NETBALL South Africa has been suspended from participation in World championships since 1970. The white Women's Netball in SA has gained a RIO,000 sponsorship from the Banana Bo­ ard, according to the Citizen newspaper 6 / 7 / 7 9 . The money w ill be used to orgetnise the SA Inter Provincial tournaiment in Bloemfontein during August of this year. Mcilcing the grant, the Bocird said it shared the views of other sponsors who believed sport would decline from lack of international conpetition unless it was h e lp e d . With regard to that statement by the Board it would be interesting to know what amount the Board w ill make over as sponsorship money to the Blacks as the Blacks who farm bananas se ll their product to the Board. There are several Netball clubs and provincial organisations in this country but there is no national non-racial association affiliated to our Council although the SA Netball Board with headquarters in George, Cape Province made enquiries with regard to affiliatio n etc. Negotiations between the South African Coxincil on Sport and the South African Netball Board broke down. Mrs. S. Adams, President of the Net- ball Board told a delegation of the South African Senior Schools Sports Union from Boland that her Board was not interested in nembership of the South African Council nn Sport. They preferred to maintain their inde­ pendence on matters affecting policy and was not prepared to be dictated to by any organisation. The Board would keep an open mind on discussions with the South African Netball Federation and playing against interna­ tional touring teams. As a result of the failure of the Netball Board to clearly define its policy on non-racialism in sport or to affiliate to SACOS Netball players who also participate in codes of sport affiliated to SACOS during their of season are finding it increasingly d ifficult to play Netball under the Board. Three Netball units formerly affiliated to the Board subsequently withdrew and formed the South African Netball Union. The South African Senior Schools Sports Association, the South African Colleges Union and the South African Primary Schools Sports Association has promised support cind the Union w ill shortly have affiliates in the Western Province G ri- qualcuid West and possibly Natal. PARAPLEGIC South Africa has retained its international membership under the pretext that it is a non-racial organisation. During July of this year when the world body for the Physically disabled met in Amsterdam we were represented by SAN-ROC led by Mr. Scunba Ramsany. The delegation was not successful in persuading the Dutch Government to ban the SA Sports Association for Paraplegics and other Physically Dis­ abled from next 3rear's Paraplegic Games in Arnhem. It is reported that a number of Dutch sporting Unions however, have withdrawn from the geunes because of the invitations to SA to send a mixed team to the event and there are fears that as many as a dozen countries w ill refuse to peirti- cipate if SA is allowed in. Prior to the world meeting, and on the 26 March 1979, the President of the world body (ISMGF end ISOD) Sir Ludwig Guttmann and his Secretary General Miss. Joan Scruton together with SA's national President Dr. Ian Potgieter and his Chairman Mr. Menzo Barrish visited our President Mr. Hassan Howa. At the world meeting the four persons construed that hospitality by our President cind his family as a concession on the part of our president to permit the SA body^)n compassionate grounds to take part in the world Con­ gress eind tournament. This did come as a surprise to a ll of us especia­ lly in view of the fact that I refused to give Mr. Barrish and Dr. Pot- gietor a letter of credibility aind more especially when our VP Mr. Frank van d er H o rst made i t v e ry c le a r to M r. B a r r is h , (an employee of the Cape Town City Council) that you cannot have non-racial sport in a country like South Africa where discrimination is rife . Mr. Barrish presented a very distorted picture of the conversation the 4 people had with our president cind who very carefully excluded their re­ quest made to me and were doubly careful to exclude the conversation they had with our VP. No where in SA is there a place where a ll races ii this country aimed or disabled could practise sport - indoors or outdoor; We do not have a national non—racial association for the disabled. PIN-BOWLING South Africa is not a member of the international Pin-Bowling Federation, There is no non-racial pin-bowling organisation in this country. POLO South Africa has bilateral relations in this sport with several Latin American countries. South Africa does not have a national non-racial polo body. ROLLER-SKATING South Africa is a member of the international body catering for ro ller­ skating but is forbidden from participating in world championships. There is no national non-racial roller-skating orgeinisation. ROILING' South Africa is a member of the international Rowing Fed­ eration (FISA), but it has been barred from participating in world championships. There is no national non-racial orgcinisation in this country. 