., " , ':I I' I~ 01 owan t Serving Th. Stat. Uni.,.,sit" of lowe and til. P.opl. of IOWG Cit" Established In 1868 - Five Cents a Copy Associated Press Leased Wire and Wirephoto Iowa Ciiy. Iowa, FTlcby, JIlDP• ., 11M Probers Hear 01 TeamsterPayo.11 Senate Lowers Taxes , 1 Newspaper Pays To Avoid On Travel, Telegra ms Labor Troubles Measure Also Say Union Boll Given No Orbit For Steel Strike Seems Certain; $100,000 In 9 Years Lowers Phone WASHINGTON (,f\ - Senate in· Discoverer 4; Union Rejects Latest Oller' vestigators were told Thursday a Pittsburgh newspaper paid a Teamsters Union official more Ai r Force fry NEW YORK 11\ - The t el in· .tlll It.ndS. wlUl4 h.vI • ret'ly I.ter. Call Taxes · than $100.000 over nine years to dustry Thursday night rejected a The indu try had said it will 1cDonaid submitted the union's avoid labor troubles, and foot~d 2nd Satellite union offer 10 extend present teel have to start cl In{: down Friday alt rnat e.'den on plan to Ihe [no Tax Loopholes Plugged the bill for a telephone he alleged· contracts from July I to July 15 in anticipation of a Wedne day du try after day·long m ings On Stock Holdings Iy used in II numbers racket. Failure Of Week with a guarantee oC r troactive strike. with th Steelwork rs' Execulh'e benefit gain . The S~lworkers ofC r ca~ Board nd International Wace Pol· WASHINGTON fit - The ~n. William J. Poch, business man· REFUSES TO ANSWER-Theodor. Coni, right, p,..sident of Pitts. VANDENBERG AIR FORCE The decision eemed to rule out earlier in the dllY from David J , icy Committee. ager of the Pittsburgh Sun·Tele· burth t."mst.rs locil 211, hu his Ittomey, J. CIiRord Allder, It his at voted Thur~y to tnd fedtral BASE, Callf. III - The fourth a delay of a Wedne day trike McDonald, union president. He Th wage policy ,roup, In an taxel on Iravt'l, tell!fl'ams and graph, testified that Theodore Coz· .Ide I. h. ttltifie. ThursdlY before the Sen.te Rickets Committee. za did "little work for us," but Discoverer satellite rocket roared threat. coupled the offer with a demand angry stalem nt, said th union telephone call . COZII gave only hi. name and .greed he had looked .t • photogreph, The steel makers at the same lhat any new It I contract ,ain had made lair, r sonabl and that he was put OD the payroll aloft Thursday in a test of equip­ Then, ,olnl In the otbet dlfte. left forlil,ouncl-a picture of Cona .nd Jame. HoH_nnt to the time proposed that the tailed eventually ne(otlated would date nonlnIJallonllry ttl m nt offers as a driver supervisor "for fear ment expected to carry monkeys lion. It voted to repeal the tn wltnen stand. In le.s than 10 minut.s he re.d thin 30 times contract negotiations resume at 10 back to July J. but the Indu lry enjoying Its 01 disturbing the labor relations rna,.. into orbit later, but it failed to go credit IIOW allOWed atockholden I st.tement refusing to ans_,. questions on the grounds of possible today. The offer counter d a proposal greate t pront rate In history, had of the company." Cozza was fired into orbit. The union replied Ihat the In· mad Wedne day by the t I In· balked com pi lely at ,ranling any on their income from dividendi. about a mont I) ago, he said. nlf·incriminltion.-AP Wirephoto. The Air Force said study of radIo du try rejection of the l' troacllvlty dustry th t pr nt conlract be concessions. Ar r hour. of debat and some Poch, under Questioning before feature "makes no sen e" but extended ind finitely without any The policy group aid ub tantial vollnl. there wa. till no decision data will be required before It the S en ate Labor·Management agreed to meet with company rep- retroactive f eat u r e, McDonald pay and ben fit Improv menta on what to do to ,et the naUonal Committee, ackllQwledged that the can determine why the rocket did resentatives Bgain this mornin,. made it clear that union would not have been negoUated thl y ar fOi hiJhwlY prorram. out of a finan­ newspaper paid $1,022 for 700-800 Louis Armstrong Gravely III; not go into orbit around the earth. Thus arrBneement emed to con Ider an exten ion without r t· million of workers In uch majO(" cial fix. calls a month in connection with The liCe capusule in the rocket's have been completed for are· roactivlty. He aid the Indu try Indu ll'ie as construction, cem ot, AU the various rnat~re Wfre a numbers racket that committe~ nose cone was empty. Jf orbit had