PRINCIPLES OF LIFE FROM THE WORD OF GOD PRINCIPLES OF LIFE FROM THE WORD OF GOD A Systematic Study of the Major Doctrines of the Bible Prepared by and Published for The Department of Education General Conference of Seventh-day Adventists PACIFIC PRESS PUBLISHING ASSOCIATION Mountain View, California Omaha, Nebraska Copyright, 1952, by Pacific Press Publishing Association „-„ Asa,: HA sagPACIFIC1 SIBN AS PRINTED IN USA 1444441 emeleigeace ej Sepead-eteut Alpeateal DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION 6840 EASTERN AVENUE N. W E. E. COSSENTINE. SECRETARY TACOMA PARK G. M. MATHEWS. ASSOCIATE SECRETARY WASHINGTON It. D. C. L. R. RASMUSSEN. ASSOCI.ATE SECRET•R• K. J. REYNOLDS. ASSOCIATE SECRETARY TELEPHONE. GEORGIA 0000 ARABELLA MOORE wILLIAMS.ASSISTANT SECRETARY Dear Student: We have come to the "last days," and, if we are to have a part in the new earth with the redeemed of all ages, we must study God's word to know how to live in times like these. Time was when de- cisions could be made over a longer period of time, but today impor- tant decisions are made in split seconds. If our decisions are to be what we shall want them to be, we must know of a surety what we believe and why. This new book, "Principles of Life From the Word of God," has been written for the express purpose of giving you the facts upon which to make your everyday decisions and to solve life's complex problems. It is written for you. The greater part of the evi- dences cited are from the Bible or the spirit of prophecy--our two main sources of divine wisdom. The book is divided into sixteen units; these are not of equal length. There are one hundred twenty-two lessons. Neither are they of equal length. The lessons are set up in such a way as to be easily studied and understood: (1) If there is a memory verse, it is boxed off at the beginning of the lesson; (2) each lesson begins with a bold-faced statement, taken in all but a few cases from the spirit of prophecy--this statement is the lesson in a nutshell; (3) a careful study of the subject, usually under subtitle headings; and (4) a summarization of the subject, usually with spirit of prophecy statements. At the close of almost every lesson there are a few texts called "key" texts, the content of which you should put well in your memory. This book is put in your hands with the sincere prayer that it will help you both in this life and in the life to come. Yours in the Master's name, The Bible Doctrines Textbook Committee. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS The authors of this book, Principles of Life From the Word of God, are especially indebted to the pioneers of the Seventh-day Adventist Church for many of the fundamental beliefs held and taught by that church. They "were keen, noble, and true, . [and] . searched for the truth as for hidden treasure." Commenting on their experience, Ellen G. White wrote: We would come together burdened in soul, praying that we might be one in faith and doctrine; for we knew that Christ is not divided. One point at a time was made the subject of investigation. The Scriptures were opened with a sense of awe. Often we fasted, that we might be better fitted to understand the truth. After earnest prayer, if any point was not understood it was discussed, and each one expressed his opinion freely; then we would again bow in prayer, and earnest supplications went up to heaven that God would help us to see eye to eye, that we might be one as Christ and the Father are one. Many tears were shed. We spent many hours in this way. Sometimes the entire night was spent in solemn investigation of the Scriptures, that we might understand the truth for our time. On some occasions the Spirit of God would come upon me, and difficult portions were made clear through God's appointed way, and then there was per- fect harmony. We were all of one mind and one spirit.