![~Rlligrrrs from Tuc L91ra T,Olls. by )!~Jor-Gcncral the Hon](https://data.docslib.org/img/3a60ab92a6e30910dab9bd827208bcff-1.webp)
PBD1GRE£::; FR0.'11 TH.I-; PLEA ROLL~. 25 ~rlligrrrs from tuc l91ra t,olls. By )!~jor-Gcncral the Hon. GEORGE WllOl"l'ESLEY. (Cu11ti1111ccl [rom. l'of. X VJ!, p. 251.) De Banco. IIillary. 13. 1Ie11. 6. m. 106 doreo. Sia.ff.- James Leveson sued John Pipard, Chaplain, for land in \Y oh·er• nehampton, which Henry, son of Clement of "~ olvernehampton, had given to Richard Lcveson, of \Villcnlwll, and :\forgery, his wife, and the heirs of their bodies. Richard LeYC$OU, seiscdT)fargery. temp. E. i. I r-.J Geoffrey. I Hoger. I Nicho\:i~. I James Levesou, the plaintiff, John Pipard calh:d to wm-ranty \\.il\iam Lcn'i.011, ::.,111 anti heir of I: ichard Lcvosou, 26 PEJJ1GREE8 FRO>l THE l'LE.A ROLL8. De Banco. 1'rinity. 15. Hen. 6. ni: 321. Line.- ,valter Talvbovs sued John Ellerker and four other/I for the manors of South J.<:iki1igton1 Banneburgh and )letl1er;ngham1 claiming as heir-at-law of Gilbert de Urufraville, Earl of Angos. r---------, ----, Gilbert, Earl of ,\ui;os, Thomas de l'm(m\'illc, Elizabeth. ob. s.p, ob. s.p.m., temp. Ric, 2. I Alianora. I Waller. - I Walter Taylboya, the plaintiff. Verdict for the plaintiff JJc Banco. '1.'riuil!J. 15. lfcn. 6. m. 33~. Somc1·set.-ThomM Stawell, Kt., sued John Bishop of Bath and ,vells, Elizabeth, late wife of John Tuchet, Kt., James Tucliet, Kt., and William Lee for the manors of Xetherstoll"ey, Honeybarc and five other manors named. Thomas gave the same descent, as in the suit of Hillary term !) H. 5 (vol. xvi, p. :l-10), but, a verdict was delivered in favour of the defendants. De Banco. T1·inil!J. 15. ns« 6. m. 491. Nortlia111pton.-Philip Doteller sued for execution of a Fine levied in 4 E. 2, between Ralph le Boteller and Hawise, his wife, and Thomas Payne! and Elizabeth, his wife, respecting the manor of Hegham Gobyn, co. · Bedford, and other lands specified. The defendant was Thomas Reyncs, aud the land claimed was in Horton. llalph le "Boteller, seised-s=Hawise. 4 E. 2. I r--J John. I Ralph. I. Philip. I Pliilip. I Philip Bote!ler, the plaint ifT. Sec suit of Mich. ~ H. ii (vol. xvi. pp. !):!, a3), which Zt\"C'S another version of the descent from Ralph le lloteller. De Banco. 'J'rinity. 15. Hen. 6. 111. lOi. Buc.{·8.-,Yilliam Launcclvu sued .lolm Arrlcrnc and two others for the mauor of Thornton: which l [ugh, sC111 of Riclrnrd Chast ilon. gave to Itoes, formerly wife of Richard Chustilon, nud the hl'it·~ of the bodies of Jlichard and Hoes. rEDlGREI:::5 J:'RO)l THE ru:A lWLL::i. '27 Richard Chastilcn, sei3ed,=Hoes. temp. E. l. I r---J Malc<>lm. I John. ...•..I r ., Johu, Margaret. ob. s.p. I Hiehard. I John. I William Lauucelyn, the plaiutifi. The defendants called to warranty \\'illiam Purefey, who was to be summoned by the Sheriff of co. Warwick. De JJanco. J'ri,iity. Ii;, Hc11. 6. m. 107 dorso. BurX·s.