Weather Inside MICHIGAN Sunny and warm today. Student Myths, p. 5- Ten­ High 62—66. nis Meet, p. 4. STATE UNIVERSITY P r ic e 10< East Lansing, Michigan Thurtdov, April 29, 1965 MSU Tops In Merit Scholars Again R e c o r d 2 1 7 Hannah Cites Agitators’ ‘Exploitation ’ T w i c e T o t a l University... studentsI are choice am fnr.-iûtetargets frtrfor ovnlftifexploitation it inn hvby * I’«I ’f*» king-brand’’ ideologists, President John A. Hannah told more than 50 business leaders who were on campus Wednesday to dedicate MSU’s new half-m illion dollar Packaging Building. A t H a r v a r d "Some persons like to use university campuses to advance op­ posing philosophies," he said. Kf By JIM STERBA He cited the ferment at Berkeley and smaller re\olts a: m any Administration Writer other universities as examples where protest techniques art the sa m e. For the third year in a row, "When you’ve been around for a loin’ time,’ he said, ’you re­ MSU has accepted more Merit cognize the same techniques being us I over V Scholars than any other univer­ "The basic objective is to sity, the National M erit Scholar­ create doubt against all con­ ship Corp. announced Wednes­ stituted authority," he said. day. The direction comes from a C h a r g e s Out of over 1,900 students few core agitators, he said, "but named M erit Scholars, 214 have these few are not effective un­ chosen to attend MSU next fall. less they can find a cause." Last year 207 out of over 1,600 The cause which is found is O n L i b r a r y M erit Scholars chose MSU. usually one that everyone is in MSU’s fall crop of MeritScho- favor of already, such as more lars came from 46 states, the student rights or freedom, he A n s w e r e d District of Columbia and four s a id . foreign nations. Next fall, M erit "Once you can find a cause," Scholars from every state will he continued, "you get an ad­ By DON SOCKOL be attending MSU. m inistrator to make foolish mis­ News W ri ’e r State Staff Harvard College, chosen by 111 ta k e s .’ ’ M erit Scholars, was second, fol­ After this happens, a martyr Stud ta tio r lowed by Massachusetts Institute is established and the unrest the m i of Technology with 62, and Stan­ continues, he said. l i b r a r ford University with 54. "O ur obligation,” he said, "is ni st ration PACKAGED DEAL— President John A. Hannah spoke before some 50 business o r ity Out of the 124 M erit Scholars leaders at the opening of the new half-million dollar Packaging Butiding located to provide a balanced picture P re s ii John EEK, A GREEK — Now that the field of ugliness is in the s'ate of Michigan, 58 chose on Wilson Road south of the Engineering Building. Michigan State is the only of the situation so that each in­ Wed nc complete, os demonstrated here, voting for the to a'tend MSU. dividual can make his own intel­ o f the fact i f hi college in the nation that offers a four-year packaging program. " In Ugliest Greek can begin. Voting will be donethrw^h The University of Michigan was s Photo by Tom Pozarycky ligent decision. s ity as gone through d ifil­ U n ire i monetary contributions and will take place in ^ne second in the Big Ten with 29, “ The hope is that we can pre­ c u lt fi li periods, there was Union concourse Thursday from 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. followed by Northwestern with vent bright-eyed youths from be­ ai when the library n e\ ei ye and Friday from 9 a.m to 6 p.m. 20, Illinois and Indiana with 12, ing used," he said. ven substantial in- Photos by Larry Fritzlan Purdue with l l , Wisconsin with It is important for those out­ noney," Hannah said, eight, Ohio State with six and side the university to realize ast decade, Hannah Minnesota with 5. all the ferment is caused by only pointed out, ienrollment has risen South Viet General Favors The M erit Scholars this year a few students and that the bulk p e r cent University general 101 were awarded stipends amount­ of the student population is not funds have isen 146 per cent, ing to $7.5 m illion granted by involved, he said. while lo ia ! 