Congregation B'nai Jehoshua Beth Elohim February 1998 Vol. 33 No.2 3 Tevet 5758 Rabbi Reacts T'Filot•••. Worship When I was first asked, Why do you wear a kipah [yarmulke/skullcap)?" the question was posed in such a way Friday, January 30 8:00 pm as to why a woman (as opposed to a man) would wear one. Shabbat Worship In those days my short answer might have been, "For the same reason that men do.• Friday, February 6 More recently, however, when I am asked this question I EARLY SHABBAT SERVICE 6:15-7:15pm give a different, more thorough answer. "I wear a kipah to Shabbat Y1adim, service and program for families with show respect for God, to remind me of my humility and to very young children, downstairs, 7:00 pm put me in the right mood for what I am about to do." In Judaism both men and women cover their heads, Friday, February 13 but the traditional reasons are quite different. Traditionally, 7:30 pm Family Service, jr. choir, story sermonette only a married Jewish woman covers her head-with a wig, 8:00 pm Alternative adult worship, downstairs hat or kerchief. The reasons are for modesty and/or to ap­ pear less attractive to other men. Saturday, February 14 10:45 am Today, modern Jewish women are covering their heads Bat Mitzvah: with kipot for the same reasons that men have over the cen­ Michelle Marron, daughter of Gloria and Steve Marron turies. There is no specific mitzuah in the Torah which requires SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 15 men to keep their heads covered. The only reference of man­ Renewal of Spirit Service, 10:45 datory headgear is by the kohanim (priests) when they en­ led by Sandy Krebs, our cantor and rabbis gaged in performing Temple rites. This head covering was a sign of respect before God. Friday, February 20 8:00 pm Nor in the Talmud does it mention a binding command­ Shabbat Worship ment to cover one's head. There are, however, references to covering one's head as a sign of respect for and humility be­ Saturday, February 21 10:45 am fore God. "Rav Huna did not walk four cubits [six feet] bare­ Bar Mitzvah: headed; he would say, 'The Shekhina (Divine Presence] is Aaron Schwartz, son of Joan and Charles Schwartz above my head'"(Kiddushin 31 a). The Sages said, "Cover your head so that reference for God be upon you" (Shabbat 156b). Friday, February 27 In addition to these above reasons, I find that when I put JOINT SCHOLAR-IN-RESIDENCE WEEKEND on a kipah it helps focus me in the right mood for what I am WITH CONGREGATION BETH SHALOM about to do next. I wear a kipah when I am in the sanctuary, 8:00 pm Shabbat Worship fil Beth Shalom, when I pray, or when I know I will be saying blessings such 3433 Walters, Northbrook as before and after meals or when I study Torah. I can do all (no seivice at BJBE, our kaddish names will be read at of the above without covering my head, but when I put on a Beth Shalom) kipah, it directs me toward a holy, spiritual plane. SPEAKER: DR. RON WOLFSON Whether or not you choose to wear a kipah/ yarmulke I "ENVISIONING A SYNAGOGUE FOR THE 21ST CENTURY" hope you understand why or why not you do what you do. (see this bulletin for rest of weekend schedule) And if you have not thought about Jewish traditions of cov­ ering your head in a while, I hope that the above has trig­ Saturday, February 28 10:45 am gered some interesting thoughts inside your head. Bat Mitzvah: L'shalom, Elizabeth Arden, daughter of Cheryl and Alan Arden AmyL. Memis JOIN THE WAITING LIST No - not for Temple Membership! We're searching for interested people for SEARCH­ ERS and for ADULT CHAVURAH, and FAMILY CHAVURAH. If you're curious, interested, eager to join call Address of BJBE website homepage: http:// Bernice Waitsman 296-5759 www.shamash.org/reform/uahc/congs/il/il010 1 President's Corner In Our Family It was a Friday evening in December, the fourth night of OUR THANKS: Hanukkah, and all through the Temple the members gath­ ••• for co-sponsoring an Oneg Shabbat and for their gift of ered for services and a celebration as well. Together with our Bima Bowen in honor of the B'nai Mitzvah of their chil­ children and grandchildren, we came to worship on the dren: Shabbat during a holiday which has much meaning and yes, Debra and Reid Neuman, Marla and Charles Alexander. much fun. •. for co-sponsoring an Oneg Shabbat; As the services began, the warmth could be felt from the Adrienne and Morrey Bender and Barbara and Jack Pielet, very beginning when the Hunters brought their two grand­ in honor of the naming of their granddaughter, Melissa daughters to the bima to kindle the Shabbat candles and Shayna Pielet. recite the blessings. Marissa and Gregg Kalman, in honor of the naming of As services continued, families and friends were moved their daughter, Eliana. as the junior choir's voices rang out to the Congregation who Rhona and Marshall Harris, in honor of the naming of participated as if they were part of the choir. Soon the Torah their granddaughter, Carolina Deanna Reichel. appeared and the blessings were handled by the Glickmans Close Friends of Val Rabin, in honor of her 90th Birthday. and their daughter. A beautiful sight to behold, the young The Women of Sisterhood. Jewish family displayed the love and admiration for the To­ MAZELTOV: rah and their extended family as they chanted the words .