368EN Official Journal of the European Union 20.12.2006 COUNCIL DIRECTIVE 2006/105/EC of 20 November 2006 adapting Directives 73/239/EEC, 74/557/EEC and 2002/83/EC in the field of environment, by reason of the accession of Bulgaria and Romania THE COUNCIL OF THE EUROPEAN UNION, Article 2 Having regard to the Treaty establishing the European Com- 1. Member States shall bring into force the laws, regulations munity, and administrative provisions necessary to comply with this Having regard to the Treaty of Accession of Bulgaria and Directive by the date of accession of Bulgaria and Romania to Romania (1), and in particular Article 4(3) thereof, the European Union at the latest. They shall forthwith commu- nicate to the Commission the text of those provisions and a Having regard to the Act of Accession of Bulgaria and correlation table between those provisions and this Directive. Romania, and in particular Article 56 thereof, Having regard to the proposal from the Commission, When Member States adopt those provisions, they shall contain a reference to this Directive or shall be accompanied by such Whereas: reference on the occasion of their official publication. The methods of making such reference shall be laid down by (1) Pursuant to Article 56 of the Act of Accession, where Member States. acts of the institutions remain valid beyond 1 January 2007, and require adaptation by reason of accession, 2. Member States shall communicate to the Commission the and the necessary adaptations have not been provided text of the main provisions of national law which they adopt in for in the Act of Accession or its Annexes, the necessary the field covered by this Directive. acts are to be adopted by the Council, unless the Commission adopted the original act. (2) The Final Act of the Conference which drew up the Article 3 Treaty of Accession indicated that the High Contracting Parties had reached political agreement on a set of adap- This Directive shall enter into force subject to and on the date tations to acts adopted by the institutions required by of the entry into force of the Treaty of Accession of Bulgaria reason of accession and invited the Council and the and Romania. Commission to adopt these adaptations before accession, completed and updated where necessary to take account Article 4 of the evolution of the law of the Union. (3) Directives 79/409/EEC (2), 92/43/EEC (3), 97/68/EC (4), This Directive is addressed to the Member States. 2001/80/EC (5) and 2001/81/EC (6) should therefore be amended accordingly, HAS ADOPTED THIS DIRECTIVE: Done at Brussels, 20 November 2006 Article 1 For the Council Directives 79/409/EEC, 92/43/EEC, 97/68/EC, 2001/80/EC and The President 2001/81/EC shall be amended as set out in the Annex. J. KORKEAOJA (1) OJ L 157, 21.6.2005, p. 11. (2) OJ L 103, 25.4.1979, p. 1. (3) OJ L 206, 22.7.1992, p. 7. (4) OJ L 59, 27.2.1998, p. 1. (5) OJ L 309, 27.11.2001, p. 1. (6) OJ L 309, 27.11.2001, p. 22. 20.12.2006 EN Official Journal of the European Union 369 ANNEX ENVIRONMENT A. NATURE PROTECTION PODICIPEDIFORMES Podicipedidae 1. 