Thursday, February 16, 1961 THE PRESS Page A-2 Local HS Grad Torrance Youth Bands High Named to Honor ..oil at Academy On Annual Festival Rosier The ToiTitnce Area Youth International Order of Fores- Michael Robbins, 1900 Band and the Torrance Jim- tors Robin Hood Band, David South Ugh School graduate, I Youth Band, both under JBnskerville, director; Los An- was placed on the dean's list,! geles Police Junior Band, commandant's list, and super-' direction of James Van Dyck, took part in the annual Ralph II. Kelly, director; Los intendent's list during the fall Angeles Countv S h e r i f f's semester of his studies at the adjudication festival of Ihe California Youth Band Coun- Youth Band, Sgt. H. A. Fleish- U.S. Air Force Academy at cil Feb. 11. |er, director; Kast Los Angeles Colorado Springs, Colo,, ac­ Festival was held at San Youth Band. Fred Ettari. di- cording to word received Fernando State College, rector; Hawthorne Area here. Twenty youth bands from a\l Youth Band. Frederick T. The listings indicated that of' Southern California Morgan, director; Lakewood he ranked in the upper one-; parts participated in the festival. Pan American Youth Band. quarter of his class both aca-i Elden DcLong, director; and demically and in performance Under the direction of The Burbank Police Boys of cadet duty. Appointed to Charles Payne, general Judg-| Ran(1 Ben Porter, director. the Air Force Academy by ing chairman, with the assis- ' Hep. Cecil R. King, he served tance of percussion judge Hal as student body president at Reese, woodwind judge Rust Announce Guest South High and was active Cheever, and brass judge in many other activities. John Clyman, all bands will Speaker at be rated and classified accord­ ing to age of members, abili­ Chamber Meet tyo<r ofv,, individual„„,.,.„ _. performers,,,-_----. , Tuesday, February 21, the and musical performance by General meeting of the Lomi W. ft. Zappai, Publlthtr the entire band. ta Chamber of Commerce will Established April 14, 1949 Published Semi-Weekly Thursday ano All bands participating in feature Paul J. Schotanus as? National Science Founda­ Sunday Entered as second class matter YEAR'S STUDY Honored by the Oct. «. 1957, at Post Office. Torrsnce, Call the Festival will automatical- speaker, tion, which has awarded him a full ear's study, is Dr. Robert fornla under act of March 3. 1879 ly be eligible to appear in the Schotanus is a ™Pe™*™ Adjudicated a leoal newspaper oy iu W. Long o f El Camino College. He is the fourth ECC n­ perior Court, Los Anotles County, Calif. Youth Band Show in the Hoi- at the Torrance oft ice of the Adjudicated Decree No. L B 73361. Apr!' structor to receive such an award. t. \95». Ivwood Bowl in June. This department fo ernp oyment. Offices and Plant: program, one of the most His topic, is "The Role of the 3731 W Sepulveda Blvd. Torrance. California unique of its kind in the na- Employment Security Agency ______Telephone: DA 5-1515 ^ ___^ Mike CalTas, Advertlsln« ManateT ' dans playing in mass. Meeting will be held dur­ El Camino Teacher Wins Jay DeLany, Classified Manager 18. Mrs. Robert Olson and Mrs. George Pin* ing a luncheon at the Way­ William E. Edmond, Managing Editor COOKIE SALE Brownie Troop, sponsored OTHER ENTRIES Subscription Mates by Halldale PTA, will be selling cookies at nell are leaders of the troop. farers Restaurant, 2230 Pad- (Payable In advance) Science Faculty Award Carrier Delivery 4$c Mr Meirtti Douglas and Safeway market Saturday, Feb. reSRM^TE '"--«< "»»i »>«• —ta- L0cal and Ouf-of Town, per Year tli.O* Sepul- Public is invited according have been recipients of these All manuscripts submitted at owner's veda Youth Band, Claude Dr. Robert \V. Long, rnem- risk, the Torrance Press can accept ne COULD BE DEATH I slight, but the penalty for not to Edward Gregory, Jr.. P>'«-^'VThTehemisinthe chemistry faculty Bernard Pipkin is ' SDonslblHty for their return Lakey, director; Glendale gram chairman and manager t El Camino If there is any doubt at yielding could be death, Lomita Chamber Youth Band, David Olson, Di­ at El Use Press classified ads to to —————————— of the Torrance office of the a, , under, „, . °a National ! buy, rent or sell. Phone all, the CHP says, yield rector; Claudhoppers Youth Southerno .1 California/•< IT • Gas,ri Co.f i study under a DA 5-1515. the other car. The delay is Use classified. Call DA 5-1515 Reemploys Band, Claude Lakey, director; Seymour "' ?rman, first-:.._.!ence i e"^ ^daV°n fSdfu Cfi or?" ^el studied last year .. Moy's Club Band of Pasadena, the Lomita ™lty fellowship for the 1%1- UCLA d th auspiccs of Walter Laursen, director; president omitaa R-?62 academicuoaHpmir vear.year, William T.T UloWg grantrtf.ant . Former Manager £S£ Yiuth Band, Ch.mW.nd oV™ of the assistant director of ——8 Tom testerDodson, Youindirector; H anWesti;'^'"^ a membershil -"M .rommitt—••;••••——•ee, will-• — j instruction, announced today. At the last meeting of the Dodson, director; West i ™»-*.»