i • • ; COURT 3 President Vows Use Of WEEK-END • c- ■ EDITION (read the i cz ,\.iz NEWS Troops To Bar Anarchy" WHILE IT IS NEWS By DAYTON MOORE United Press International FIRST WASHINGTON. - (UPI) - President EiseriKSvVef'’'Biade-it <5- IN YOUR abundantly clear Wednesday that he àgàin would use-federal MEMPHIS WORLD troops to enforce court-ordered public school integration-if-it STAND AR.D was necessary to avoid "anarchy." VT The President told his news con­ ference the federal government VOLUME 28, NUMBER 18 - MEMPHIS, TENNESSEE, SATURDAY, AUGUST 23, 1958 PRICE SIX CENTS must and will enforce court inte­ gration rulings if the states fail to do so. He said his feelings “are exactly as they were” last fall when he ordered paratroopers and federal­ ized National Guardsmen to main­ M tain order at newly-integrated Cen­ tral High School at Little ‘ Rock,- Ark. Although he did not specifically By LOUIS LAUTIEfc- Wife On Vacation mention the use of troops, Eisen- Lower made it perfectly clear that, WASHINGTON, D C. — (NNPA) he would use then! again as a-last — While top Government officials resort in Little Rock or any other’ declined Tuesday to comment on At Time Of Death the decision in the Little Rock case, >• locality where violence and mob rule threaten public, order. the position of the Jpstioe Depart-* meat was ferreted out of a- speech The President opened his news V made earlier this summer by Assis? Of Frisco Porter by reading a prepared statement tant Attorney General W. Wilson BY JEWEL GENTRY It which he said was aimed at an­ White. - - ’ " . Memphians. were shocked when swering questions rAised by the The Elguth United States Circuit U.S. Court of Appeals decision re­ tbev learned of the sudden death Court of Appeals at St. Louis Mon- 1 instating integration in the Little of Merty Tardy. Pullman porter whri da yset aside the order Fed­ Rock high school. was found dead Sunday morning at eral’District Judge Harry 'J. "Lem-. “Every American must under­ approximately 9:30 at his -home, ■ '3; ley granting a delay of two and a 1491 South Parkwav Fast by a stand that if an individual, com­ half years to the Little Rock Board munity or state .is going succuess- Federal friend Mr: Outlaw. Mr Tardy call­ of Education to carry out. fully and continuously to defy the ed him at 9:05 Sunday morning court orders for integration "of Lit-, courts,, then there is anarchy,” he tie Rock, public schools. saving that, he would meet Mr. Out­ said. The 6-1 decision left in effect ..the law at the Outlaw residence in Tli.fr President said it was the preliminary injunction issued by twenty minutes. After thirty min­ < • ■■'-. utes had. expired. Mr. Outlaw who duty of each state to “suppress un­ Federal District Judge Ronald' N. lives two doors from the Tardy’s lawful forces" and maintain order Davies’ on Sept. 20. 197, enjoining called but. got no response. He then to “permit ’ compliance with the Gov. Orval Faubus of - Arkansas, final orders of the court . Major Gen. Sherman T- Clinger, walked down there and looked in a 1 h. ss«!» “Defiance of. this duty would pre­ > Adjutant .General of __Arldinsas; back window. There he found Mr. ; . ... sent the most serious problem, but Tardy stretched out across a bed. Lieut. Col. Marion E. Johnson,unit there can be no equivocation as to commander of ■ the Arkansas Na.- ■ Mrs Outlaw immediately called a A .5 thfr responsibility of the federal t tonal Guard, and all persons in near-by physician who pronounced government in such an event,” he active concert or participation; .With him dead. £ Oft? Mr. Tardy was ill and in the added. them from obstructing ..Federal hosnital last srin-her lor three The President said his feelings court- orders for desegregation,74>f Little Rock's Central HiShSctiool. weeks, but apparently had been in were unchanged from last Sept. 24 good health since. However, the AN IMPORTANT DISCUSSION-Four VIP's of the Q.. V. Williamson, George S. Harris, national when he ordered federal troops in­ INITIATIVE NEEDED ..'ZZi to Little Rock. He quoted a para­ doctor’s report, gave a heart attack National Real Estate Brokers Convention meeting president; W. A. "Chief" Aiken, and T. M According to the views of - Mr. as the cause of death. graph from his nation-wide tele­ While, If the school board does not in Atlanta engage in a bit of informal discus­ Alexander.. Mr. Alexander delivered the lunch-, vision ’ speech at that lime which comply with the orders for deseg­ WIFE ENROUTE HOME sion prior to the luncheon between sessions of eon address, (Perry's Photo) regation of Little Rock public FROM VACATION Monday's first business session. Left to right are Atlanta, Ga. — (SNS) (Continued on Back Page) schools and re-admit