—Testimonies to Ministers, 24:2 to 25:1. Indebtedness is also expressed to the many who, through the years, have added to what was found in those early days; and, for the purposes of this book, special indebtedness is recognized for the labors of 0. A. Johnson and Charles A. Burman for their books in Bible Doctrines that have been "source books" for all others who have written on the subject. The books of these two, together with others of shorter duration, have served our students up to the present time. Principles of Life From the Word of God, is the result of the co- operative efforts of a group selected by the General Conference Com- mittee, presenting material from various sources. Valuable suggestions, both as to content and form, have come from teachers with a wealth of classroom experience, as well as from students who have used these lessons in mimeographed form. To all these, acknowledgment is grate- fully made. Lowell R. Rasmussen, associate secretary of the Department of Edu- cation of the General Conference, was chosen by the General Conference Committee to guide and inspire the teachers and editors in their work. His services have been greatly appreciated by those charged with the direct responsibility of producing this book. Indebtedness is recognized to the several academies and union con- ferences which loaned the services of the teachers in the preparation vii PRINCIPLES OF LIFE of the material, and especially to Horace E. Weaver, who served as senior member of the committee; to H. T. Terry, whose untiring services were appreciated; to D. W. Curry, who was able to work with the com- mittee but one short month; and to Robert Francis, to whom the commit- tee is especially grateful for his suggestions of many of the illustrations. Special obligation is recognized for the long and untiring hours of John M. Howell, who guided the activities of the committee, and who, besides carrying other heavy duties, edited the book in its present form, comparing, correcting, and guiding in the preparation of the manuscript. Since this is the first book on the doctrines of this denomination to be prepared under the auspices of the General Conference, a surveying committee, whose duty it has been to see that the work represents ac- curately the teachings of this denomination, was appointed. It consisted of A. V. Olson, chairman; Roger Altman, associate chairman; E. E. Roenfelt, secretary, H. F. Brown; D. A. Delafield; E. W. Dunbar; E. B. Hare; T. E. Lucas; D. E. Rebok; D. E. Robinson; G. E. Vandeman, and H. F. Yost. This committee has read carefully the lessons. Credit must also be given for the special statements of fundamental belief which precede the several units. These were taken from the Church Manual, published by the General Conference of Seventh-day Adventists, pages 29 to 36. Certain conjunctions were eliminated to make the paragraphs more adequate for the places in which they were used. Indebtedness is also acknowledged to the Ellen G. White Publica- tions and to the Seventh-day Adventist Theological Seminary for the use of their files and library facilities, as well as to the General Conference Committee which has so willingly and faithfully supported the depart- ment in its efforts to present this valuable material to the young people of the denomination, and to any others who may wish to make use of it. That it may be a source of special help to all who have the opportunity of using it, especially to the youth of this great movement in preparing them for their lifework and for a home in those "mansions" Jesus has gone to prepare, is the desire of— THE DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION OF THE GENERAL CONFERENCE OF SEVENTH-DAY ADVENTISTS. E. E. COSSENTINE, SECRETARY OF EDUCATION. TABLE OF CONTENTS To the Student Acknowledgments vii Table of Contents ix Unit 1. The Bible Is the Word of God 1 Lesson 1. How We Got Our Bible 3 Chart I. Divisions of the Bible 9 Lesson 2. Inspiration of the Bible 10 Lesson 3. The Purpose of the Bible 13 Lesson 4. Power of the Word of God 16 Lesson 5. How to Study the Bible 19 Lesson 6. The Bible Is the Word of God (Summary of Unit 1) 23 Unit 2. "The Whole Family in Heaven and Earth" 27 Lesson 7. The Godhead or Trinity 28 Lesson 8. "My Father and Your Father" 32 Lesson 9. The Angels 35 Lesson 10. The Beginning of Evil 38 Lesson 11. Creation 42 Lesson 12. The Fall of Man 46 Lesson 13. The Whole Family in Heaven and Earth (Summary of Unit 2) 49 Unit 3. "The Way, the Truth, and the Life" 53 Lesson 14. Deliverance From Sin Promised 54 Lesson 15. Deliverance Through Christ 58 Lesson 16. The Love of God 62 Lesson 17. Predestination-Free Choice 65 Lesson 18. Repentance 68 Lesson 19. Confession 71 Lesson 20. Forgiveness 74 Lesson 21. Born Again 77 Lesson 22. Baptism 80 Lesson 23. "The Way, the Truth, and the Life" (Summary of Unit 3) 83 Unit 4. "The Righteousness of God" 87 Lesson 24. Faith 89 Lesson 25. Righteousness by Faith 92 Lesson 26. Sanctification 96 Lesson 27. Christian Growth 99 ix PRINCIPLES OF LIFE Lesson 28. Prayer 103 Lesson 29. "The Righteousness of God" (Summary of Unit 4) 107 Unit 5. Man's Duty to God 111 Lesson 30. Origin and Purpose of God's Law 112 Lesson 31.
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