•. on the birth of: that brought the Torah reading to us all on this Shabbat Benjamin Carl Serck, grandson of Marilyn Avny. evening. Arielle Shayleen Haase, granddaughter of Joan and Bill Those who were fortunate to attend would have been Haase. warmed by all these activities, but then came the best, the Mackenzie, daughter of Shari and Andrew Page, and grand­ Hanukkah lighting ceremony, which illuminated the entire daughter of Merle and Mark Hutner. sanctuary as the lights were dimmed. Not a person coughed Jenna Morgan Resnikoff, granddaughter of Lois and Ri­ or sneezed as the spirituality of the evening radiated brightly chard Veit. throughout. Eliana, daughter of Marissa and Gregg Kalman. The Rabbis were indeed encouraged and overwhelmed by Anna Leigh Hirshman, granddaughter of Marlene and the many congregants who appeared and participated in the Marshall Hirshman. evening's Shabbat service and candle lighting experience. The Jake Dylan Silbar, grandson of Teri and Barry Sokol and love and devotion could easily be felt between all. The evening Bobbi and Me.rt Silbar. ended on a high note by the lavish oneg for all to enjoy. This A Speedy Recovery to: Shabbat during this holiday was special in many ways. Norm Meisel, Kai Wolfson, Myrna Gustin, Janice Merkin, Yours always, Marshall Dickstein Shalom, MAS Condolences on the death of a loved one: Rabbi William Sajowitz, father of Ronna Paul. Board Highlights Joseph Zaret, father of Arlene Minzer. The board of trustees meets monthly to transact the busi­ Gail Gordon, sister-in-law of Sonni Helmer. ness of the synagogue. The highlights of the monthly meet­ Caroline Worsek, mother-in-law of Thelma Worsek and ings will be reported to keep you informed. grandmother of Judy Bashkin and Lynn Gagerman. Highlights from the December 17, 1997, board meeting: Sara Terry, mother-in-law of Merle Terry. - The board of trustees approved the motion to hire two full time secretaries for the Temple office. Reminder: These Dates are Still Coming -The board of truatees elected three board members to Up for Three Special Programs serve on the nominating committee for 1998/99. the follow­ The Kehilat Shalom (Community of Wholeness) Commit­ ing were elected: David Gates, Judi Goode, and Joyce Weiner. tee is sponsoring the following programs for the benefit of The two non board members, Adrienne Daskal and Kathy BJBE members and their guests. There is no fee for the pro­ Leonard, were also elected to serve, if they are able. grams . .January 29, 1998 at 7:30 PM at B.JBE Pastor Kathy Nominating Committee . Bender Schwich will be teaching on "Being a Caring Listener"'. With the start of the new calendar year, the Temple's nomi­ Increase your skills as visitor to those in need. Pastor Schwich nating committee begins its work of recommending the com­ is the Director of Leadership Development for the Division of position of your Board of Trustees for the fiscal year begin­ Outreach of Evangelical Lutheran Church of America. ning July 1, 1998. ANY CONGREGANT can submit their February 9, 1998 at 7:30 PM at B.JBE Dr. Margie Getz, name, or the name of any fellow congregant, to serve as a will be speaking on "Positive Discipline That Works" Dr. Getz Trustee with portfolio (chairperson) or as a Trustee without is a member ofBJBE and Educational Consultant/Diagnos­ portfolio. If you have been a participant in the myriad of temple tician, Division of Developmental Pediatrics at Lutheran Gen­ programs, this gives you the opportunity to assure the con­ eral Hospital tinuation and improvement of these programs. If you are or February 12, 1998 at 7:30 PM at B.JBE Rev. Lee Joesten have been dissatisfied with any part of the temple, this gives will be speaking on "Grief and Growth: What Does it Mean to you the opportunity to express these opinions and partici­ 'Get Better'?" Rev. Joesten is the Vice-President of Religion pate in correcting the problems.
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