Folia Morphol. Vol. 59, No. 4, pp. 333–342 Copyright © 2000 Via Medica O R I G I N A L ARTICLE ISSN 0015–5659 www.fm.viamedica.pl The cytoarchitectonic and neuronal structure of the red nucleus in guinea pig: Nissl and Golgi studies Anna Robak, Stanisław Szteyn, Krystyna Bogus-Nowakowska, Teresa Doboszyńska, Maciej Równiak Department of Comparative Anatomy, University of Warmia and Mazury, Olsztyn, Poland [Received 10 October 2000; Accepted 16 October 2000] The present studies were carried out on the brains of adult guinea pigs, Dunkin- Hartley strain. On the basis of preparations, they were stained according to the Nissl and the Klüver-Barrera method’s; a short description of the cytoarchitec- tonics and the characteristics of the rubral cells were written. The red nucleus (RN) of the guinea pig is 1.2 mm in length. Three cellular parts in RN, and three classes (A, B, C) of the rubral cells were distinguished. Taking into consideration the predominant cell size, RN was divided into magnocellular part (RNm), parvo- cellular part (RNp) and intermediate part (RNi). On the basis of Golgi impregnat- ed preparations four neuronal types (I, II, III, IV) were distinguished. To sum up, in the guinea pig were observed: the large, mainly multipolar (type I) and bipo- lar (type II) spiny being coarse (class A) in Nissl material; the medium-sized, triangular, aspiny (type III) corresponding to the fine cells (class B); and the small, both spiny and aspiny neurons (type IV), which are the fine or achromatic cells (classes B or C) in Nissl stained slices. The highest degree of dendritic branching was observed in type I, whereas the lowest in cells of types III and IV. key words: red nucleus, cytoarchitectonic, types of neurons, Nissl and Golgi studies, guinea pig INTRODUCTION age, in contrast to the parvocellular part [9,30,33]. The red nucleus appears in terrestrial tetrapods The latter undergoes changes caused by maternal [25,31]. This centre is a link in the neuronal loops alcohol [37]. In general, the red nucleus receives cen- [10,16], involved in processing motor [26,36] and tral [8,25] and exteroceptive connections [23,25,36], somatosensory information [23]. RN has two (mag- and has reciprocal connections with the cerebellum no- and parvocellular) components, which are acti- [5]. The magnocellular units project directly to mo- vated by different dominant nervous centres [19,20]. toneurons and are the origin of the rubrospinal tract The parvocellular (RNp) part, having an integrative [9,12,24,26,32]. Some evidence is available about the nature [25,37], is better developed in mammals, in topographical organisation [8,12,22–24,31,32,35] which motor activity has become more intentional and action [10,26] of these projections, their neu- [16,25]. The magnocellular (RNm) part, conforming rotransmitters [2,3,7] and ultrastructure [26,29,30], information for muscle tone and co-ordination as well as the function of the red nucleus [14,21, [16,26], is older philogenetically, and is affected by 23,25,36,37]. On the basis of those experimental Address for correspondence: Anna Robak, MD, University of Warmia and Mazury, Olsztyn, Department of Comparative Anatomy, ul. Żołnierska 14, 10–561 Olsztyn, tel: +89 527 60 33 (ext. 316, 384), tel/fax: +89 535 20 14, e-mail: [email protected] 333 Folia Morphol., 2000, Vol. 59, No. 4 works, some morphological and cytological data of RESULTS the red nucleus are known, but cytoarchitectonics Cytoarchitectonics in Nissl picture (Fig. 1, 2) were more elaborated in rat [28,29,32], in mouse [33], in rabbit [22], bison [34], camel [1], in domes- The red nucleus in guinea pig appears at the back of tic animals [cit. 34], in monkey [6,14,15], in man the posterior edge of the fibres of the oculomotor [10,25] and in non-mammalian species [17], but the nerve and extends forward for about 1.2 mm. On differentiation of RN cells in Golgi pictures was not the basis of predominant cell size, RN was divided carried out in all animals studied. Undoubtedly the into magnocellular part (RNm), parvocellular part Golgi methods, which make perikarya and their (RNp) and intermediate part (RNi). RNm is the main, processes visible simultaneously [4], are helpful in non-divided, ventrally located part, whereas the re- an examination of the above-mentioned projections maining part of RN shows subdivisions that are vari- and are the most useful technique in a study of the able in their shapes, number and location, but in neuronal types of structural entities. The character- istic features of such entities include specific popu- lations of neuron types, dendritic configurations, neurotransmitters, specific connections between neuronal populations, etc. [11]. Because of the pau- city of detailed examinations about the neuronal structure of the red nucleus in guinea pig, the present studies were undertaken in order to com- plete