31979 L 0409: Council Directive 79/409/EEC of 2 April 1979 on the conservation of wild birds (OJ L 103, 25.4.1979, p. 1), as Podiceps auritus amended by: PROCELLARIIFORMES — 11979 H: Act concerning the conditions of accession and the adjustments to the Treaties — Accession of the Hellenic Procellariidae Republic (OJ L 291, 19.11.1979, p. 17), Pterodroma madeira — 31981 L 0854: Council Directive 81/854/EEC of 19.10.1981 (OJ L 319, 7.11.1981, p. 3), Pterodroma feae Bulweria bulwerii — 11985 I: Act concerning the conditions of accession and the adjustments to the Treaties — Accession of the Kingdom of Calonectris diomedea Spain and the Portuguese Republic (OJ L 302, 15.11.1985, p. 23), Puffinus puffinus mauretanicus (Puffinus mauretanicus) Puffinus yelkouan — 31985 L 0411: Commission Directive 85/411/ EEC of 25.7.1985 (OJ L 233, 30.8.1985, p. 33), Puffinus assimilis — 31986 L 0122: Council Directive 86/122/ EEC of 8.4.1986 Hydrobatidae (OJ L 100, 16.4.1986, p. 22), Pelagodroma marina — 31990 L 0656: Council Directive 90/656/EEC of 4.12.1990 Hydrobates pelagicus (OJ L 353, 17.12.1990, p. 59), Oceanodroma leucorhoa — 31991 L 0244: Commission Directive 91/244/EEC of 6.3.1991 Oceanodroma castro (OJ L 115, 8.5.1991, p. 41), — 31994 L 0024: Council Directive 94/24/ EC of 8.6.1994 PELECANIFORMES (OJ L 164, 30.6. 1994, p. 9), Pelecanidae — 11994 N: Act concerning the conditions of accession and the Pelecanus onocrotalus adjustments to the Treaties — Accession of the Republic of Austria, the Republic of Finland and the Kingdom of Sweden Pelecanus crispus (OJ C 241, 29.8.1994, p. 21), Phalacrocoracidae — 31997 L 0049: Commission Directive 97/49/EC of 29.7.1997 Phalacrocorax aristotelis desmarestii (OJ L 223, 13.8.1997, p. 9), Phalacrocorax pygmeus — 12003 T: Act concerning the conditions of accession and the adjustments to the Treaties — Accession of the Czech CICONIIFORMES Republic, the Republic of Estonia, the Republic of Cyprus, the Republic of Latvia, the Republic of Lithuania, the Republic of Ardeidae Hungary, the Republic of Malta, the Republic of Poland, the Republic of Slovenia and the Slovak Republic (OJ L 236, Botaurus stellaris 23.9.2003, p. 33), Ixobrychus minutus — 32003 R 0807: Council Regulation (EC) No 807/2003 of Nycticorax nycticorax 14.4.2003 (OJ L 122, 16.5.2003, p. 36). Ardeola ralloides Annexes I, II/1, II/2, III/1 and III/2 are replaced by the following: Egretta garzetta Egretta alba (Ardea alba) ‘ПРИЛОЖЕНИЕ I — ANEXO I — PŘÍLOHA I –BILAG I — ANHANG I — I LISA — ΠΑΡΑΡΤΗΜΑ I — ANNEX I — Ardea purpurea ANNEXE I — ALLEGATO I — I PIELIKUMS — I PRIEDAS — I. MELLÉKLET — ANNESS I — BIJLAGE I — ZAŁĄCZNIK I — Ciconiidae ANEXO I — ANEXA I — PRÍLOHA I — PRILOGA I — LIITE I Ciconia nigra — BILAGA I Ciconia ciconia (a) Threskiornithidae GAVIIFORMES Plegadis falcinellus Gaviidae Platalea leucorodia Gavia stellata PHOENICOPTERIFORMES Gavia arctica Phoenicopteridae Gavia immer Phoenicopterus ruber 370EN Official Journal of the European Union 20.12.2006 ANSERIFORMES Falconidae Falco naumanni Anatidae Falco vespertinus Cygnus bewickii (Cygnus columbianus bewickii) Falco columbarius Cygnus cygnus Falco eleonorae Anser albifrons flavirostris Falco biarmicus Anser erythropus Falco cherrug Branta leucopsis Falco rusticolus Branta ruficollis Falco peregrinus Tadorna ferruginea GALLIFORMES