E PL UR UM IB N U U S Congressional Record United States th of America PROCEEDINGS AND DEBATES OF THE 107 CONGRESS, SECOND SESSION Vol. 148 WASHINGTON, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 19, 2002 No. 119 House of Representatives The House met at 10 a.m. THE JOURNAL H.R. 4558. An act to extend the Irish Peace Process Cultural and Training Program. The Reverend Dr. Paul Smith, Senior The SPEAKER. The Chair has exam- Minister, First Presbyterian Church, H. Con. Res. 469. Concurrent resolution au- ined the Journal of the last day’s pro- thorizing the Rotunda of the Capitol to be Brooklyn, New York, offered the fol- ceedings and announces to the House used on September 19, 2002, for a ceremony to lowing prayer: his approval thereof. present the Congressional Gold Medal to In preparation for our prayer this Pursuant to clause 1, rule I, the Jour- General Henry H. Shelton (USA, Ret.). morning, I would ask that you would nal stands approved. The message also announced that the just close your eyes and reflect as we Mr. MCNULTY. Mr. Speaker, pursu- Senate has passed bills of the following listen to the silence for a moment. ant to clause 1, rule I, I demand a vote titles in which the concurrence of the O Divine Creator: Listen to the beat- on agreeing to the Speaker’s approval House is requested: of the Journal. ing of our hearts and the stirrings deep S. 1308. An act to provide for the use and within us, as each of us, in our own The SPEAKER. The question is on distribution of the funds awarded to the way, acknowledges the silent moment. the Speaker’s approval of the Journal. Quinault Indian Nation under United States The question was taken; and the May this peripheral moment, almost Claims Court Dockets 772–71, 773–71, 774–71, Speaker announced that the ayes ap- mystical, become a moment which and 775–71, and for other purposes. peared to have it. S. 2127. An act for the relief of the touches us where we are most our- Mr. MCNULTY. Mr. Speaker, I object Pottawatomi Nation in Canada for settle- selves. And we pray, O God, for to the vote on the ground that a ment of certain claims against the United strength, that You give each one of quorum is not present and make the States. these men and women standing before point of order that a quorum is not f You the courage to be genuine, that present. ANNOUNCEMENT BY THE SPEAKER their yeas and nays be genuine. All else The SPEAKER. Pursuant to clause 8, obscures the truth, tempting them to rule XX, further proceedings on this The SPEAKER. There will be one 1- betray the eternal. question will be postponed. minute speech. All other 1-minute We ask that You help them and us to The point of no quorum is considered speeches will be after the general busi- face the fears residing deep in our souls withdrawn. ness of the day. as we hear in the distance the cries for f f war, the cries for peace, the cries for justice and the cries for freedom. And, PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE WELCOMING THE REVEREND DR. God, we would petition You to quench The SPEAKER. Will the gentleman PAUL SMITH our deep-seeded need to be right. We from Iowa (Mr. LEACH) come forward (Mr. LEACH asked and was given per- know that Democrats being right does and lead the House in the Pledge of Al- mission to address the House for 1 not make Republicans wrong. We know legiance. minute and to revise and extend his re- that conservatives being right does not Mr. LEACH led the Pledge of Alle- marks.) make liberals wrong. Rather, teach us giance as follows: Mr. LEACH. Mr. Speaker, on behalf how to listen for the sounds of the gen- I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the of the House, it is my honor to wel- uine in ourselves, so we may hear the United States of America, and to the Repub- come and extend appreciation to the sounds of the genuine of our colleagues lic for which it stands, one nation under God, Reverend Dr. Paul Smith for delivering and friends. indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. the opening prayer this morning. O Divine Creator, help this Congress f Dr. Smith is the senior pastor of the to practice deep listening, for it is in MESSAGE FROM THE SENATE First Presbyterian Church of Brooklyn our deep listening that we hear the si- A message from the Senate by Mr. and a faculty member of the New York lence, where we hear the cries of our Monahan, one of its clerks, announced Theological Seminary. A scholar, Dr. people, where we see the shadows that the Senate has passed without Smith has written extensively on which frighten us, and where we find amendment bills and concurrent reso- issues of integration and is considered the center and core of our being. So as lution of the House of the following ti- one of the world’s