TTilE pa RI TAN CLASSICAL LCVEI.ILNT IN THE REIGN OF ELIZABETH I . ' Patrick Collin con (Ph.D. Tiiesis pro sen ted in the University of London, 1957,} I N D E X of PERSONAL NAl/iES. (Prepared by Mrs* B* H* Collinson*) / (ti;; A Ul'! V ProQuest Number: 10107257 All rights reserved INF0RMATION TO ALL USERS The quality of this reproduction is dependent upon the quality of the copy submitted. In the unlikely event that the author did not send a complete manuscript and there are missing pages, these will be noted. Also, if material had to be removed a note will indicate the deletion. uest. ProQuest 10107257 Published by ProQuest LLC(2016). Copyright of the Dissertation is held by the Author. All rights reserved. This work is protected against unauthorized copying under Title 17, United States Code Microform Edition © ProQuest LLC. ProQuest LLC 789 East Eisenhower Parkway P.Q. Box 1346 Ann Arbor, MI 48106-1346 A Abbot, Robert (Hater Bishop of Salisbuiy, theii Archbishop ■ 0 f C anterbuiy ), 1266. Ab ra h am, Rob e r t 8 y8 n . 2 , Adams, J olm 5 33n * 1. Adams, Richard I 08911 .2 • Adamson, Patrick, Archbishop St.^ndre^ 3 , 4 3 5 , 487, 4-88, 4 9 I, 1 0 9 4%.1 . Addister, William 1268* A d y sto n , Mr. 1135 b , -, Agast, Thomas 419n,3* A inslie, James L, Tlie Dde trine of Ministeriàl Order in the Reformed Churches of thiT^tfT and l7th Centuries xv n, 1 ♦ Aird, William 49Cn,3. A ir e , Mr. 1035 h .3 . A labaster, William 12Q7n,5 * Alan ; R ic h a rd 32, /VBarbon ? Albon, Mr. 1015. Aldred, John 5?3n.7. Aldred, Thomas 419n.3, 1263* A ld re d , Mr. 11 7 6 , Aldrich, I-Ieniy 126n,3. Aldrich, William 123* Aldridge, Robert ll66n,2, 1175» II 7 6 . Alencon, Fr^^ncis of Valois, Duke of 978. Alford, Francis 573n7* •» 2 — A l l e l ^ , Robert 1269* Allen, David 128n.2, Allen, Echmmd 665, 666. A llen, Richard 429n*3, 1269# Allen, Robert 126n,2, 627n. 5, 719n.2, 75o^»3, 868n.4, 871 , 873, 1261, 1262. Allen, Samuel 128n.2, 1268. Allen, Walter 125n.2, 126n.2 , 348, ,584, 658, 1012, 1060, 1069, 1261. A llen , Mr. preacher p 1^732, Alley, William, Bishop of Exeter 188. Allibond, Peter 1275 . A lvey, Heniy 1013, IOI6 , 1017, 1120. Alvcw", Richard 25, 32. Ames, William 792n.3, 795, 1157, 1158, 1251n .l. Anderson, Duncan 490n.3. Anderson, Edmund 3o5, 903, 904, 905, 911, 916, 917 , 918 , 920, 927 , 1050, 1095n.2, 1142, 1187 . • Anderson, John Corbet, Shropshire, its early II is tew end Antiquities, 655n7l. Anderson, Robert 25ln.l. .......... Andreives, Baitimaeus 49n.2, 133, 357%.1, 358n.4, 359n.l, 694, 702 , 703, 704 , 705 , 749 %.3, 750n.3, 777%.1, 781 n .l , 798 a . 