Claudio Lomnitz 1 Claudio Lomnitz Curriculum Vitae Current Employment: Campbell Family Professor of Anthropology Director, Center for Mexican Studies Columbia University Address: Department of Anthropology Columbia University 452 Schermerhorn Extension 1200 Amsterdam Avenue New York, NY 10027 EDUCATION: Licenciado: Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana, Mexico City, 1978. MA: Anthropology, Stanford University, 1979 Ph.D.: Anthropology, Stanford University, 1987. Additional Graduate Work: Ecole de Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales (Paris), 1981-1982. BOOKS: 1982 Evolución de una sociedad rural. México: Sepochentas #27 (SEP/Fondo de Cultura Económica). 1992 Exits from the Labyrinth: Culture and Ideology in the Mexican National Space. Berkeley: University of California Press. {Spanish translation, Las salidas del laberinto: Antropología de la sociedad nacional. Mexico: Joaquín Mortiz, 1995; reprinted 1999} 1999 Modernidad indiana: 9 ensayos sobre nación y mediación en México. Mexico: Planeta. 2001 Deep Mexico, Silent Mexico: An Anthropology of Nationalism. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press. 2005 Death and of the Idea of Mexico. New York: Zone Books Spanish translation, Idea de la muerte en México, Fondo de Cultura Económica, 2006, winner of the 2007 Antonio García Cubas award for the best scientific contribution in Anthropology and History, and the annual Feria del Libro de Antropología e Historia, a book fair that brings together over 150 publishers from throughout Latin America; Winner of the CANIERM prize 2007 for finest sociological essay (currently on its third edition). 2010 El antisemitismo y la ideología de la revolución mexicana. Mexico City: Fondo de Cultura Económica (Cenzontle series). 2011 (with Friedrich Katz) El Porfiriato y la Revolución en la historia de México: Una Conversación, Mexico City: Editorial Era. [CD version of this interview with Friedrich Katz was released by the Instituto Mexicano de Page 1. Claudio Lomnitz 2 la Radio and the University of Chicago, 2010 and was aired as a ten -part program produced by Mexican Public Radio]. (Pocketbook edition, 2017). 2014 The Return of Comrade Ricardo Flores Magón. New York: Zone Books, winner of the Latin American Studies Association’s Mexico Humanities Book Award. [Spanish translation by Jorge Aguilar Mora, Ediciones ERA 2016] 2015 El primer linchamiento de México. Mexico City: El Colegio de México. [Translation of study published in Critical Historical Studies, 2014) 2016 La nación desdibujada: México en trece ensayos, Mexico City: Editorial Malpaso [is a selection of essays published between 2000-2015, edited by Rafael Lemus; 2nd Edition, 2016). 2018 Nuestra América: utopía y persistencia de una familia judía. Mexico City: Fondo de Cultura Económica. 2018 La gran familia (with Alberto Lomnitz and Leonardo Soqui). Libretto of the musical. Mexico City: Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana-Cuajimalpa, Compañía Nacional de Teatro, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México. (submitted for review) Un antropólogo en la prensa. México City: Cal y Arena. EDITED VOLUMES: 2000 Vicios públicos, virtudes privadas: la corrupción en México. Mexico: CIESAS/Miguel Angel Porrúa. 2008 The Public Life of History, special issue of the journal Public Culture, edited with Bain Attwood and Dipesh Chakrabarty. 2018 1968-2018: Historia colectiva de medio siglo. Mexico City: UNAM. DRAMATURGY 2009 Co-authored with Alberto Lomnitz, El verdadero Bulnes. Published in Casa Del Tiempo Vol 3 (25): 47-67. Winner of the 2009 Premio Nacional de Dramaturgia (Mexico’s National Dramaturgy Prize). Set to stage in Mexico City’s Teatro de la Paz, and Guadalajara’s Teatro de la Universidad de Guadalajara. Director: José Caballero. Reprinted in Antología del Teatro de la Revolución, edited by Hugo Fragozo. Mexico City: Editorial Pax (in press). Set to radio drama by Mexican public radio (Radio IMER), 2011. 2014 and 2015 Member of the international jury of Valladolid (Spain), Festival de Teatro y Artes de la Calle. 2018 La Gran Familia, el musical, co-authored with Alberto Lomnitz, music by Leonardo Soqui. Will open at Festival Internacional Cervantino 2018, regular season at Teatro Juan Ruiz de Alarcón, UNAM. Production by Mexico's Compañía Nacional de Teatro. SCHOLARLY ARTICLES: 1979 Clase y etnicidad en Morelos, una nueva interpretación. América Indígena 39(3): 439-475. 1984 Compliance and coalitions in the Mexican government: 1917-1940 In Five Centuries of Law and Politics in Central Mexico, edited by Ronald Spoors and Ross Hassig, Nashville: Vanderbilt Publications in Anthropology, pps. 173-209. Page 2. Claudio Lomnitz 3 1984 La antropología de campo en Morelos, 1930-1983. In Cinco siglos de historia regional de Morelos, edited by Horacio Crespo. Pps.395-419. México: CEHAM. 