The Poets and Poetry of Scotland : from The

The Poets and Poetry of Scotland : from The

! — G L O S S A E Y We add the following general i-ules regarding the distinctions hetwecn English and Scottish orthography in words which are orig-inally the same, having only a letter changcil for another, or sometimes one taken away or added: (Englisli). 1. lu many words ending witli I after a, o, or u, the I is rarely sounded in Scotland; as, All 4' (Scots): -Call, Ca'—Small, S);i«'—False, Fawse—italt, J/a»(--Full, y-'K'— Pull, I'u. itc. as, 2. The I changes in Scotland to w or if after a or o, and is fre(iuently sunk before another consonant; Balm, Brticm—Balk, BaiiJc—BoU, iJow^Poll,- Pou'— Fault, Faut, &c. 3. An before hi changes to a or an; as. Old, .t»W— Bold, L'rti/id—Cold, CawW—Told, Tattld. &c. Most, MaUt 4. The o, oc, oic, is changed to a, ae, or ai; as, Oif, J/— Toe, Tat -Own, J/n— Cloth, a«i7/i— —Song, Sang, &c. Honey, 5. The or u is fre(iuently changed into i; as. Another, J JiiJio—Brother, £/ it/icr—Foot, Fit— //ijiji?/—Nuts, Nits—Kun, lUn, &c. Bangster, violent person. A\ all. Athort, athwart, across. a Ahack, away, aloof. Attour, out-over. Ba)tnock, a cake of bread. Abeet, albeit, although. Auld, old. Bap, a roll of bread. Aheigh. at a shy distance, aside. Aiild-farrant, sagacious, cunning. Bardie, dinnnutive of bard. Abuoji, abune, above, up. Auld langsyne, olden time. Bardily, boldly, pertly. Abread, abroad, in sight. Aidd Nick, the devil. Barejit, barefooted. Abreed, in breadth. Aidd Reekie, Edinlnn-gh. Barley-bree, malt li<mor, whisky. Acquaint, acqtieiit, acquainted. Auld-warld, old-fashioned. Barlichood, a fit of drunken, angry Adle, putrid water. Aumous, an alms. passion. Ae, one, only, always. Ava, at all. Batts. colic, botts. Aeteti, oaten. Awa', away. Tiauch. indifferent, son-y. Bauchle, an old shoe. Af, off; aff-loof, off-han I. A-icill, voluntarily. Afore, before. Awnie, bearded, as grain. Batik, to frustrate; a rafter-joist; of land left unjiloughcd. Aft, oft; often, often. Awsonie, frightful. a strip Aglee, off the right line. Aynd, the breath. Bauld, bohl. Aliint, behind. Ayont, beyond. Baion, balm. Aiblins, ablins, perhaps, possibly. Bau-bee, a halfpenny; pi. money. white Aih; oak. Bawsint. hairsand. having a cow. Ailin. sickness, ailment. B spot on the face, as a Ain, own; aim^ell, ownself Bau'fy, name for a dog. baker. Air, early, before; air up, soon up Ba\ ball. Baxter, a a tassel, cockade. {to let), to cease, not to mention. in the morning. Bab, a nosegay; Be baikie, an ash or coal ves- poor pensioner. Airles, earnest or hiring money. Backet, Beadsman, a Aim, iron; a mason's chisel. sel, a coal-scuttle. Bear, barley. ash-boards. Beastie, dinnnutive of beast. Airt, to direct, to urge. Backets, l)ack, backwards. Beck, to cringe; a curtsy; a rivulet. Airtg, points of the compass. Backlins, a sirloin. Bedeen, bedcne, ([uickly. Aith, an oath. Back-sey, bid. Beek, to bask in the sun or at the Aits, oats. Bad, did or bandions, a cat. fire; to perspire. Aiver, a work-horse, a he-gont. Badrons, the belly. Beet, to add fuel to fire, to help. Aizle, a hot cinder. Baggie, aliode. Begoud. began. Alake. alas Baid, stayed, Baide, endured. Begrutten. all in tears. A-loice, on fire. Begunk, a trick. Amaist, almost. Baillie, a magistrate. bield. shelter. Ambrie, aumrie, a cupboard. Bainie, having large bones. Beild, or bear, a boar. Bein, comfortable, well-to-do. An, and, if. Bair, a Anent, over-against, concerning. Ba irn, a child. Beld, balil. Beltane, the 1st of May (old style). A7ies, ains, once; anes-eirand, on Baith, both. by-and-by. purpose. Baleen, whalebone. Belyve, to or towards the Aneueh, aneiv, enough. Baloo, hush! Ben, ])aiIour; ai)artment of a house. Anither, anothei'. Ban, to curse, to rcproas'.i. inner Bend, a iiull of liiiuor. Ase, ashes. Bane, bone. Bcnd-the-bicker, (juatf out the cup. Asklent. aslant. Banefire, bonfire. Benew. below, beneath. Asteer, stirring. Bang, haste; a blow; a great num- Beniaon, blessing. Atams, at once, at the same time. ber; to strive, to beat. 550 GLOSSAEY. Benmost, inmost. Bonze, to drink. Cannie, gentla, cautious. Bent, the open field; to talc the bent, Bow, a IjuU (a dry measure). Cantie, cheerful, disposed to s'ng. to run away. Bowie, a