1 , 946, 1260, 1263* Andrewes, Lancelot 1043, IO86 , 1207n.5. -............... Andrews, George "The Histoiy of the Puritan Discipline"1554- 1593 ft J43n.3. ' . ■ ■ Andrews, Thomas 877 , 889 , 892 , 893n,2, 895 %.2, 89 6 , 897 , #01, 9l3n.3, 918 . Arrjou, Heniy of Valois, Duke of 941. Anstïuther, Godfrey, Vaux of Earrowden, l52a.3. Appleton, Edward 377* Appletons 863. Apslqr, Heniy 8 5 6 . Arber, E. ed. A B r ief D iscourse 5%.2, 6n.3, 27n.4, ‘ 2911.4 . Stationers ' Rëj-ïlster ii 48€>n.l, 750%»3. Ardley, John 763%.3. Arran, Earl of • see Eaallten, James. Armesteed, James 1263, 1264. A rüilngton, Henxy 1115. Arthington, Mr. 1036n.3 . Aslibie, Jolin 1272. Ashbie, Thirston 666n,4. ' Ashtye, John 564n.2, 593%.6 . Ashendon, William 444n.l. Asher, Henry 683. Asher, Mr. - 633. Âshfield, Robert 3o6n.l, 330n.l, 657, 673, 721n.4, 805a.3, 807 , 868 , 869 %.4 , 873, 877 , 878 , 879 , bbo, 894 , 895 , 096, 909%.!, 910ns.a%3, 913, 922n . l , 927 , 928 , 948 , 1262. Ashton, Abdias 1207%.5# Ashton or Asheton, Edward 1073%.1, 1074n.3, I 280 . Ashton, Thomas . 189 . Ashton, William 12)6. , ' Asher, 633n.5, 1035%.3 * Atherstou, George 235%.4, 236n.l* A tkins, Henry 433n.4, Atkinson, Bryan 1270 . m in i s t e r ' of G- rendc n? ) Atkinson, (Bryan,^ 623n.5. Atterbuiy, Thomas 23ln.l. Atwell, Thomas 1279. Aubrey, Dr. William 413n.l, 1024n.2, 1048n.2, 1049ns.43:7, 1050. Audley, John & wife 787 %.2. Axton, William 5C n.l, 125%.1, 498 , 653 , 654, 655, 746n,4. , '. A^^lande, Nicholas 419%.3, 1263. Aylmer, Jolin, Bishop of London - 27%.i, 172, 200, 212, 2l3, 219, 242, 244n.2, 250n.2, 251, 252, 28l, 288n.l, 298 , .299, 300n.l. 304, 33ln.3, 351%.2 , 372, . 373%.1, 374n.4, 375, 390%.2, 395, 396, 397, 398, 399, 400, 407, 409, 4 l8 n .l, 426, 427%.2 ,' 455, 461, 466, 467, 478 , 487 , 499, 508 , 514%.2 , 515%.1 , 518 . 557, 627 , 655, 656, 665, 666%.2 , 682 , 690. 691%.4 , 717 , 774%.1, 782 %. 1, 785, 820 n .6 , 826 , 854 , &65%.3, 887 , 903n.l, 951, 955, 964, 968 , 984 , 988 , 1041, 1048%. 2 , 1049%.7 , 1050%.1 , 1067 %.2 , 1099, 1180 . Babbage, S.B., "The Church of England and Puritanism during; the Primacy o f B<m croft.l604-l6l0" 1150%.3, 1229%.2, 1233%.1, 1244%.3, 1273 , 1276 - 8 . «> 5 — Eabingbon, Gervaise, Bishop of Exeter 1187%. 1. Bablngton, Zachary 1207%*5* ............................ Bacon, Lady Anne 59> 94n.3, 43 7 n ,l, 688 , - 8o7> 819 , 821 , 822 , 8 23 , 825 , d73n.3, 1037» lU 7 n .3 , 1177 , 1173 , 1179 , 1181 , 1182 , 1IÜ3, 12Hn,5, 1265. Bacon, Anthony 35ln.2, 389n.2, 395^.1, 422ns,1&2, 437n.l, 438, 8l9n.3, 823, 990n.3, 1148n.3, II 78 , 1179 , 1181 , ll83n.3, 1199, 1211a.5 . Bacon, Edward 8o3, 868, 873n.3, 8 7 4 , 914, ■ 1262. Bacon, Sir Edmund 873n.3. Bacon, Francis mSm 262a.2, Join.2, 873n.3, 1211a.5« Bacon, Nathaniel 206, 315».3, 3l6, 317».1, 439».7» 503»' 657» 6 5 8 n .l, 659» 660, 669».1 , 679» 608 , 776n;4, 836,‘ 867 » 863, 8 /3 » .3, 880n.4, 883» 885n.l, 8§On.3, 894 a . 2 , 914, 948n.3, 98 o n .l, 98ln.l, 981a.1, 1059».1» ,1078 ».1 , 1264. Bacon, S ir S ich o la s, Lord Keeper I 0 8 , 147» 148, 209 » .2 , 261, 868 , 892 n .2 , 1262. Bacon, S ir iTiwolas (the Younger) 657» 750n.3, 868 , 873» 873 » .3, 909a . 