the eight of At the time of Mr. Tardy’s death, the nine colored pupils who were his wife, Mrs. Grace- King Tardy, enrolled there last year, the initia­ was enroute home after vacation­ tive must be taken by the colored Local Chapter Of NAACP pupils and their parents, or the N. ing in Cleveland. Detroit and Chi­ Celler, Keating cago. where she motored with Mr. A. A. O. P. actlng”bft? their behalf, and Mrs. O’Ferrell Nelson friends Slated To Meet Sunday to. compel compliance. L-::v and neighbors. She arrived here The Ideal chapter of the Na­ The Little Rock Board ot EdU- Sunday at 11:30 p. m., when slje tional Association for the Ad­ Open Drive For catlon may be cited for contempt , was informed of her husband’s vancement of Colored Peojpl^ will of court if it does not comply with NEW YORK BOUND—Lbe Cunningham, 26-year-old blind singer, death by her pastor, the Reverend A woman complained to the going to the Ministers Conference hold * its regular monthly meet­ the desegregation orders.' ing Sunday at Mt.: Olive Cathe­ of a mob-'who seek io and Harry Luby (middle) of the Mallory Knights, showed smiles A. E. Andrews and Mrs. Andrews of Memphis World this week that she to see what could be done about it, Members was beaten . and robbed by two dral Church at 4 pfm. intimidate or prevent qualified, col- of anticipated success as they boarded this train this week en­ the Parkway Gardens Church. Rev. Mrs. Taylor was fined $42 for Bomb Probe Law and Mrs. Apdrews sat in their car local police officers who, she said, Rev. David S. Cunningham, order children from attending Cen­ route to New York for Cunningham's audition for Ted Mack's dragged her behind Sam's Spaghetti “disorderly conduct and resisting president of the organization, is WASHINGTON (UPI) — Reps. tral High iikewiso..can-hfe;cltcd for-’ to wait. Mrs. Tardy’s arrival after arrest.".,The,-.-••protest- agaiqst- the Emanuel Celler _..(DM -7N5YA J^nd- "Original Amateur Hour." Before the New York audition, Cun­ she could not be reached by phone ■Shop at Poplar and Main 'Where urging all members fo be present. contempt for violation of the order police officers, who’denied bsal- Thé publié is invited. Kenneth B. Keating (R.^ N. Y.) ningham, who is a former student of fAemphis' Mme. Florence in Chicago. ,, ‘they allegedly committed the of- ~ -----* ---- J” of Sept. 20, 1957? fense.- ° 1 Ti j jng. the. woman, was dismissed- have opened a bipartisan campaign In either case, the Justice De­ Tolbext-.-Mc’Cleave -of -operatic fame, was scheduled to stop at Servkv.v 'wfej'e held at the Park­ to give the FBI authority to in­ way Gardens Presbyterian Church Mrs. Sarah Taylor of 291 Novem­ partment may enter the case as a Philadelphia for two appearances before the National Bureau ber Gfali Street said she was “mind­ tervene in such cases as the bomb­ friend of the court, or if contempt with Reverend Andrews giving the ings of churches, schools and syna­ Association of Musicians. Unidentified porter looks on. eulogy. He was assisted by the Rev. ing my own business” in the cafe proceedings' are criminal in nature, when the policemen allegedly came gogues in the South. it may institute prosecution. J. W. Golden and the Rev. Robert Atty. Farris Installs Officers Geller, chairman of the House McRae. up and told her 'to got In the police Judiciary Comn^ittee, and Keating Mt. Tardy was a native of Amory, car. She said instead of taking her to the police station, they took her its top Republican member, said Teachers Have Miss where he attended school He they would introduce a bill Mon­ moved to Memphis in 1945 after behind the spaghetti shop where Of Junior Chamber Of Commerce they beat her and robbed her of day which would give, the FBI the FAUBUS WON’T having served 4 years in the Armed Members of the Memphis Jhy- structive critizlsm: Tony’s dinner same kind of "coordinate responsi­ Forces. $12. Full Schedule She said the policemen had “a cees heard a forceful speech Mon­ club, started off the city adminis­ bility” it holds in some other types He was married to Miss Grace pick against me” because she un­ day-evening when Atty. William trator, should be-rttnning over to­ of criminal cases. USE A work-shop for principals and ian, assistant superintendent of the1 King, popular young teacher and knowingly sold some beer to a Farris, past administrative as­ night with young men . Leader­ The congressmen said in a joint teachers begins Monday, Aug. 25 City School system. Mi< ,E. C. Stim- a social and civic leader in the minor while working at a shop last sistant to four Memphis Mhyors ship training is an important thing statement that there have been 47 according to Mr.
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