105 RUGBY South Africa is not a member of the Federation Internationale de Rugby Amateur. However, white countries of the old B ritish Empire found the International Rugby Board. (IRB) Member countries of the Board arrange b ilateral tours. The IRB now consists of England, Scotland, Wales, Ireland, New Zealand, Australia, South Africa and France. The 1976 Rugby tour of the New Zealand team sparked off the withdrawal of 441 athletes from 19 African countries, Iraq and Guyana frdm the 1976 Olympic Games in Montreal. In 1978 Scotland called off a tour of South Africa and Britain cancelled its invitation to the South African team. However, South Africa is scheduled to tour France during October of th is year. The USA Cougars played the SA Gazelles at E llis Park on the 26/8/1978. Dan "Cheeky" Watson, who played in a match for his team was charged with entering a "Bantu" area without the necessary permit. The Magistrate found him guilty of being in New Brigfiton (Port Elizabeth) without a permit and told him that he was extremely foolish. Cape Herald 27/5/78. An appeal against his conviction was turned down in the Supreme Court on 15/2/79. A very disappointed Watson after the verdict said: "The G-wup Ateoi Act -ta veAy much poAt ouA way oi £x.^e. VA.CAaven knowi veAy weJtt that Blaclu oac allowed to ptay mixed gamei only undeA a blanket penmit. What happeni to a black Augby ptayeA a^teA playing in a mixed SAKE aame? I ' l l te ll you what would happen to a black p^yeA in PoAt Elizabeth - he would have to AetuAn to a l i t t l e hovel in New BAighton and continue play­ ing ,^OA hii black team. Why do you think io many cAicketeAi who pAeviou&ly played nolmal cAicket have now AetuAned to the non-kacial Eattenn PAovince CAicket A66ociation? They AetuAned because theif could not itand playing undeA Ae6tAictiom iuch oa the GAoup AAeai Act. But Lorraine Fourie writing in the SA Digest - March 13, 1979 doing a profile on the opposite to Watson, Cuthbert Loriston, the President of the SA Rugby Federation: "ThAough hh> decision to woAk ioA "co-opcAotive development" as a substitute ^oA sepoAote development, he believes he has contAibuted in a small way to hie welioAe OfS the South AiAican Nation as a whole. And u ntil this objective is AealZsed he is willing to toleoate paesent conditions." Mr.Hannes Pretorius, Chairman of the SA Rugby Board's Finance Committee addressing the AGM at Newlands, Cape Town said that the Board showed a d e ficit of R80,748 and is budgeting for-a loss of R227,000, this season. At the meeting the SA Breweries handed over a cheque for R25,000, part of it s R1.25 m illion commitment to the Board. Mr.Tom Newnham, of New Zealand enquired i f there was any truth in the statement made by Dr.Dannie Craven, in the overseas press, that he had has reached an agreement with Mr.D.Abbas and E.Patel of-the non-racial Union. After having spoken to both Mr.Abbas and Mr.Patel I cabled the following: Abbas and Patel conj^iAm that no AgAeement has been Aeached with CAaven's Union and uAge you con^Aont CAaven. SAW AeiteAotes no change has taken place in South A^Aican Pugby stAuctuAe." N.N.PATHEP : SECRET ARY SACOS. 613/1979. 106 Ihe Sunday Times - Johannesburg 18/2/1978 - printed banner headlines "Dawie goes back land of the demos" - when Dawie de V illic r s , a former Springbok was appointed as tke South African Ambassador to Britain. During 1969 the Springbok toured Britain but was harassed, hunted and hounded. The tour was no tour at a ll as their movements ani the matches were in secrecy. Soiuetimes la te r, when it was reported that the Br'tish layer Frances Bennion brought an action against Peter Main for having in iti­ ated the Stop All Racial Tours, Dawie de Villiers flew to London to give evidence against Anti-Apartheid champion - Peter Main. Where Frances Bennion got the money fron to institute a very costly proceedings in the B ritish Courts of law could be any one s guess.
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