--Thomas Jkcnam and Edmund Tomlvns sued Thomas )fore, John, son of \\"il\iiim Arrloruc, and Thon;as Dod, clerk, for the manor of \rest Stratford. · John, son of William, of Wc~t,=lsnbelh,. Stratford, seiscd t.emp. E. 3. I r----------...1..----, . Jonn. Ali.mora .. I I Thonras. John. I I Lucy. Edmund Tomlyns, I plaintiff. Thomas Ikeuam, plaintiff. De Banco. Trinity. 15. llcn. 6. m. 308. Wilts.- ""illiam Dynclcy, arrniger, and ::\[arga ret, his wife. sued Matilda, lalc wife of John Carpenter, to cany out the terms of a Fine levied in· I~ E. :! hy ).latthew firz Herbert and ::\fargaret, his wife, respecting the manor .of Wolfreton. co. Southampton, a moiety of the manor of .\lorehalle. co. ~orfolk, and a fourth part of the manor of Churughtou, co. Wilts. r------- -------, ~latthew fitz Herbert, Renaud lilt Herbert. ob. s.p, I Elizabeth. I Matilda. I Robert. I Thomas, I . :\lnq;.1rct, = \\'illi:11u ~----~--~-- the pl.1intitf. Dyuelcy. 28 PEDlGl:EES rnox THE PLEA ROLLS. De Banco. Hillary. 15. Hen. 6. m: ·138. lfan.f.~.-John Frampton and Joan, his wife, sued for execution of a Fine levied in 15 E. :}, between John le )larescha.11, of Bonyndon, and l\Intilda, his wife, respecting lauds RIH.l rents in S0111erle, Penne and Asshele. The defendant was Henry Casewyke. John le Mal'e~chall, sciscdT--)Iatiltln. is i,;. 3. r----· ..L , John,=Katrine. John, 2nd son. 'ob. ~.p. I Edmund. • I Joan.= John Frampton, the plain-tiffs. De Banco. llillai·y. 15. lien. 6. m. 319. Stif/:-,John Brokle sued William Drury, Kt., and three others, for the manor of Waningford, r---------- , Thomas. Agnes. I I Katrine Cokerell, Alexander. seised temp. H. 6, I obiit s.p, Agnes. I John Brokle, plaintiff. The .defendants pleaded tha.t a. moiety of the manor was held by Thomas Tudenham, Kt., and that, the plaintiff was not the right heir of Katrine Cokerell. De Banco. llillary. 15. lien. 6. m. 319 dorso. llerf(ord.-.\gnes, late wife of John \\'~·lby, sued John Exham and five others fol' the manor called Goklyngstones ~lauor, in Saret, which Peter de Goldyngton had given to Joh 11, his son, and the heirs of his body. Johu, son of Peter <le Goldington. r-------L--- --, Thomas, Joan. ~~~ I Margaret. I Agues, =J olm the Wylbt. plaintiff. JJe Banco. ll-illm·y. ]5. lieu. 6. 111. 3:'!i. ll'ilts.-·\\':iltcl' ~tl'iklatul aud Isubclln. his wife. sued ~idwlas Scuda• more, in a pica '· de uut iritutr," claimin;: him as a fu;:itiH· villein tenant appendunt to their uiauor of Coiuptou Chaumbcrlayn, mul l'EDJt:Ja,;r,:-; FRO::\! THE 1-'LE.-\ ROLLS. tliev stated tlmt -Iohu ~cudamorc. the ;_!m11dfatl1e1: ·of the dcfl'11rla11t., haci J~e11 the ,:illein truant, of ;\I a.Liltl..1,, Lhe great gn111dmothrr (J)J'Oarn) of Isabella, in the reign uf Edward HJ, and from ~fatilda they gave this descent,:- Matilda, seised temp. E. 3. I William. I John. I Isabella, the plaintiff. From John Scudamore, the villein tenant, temp. E. 3, they gave this descent of the defendant:- John Scudamore, living temp. E. 3. I r----------+ , John, the elder. Edmund. John, the youug1:r. I I Nicholas, the John Scudamore. defendant. Edmund Scudamore and John, son of John Scudamore, were present in Court, and acknowledged that they were the villein tenants of Isabella. As the Court, were puzzled how the action should be tried, it was adjourned from term to term up to Hillary, 16 H. G, when the record terminates. lJe Banco. Hillm·y. 15. Hen. G. m. 337 . .De1·b.