75 THIS WEEK'S SUPPORTERS Ah Men - 805 Westheimer - 524-1225 Clothes Circuit - 900 Lovett - 523-6131 Restaurants: Tooter's - 2203 Westheimer - 924-9327 This Week In Texas is published weekly VOLUME 1 NUMBER 12 Hair Salon: in Houston, Texas. Opinions expressed Marc' 1 - 906 Westheimer - 529-3773 by columnists are not necessarily the IN TEXAS opinions of This Week or its staff. Photo Studio: Publication of the name or photograph AI Green - 2110 Lexington - 529-1934 of any person or organization in articles Cleaning Service: or advertising in This Week In Texas is Single Service - P.O.Box 1174· Bellaire, Tx not to be constructed as any indication 524-9560 of the sexual orientation of such person Newspaper: or organization. Advertising rates avail- Contact· P.O. Box 70282 . 529·1934 able on request. Call (713) 527·9111, Theater: between 1:00 . 4 :00 PM or write Th is French Quarter· Louisiana & Elgin Week In Texas, P. O. Box 22104, 528-9485 Houston, Texas 77027, Lubbock Lounge: David's Warehouse· 2403 Marshall· 762·9165 McAllen Lounge: Duffy's - 5 South 16th· 686·9144 Odessa - NO SUPPORTERS San Antonio - NO SUPPO RTERS Waco Lounge: The Other End· 2810 N. 19th· 753·9195 Wichita Falls Lounge: Sand Box· 3151 Seymour Hwy .. 322·0866 CHARA' AND NORMA, THE LAMP POST, HOUSTON, TEXAS JUNE21 JUNE 27 THE OFFICIAL GAY GUIDE TO TEXAS This Week: June 21 . June 27 Page20 AROUND THE STATE TH'S WEEK A SELECTIVE GUIDE TO ENTERTAINMENT AND EVENTS OF UN[USUAL INTEREST SATURDAY, JUNE 21 PM. Fourteen sellers will be displaying their merchandise-Fresh vegetables to SAN ANTONIO antiques. Texas Gay Conference II. Featured speak- ers include: Morris Knight, Los Angeles Final day for the "Stampede 3". ~ ~ Gay Community Services Center; Carolyn LU Innes, Gay Nurses Alliance; and Gene CO.RPUS CHRISTI LU ~ ~ .~ Leggett, suspended Methodist minister. Kennel Show,Memorial Coliseum, 402 W. LU Vl Theme: Gays Loving, Living, Learning Shoreline, 8 :00 - 5 :00. Admission $1.00. :c ='::::::: t::j I- <:::: '< Together. 1.1.. l;:~ i:5 1:;' MONDAY, JUNE 23 o ELPASO rJl ~2 LU ~ :3 Disco, variety show at the Apartment, HOUSTON I- 5'~ 8:00 PM. Cover $1.00. ....J -..., •...'. Special Meeting for FROGS, 6 :00 PM, Pa- ~ Vl I:; 0 cific Street Station. Attendance required. « <:::: Q... Z >:'Cl.. DALLAS o {; E: rJl I:; <:::: The Wrangler "Stampede 3" continued. DALLAS ~ '" -.J LU t:: '" Contact Sundance Kids for information. Live Entertainment, Olive Branch Saloon, c, <:::: ~ ~ •.... 9:00PM. I::: <:::: GALVESTON <:::: ~ Mr. Kon Tiki Contest, tonight. Winner Zodiac Party at the Olive Branch Saloon ~ receives $75.00, trophy; First runner-up, for everyone born under the sign of $50.00 and trophy; Second runner-up, Cancer. Prizes and special drinks. Wed- $25.00. The other 10 contestants will nesday, June 25. receive free passes to the Kon Tiki Baths. Oliver and Veronica, emcees. FRIDAY, JUNE 27 SUNDAY, JUNE 22 GALVESTON Fourth Annual Festival USA on the SAN ANTONIO Strand. The two week event includes arts, Conclusion for the Texas Gay Conference crafts, folk music, historical displays, II. special excursions, sporting events, and more. Festival highlight