..e.™ De»i ,J' "*.* » »«' * *»-\IM*IO yno tin r\ r\r*ou£kfif^rnKpnt Ttn O I * board of directors of the Lo­ ,. t National Science Founda- mita Chamber of Commerce, warte,Beach Youthdirector; Band Manhattan! Robert !newlllv- members'•-••••-••--- andr getting-- r - the^, ll.. «n ^pt.ult>i^apl .i4 V fellowships&vnn\v«hin»j aiearp B. Kenneth Gibson, former "eacri ioutn Hand, Kobtit. ,,. inlerrsted *n th(V ar_ offered to provide opportum- manager of the Chamber, was Stoebel, director; Son's Long Pu ?' lc interested m tru. ai H members reemployed to serve full time. Beach Junior Concert Band twjtie. of the organisation. g to *ien« ^^^ ™ Gibson was manager from T^South °^ Stv^ovUh GASOLINE TAXES [heir specialized fields of stie did-'nt 1958 to 1000 and re-signed to Bandme otJuiuT^lo FvmanniJdie VxUv Hirrrlor luuui ' Senator.< . ByrdT% , r e c e n 11, i y j knn\vlpdi?pdKnowieugeu or broadenrjiociiieu theiruieu go into private business. Jan­ Bam, Dale Lymann dnectoi. J J scope m reiated fields. The forget tier uary 19(51, he was taken back Other bands participating [ now total almost 50 award consists of payment of part time; but agreed to take included: The Santa l;c| Q^ of the ^^ ice the instructor's salary for one the full time duties in Feb­ Springs Youth Band, C al j of the fuel.fue Hee added:ae; "High-. vear and avowingallowing him to ruary. Caugherty, director; Long wav users are paying thest. " . I studi? I nrl -V in the graduate school Mrs. Viola Currier, the of­ Beach Junior Concert Band. tremendous sums to buildmi a» °^ n ^s cnoice during that time, high- ^r> L°nK W'H study recent ad- fice secretary in 1060. has re­ Marvin M. Marker, director;i . of modern, signed to take full time em­ ^1 . •..• . speednetwork state and Federal himi- van-es in chemistry and ployment elsewhere. She will Note Hike in , "'• --i-iiomiralchcMTiical education at the ways. 1 am not altogether ("alifornia Institute of Tech­ be in the office until Feb­ convinced that they are get­ ruary 17, when she will take Realty Sales ting their money's worth. I nology during the term of his vacation for the rest of the For January ;tm. in fact, gravely suspi- grant. month before she takes up The multiple listing M-ivu-t- dous that, some of their SECOND TO WIN her other duties. of the Torrance Lomita Board i money is being wated in gin- , Dr- LonK 1S lhe second El of Realtors broke all records'gorbread design and extrava- ( ;tniino College chemistry ta- Program Chairman Edward iculty member to receive the Gregory, Jr. outlined the for sales during the month of ( gances and, what is worse, | fellowship. Jack Hileman is plans for the year. General January 1!W1,, according to some of it disappearing {" i currently on leave while at- membership meetings will Delbert Vaughn president, 'loose administrative practices, , • on his N.C.F. continue to be held each third with total sales amounting to' irregularities and profiteer- tending LCLA ^rnt> PROFITS ARE Tuesday with a noon lunch­ $1, 080,100. ing. And the costs, far from Long earned his A.B. eon at the Wayfarers Restaur­ The February sales, start- (going down or even remain- at Indiana State MIGHTY POWERFUL ant. ing with the first week, ing the same, keep going up degree Colle.Ke »nd . his EACH ACCOUNT ,The committee also plans to amounted to $489,732 and all and up." PRD * .de8rTcc. ln . chemistry INSURED UP TO $10,000 ihave three evening meetings indications1I1V1 IV.O I.IVM in pointjyv^...v to»v, a„ contin--.^. ..---. f °™ the University o Call- AT SOUTHWEST SAVINGS this year when large scale ued rise in this fast growing PLAY SAFELY •;--—-. „,,-,, board. i Pointed objects, falls and forma at Berkeley. He was GIFTS programs will be presented. Statistics for the past 4 i hard blows cause nearly 80 employed as a research chem- It's that powerful 4Hx that makes the big profit. And the more you save, years- j per cent of eye injuries ist for the Union Oil Company the greater your earnings. So move slow moving savings and no-profit GOOD VISIBILITY -~.« *«.,« , n*_ i.......„„ ^uiiriron 'T^«rh vour °f California for eight years Checking accounts to Southwest Savings now. You'll find your insured BLUE CHIP Good visibility is essential January 1058. $138,400; among children. prior to commencing teaching Southwest account is the soundest, most profitable investment of all. January 1050.
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