1986 Poder y coaliciones en el gobierno de México, 1917-1940: Un enfoque cíclico. Encuentro (Revista del Colegio de Jalisco) 3(1): 49-119. 1986 What's in a Perspective? The History of Mexicanist Anthropology. Reviews in Anthropology 13(4):348- 354. 1986 El problema de escala en la Antropología Cultural. In La heterodoxia recuperada: En torno a Angel Palerm, edited by Susana Glantz. Mexico: Fondo de Cultura Económica (p.597-616). 1987 Tradición y planeación, la cultura de la comida en México. In La alimentación del futuro de México (v.2), edited by Raúl Carvajal. México: UNAM. 1988 La Antropología Social de Campo en Morelos. In La Antropología en México, Panorama Histórico, v.14, edited by Carlos García Mora. Mexico: INAH. 1988 La Antropología Social en San Luis Potosí.In La Antropología en México, Panorama Histórico, v.15, edited by Carlos García Mora. Mexico: INAH. 1990 El fondo de la forma: Actos públicos de la campaña presidencial del PRI, 1988. Nueva Antropología:38: 45-83.(With Larissa Lomnitz and Ilya Adler). English translations: “Functions of the Form: Political Ritual in the Partido Revolucionario Institucional's 1988 Presidential Campaign.” In Constructing Culture and Power in Latin America, edited by Daniel Levine. Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press, 1993. [Reprinted in Elecciones y sistemas de partidos políticos en América Latina, edited by Dieter Nohlen. San José (Costa Rica): Instituto Interamericano de Derechos Humanos 1992]. 1991 Concepts for the Study of Regional Culture. American Ethnologist 18 (2): 195-214. [Reprinted in Mexican Regions, edited by Eric Van Young. San Diego: Center for US/Mexico Studies/University of California Press]. 1992 Usage politique de l’ambiguité: le cas mexicain. L’Homme xxxii(1): 91-102. 1993 Antropología de la nacionalidad mexicana. In Antropología breve de México, edited by Lourdes Arizpe. Mexico: Academia Mexicana de Ciencias. 1993 Hacia una antropología histórica de la nacionalidad mexicana. Revista Mexicana de Sociología 55(2): 169-196. 1994 Decadence in Times of Globalization. Cultural Anthropology 9(2):1-11.[Spanish version in De lo global a lo local, edited by Nestor García Canclini. Mexico: Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana, 1995] 1994 Estado y etnicidad: Rito y negociación en la campaña presidencial de 1988. Ibero-Amerikanisches Archiv 20(1-2):53-82, (with Larissa Lomnitz). 1995 Ritual, Rumor and Corruption in the Constitution of Polity in Mexico. Journal of Latin American Anthropology 1(1): 20-47. 1996 Power. Encyclopedia of Cultural Anthropology. New York: Holt. 1996 Ritual, rumor y corrupción en la formación del espacio nacional en México. Revista Mexicana de Sociología 59 (2):21-51. Page 3. Claudio Lomnitz 4 1996 Ansätze zu einer Geographie des Schweigens... Provinzintellektuell e und die Soziologie des "eigentlichen Mexiko." In Integration-Transformation. Ethnische Gemeinsschaften, Staat un Welwirtschaft in Lateinamerika seit ca. 1850 edited by Stefan Karlen and Andreas Wimmer. Munich: Verlag Hanss-Dieter Heinz Akademischer Verlag Stuttgart. 1996 Fissures in Mexican Nationalism. Public Culture 9: 55-68. 1998 Census. Encyclopedia of Mexico. Chicago: Fitzroy Dearborn. 1998 Regions and Regionalism. Encyclopedia of Mexico. Chicago: Fitzroy Dearborn. 1998 An Intellectual’s Stock in the Factory of Mexican Ruins: Enrique Krauze’s “Biography of Power.” American Journal of Sociology 103(4): 1052-1065. (Spanish version and subsequent debate was published in Milenio, May 1998, has been reprinted elsewhere) 1999 Modes of Citizenship in Mexico. Public Culture 11(1): 269-293. [Reprinted in Dilip P.Gaonkar (Ed.), Alternative Modernities. Durham:Duke University Press 2001; and in Luis Roniger and Carlos Waisman (eds.) Multiple Modernities. Brighton: Sussex Academic Press, 2002. Spanish version was published in the journal Metapolítica, summer of 2000]. 1999 Barbarians at the Gate? A Few Remarks on the Politics of the “New Cultural History” of Mexico. Hispanic American Historical Review 79(2): 355-371. 1999 Les “centres” et la dialectique de la distinction a Tepoztlán. Le Mouvement Social 187: 33-62. 1999 Los trapos sucios del nacionalismo: Hacia una geografía de las ‘zonas de contacto’. In Reforma del estado y coordinación social, edited by Norbert Lechner, René Millán and Francisco Valdés. Mexico: UNAM/Plaza y Valdés, pp. 177-194. 2000 Passion and Banality in Mexican History: The Presidential Persona. In The Collective and the Public in Latin America, edited by Luis Roniger and Tamar Herzog. Brighton: Sussex Academic Press, pp.238-256. 2000 Nationalism as a Practical System: A Critique of Benedict Anderson’s Theory of Nationalism from a Spanish American Perspective. In The Other Mirror: Grand Theory through the Lens of Latin America, edited by Miguel Angel Centeno and
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