! I Diftributfon REDBANK Today lMMmMK> Hf^i May, Mf / Lev / Ueight, >M», fee (MM MK 16,600 weatber, page 2. MOHPAYTHDOUCHrVDM-UT- Iff Isslied Dally. Monday through Friday, entered ai Second Clasi Matter VOL. 83, NO. 125 afthe Post Olflct at Red Bank, N. J., under the Act ol March 3, 1S79. RED BANK, N. J., TUESDAY, DECEMBER 27, 1960 7c PER COPY ty CARRIER PAGE ONE Man Killed, Seven Hurt in Accidents France Sets Off An East Keansburg man was The count at midnight, at the tilled and seven persons were end of the 78-hour holiday period injured seriously in Monmouth which started at 6 p.m. Friday, County automobile accidents dur- showed 474 killed in motor ve ing the holiday week-end. hide accidents. Killed was Enrico Di Paolo, Seven persons died in New Jer 35, of Harmony Rd., East Keans- sey traffic accidents during the burg. He was pronounced dead week-end. Another perished in Third A-Bomb on arrival at Riverview Hospital a fire and one was fatally in after his car sideswiped another, jured when she walked into the then crashed into three other side of a train. cars in a parking lot in West The West Keansburg acciden Keansburg Saturday night. occurred on Rt. 36 at Monroe Ave. State Police at Keypor In the nation, traffic accidents said Mr, DiPaolo was thrown over the week-end took a heavy from his car when it hit the Test Explosion toll of lives, averaging six an parked cars. hour, but it was below the pre- holiday estimate of 510. Police said Mr. Di Paolo wa; going east on Rt. 36 when his The number killed in the tb;'ee- car hit an auto operated b' day holiday period also may be Frank D. Collins, 76, of 27 Col Sahara the lowest for a comparable lins Ave., Keansburg. Space PLANE WRECK — Firemen, police and residents view wreckage of imall plane which Christmas week-end in 11 years. According to police, Mr. Col- Safety experts were hopeful be- lins said he was going south on crash landed near Swimming River School, New Shrewsbury yesterday. lated reports of traffic fatalities Monroe Ave., stopped at the in- Blast A would hold the final count un- tersection, then proceeded inti der last year's total of 493. That the intersection, where the Parley was the lowest toll for a three- crash occurred. Surprise Small Plane Crashes day Christmas period since 1949 Charges of causing death by when the total was 413. auto are pending 'against Mr. NEW SHREWSBURY-A sin- Deaths in traffic smashups Collins. Slated PARIS (AP)—France to- gle engine plane crash landed slackened last night despite in- Troopers Robert Ryan am day set off her third nu- In a field behind the Swimming creased traffic as millions of William Thompson investigated. PALM BEACH, Fla. (AP) clear test explosion in the River School, off Hance Ave., motorists jammed highways Mr. Di Paolo's body was re —President-elect John F. moved to the Scott Funera Sahara with the double yesterday after running out of heading for home from Christ- Kennedy and key advisers gas. mas visits. Rain and ice made Home, Belford. oal of advancing her atom The Cougar aircraft was pi- driving hazardous in some areas i in Hospital ivill delve further today in- bomb program and im- RUMSON - One driver of loted by James L. Crown, 41, and the death rate dropped to planning for expansion proving medical treatment of Rt. 34, Matawan. The plane's slightly. (See ACCIDENTS Page 2) ind strengthening of this nose, propeller and loft landing against radioactive faljout. xmntry's space program in gear were damaged. The surprise blast was of Pilot Cut he race with Russia. 'small strength," the French 'Psychos 'Not 'HoodsScheduled for more discussion, Howard W. Roberta laid, claiming the radioactive Mr. Brown suffered a cut over oo, are State Department oper- his right eye in the landing. A alloiit presented no danger to itions abroad. passenger, Ronald Spencer, 940 the nomad population around the Called Way to Treat Gang Leaders Kennedy arranged another Broadway, West Long Branch, Roberts To Sahara test center of Reggane. •ound of talks with Vice Presi- The French said many small escaped injury. NEW YORK (AP) — Treat He holds they are not usuall; ent-elect Lyndon B. Johnson and animals—most of them mice or Mr. Spencer said the plane had leaders of violent teen-age gangs cohesive groups, and said mos ien. Robert S. Kerr, D-Okla., Get Keyport rats—were placed in the test left the Monmouth County Air- as "psychos" rather than as boys interviewed after "rumbles' ilated to succeed Johnson as area and are now being flown port, . Wall Township, about 20 "hoods," a sociologist suggested or even fatal battles "had no rea chairman of the Senate Space to Paris for study. minutes