Marmaronetta angustirostris Tetraonidae Aythya nyroca Bonasa bonasia Polysticta stelleri Lagopus mutus pyrenaicus Mergus albellus (Mergellus albellus) Lagopus mutus helveticus Oxyura leucocephala Tetrao tetrix tetrix Tetrao urogallus FALCONIFORMES Phasianidae Pandionidae Alectoris graeca Pandion haliaetus Alectoris barbara Accipitridae Perdix perdix italica Pernis apivorus Perdix perdix hispaniensis Elanus caeruleus GRUIFORMES Milvus migrans Turnicidae Milvus milvus Turnix sylvatica Haliaeetus albicilla Gruidae Gypaetus barbatus Grus grus Neophron percnopterus Rallidae Gyps fulvus Porzana porzana Aegypius monachus Porzana parva Circaetus gallicus Porzana pusilla Crex crex Circus aeruginosus Porphyrio porphyrio Circus cyaneus Fulica cristata Circus macrourus Otididae Circus pygargus Tetrax tetrax Accipiter gentilis arrigonii Chlamydotis undulata Accipiter nisus granti Otis tarda Accipiter brevipes CHARADRIIFORMES Buteo rufinus Recurvirostridae Aquila pomarina Himantopus himantopus Aquila clanga Recurvirostra avosetta Aquila heliaca Burhinidae Aquila adalberti Burhinus oedicnemus Aquila chrysaetos Glareolidae Hieraaetus pennatus Cursorius cursor Hieraaetus fasciatus Glareola pratincola 20.12.2006 EN Official Journal of the European Union 371 Charadriidae STRIGIFORMES Charadrius alexandrinus Strigidae Charadrius morinellus (Eudromias morinellus) Bubo bubo Pluvialis apricaria Nyctea scandiaca Hoplopterus spinosus Surnia ulula Scolopacidae Glaucidium passerinum Calidris alpina schinzii Strix nebulosa Strix uralensis Philomachus pugnax Asio flammeus Gallinago media Aegolius funereus Limosa lapponica Numenius tenuirostris CAPRIMULGIFORMES Tringa glareola Caprimulgidae Xenus cinereus (Tringa cinerea) Caprimulgus europaeus Phalaropus lobatus APODIFORMES Laridae Apodidae Larus melanocephalus Apus caffer Larus genei CORACIIFORMES Larus audouinii Alcedinidae Larus minutus Alcedo atthis Sternidae Coraciidae Gelochelidon nilotica (Sterna nilotica) Coracias garrulus Sterna caspia Sterna sandvicensis PICIFORMES Sterna dougallii Picidae Sterna hirundo Picus canus Sterna paradisaea Dryocopus martius Sterna albifrons Dendrocopos major canariensis Dendrocopos major thanneri Chlidonias hybridus Dendrocopos syriacus Chlidonias niger Dendrocopos medius Alcidae Dendrocopos leucotos Uria aalge ibericus Picoides tridactylus PTEROCLIFORMES PASSERIFORMES Pteroclididae Alaudidae Pterocles orientalis Chersophilus duponti Pterocles alchata Melanocorypha calandra Calandrella brachydactyla COLUMBIFORMES Galerida theklae Columbidae Lullula arborea Columba palumbus azorica Motacillidae Columba trocaz Anthus campestris Columba bollii Troglodytidae Columba junoniae Troglodytes troglodytes fridariensis 372EN Official Journal of the European Union 20.12.2006 Muscicapidae (Turdinae) ПРИЛОЖЕНИЕ II/1 — ANEXO II/1 — PŘÍLOHA II/1 –BILAG II/ 1 — ANHANG II/1 — II/1 LISA — ΠΑΡΑΡΤΗΜΑ II/1 — Luscinia svecica ANNEX II/1 — ANNEXE II/1 — ALLEGATO II/1 — II/1. PIELI- KUMS — II/1 PRIEDAS — II/1. MELLÉKLET — ANNESS II/1 — Saxicola dacotiae BIJLAGE II/1 — ZAŁĄCZNIK II/1 — ANEXO II/1 — ANEXA II/1 Oenanthe leucura — PRÍLOHA II/1 — PRILOGA II/1 — LIITE II/1 — BILAGA II/1
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