son is lost upon their brutalized poli- able to render any aid. Qui!e a mnu- |l|e j|iUl{etm o rnal. tics. Our special correspondent at t)er of the tfanfied quests and employes Big Fall in Prices J Washington telegraphs that nil the de- of tho hotel appeared at the windows, mocrats whose seats are contested and and seeing the distance to the ground Great Bargains in the house THURSDAY. January 18 ,1883. who yet retain their seats fell back to perish in the flames. A willbe turned out in a few days, in or- very few were saved by jumping on der to enable the republican contestants stretched canvass. It may safely be THE MILLHEIMJOURNAL to draw salaries and mileage. These said that sixty persons have lest their Furniture, Carpets, Sewing Machines, Is pnWlslifflevery Thursday.tn MusKer'sßntld- contestants, who were de- at republican lives and thirty are seriously injured. lng, owner of Main and Pcnn streets ques- AT TUB feated at the election beyond all Tom Thumb and party were saved. China and Silverware, &c. 11.00 PER ANNUM, IN ADVANCE serve aUiut six tion or doubt, will The scenes at the morgue, where Or fl 25 if not paid in advance. dollars weeks and draw ten thousand thirty-two bodies ace lying in a gastly each and mileage. That is away the immense stock at heap on the floor of a small 100m, aie For the next two weeks wo will offer our a republican m inagers have of preserving ADTEE TJSTXCT 111TES. heartrending beyond human power of great reduction from 1 week. 1 mo. S mo. 6 mo. 1 year. "the grand old party.''? Pat riot. 1 souare Ifl00 $2 00 1 $:100| frlflOl #0 00 description. A strong police is nec< s- Wco umn,"' V<W 400 S (Hi 11000115 00 , ! I 5 (10 SOO 12 00 120 001 55 00 : Pennsylvania's Governors. sary to keep ai xions ii quivers in line. H column! (Hi 00 00 j fOO 12 00 | 20 00 85 | ; column,:! I I at. tlii3 time alien there is so Nineteen bodies beyond recognition. It ORIGINAL COST. One inch makes a square. Administrator* ? Just ad- was a touching scene to see the bride of and Executors" Notices 52.50. TaanHent much discussion g oirg on in the state of everv description, and Suits, vertisements kiid locals 10 cents per line for anight Consisting Furniture of Parlor Chamber .vl- governors and cabinets and in- upon the cold marble floor, ftrst insertion and 5 cents per line tor each about Library, I lining- Room and Kitchen Furniture. Chairs. Lounges, Patent Altlnnal insertion. some historical points con- charred and butised with a look of an- Job Work done on short rotlce. augurations Hookers, Rattan and Heed Chairs in great variety. Mattresses of the guish depicted: 011 her delicate fea- cerning former governors may prove of curled hair to the cheapest straw. Springs of eyery description. & BIMILIiER, tures. It is she was a Mies Sutton, finest DEINIWER interett. The lion. Robeit E. Putti- said An unusual large stock of Editors and Proprietors. son willlie the nineteenth governor of of Chicago, before she married Gilbert, 13 MAIN STREET, LOOK HAVEN, The first who is inconsolable. - --' - - the state of Fen nrylvania. constitution for the government ef The building was considered a death CARPETS, RUGS, MATTS, Dirt Si Snnday ScM Director!. Pennsylvania as a state went into fleet tray, and it sounds like cruel mockery on the '2d day of S ptember, 1790. An to state that the money loss is $500,- Ottomans, Hassocks, Foot Hosts, Commodes Ac. All to be slaughtered Evangelical. OM). election was held under it the following fur TWO WEEKS ONLY previous to taking our annual account of stock. P and J DShortest Preath'i lUrt C Weidemtitr and Thomas of Phila- LATER.? Advices under date of Jan. wo 33000 ot I'loor Space c, Weidemyer preach uext Bun- month Mifflin, When you remember occupy over loct packed Rev. F. will ! state guests d*y evening. \u2666 delphia, who !nd been president of the 13th that there were 110 Gephart.Supt \u25a0nuda# School, m,? Rev.C.F. supreme executive council since Octo- and 67 employes in the hotel at the Missionary Society meets on the second Men- time of the tire, and that the total loss day evening of each month. ber, 1788, was elect<*d and on the twenty- FULL OF STOCK inaugurated of life leaches the fearful tigure of 62. Methodist. first day of December,l79o, you can form an idea of the extent of our stock. \\ e would ndviso all Jtcv. Pirmin Adams Preacher-in-eharffe. as governor in that city of Ptdlartel- who contemplate buying anything in our line for the next year to avail Sunday School at 10H A. M.