1 rm y expenditures Boy, 16, Is Shot 2 70 sponsoring organizations. HannSh questioned whether have gone u 226 nei cent. 1 he Land Invasion Of North Business corporations, founda­ universities have been success­ lib as in ease*d bv 141 rary tio n s , colleges, unions, pro­ fully coping with enrollment ex­ m oney pent here— say he believes the war per fessional associaiions, trusts and tion in an exclusive interview plosions and still providing a book :s and p iodiC SAIGON, Viet Nam -P— The w ill be last this year unless it is In Racial Clash individuals are among the groups commander of South Viet Nam’s with the Associated Press. sound basic education to all. b y extended directly to the Com­ 2 thorities handle the case of 15- granting money to Merit Air Force. Brig. Gen. Nguyen His suggestions, the most out­ When students drift from basic \RMSBURG, I’a. !'— A Ne- munist north, even at the risk of high school boy walked into year-old Theodore Houck. He is S c h o la rs . Cao Ky, advocated Wednesday spoken by a Sou h Vietnamese tenets, we have to af k ourselves ou ft the hostilities with Red China. asollne service station Mon- the white boy who Police Chief In addition, 525 M erit Scholars an immediate invasion of Com­ leader in recent weeks, were be­ what we have left out, he said. legislature," Hannah sai i. "We The former commander of the aft ernoon to see a white Earl Shipman says admits shoot­ received scholarships from the munist North Viet Nam by South "It is the educator’s job to have gone to the legislaturlejnany day lieved to reflect the over-all of- ing the Negro youth, Preston National M erit ScholarshipCorp. Vietnamese armed forces, an c laassmate who worked there. A Vietnamese land forces. He con­ fic ia l views of Prem ier Phan Huy provide in four short years the tim e s witl. the library as the old friend of Ky, considers the U til later they carried the Ne- Ferguson, 16. The amount of the scholarships ditionally ruled out L.S. troops. Quat 's government and the Saigon kind of experience which will main topic of discussion." only chance to save Viet Nam g ro boy out, m ortally wounded ranged from 510 0 annually to ‘‘With some secret bases of high command. The jaunty, 34- provide useful member s oi so­ Hannah took issue with the Strangely, there is little talk from a Communist ’akcver is to by at shotgun Mast. $6,000 for four years, based on our own up there," he said, "the year-old officer is probably the ciety 50 years from now. charge that the 1 niversity was among the Negro residents about convert the limited war into a Now this small town, is full the need of the student. Viet Cong would quickly star' most powerful single member of building vast dormitory com­ Houck. Rather, their ire appear­ general war between Red China of apprehension and some ugly This year MSU ranks second wondering whether 'he war was the high command. "S tu d e n ts m u s t be tra in e d so plexes at the expense of the li­ and the wes'. ed directed at Chief Shipman, to the National M erit Scholarship w o rth i ' Lt. Gen. Nguyen Khanh, the that when issues of importance brary. He said dormitories are talk Khanh said in an interview service station owner Darcy Tho­ Corp. in awarding stipends to come before the public in the I he shooting seemed to crys­ ex-strongman who is now a roving built with borrowed money which mas— and the social and econo­ Ky questioned effectiveness of Feb. 18, on the eve of his ouster, tal i/c long-smoldering resent­ M erit Scholars. MSU has offered future, a little more than hail is repaid by tees, the air strikes against highways, ambassador, is known to believe that Peking’s development of the ■ ■dei m ic status of Negroes here. 140 scholarships«to M erit Scho­ w ill get the facts and make a ment by Negroes against their railroads and bridges north of some such action is essential. M oney fo i library comes atomic bomb makes it "a ques­ lot in this farm and small shop lars for 1965. Those who know Khanh—who decision for the public’s bene­ from entire! erent sources, the I7th parallel and proposed Thomas, by his own account, In the last 10 years, MSU has tion of life and death." fit, and not in accord with the n town, where they make up 10 p e r the complementary land opera­ s t ill has friends in high places he said, lt c< •mes fi om th e le g is ­ Ky's theme was that the air cent of the 3,000 population.
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