those data. MATERIAL AND METHODS The present study was carried out on 6 adult fe- male guinea pigs, Dunkin-Hartley strain, from The Research Institute of the Polish Mother’s Health Cen- tre in Łódź. The animals were overdosed with sodi- um pentobarbital (80 mg/kg) and perfused tran- scardially with phosphate and then formaldehyde buffered solutions at pH 7.4. The paraffin transver- Figure 1. The microphotograph of the cross-section at the mid- length of the red nucleus. Klüver-Barrera method. n 3 — oculo- sal and sagittal blocks with mesencephalons were motor nucleus, f 3 — oculomotor fibres, m, i, p-parts (magno-, cut into 10 µm thick sections and stained by the intermediate and parvocellular) of the red nucleus (RN), Ip — in- Nissl as well as Klüver-Barrera methods. The brains terpeduncular nucleus, Sn — substantia nigra. prepared for Golgi impregnation were sectioned into 5–10 mm thick blocks and processed accord- ing to the Bagiński and Golgi-Kopsch techniques, and then cut into 60 µm thick sections both in sag- ittal and transversal planes. The sections were anal- ysed in the light microscope to select well-impreg- nated cells for Golgi mapping according to locali- sation within discernible parts of the examined nucleus. The microscopic images of selected neurons were digitally recorded by means of camera that was coupled with microscope and image processing sys- tem (VIST-Wikom, Warsaw). From 30 to 100 such dig- ital microphotographs were taken at different focus layers of the section for each neuron. On the basis of these digitised series the computerised reconstruc- tions of microscopic images were made (Figs. 3a–6a). Afterwards the neuropil was removed to clarify the picture and to show the characteristic features of each Figure 2. The three (A, B, C) categories of rubral cells; Klüver- type of neuron (Figs. 3b–6b). Barrera method. Magn. 800¥. 334 Anna Robak et al., The neuronal structure of the red nucleus in guinea pig general, they lie above the magnocellular part. Its me- and small amount of cytoplasm, and scanty small- dial side adjoins the oculomotor nerve III, and the ret- grained or homogenous tigroid substance, which roflexus fascicle in front, whereas its ventral side ad- forms a thin ring around the cell nucleus, or, usually joins strictly the medial lemniscus. The posterior por- in the smallest cells (10–12 mm), it is located at one tion of RN is constituted of RNm, which is in the form side of the cell nucleus. of a circular, well distinguishable group of large inten- The neuron types in Golgi picture sively staining cells. At a short distance from the pos- terior end of the red nucleus there appears a morpho- On the basis of the shape and size of perikaryon, the logically outlined group of small cells (RNp), dorsolat- pattern of dendritic tree and axon, and the presence of erally located. Cross-section of RN enlarges, and its cells dendritic appendages, four types of neurons were dis- segregate in such a way, that RNi appears dorsally. This tinguished in the red nucleus of the guinea pig: part mainly consists of medium-sized cells, but small Type I (Fig. 3) — multipolar cells; spiny; large and and a few large cells are observed too. These three medium-sized. They have stellate and quadrangular groups on the cross-section are arranged in perikarya measuring from 35 to 65 mm in the long- a ring-like fashion. In the middle portion of the red est axis. The large stellate cells have 4 or 5 thick, nucleus its cells disperse (especially within RNi) and rarely conical, dendritic trunks, which at the distance whole RN diminishes. The fibres of the oculomotor of 10–40 mm from the soma (even within one neu- nerve travel along the medial side of RN. The anterior ron) divide into secondary and subsequently up to portion of RN is composed of mixed cells, but the large quaternary dendrites. Dendritic branches are usual- cells rarely reach their maximum sizes. Forwards its cells ly longer than their parent dendrite. In that case, disperse and are replaced by the cells of the prerubral when the length of the secondary dendrites is equal field (Forel field). Generally, the RNm is composed of with their dendritic trunks, tertiary and quaternary large cells, RNi of medium size neurons and single large dendrites are prominently longer. The dendritic and small, whereas the small cells preponderate in RNp. branches, especially their distal portions, are vari- However, throughout the entire extent of the red nu- cose and possess knob-like or claw-like spines (Fig. cleus, different cells were occasionally present in vari- 3a). The dendritic trunks are rather devoid of spines, ous parts. On the basis of Nissl preparations, three cat- but undivided primary dendrites may be covered with egories of neurons are observed in the red nucleus: single spinous processes.
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