1 , 1262. />Ecbiiunds (recte Badb j ? q.v. ) Bad, Mr. of Bury 7^^ Badby, Thomas 672 , 6?3, 721%.4, 868 , 869 %,4, 876 , 880 , 892 , 894 , ' 895 , 896 , 899 , 900, 901, 907 , 911; 913, 922%.1 . Bagaeley, Richard 1275. Bainbridge, Robert 569 , 573 , 849%.4. Bainbrigg, Cliristopher 125%.2. Eainbrigg, Cuthbert 1048, 1054, 1055%*1# Eaiird, Jolm 435%.1. Baîcer, Gilbert 731. Balcanquhal, Walter 490 , 497, 499, 501, 847%.3, 1211. — 6 — B ale, John 54, 79* Balgaye, Paul 128n.2. B alia I'd, Bob ert 1261. Banbrlch, Jeffreys 357».3. la te r Bishop of London, aftervjards Bancroft, Bidhard,/Archbishop of Canterbury vi, x iii, 75. 103, 111, 115, 142, 274n.4, 277 , 307, 323, 344n.4, ■ 345, 346, 347 , 369, 379, 379c, 382, 334, 335, 482n.2, 43Sn.5, 492n.3,' 498n.4, 501,' 519, 528n.3, 533, 534n,5, 539, 567».l, 575, 576 n .2, 581 , 584n.2, 589,' 592, „593, 599, &0 6 . 607 , 609, 611a.2, 62cn.3, b2o, o33 , 634, 641, 6 4 3 n ,l, ' 6 4 6 n .l, 647 , 6‘tô, 651, 669, 683, 684, 686n.5, 687 , 710 , 711 , 712, 718 , 719 , 728 , 738, 791 , 794 ,' Soon.3,' 806 , 830 , 840, 841, 842 , 844, 853n.3,„ 857n.l,' 872 , 901a.3, 918, 955, 958, 960, 968, 988 , 994n.2, 999n.l, 1005, lClOa.3, IOI8 , 1020, 1024, 1025, 1027 , 1031, 1035, 1036, 1038, 1039, 1041, 1042, 1043, 1044, I050n.l, 105l, 1052, 1053, 1054, 1057 , 1059, 1062, 1067 , ic 8 3 n .l, 1095».2, 1097, 1099, l i o a i . 2, 1101, 1107 , 1109n .l, 1110, 1112, 1128 , 1144, 1152a.4, 1161, 1162a .1, 1165, 1167 , 1189 , 1211, 1212n.l, 12l3n.2, 1216, , 1217 , 1235. i Banester, Francis 195».4. ,. Barber, Th-oraas 125».3, 382, 431," 462, 499».7 , 501».2, 581 , 532, 592, :596a . 1, 62m .2 , 640 , 643n.4, 1007 , 1008 , 1008; 1010, 1014, 1015, 1048».4, IO6Ô, 1120, I I 25Î Barbon, Jolm 127».1, 584, 618 , 623n.4, 624, 652, 1008 , 1015a . 2 , 1035».3, 1054, 1060, 1068 , 1152, 1237 . Bard, George 1195».1. Barefoot, Jolm, ' Archdeacon of Lincoln, 434».2, 447, 448, 467».1, 843».1 . Barker, Edmuna 627 » .3 , 1255. Barker, Robert (Ipe?<ioh merchant) 864, 865, 66 6 . Barker, Robert & wife 7870 . 2 . - 7 - Barker, Mr. 29$. Barker, Mr. 74$n.l. • _ Barlow, William ■ 1026n.2, 1043%.1, 1080n.l, 1234%.4. Bamardiston,Aime, wife of Gil]aert frecte William ?) Clopton Baraaixliston, Sir Thomas o69%.4r~’~~ 869%.4. Barnes, Richard, Bishop o f Durham 31%.2, 246, 247%.1. Barnes, Thomas 1066%.3, 1203%.l. Bare, Peter 379c? 332%.1, 600. Barrington, Sir Francis 627%.4, 624, 12$7* / "daughter of the Earl of Huntingdon", recte widow of Sir Barrington, Lady winlfred /820, 824, 'Tîornas Hastings, Barrow, Thomas 83, 691, 1066n.3, 11$8. other references to Barrow) Barrow, Henry (C f./ 4)3%.2. Barrow, Mr, 101$, Bartlett, Jolm .3$%.1,7;37; 33%.4, $4, $$%.!, 3$2n.4, 82 A, 937. Barton, John 12on.2. Bait on, Richard 1272.
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