is the Indepen- Photo by: Primus Studio 27 70 Lexington, Houston, Texas 77006 DALLAS dence Day fireworks display on the Beach. Gigantic Flea Market, Act III, Noon to 7 This Week: June 21 - June 27 This Week: June 21 - June 27 ADVERTISER'S INDEX *•••••••••••••••••• * HOUSTON 3018 Monticello • 526-9551 Action Bookstore Page 11 Girls & Guys are Welcome : JIM HOLLOMON'S Adon's Clothing. Page 18 ! Ah Men Clothing Page 17 Bayou Landing Page 8 Briar Patch Page 11 Clothes Circuit Page 13 Club Baths - Houston Page 16 ~~~ RESTAURANT Detour Page 10 DALLAS, TEXAS ! ..:.,PACIFIC ! Dirty Jose's Page 10 &18 Dirty Sallys Page 9 Your Home Away From Home * - * French Quarters Theater Page 9 -31 Fri zbvs Baths Page 18 Beer Wine Set-Ups' * * J. Starbucks Page 7 Lamp Post Page 18 .. Locker Page 17 ! I(?)I AND ! Marc' I Salon Page 9 = Pacific Street Station Page 5 Second Sun Page 11 Daisies $],50 Single Services Page 13 ! STATION SHO BAR ,! Carnations $3,50 Studz News Page 15 Tooters Restaurant Page 17 DALLAS * PRESENTS THE * Bayou Landi ng Page 8 ",----;: --. * * Chucks Page 18 Flo7f.ers By, n . Club Baths - Dallas Page 16 ~rnc. Cornet Theater Page 7 ! MILLION DOLLAR BABIES ! Flowers By Charles Page 4 Highland Lounge Page 4 in Dallas, Texas Swamp Trash Page 4 ! The Talk of the Town ! GALVESTON 109 Gaston Village - Phone 827-7496 New Paradise. Page 4 * JAN, E.D., EARTHA, MIDDLESEX, CHRISTIE * 4100 Block Gaston Avenue FORT WORTH MISTY, BARRY, TIFFANY and TORCHY Bailey Street Wherehouse Page 14 * * * NO COVER CHARGE * * SHOWTIME: 9:30 P.M. Every Night ! ! SUNDAYS: Talent Night and * When in Galveston * Beer Bust 1:00 - 7:00 P.M. * VISIT 213 Kempner (22nd) * HAPPY HOURS - Every Day * * ALL BAR DRINKS 75¢ BEER 55¢ * fRe ne» * Noon to 9:00 P.M. * 3014 HIROCKMORTON • DALLAS, TEXAS. 526.9184 : 805 PACIFIC AT GRANT ! 4aradiae Open' 2,00 PM· 2,00 AM • Sat. & Sun. 12,00 PM· 2,00 PM Mixed Drinks & Dancing Happy Hour: 4:00 PM . 7:00 PM • Beer .40i" Well Drinks .6()( ••••••••••••••••••• This Week: June 21 - June 27 Page 4 This Week: June 21 - June 27 Page 5 CORONET THEATER 2420 N. FITZHUGH (214) 821-9489 all male movies .. free concessions 4v8ryman' OPEN 10:00 a.m. ti112:00 a.m. deserves MEMBERSHIP $1.00 PER YEAR a total experience. ADMISSION $5.00 PER VISIT -- -- Admission only--$3.00 with this J Coupon. Good Sunday thru Tuesday ~ THE of any week. cet:li.ijATH I-- -- - ASBURY PARK, N.J. (201) 776·6266 BALTIMORE (301) 837·6529 BOSTON (617) 426-1451 BUFFALO (716) 835-6711 CAMDEN (609) 964-3861 , CHICAGO (312) 337-0080 CINCINNATI Open '75 CLEVELAND (216) 961-2727 (216) 241-9509 COLUMBUS Open '75 DALLAS (214) 821-1990 D.C., WASHINGTON (202) 488-7317 DETROIT (313) 875-5536 HAMMOND, IND. (219) 931,-2992 HARTFORO, CONN. (203) 289-8318 HOUSTON (713) 229-0156 INDIANAPOLIS (317) 635-5796 JACKSDNVILLE (904) 398-7451 KANSAS CITY, MO. (816) 561-4664 MIAMI (305) 448-2214 MILWAUKEE (414) 276-0246 NEW ORLEANS (504) 581-2402 NEW YORK CITY (212) 673-3283 NEWARK (201) 484-4848 PHILADELPHIA (215) 735-9568 .; PHOENIX (602) 271-9011 J.Starbucks . PITISBURGH (412) 566-1222 ST. LOUIS (314) 367-3163 TAMPA (813) 223-5181 A different kind of place TDLEDO (419) 2,46-3391 In Canada: ... your kind of place. OTTAWA (613) 722-8978 TORONTO (416) 366-2859 HAMILTON (416) 523-1525 'XJ7WESTIiElMER OFF MONTROSE This Week: June 21 - June 27 Page 6 This Week: June 21 - June 27 Page 7 BLOW JOBS HAIR THAT IS ! DiIitS~4A \II.