-John Jorce, armiger, sued Agnes Annesley, of Burton Jorce, in the county of Notts, widow, to give up to him a pyx, containing deeds and muniments, Robert Jorce, Kt., son of Richard Jorce, was seised of the manor of But-ton J orce, near Bulcotc, and other lands and rents in Gedlyng and Esterlayk, in County Notts, and lands and rents in Bakewell, county Derby, and Loughborough, county Leicester. and gaYe them to Richard, his son, and the heirs male of his body, with remainder to Itobeit, son of the said Hobert. and the heirs male of his body, and with remainder to Williniu, son of the said Robert, and the heirs male or his body. Robert Jorce, Kt., son of Hichnrcl Jorce. I r-·---------+--- -----, Richard, ob. Robert. William. a~~ I I John. Richard. I I \\'illfr1m. John. I I Willi:1111, John Jorcc, ob. s.p m. the rl11intitf. By another deed, Robert Jorce, Kt., son of Il ichurd, ga,·c the manor of Eperstono to Robert, hi-, son. and the heirs male of his body, with remainder to William, son of Hobert, son of H ichnrd 30 PElt!UHEJ·:.-:; FR0:11 THE PLE.\ ROLJ.$. nod the heirs. malo of his hud,\'. Willia111, futlu-r vf Williain, had constituted the ddemlauL s\g11c.•s his executor, i11 consequence of which she had bc1:0111c possessed of the deeds in 9 Hen. :';, at Repton, co. Derby. Y erdict for the plaintiff JJe Banco. J/illm·y. 16. u.« G. m. 11.'i dorso. Warw.--Humfrcy Stafford, Kt., sued Hobert Catesbv few. t.ltc manor of Harpesford, ~Yl,id, Roge1· Ilisshopston and Joan, his wife, had given to Thomas <le Hastyng (IIastang). Chivaler, and Elizabeth, his wife, and the heirs of their bodies, and he gave this descent:- Thomas Hastaug, KL =rEliznbetu. I ~-J Jolin. I Johu. I )fatilda. I Humfrev. I . Hurnfrey Staffon], the plaintiff. IJe Banco. llill<t17;. 16. m« 6. m. 475. StaJJ:-The King sued John Sutton, of Dudley, and John Bredhill, for the next presentation to the church of King Swynford. John de Sutton, of Dudley.s=Isabella, presented living temp. E. 3. I temp. Hie. 2. r-J John. I John. I . John. r----' I John, <lied in 7 H. 4.,=Constance. I r-----J Johu Sutton. the defeudaut , The King claimed the presoutation, because Constance who held it .in dower, had been 1n1 ici«t« for a debt. JJe Banco. Jhnil!J, 16. Lien, 6. m. 135. JJerb.-John Thcrold, of Rcpyngton. and four others, sued John Lathcbury for an illegnl distress in ~cuton S11l11~·. The defendant pleaded that the plaintiffs were villein teuauts appurrcnnut to his manor of Neuton Sulny. l'EnI<H1EE::- FRO)! THE PLE.-\ HOLL$. 31 A lured Lathebury, Chivaler, of E.;intr>11. I John. I John Lathebury, the dcfendnnt , ,· erdict for the plaintiffs, De Banco. llilla1·y. l G. Hen. G. m. 11 G .
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