the flavovidis group of Red-eyed Vireo (Vireo olivaceus). When: June 12, 1983. The drab color and the prominent dark Obserwrs: Blair Nikula, D. Holt, Wayne loral stripe separate the Texas bird from Petersen. Red-eyed Vireos. Warbling Vireos are Published Details: American Birds smaller, proportionally smaller-billed, and 37:969. lack the prominent dark loral stripe. Black- Documentation: Specimen at Smith- whiskered Vireo resembles Yucatan Vireo sonian Institution (NMNH #599678). in being heavy-billed and drab in color, VIREO/ABA Records File: Photo by some individuals having only faint dark B. Nikula. malar stripes. But Black-whiskered Vireos lack the combination of a vely bold dark Expert Opinions: Specimen identi- Ioral stripe and no apparent rnalar stripe fication verified by M.R. Browning and K. Kaufman. evident on the Texas bird. Also, the Texas bird was duskier and more monochrome Identification: The specimen is a well- overall than are normal Black-whiskered marked immature of the migratory southern Vireos. [Courtesy K. Kaufman, written race P. t. fusca, with a clear demarcation comments (edited) of January 1985.1 between the white throat and the brown Motion to Add: TuckedGill. breast-band and prominent blackish-brown spots on the white lower breast and upper Vote: 11 For, 0 Against. belly. None of the brownish martins of the Dissenting Opinion: None. Southern Hemisphere duplicates the distinc- tive ventral pattern of this species. [Courtesy K. Kaufman, written comments (edited) of June 5, 1985.1 Caribbean Elaenia, Elaenia martinica Motion to Add: Vickery/Gill. Where: West end of Santa Rosa Island Vote: 11 For, 0 Against. (Escambia Co.), Florida. Dissenting Opinion: None. When: April 28, 1984. Observers: E.V. Barbig, H.T. Barbig, F.T. Griffin, R.A. Duncan, 0.Fang, S. Duncan. Yucatan Vireo, Vireo magister Published Details: American Birds 38:923. Where: Bolivar Peninsula (Galveston Documentation: Photo; description Co.), Texas. of song; detailed field description by Barbig When: April 29 to May 31, 1984. and Gfin. Observers: J.G. Massey, J.G. Morgan, VIREO/ABA Records File: Photo by T.L. Eubanks, V. Eubanks, L. White, R.A. R.A. Duncan. Behrstock, D. E. Wolf. Expert Opinions: R. Ridgely, M. Rob- Published Details: American Birds 39: bins, J. Bond, J. Fitzpatrick. 2456. Identification: This record really put Documentation: Photograph; banding the Checklist Committee to the test. Not measurements; detailed field description. only is this an extremely difficult group of VZREO/ABARecords File: Photos by flycatchers to identify in the field, but also D. Cunningham, R. Behrstock, G. hsley. the documentary evidence was marginal in Expert Opinions:J. Barlow, K.C. Parkes. quality. We were unwilling to assume that BIRDING, December 1985 this flycatcher necessarily came from the observer notes that concur). I believe that nearby West Indies or Mexico, realizing that the photo does place the bird in a subset of it could have been any one of many possible the genus Elaenia, and that the voice descrip Neotropical flycatchers. In addition to the tion rules out all species of Elaenia but E. field descriptions and the rather poor photo- martinica. I am familiar with several species graph, the Committee had the benefit of of Elaenia (and have seen E. martinica in critical reviews by experts on this and Mexico almost annually since 1977) and related Neotropical flycatchers (names given have some acquaintance with many other above). genera of tropical flycatchers, and I feel that The Committee thus faced three separate the photo establishes the bird as an Elaenia: questions: Was the identification correct- there is sufficient discussion of this generic or only 99% so? Was a 99% probability placement in the written commentary from good enough? Was the supporting documen- Fitzpatrick, Ridgely, Robbins, and Bond. tation adequate? The careful voice description provided by Presented here are (I) a critical review of Evelyn Barbig for the Florida bird is a good the identificaton by Dr. John W. Fitzpatrick, match for some of my transcriptions of E. (2) a dissenting opinion by Dan Gibson, martinica song from Cozumel. The critical and (3) Kenn Kaufrnan's soul-searching element here is the assurance (gleaned from evaluation, which summarizes the majority the notes of Fitzpatrick, Ridgely, and others) opinion of this Committee. Not included that no similar species gives a vocalization here is Bob Ridgely's reply to John Fitz- that would fit this description. Voice would patrick's query, in which he stated that the not seem such a convincing character if the voice of Elaenia albiceps is unlike that Florida bird had called only once or twice, described for the vagrant individual. or only under stress, but it was evidently (1) Fitzpatrick's letter (see Appendix). singing all afternoon. The identification as (2) Gibson dissenting opinion: "The Caribbean Elaenia is indicated by voice, and expert testimony which we have read cer- is backed up by the known details of tainly makes clear that, for several reasons, plumage and behavior. The proximity of the the Elaenia is not at all likely to have been species' range is not a factor in the identifica- any species but martinica. But 99%is just not tion; a migratory species from South America good enough. If we had an appendix of would be as likely as a sedentary Caribbean 'unsubstantiated' or 'hypothetical' species, bird, and even a non-migratory species as does the AOU Check-list, I would vote to could have reached Florida on a boat." place Elaenia martinica in such an appendix, 2. Acceptance with Slim Documenta- until such time as it can be unequivocally tion. "I believe that any accepted record added to the avifauna of our checklist area." must be based upon solid evidence of some (3) Comments on Record of Caribbean kind, evidence that remains available for Elaenia in Florida, 1984, by Kern Kaufman: re-evaluation in the future. In that regard, "This is probably one of the most difficult the current record presents a borderline records that we will ever have to consider. It case. We have a photo to prove that the bird requires two decisions: (1) Am I convinced was either a Caribbean Elaenia or something that the bird was a Caribbean Elaenia?, very similar. And we have voice descriptions and (2) Is the record defensible enough that which, ifaccepted, prove that the bird was I can vote for it? These two questions are indeed a Caribbean Elaenia. So . do sufficientlydifferent that I will address them the voice descriptions qualify as solid separately." evidence? 1. Identification. "The identification has "My judgment is that they do. We have to be based almost entirely on one rather descriptions that indicate pattern, tone poor photograph (backed up by some brief quality, and approximate pitch; fifty years plumage descriptions) and on one good from now it will still be possible for experts voice description (backed up by other to compare these descriptions to all known Volume XVII.
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