leading authorities we practice this deep listening, grant tles: on multicultural training and arbitra- that we may also practice arrogance H.R. 486. An act for the relief of Barbara tion. He has negotiated labor manage- reduction, for by doing so, we lift up Makuch. ment agreements related to sweatshops those things which glorify the Creator. H.R. 487. An act for the relief of Eugene in South America and China and con- Amen. Makuch. ducted sensitivity training for the New b This symbol represents the time of day during the House proceedings, e.g., b 1407 is 2:07 p.m. Matter set in this typeface indicates words inserted or appended, rather than spoken, by a Member of the House on the floor. H6375 . VerDate Sep 04 2002 00:29 Sep 20, 2002 Jkt 099061 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A19SE7.000 H19PT1 H6376 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE September 19, 2002 York City Police Department, various Boehlert Hastings (FL) Obey Waxman Whitfield Woolsey churches, universities and the Federal Boehner Hastings (WA) Ortiz Weiner Wicker Wynn Bonilla Hayes Osborne Weldon (FL) Wilson (NM) Young (FL) Government, including the IRS. Given Bonior Hayworth Ose Weldon (PA) Wilson (SC) the tensions in the world in which we Bono Herger Otter Wexler Wolf live and not incidentally the fractious Boozman Hill Owens Boswell Hinojosa Pallone NAYS—53 body in which we work, Reverend Boucher Hobson Pascrell Aderholt Hilliard Riley Smith’s presence and prayer is much Boyd Hoeffel Pastor Baird Hinchey Sanchez appreciated. Brady (TX) Hoekstra Paul Baldwin Holt Schakowsky Ms. VELA´ ZQUEZ. Mr. Speaker, I rise to Brown (FL) Holden Payne Berry Hooley Slaughter Brown (OH) Honda Pelosi Borski Hulshof thank the Reverened Dr. Paul Smith, who led Strickland Brown (SC) Horn Pence Brady (PA) Kennedy (MN) Stupak today’s Opening Prayer. Reverend Smith is Burton Hostettler Peterson (PA) Capuano Larsen (WA) Sweeney the senior minister of the First Presbyterian Callahan Houghton Petri Conyers Latham Tanner Costello Lipinski Calvert Hoyer Phelps Taylor (MS) Church in Brooklyn, NY, in my district, and I Crane LoBiondo Camp Hunter Pickering Thompson (CA) am proud to have him here as a representa- Cannon Inslee Pitts DeFazio Markey Thompson (MS) Cantor Isakson Platts English McDermott tive of our community. Udall (CO) Capito Israel Pombo Filner McNulty Reverend Smith has a long career in and Udall (NM) Capps Issa Pomeroy Fossella Moore out of the ministry. He began as an assistant Cardin Istook Portman Green (TX) Oberstar Visclosky pastor at the Salem United Church of Christ in Carson (OK) Jackson (IL) Price (NC) Gutknecht Olver Waters Buffalo, New York, in 1960. He has taught at Castle Jackson-Lee Pryce (OH) Hart Peterson (MN) Weller Wu divinity schools at the New York and San Chambliss (TX) Putnam Hefley Ramstad Clay John Quinn ANSWERED ‘‘PRESENT’’—1 Francisco Theological Seminaries and Emory Clayton Johnson (CT) Radanovich University, in addition to holding administrative Clement Johnson (IL) Rahall Tancredo Clyburn Johnson, E. B. Rangel positions at Washington University and More- NOT VOTING—49 house College. Coble Johnson, Sam Regula Collins Jones (NC) Rehberg Andrews Ford Murtha Not content to preach from the pulpit, Rev- Combest Jones (OH) Reynolds Armey Gephardt Myrick erend Smith applies his ministry to public life. Condit Kanjorski Rivers Bachus Gillmor Oxley He teaches at the Health Science Center of Cox Kaptur Rodriguez Bentsen Gordon Reyes the State University of New York and provides Cramer Kelly Roemer Berman Hilleary Roukema Crenshaw Kennedy (RI) Rogers (KY) Blagojevich Hyde Ryan (WI) diversity and senstivity training to corporations Crowley Kerns Rogers (MI) Blunt Jefferson Sabo and communities alike. Cubin Kildee Rohrabacher Bryant Jenkins Sandlin Burr Keller I hope you will join me today in welcoming Culberson Kilpatrick Ros-Lehtinen Schaffer Buyer Kirk Cummings Kind (WI) Ross Shays Reverend Paul Smith here today. Carson (IN) LaFalce Cunningham King (NY) Rothman Simpson Davis (CA) Kingston Roybal-Allard Chabot Lewis (CA) f Stump Davis (FL) Kleczka Royce Cooksey Matsui Tauzin Davis (IL) Knollenberg Rush Coyne McHugh GENERAL LEAVE Vitter Davis, Jo Ann Kolbe Ryun (KS) Delahunt Meek (FL) Young (AK) Mr. LEACH. Mr. Speaker, I ask unan- Davis, Tom Kucinich Sanders Dicks Miller, George imous consent that all Members may Deal LaHood Sawyer Ehrlich Mink DeGette Lampson Saxton b 1035 have 5 legislative days within which to DeLauro Langevin Schiff revise and extend their remarks on the DeLay Lantos Schrock So the Journal was approved. subject of my 1-minute speech. DeMint Larson (CT) Scott The result of the vote was announced The SPEAKER pro tempore.
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