~.ll1tfl.~q 10.00 ~ tttt Itnl(A' D~~~A~~ MatT! D~~aIPs! ~~~A . ..• ml!m!l !.II!~I! EL.ECTROLYSIS SKIN CARE Happy Hour 4PM to 7PM Daily HOUSTON Sunday - Free Buffet - Beer Bust - Show Monday - 25~ Draft Beer - No Cover 2020 KIPLING Tuesday - Half Price Bar Drinks & Beer - No Cover MARC' I Wednesday - Show Night - No Cover AN AMBISEXTEROUS Thurs<by - Half Price Bar Drinks & Beer - No Cover HAIR SALON 526-8951 Friday & Saturday - Best Disco Action in the South West Ulcer - Entertainer of the Year 906 WESTHE'''''ER 529-3773 AWilirds, Mr. Gay Texas Contest, liberty Costume Ball, Miss HOUSTON. TEXAS 77006 529-3774 Bavou Landing Pageant PAUL LEWIS, MANAGER - DIG THE PORNO SCENE?? ~~,p-~<Af{.1~~~Q TRY THE po ~ultnltA' f¥wnclt 2luaJei! !! MttT.' 6jjouJI/ !£OtflefYlte r!J)ifleienC~ ~~ ~ ~ !£oun'le Jil1ea~ !.II!~I! v ml!m! ~ rlJ)aiiat!,-condtlioned COJnfoU~ Open 4PM Daily Sunday - Free Buffet - Beer Bust - Show DALLAS Monday - Bar Drinks & Beer, Half Price Wednesday - Show Night GAY OWNED Thursday, Friday. Saturday - Super Disco 2609 N. PEARL ria;? ~ufilej A HAROLD PECK, MANAGER 742-3269 $4.00 V A NO OPERATED LOUISIANA & ELGIN PH.528-9485 This Week: June 21 - June 27 Page 8 This Week: June 21 - June 27 Page 9 '~20TAFT ATw. ClAY' ~7Jit~~ H()U$10N, \ex~17019 ACTION P\"'oY\e 519·8057 BOOKSTORE 4613 MT. VERNON ~;~~~~~~~~~\-\~99~ "OllR 524 -5612 w\"\\.,\"'~\\!IA'b. '1-1 MaN· F-., OPEN 24 HOURS - 7 DAYS A WEEK ., lHUIAI-l FRE£ 6UfffT P~\NC.~S~" Sa\uf.a.,~'."M M'Q.. Go-Go biW".'" Ri~~iliR~Now O,eM 'O~-4~ Y'All COAlEON NOW & * OPEN MON - SAT SUN PLAN YOUR fUN WITH US AT 7 am /2 am * SUNDAYS t z noo n v z am ~ * SUNDAY BRUNCH $2.50 e: 12/3 pm "c--:::--~ * SATURDAYS - -~ ~ SCREWS & BLOODYS /Ill/ln." ~ ----::~ 50¢ till 7 pm ~ KNOWN FOR THE CLASS WE KEEP * COCKTAIL HOUR 11 MON/FRI-10am/ 12 noon and 5 pm / "y. 7 pm - BAR DRINKS 50¢ / BEER 50¢ 6R\At. P",.CH lfirMOfffE * STEAK NIGHT EVERY THURSDAY ffJffflfOVffl 7 pm / 9 prn Sunday - BLOODY MARYS· .50 cents (2 :00 PM -600 PM) Everyday· HAPPY HOUR - (10:00 AM· 7:00 PM) ill Houstoll THANKS TERRY 1504 Westheimer for the FROGS- THE FROGS ARE Ric & Jerry 528-9552 COMING!!! 2294 West Holcombe WELCOME YOU 665·9678 This Week: June 21 . June 27 Page 10 This Week: June 21 - June 27 Page 11 THE LAUNDRY PROBLEMS? " !I !I ~~ in HOUSTON call 1~C\\~ FRDCiS 524-9560.8-5 PM (M-F) ~s Special Meetings for all FROG contestants ~\~~c~ June 23 - 6:00 PM Pacific Street Station Houston, Texas July 14 - 6:00 PM The Detour Houston, Texas ATTENDANCE REQUIRED FIRST ANNUAL FROGS AWARDS JULY 21 - 8:30PM Wash, Dry, Fold Only 40T per lb. Peaches - Easter Hat at the (average $6.00 per week) winner at the Detour, FREE PICK-UP & DELIVERY KON TIKI - GALVESTON Houston, Texas Montrose/Memorial/SW area only FOR TICKETS AND RESERVATIONS WANTE D: Sub-contractors, CONTACT Salesmen, Laundry and Office Help.
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