before the forced land- today. concept of belonging to any ganj Committee when the new Con Legal Post Some of the animals had been Ing. "That would take some of the or group." ress convenes next month. Also injected with substances thai He told The Register that Mr. glory out of gang activity," said The gang Is a near-group, he iitting in again will be Rep KEYPORT - The law firm o might furnish protection against Brown, a pilot since 1942, had Dr. Lewis Yablonsky of the Uni- said, but if treated as an organ lohn Rooney, D-N.Y., chairman Roberts, Pillsbury and Carton radioactivity, officials said. Oth- been unable to buy gas at the versity of Massachusetts. ized group, a group may actual!; 3f the House Appropriations sub- Middletown, will receive the bor- er animals had been put In a Mnnmouth County Airport. "Society would thus brand gang form. One social worker tried t committee which handles State ough attorney appointment, re- state of hibernation to study how Mr. Brown piloted the plane action as 'sick' behavior rather organize such youths into a basi Department funds. placing Edward W. Currie, at they reacted to radioactivity in for a low run over the Red than indirectly aggrandize it—as ball team, but they turned in Kennedy has announced that in January reorganization meeting that condition. Scientists in pro- Bank Airport, Shrewsbury Ave., is often done." stead into a violent gang, hi the new administration Johnson of Borough Council. tective clothing retrieved them and was starting to sain altitude "With gang behavior stigma- added. will be chairman of National The announcement was madi immediately after the blast. for another pass over the field tized as being in the boy's terms PILOT — James L. Brown, 41, of Matawan, pilot, checks Become Violent Aeronautics and Space Advisory yesterday Mayor-elect Charlei when the plane ran out of gas, 'crazy or nutty,' many youths The Defense Ministry said the louncil. E. Applegate and Councilma Mr. Spencer said. plane damage. would not participate in the gang Gangs which become violent ari explosion test was a success. The President-elect's discus Henri J. Hansen. He said the first -pass over and its violence." loose organizations, and the lea The announcement that it was of sions with Johnson, Kerr am "small strength" indicated it was the field revealed some "rough" Dr. Yablonsky, speaking to the ers "are often borderline ps, The Republicans will have only Rooney began yesterday after- a step forward in cutting the spots and Mr. Brown w'antefl a American Association for the Ad- chortles with delusions of gra two council votes next year. second look at the field before deur or persecution." noon. Secretary of the Treasury- first rWo devices—exoloded last New Welfare Head vancement of Science, said many designate Douglas Dillon, now Democratic Councilman Roberl Feb. 13 and April 1—down to attempting to land. people and even some specialists Trying to work with them i J. Strang confirmed yesterday serving in the Eisenhower ad- practical size for use In varied When the plane ran out of gas, make a serious error in thinking usually useless, but most gang fol that he will vote for the -Rob- ministration as undersecretary ol weapons. Mr. Brown set the craft down Call Appointment 'Political' of violent gangs as definite lowers can be helped by construi erts, Pillsbury and Carton ap- state, was on for that session. The government gave no de- In a large field about 600 feet groups. tive activity projects, he said. pointment, thus giving the GOP KEYPORT - Joseph Piney, 15 Mrs. Adelaide B. Crammer ha: The talks recessed while Ken- tails of the device exploded, but from the school and about 500 Dr. Yablonsky told of inter- the necessary third (or tie) vote. West First St., new borough wel- held the post for the past 21 nedy, Johnson and Dillon gol presumably it was of plutonlum feet from a housing development viewing some boys after the fatal fare director, is a lifelong resi- years. • >n a round of golf at the Palm Any 3-3 tie can be broken in as were the previous two. De- beating and stabbing of .a young dent of the borough. Mayor Norman J. Currie, Police Car Beach Country Club. favor of the Republicans by Mr. vice No. 3 was named "Red Jer- polio victim, Michael Farmer, ii A painter, Mr. Piney is com- Democrat, noted that state we News Conference Applegate. boa," after a small desert ro- New York City three years age Hits Police mander of the local American fare aid was withheld from the After dinner at the Kennedy As for other appointments, Mr dent. by a gang known as the Egyp Legion post.
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