T HE V OICE OF K ANSAS M ASONRY Volume 52 Issue 4 The Kansas Mason Winter 2014 A Publication of the Most Worshipful Grand Lodge of Ancient Free and Accepted Masons of Kansas INVESTING IN GROWTH OF THE BROTHERHOOD delivering m FROM THEthe GRAND EAST essage Michael A. Halleran, Grand Master of Masons 2014-2015 Summer allows us to review and reflect In July I was invited to attend the Rocky ing visits to Kansas upon the designs laid upon the trestle-board. Mountain Masonic Conference in Reno, by some of the As this edition of the Kansas Mason goes Nevada as the keynote speaker. I spoke to the participants. Two to press, lodges throughout the state have assembled delegates from ten states about attendees at that conference will be visiting returned to their labors and once again the the changes we have undertaken in Kansas us soon: the Grand Master of New Mexico work of the Craft begins in earnest. But just Masonry. I highlighted the continuity that has plans to attend our Leadership Academy, and as many lodges remain at labor over the been a part of the Grand Lodge officer line the Grand Master of Utah plans to join us summer due to the amount of work in wait- since 2010 – something that many jurisdictions at our Annual Communication. To me, this ing. the Grand Lodge and your grand officers do not practice – as well as our strategic plan, indicates that we are leading by example, and have been equally engaged over the summer and the progress we have made in overhaul- I have high hopes that our progress and posi- months with more activity on the horizon in ing Grand Lodge programs in response to our tive energy will continue. the autumn. Since last I wrote to you, I have member’s needs and desires. The Grand Lodge officers have been been to many lodges throughout the state, The response was overwhelmingly posi- equally busy. In August a delegation of our conducting surprise visits when my schedule tive, with many jurisdictions requesting more officers attended the Midwest Conference of has allowed it, and presiding at emblem pre- information about our programs and direc- Grand Lodges in Madison, Wisconsin. Led by sentations, with many distinguished and long- tion. Although that may have just been polite Deputy Grand Master Daren Kellerman, and serving brethren. A couple of other highlights conversation following the presentation, I including Grand Secretary Tracy Bloom, Area of the busy summer include two conferences think the real proof that we are going in the Deputy Grand Master Tony Borum, Grand that enabled us to showcase Kansas Masonry. right direction can be seen by the upcom- Sword Bearer Dale Morrow, and Assistant 2 THE KANSAS MASON Kansas Masonic Foundation, 2909 SW Maupin Lane, Topeka, Kansas 66614 Grand Tyler Perry Cross, the Kansas delega- Sometimes in life, we are tempted to hide tion wowed the conference, presenting the same program I presented in Reno, and get- our light under a bushel basket, but Masonically ting the same positive response. we are taught to spread light, not hide it. At the beginning of the year, we told you that we believed Kansas was leading the way nounce that work began this the summer on predict this new membership development in Masonry in North America, and the re- a replacement. Our new Membership Devel- program will be another Kansas product that sponse that we received from each of these opment Program is in production now, and I other Grand jurisdictions will want to see. conferences confirmed our belief that we am very excited about it. With the assistance And we’ll be happy to show it to them. are indeed re-energizing and improving the of Grand Secretary Tracy Bloom, Executive Before closing, I must mention two up- Masonic experience for our members. Every Director of the Kansas Masonic Foundation coming events to keep in mind and prepare chance we get, your Grand Lodge Officers Bob Shively, and Assistant Grand Tyler Perry for; the Leadership Academy on November are eager to lay out our strategic plan to our Cross, we are in the final draft stages now. 1 and the District Schools of Instruction that members, lodges, and even to other grand When complete, this tool will enable lodges will be held as scheduled at a lodge near you. jurisdictions, to show what can be accom- to educate the public and potential members We find our lodges that attend and partici- plished by planning, goal-setting and concert- about our Order, show lodges how to host pate in these events come away invigorated ed action. But you needn’t take my word for a successful event that creates a powerful and “on fire” about Masonry. Please make it a it. You can see your Grand Lodge officers for first impression, and help identify potential point to attend. yourself by attending the next Area meet- members who are likely to be a good fit in Until then, Brethren, I bring you greetings ing. Check the Grand Lodge calendar online Blue Lodge. Underscoring our new commit- from the Grand East and I look forward to to find one near you. I promise you it will ment to quality men over quantity of men, I meeting you on the level. be time well spent, and I have no doubt that when you leave, you will be fired up about Masonry in Kansas. ansas M Sometimes in life, we are tempted to hide K a nd so our light under a bushel basket, but Masoni- a ni cally we are taught to spread light, not hide s c sa F it. This has been the motivation for Grand n o Lodge officers and the Grand Master to a u share our experience and accomplishments K n d with other jurisdictions. For just as we put f a o our good ideas out there, we also receive t e i good ideas from other Grand Lodges, as o g well as lessons on what not to do. If Masonry n d o is going to fully turn the corner into the o n L twenty-first century, communication beyond F our borders is critical. d A n On other fronts, your Grand Lodge is a C r hard at work planning some exciting upcom- E G B FREEMASONRY ing events. As you are aware, earlier this O w o O l l K year we formally retired the old Friends of o Masons program that had served lodges in F Kansas for many years. I am pleased to an- WINTER 2014 3 GRAND SECRETARY by M.W. Tracy L. Bloom, PGM, Grand Secretary The Importance of Paying Office, and just let us know please! Your Lodge Dues In a Timely Manner While we are talk- As we head into the dues billing months, I’d are past due, because those require multiple ing about the possibil- like to mention a few things as reminders for mailings and perhaps even a few phone calls. ity of suspension of all members. This is a very important time Unfortunately, each year, there are as many members for non-payment of dues, I’d like to and an essential function of your Lodge; it’s Masons suspended for non-payment of dues touch on dual memberships (a member of a when your Lodge collects the funds neces- as there are losses to deaths. The latter we Lodge in this jurisdiction, and also another ju- sary to run the operations for the coming can’t do much about, but the former we risdiction) and plural memberships (a mem- year, and is counting on you, as a member, to can. I am encouraging your Lodge Secretary ber of more than one Kansas Lodge). If you to push hard this year to educate members pay your dues in a timely manner. become suspended for any reason, including Lodge dues are payable in advance; in about the importance of the timely payment non-payment of dues, you will be suspended other words, your Lodge dues for 2015 are of dues, and to not put it off. in the other Lodge as well, no matter which payable to your Lodge by December 31, Many times we lose track of members Lodge you first become suspended in. (By- 2014. I would hope that none of you would because of address changes or moves. In Law 4-401A, 4-401D) When you take on the wait that long to pay your Lodge dues, unless today’s society, and the ease in which we responsibility of membership in more than necessity dictates, and in which case, it would communicate you wouldn’t think we’d lose one Lodge, you must maintain your dues be considerate of you to let your Master track of anyone, but believe me, it’s a chal- payments in all of them. If you no longer care or Secretary know that you might need a lenge. When we send out the Kansas Mason, to be a member of one of the Lodges, notify little extra time to make that payment. Your we have the entire mailing list checked the secretary you’d like to dimit. Don’t as- Lodge is counting on your timely payment to against a database that alerts us to changes of sume that not paying your dues will remove effectively operate and pay the necessary bills addresses, otherwise we’d have no idea that you from that Lodge properly, it won’t. As a to keep the doors open, so your members some of you have moved, and still we’ll have matter of fact, it will remove you from both can continue to meet as Brothers and share between two to three hundred magazines Lodges as a suspended member.
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