^ O N A L ^ - ç FEDERAL! REGISTER VOLUME 20 ' % - 1934 c f ÿ NUMBER 229 ^ A f/ T E D ^ Washington, Thursday, November 24, 1955 TITLE 6— AGRICULTURAL CREDIT County Supervisor will request that the preliminary title evidence be sent to the CONTENTS Chapter III— Farmers Home Adminis­ Farmers Home Administration County tration, Department of Agriculture Agricultural Conservation Pro- Pas® Office. He will also request that the gram Service mortgagee policy of title insurance and Subchapter B— Farm Ownership Loans Rules and regulations: owner’s policy of title insurance, if any, [FHA Instruction 443.2] or other final title evidence, be sent to Agricultural conservation; Alaska, 1956; miscellaneous the Farmers Home Administration P art 332—P rocessing I n it ia l L oans amendments_______ _____ 8667 County Office. The County Supervisor MORTGAGES TAKEN IN CONNECTION WITH will request that the mortgagee title in­ Agricultural Marketing Service INSURED FARM OWNERSHIP LOANS surance policy be made payable to the Proposed rule making : Sections 332.8 and 332.13 (d ), (f), (g ), United States of America. Milk in Inland Empire market­ and (h) of this chapter (20 P. R. 3671, (b) For an insured loan, no acceptance ing area; handling of________ 8674 3672) are hereby amended to provide for of option letter will be prepared and no Agricultural Research Service the taking of mortgages in favor of the title service will be requested until the Rules and regulations: Government in connection with insured County Supervisor ascertains the name Foreign quarantine notices; for­ Farm Ownership loans, to conform the and address of the lender who will make eign cotton and covers. _____ 8660 processing of such loans in accordance the specific loan. therewith, and to read as follows: Agriculture Department (Sec. 16, 69 Stat. 553 (P. L. 273, 84th Cong.)) See also Agricultural Conservation § 332.8 Accepting option and request­ § 332.13 Action by County Supervisor Program Service; Agricultural ing title seryce. (a) Subject to the pro­ following receipt of closing instructions. Marketing Service; Agricultural visions of paragraph (b) of this section, * * * Research Service; Commodity Vrtien the County Supervisor -receives (d) Collection of appraisal fee and in­ Credit Corporation; Commodity Form FHA-476 indicating approval of itial loan insurance charge for insured Stabilization Service ; Farmers the loan, he will: (1) In case of a Ten«* loans. (1) The County Supervisor will Home Administration. ant Purchase or Farm Enlargement collect a $20 appraisal fee from each ap­ Notices: loan prepare the acceptance of option plicant at the time of loan closing. This North Carolina, disaster assist- letter, Form FHA-191, “Acceptance of fee may be included in the loan. Form .. ance; delineation of area and Option (Vendor to Furnish Abstract),” FHA-37, “Receipt for Payment,” will be designation of counties______ 8677 or Form FHA-191B, “Acceptance of Op­ prepared for the appraisal fee payment. Alien Property Office tion (Vendor to Furnish Title Insur­ (2) The initial loan insurance chargeNotices: ance) .” The original of the option ac­ will be collected from an insured loan Vested property, intention to re­ ceptance letter will be signed by the applicant at the time of loan closing. turn: applicant as “Buyer,” and by his wife if The amount of such charge will be com­ she is named in the option, and mailed De Baguer, Elvira___________ 8680 puted at the rate of one percent of the Kaufmann, Josefa__________ 8680 to the seller. Form FHA-191B also will principal amount of the loan for the pe­ pe signed by the County Supervisor. I f Sugar, Caroline Charlotte riod from the date of loan closing to the (Lolette) Invalid von Wald- it is necessary that the seller submit a first January 1 thereafter. Such charge tren-------------------- 8680 heposit for furnishing an abstract in con­ must be paid from the applicant’s per­ Werner, Kurt_______________ 8680 nection with placing the order for title sonal funds. The amount of the initial Army Department insurance, information to that effect will loan insurance charge will be included De added to the option acceptance letter, on the same Form FHA-37 prepared for See Engineers Corps. ana it will be the responsibility of the the appraisal fee payment. I f the first Commerce Department W'lnty SiipBnisra to see that the neces- installment on the loan, or any portion See Federal Maritime Board; sary action is taken by the seller; and thereof, is collected at the time of loan Maritime Administration. see that the title service is requested closing, it will be entered as a regular m accordance with Part 327 of this chap- Commodity Credit Corporation payment on the same Form FHA-37. Rules and regulations: nr V For types of loans he will stamp ***** Tobacco, 1955 loan