sumption of bargaining without had often Bilreed to r troac\ivity petroleum r finine, gla manu, lied to a corporaUon~iJe tax counsel Robert F. Kennedy said any cons nt on a contract ext n· in ih past. facturing and 6th r It Aid the In Good Spirits, Friend Says been achievcd, the Air Force had bill the SeIlat I ackor hlp Will Cozza conducted from his office Ion . This left the July 1 strike R. Conrad C:..,..r, necutivi teel industry if J( n ,otlaled a pr Inl toward a VOIf. in the paper. No period was men· planned to try an aerial catch of pOssibility stili aUve. vic" ,rHldent ef U,S. StHI Corp. 25 cent hourly pay boo t thl year It ....... hew .... SPOLETO, Italy IA'I - Louis Satchmo Armstrong, the king of jazz the capsule near Hawaii. 1_ ..... _ tioned. The business manager to millions around the world, lay gravely ill Thursday night in Spoleto The union reply ..Id howlver, and chief Industry negotiator, for thous8Jld of coal miner em· Meu.. weultl ,..ct .. .... Ie. said the paper objected. Monkeys ore expected to be -th.t Its "....... 1 fer I '1S.cI.y .IC· ..Id the induStry was contlder. ployed by steel companl . Cozza, president of Teamsters Hospital. But people who saw him said he was in good spirits. carried skyward this autumn, pro· tention with • retroactive provllO illt the ""len c.unt.ref#er.nd Th union ha in i ted that ri . I"~" Local 211 in Pittsb~gh, refused Doctors disagreed in their announcements on the exact nature vided earller tests produce suIn· I------~------------­ Inl indu try effie! ncy and profits 'l'Il stockholder.' tax credit to give the committee any infor· of his illness. cient information. warrant higher wnlles and other a ndm nt wu ODe of several "Louis chatted with me and seemed in good spirits," said his benelits without any !ncr a in proposed by a (roup or Northern mation. He invoked the Firth The /\ir Force said tracking sta· I A""endment, contending his an· drummer, Danny Barcelona, after lions in Alaska could not contact John , Brown/ By Stockton, { el prlc . Democrats 10 bring In more reve· The late earninas licur for nue. swers to questions might tend to a hospital visit. "He wanted to the rocket on its first circult incriminate him. ·lv·11 Defense know when he would get out of around the earth. This tended to teelworkers wa $3.10 an hour in It would remove from tax law The testimony about the Sun· C the hospital." confirm findings of the preliminary To:Be'C;iven At Theatre April, Inc\udin, overtim , accord· a provision allow In, a taxpayers to Telegraph situation opened a new Armstrong'S American doctor studies made during the mlssllc's Ing to th U.S. Labor 0 partment. deduct Crom hls Income tax ,.y. round of rackets hearings on the and Italian physiCians examining launching that orbit was not By JO MOORE and for the SUI t ~ vl Ion ludios The Indu try maintains th ment four r ceot of all hII divl· . Teamsters Union. a chieC target Contemplates him said his condition was grave achieved. St.R Writer by Donald William. vi illni I . t lworkers air ady are amOl\i dend above'-. tur at the T levi ion Work hop. o( ,corruption charges si~ the and that he had pneumonia. They th be t paid in U.S. m nufacturin, The amendmt'flt, orfered by SeD, The 78·fool white rock~­ A highlight or the 1I1Ul41l1 SUI and any further hike would spar Semite Investrgatloh . ~gan 2'h al8Q were concerned about hi~ Tho CASt 01. "The Trial 01 John EUleM J, Vc:Oetily~ 4D-Mlmtl, 'J1hor !RBM first stage a~ IHII· nn~ , ,Art Festival. tbe premiere a new round or InlIatlon . ' ,ears ago. Nucleor T~II heart. HU!)t1er second stage - shot sky· ~rown" Includes: Dave 'J'homp on, won on a 47·31 vote, '11Ie majority •. The committee says conditions His private physician. Dr. Alex· oC Rlohard Sto<;kton's orillLnal G, Seaford ; Harry Ltlngdon, G. ward from a pad on the edge or the drama, "The Trial oC John Brown," was mad up of 44 Democrat. and WASHINGTON IA'I - Suppose an ander Schiff of New York, said ocean at this We$t Coast missile Council Bluffs; Cameron Cummins, 3 Republicans; the minority III· ~~ ~anunt:r~~. worsened, rath· will open the 1959 Summer S s· G, Cedar Rapids: rom Koehler, agressor hit the United States Armstrong had not suffered a training base. The tim.e was 3:49 cluded 24 Republicans and 7 Dem· Ion at the SUI Theatre. The work G, Davenport: Marvin Sprague.
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