-P. A Musser, Sui't ceremony." He was : pliia, "with much Li:G\ 11 ADVER TISEMEJVTS. themselves of these bargains while our stock is complete and oui lines un- Reformed. j governor from that time until Deconi- broken. In order to give you some idea of the We A. Teariek . Paster. have just received another Big Stock of Krv. Zirineli ! her, 1790, 11 period of nine yearn, huv- SALES.?By virtue of sundry Preaching Aaronsbum next Sunday eve- * In Thomas SIIMtIFF'Swrits of fieri facias, levari facia* and ven- ning by licy. T. Dorr, of Luzerne county, Pa. ! ing been twice re-elected. ditioniexponas issued out of the Court of Cont- McKeui, Chester, who succeeded mon Plea* of Outre County, ami to mo direct- United Brethren. I of ed, there wiH lie finoseil at public sale in the now House, m on are Court Hollefoutt*. SiTUKDAV, Offering Mifflin, was governor from IVcember, Bargains we JUr.J. G. IF Herald, Preacher-ir*charge. I .1 AM AKV Atth. A. D.. I**3. mi I:3d oVloek, M the following estate of : rrotracted meeting Inprogress. ! 1799, until Dfcemler, 18(8, like his P. , described real Wc quote you some of our Leading Goo 8 the defondants. to w it: Kuuduy School, OA. M? A. K. Alexander, Snnt. pred**cessor. tilling the eflic® for three No. 1. Painted Chamber Suits --$15.00 Heduced from $ 25.00 Lutheran. terms. Fcr the nut three terms, or All that certain messuage, tenement and 28 00 44 ** 40.00 tract of land situate In the township of liush, Solid Walnnt Chamber Suits. Jttr. JohnTomlinson. iMsfor.? < 44 until December, 1819, Simon Snyder, County of Centre and State of iVnmylvani*. 44 4 50.00 preaching in Aaronaburg next Sun- follows, He- Haircloth Parlor Suits---33.00 German bounded and described as to wit: 41 44 day nifirnlng, and iiiMiLhcim In the evening? of Union county, was governor. Will- ginning at sugar on line 4if land in warrantee 41 44 embossed plush parlorsuits 75.00J 125.00 Engliith Findlay, of Franklin county, whs name of Jno. McClellan, tlienee by the Raid 63 41 44 Sunday School at A.M. R.O. Deinlnger.Supt. iam J no. MeClellan and other land in warrantee Extra Super Carpe's 3 .00 44 north east, ' " 44 Augsburg every satur. governor from Decern tier, 1817, to De name of Thomas Allison 160 4 1. 1 0 The Bible Class meets perches, thenee north west,M.H?iol perches, Choice 75 day evening at 7 o'clock. 44 44 ROR T!IK cember, 182" ; Joaeph Iliester, of Bucks thence south west. A' perches, tlienee lifi'V Rag 30 to 00c. 45 to 90 lAdies" Mite Society meets on the tlrst Mon- wcst.tiS perches to Moshaiiuoii Creek, thence Carpets De- " 44 14 day evening of each mouth. county, from December, 1820 to by said creek south 6*° west, :i4 jierches, thence Brussels 50 to 85c. 85 to 1.25 by same north tin® west, 17 perehea, thence south 44 44 ; Andrew Shulit, of cember, 1823 John G'j° perches west 62* 22 perches, theme French china Dinner Stts 75.00 150 00 Lebanon county, from December, 18*23 west 11* perches, Uienee south 351,.* east, 214 18 to 25.00 44 44 40 to 50.00 perches to place of beginning, containing 1 1 Sewing Machines & Society Directory. to December, 1629, two terms ; George acres and 1-2 perches Thereon erected a two- Loiie atmy dwelling house, ham ami other of Northampton county, from frame Winter, Wolf, Seized, in to and 1882-3. buildings. taken execution and Fall Mllltaelm Lodge. No. 955, I. O. O. F. meets 1" & to December, be aold as the property of P. 11. fa!e. 03., Penn Street, every Saturday evening. December, 182 >, 1935, J. R. SMITH liatrlull. No. Rebecca Degree Meeting every Thursday on of Wash- 2. or before the full moon of each mouth. two terms ; Joseph Ritner, All the right, title and Interest of the defend- C. W. HAMMAN, Sec. Jos. DiscKS. N. G. ant, also his life estate in and to all that eertalu 113,112,114 Front street, Milton, Pa. AND WE WILL OFFER THEM FOB ington county, from Decemler, 1835 messuage ground the town and lot of situate In * "\u25a0 "" - " of 11., meets In -- - Pr< vidence Grange, No. 217 P. .. .. .\u25a0 11 Saturday of the third Tuesday of January, of Hubiersburg. Walker township, e'en! re conn- \u25a0 \u25a0 Alexanders block on the second untii containing perches net on * > Sa- tv, Henna.. of land - lU on the fourth each month at IS- r- north side of Malu M. and on the west by . 1839, the beginning of the gubernator- the turday of each mouth at IP. m alley, Sec. G.
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