program; skrS?! ? siired” or “Direct” on the (f) Mortgage forms. Real estate schedule of advance rates by forS, atlon for title insurance and mortgage forms in series FHA-187 will grades for certain types (2 tiHp t rd lt; to the representative of the be used for direct loans and forms in documents)_______ __________ 8659 of thi Urance comPany or to the office series FHA—242 will be used for insured Wh?n Cf0mpany. whichever is customary. loans. Commodity Stabilization Service tittA? f °rwarding the application for (g) Insurance endorsement for in­ Rules and regulations: a nr.a ins,nrance or requesting title clear- sured loan. The County Supervisor is Corn ; proclamation of commer­ other than title insurance, the cial corn-producing area for (Continued on next page) 1956---------- --------------------- 8666 8657 8658 RULES AND REGULATIONS CONTENTS— Continued CODIFICATION GUIDE A numerical list of the parts of the Code Farmers Home Administration Page of Federal Regulations affected by documents F E D E R A L ^ REGISTER Rules and regulations: . published In this issue. Proposed rules, as V, »M Processing initial loans; mort­ opposed to final actions, are identified as eOmto gages taken in connection sfich. with insured Farm Owner­ Title 6 Page ship Loans-________________ - 8657 C hapter III: ^ 8657 Published daily, except Sundays, Mondays, Federal Maritime Board Part 332---------- .------ - and days following official Federal holidays, Notices: Chapter IV: by the Federal Register Division, National Member lines of Pacific West­ Part 464 (2 documents) 8659 Archives and Records Service, General Serv­ bound Conference et al.; Title 7 ices Administration, pursuant to the au­ agreements filed for approval. 8677 thority contained in the Federal Register Act, Chapter III: approved July 26, 1935 (49 Stat. 500, as -Federal Power Commission Part 319— -------------- 8660 amended; 44 U. S. C., ch. 8B ), under regula­ N otices: Chapter V II: tions prescribed by the Administrative Com­ Hearings, etc.: Part 721______________ 8666 mittee of the Federal Register, approved by Brack, Ben F., et al---- :-------- 8676 Chapter IX : the President. Distribution is made only by Brack, Ben F., Oil Co., Inc— 8676 Part 1008 (proposed).. 8674 the Superintendent of Documents, Govern­ Columbian Fuel Corp------ -—- 8677 Chapter XI: ment Printing Office, Washington 25, D. C. Continental Oil Co------------- 8676 8667 The Federal Register will be furnished by Part 1104— _------------- mail to subscribers, free of postage, for $1.50 Dayton Power and Light Co. 8677 Title 19 per month or $15.00 per year, payable in Hurley, Ed K , et al------------ 8674 Chapter I: Jones, Henrietta Yeager, advance. The charge for individual copies Part 12--- ------------- — 8667 (minimum 15 cents) varies in proportion to et al_------------ 8675 8667 the size of the issue. Remit check or money Part 14—------- -------- McMillian, Hugh, et al_------ 8675 Part 16------------------- 8667 order, made payable to the Superintendent Nueces Royalty Co------------ 8675 of Documents, directly to the Government Union Pacific Railroad Co----- 8674 Title 33 Printing Office, Washington 25, D. O. Chapter H: The regulatory (material appearing herein Housing and Home Finance 8673 Is keyed to the Code op Federal R egulations, Part 203______________ which is published, under 50 titles, pursuant Agency to section 11 of the Federal Register Act, as Notices: amended August 5, 1953. The Code op Fed­ Regional Director of Urban Re­ authorized to execute the insurance en­ eral Regulations is sold by the Superin­ newal of Region IV (Chicago) ; dorsement on the reverse of Form FHA- tendent of Documents. Prices of books and redelegation of authority to 240, “ Promissory Note (Insured Farm pocket supplements vary. approve Uiird party contracts Ownership Loan),” or 240A, “ Bond (In­ There are no restrictions on the re­ with respect to slum clearance sured Farm Ownership Loan).” The publication of material appearing in the and urban renewal pro­ State Director also is authorized to sign Federal Register, or the Code of Federal gram ..______________________ 8678 the insurance endorsement. Execution R egulations. of the insurance endorsement consti­ Interior Department tutes the Government’s insurance of the See Land Management Bureau. loan. Interstate Commerce Commis­ (h) Other closing actions. (1) When Now Available sion there are insurable buildings on the Notices: T farm, the County Supervisor will see UNITED STATES Fourth section applications for that adequate insurance is provided, relief________________________ 8678 effective as of the time of loan closing. GOVERNMENT (2) Immediately after loan closing, Justice Department the original Form FHA-190, “Promissory ORGANIZATION
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