small barrel or cask. Cantrij)g, charms, incantations. Betoueh-ii-s-to, Heaven preserve usl Bowt, a bolt; bent. Ca2), a wooden bowl. Benk, bakeil; also, a book. Brae, a hillside. Cupernoited, whimsical. Bicker, a ilrinking-cup; a race. Brag, vaunt. Carena, care not. Bickerino, fighting, quarrelling. Braid, Ijroad. Carle, an old man. Bide, stay, reside, endure. Brainzel, to break foi'th violently. Carline, an old woman. Big, to build; biggit, budt. Braken, or brecken, the fern. Carlingg, pease boiled. Biggin, a house. Brander, a gridiron. Carritcli, a catechism. Bigonet, a linen cap or coif. Brands, brawns, calves of the legs. Carteg, playing-cards. BiUie, a brother, a companion. Bra ng, brought. Ca.itockg, cugtocks, cabbage-sta'ks. Bink, a bank of earth, a bencii. Brangle, to shake, to threaten. Cauk, chalk. Binmost, uppermost. Bra nkan, prancing. Cauldrife, chilling, wanting cheer- Binna, be not. Brankg, wooden curbs for horses. fulness. Birk, the l)irch-tree. Brattle, a clattering noise. Caugeg, causeway, the street. Birkie, a forward, lively fellow. Braw, gaily apparelled, handsome; Chafts, chops, the jaws. Bide, to carouse, to drink. braws, fine clothes. Chancy, lucky, happy. Bini, a bunu mark, a burden. Bra wig, very well, easily. Chanter, the drone of a bagpipe. Birges, bristles. Bree, broo, liquor; the eyebrow. Chap, a knock, a blow; a young Birze, to bruise. Brent, smooth, clear. fellow. Bite and gowp, meat and drink. Brig, a bridge. Cheep, to chirp. Bittock, a little bit, short distance. Brigg, to press. Chiel, or chield, a fellow (in a good Blab, blub, a small globe or bubble Broad, a board. or bad sense). of any liquid. Brochin, oatmeal gruel. Chimlie, fireplace, chimney. Blae, black and blue, the colour of Brock, a Ijadger. Chirm, to chirp like a bird. the skin when bruised. Brogue.^, sheepskin shoes. Chitter, to chatter, to shiver. Blaeberry, the whortleberry. Broicher, to perspire. Chuck, a chicken. Blaflton, to beguile. Brose, a kind of pottage. Chxickieg, hens or chickens. Blan, caused to cease. Brou'den, fond. Chvffic, fat-faced. Blagliji, deluging, thin, weak. Broicgt, a brewing. Claigc, clacs, clothes. Blastie, a slirivelled dwarf. Brnik, to enjoy. Clartti, clatty. dirty, nasty. Blaxtit, Idasted. Brnlzie, a brawl, a quarrel. Clagh, to tell tales. Blate, bashful, sheepish. Bruingtane, brimstone. Clatter, to tell idle stories. Blatter, a lattling noise. Brunt, browned, burned. Clavght, laid hold of. Blau\ to blow, to l)oast. Baekie, a shell-fish. Clavcr, to talk idly. Blawart, a l)lue flower. Buckled, married. Clait', to scratch. Bleerit, bleared. Buff, to strike. deck, to hatch or breed. Bleezing, bleixing, l)lazing. Buglit, a pen for holding sheep. Cled, or eleed, clad, clothed. Blelliun, an idle-talking fellow; Bughted, winding, knotted. Cleelc, to catch as with a hook, to blelUnng, idle talk; Buirdbj, stout-made. go arm in arm. Blether, to talk nonsense. Buller, to bubble. Cleg, the gad-fly. clifi" Blether-akate , an indistinct or in- Buuibazed, confused. Cleugh, a or cave. discreet talker. Duinude, to lilunder or bungle. Clink, money. Blin, cease: also, blind. Bunker, chest used for a seat. Clighmaclavers, idle chatter. Blink, a little while; to shine by Burn, hurnie, a stream. Clock, to hatch; a beetle. fits. Bugk, to dress. Clockgie, vivacious. Blinker, a term of contempt. Bugs, a shelter, a bush. Cloit, a stupid fellow; a fall. Blinket, looked kindly. Bugtine, fustian, cloth. Cloot, a cloven lioof. Bluid, blood. But an' ben, the country kitchen Clootie, tlie devil. Bliintie, snivelling. and parlour. Clovr, lump caused by a blow. Bbjpe, a shred, a large piece. But. without. Clout, to strike; to mend. Boat, a cupl)oar(l in the wall. Bg-li itugel', distracted. Clud, a cloud. Bob, nosegay; also, to bow. Hgke, a hive of bets or wasps. Clvikit, fastened. Bobbin, a weaver's (|nill. Bgnge, to cringe. Coble, a fisliing-l)oat. Bo>>bit bnndg, tasselle<l bands. Byre, a co.v-house. Cockeinong, a woman's hair tied Bock, or boke, to retch. ui> witl) a snood or band. Bode, a juice offered. Cockie-leekie, sou]) made of a cock Bodin, or bodden, furnished. c boiled with leeks. Bodle, a small copper coin = JiZ. Cockstool, a pillory. Boggie, a marsh. Ca', to call, to name; to drive. Cock-up, a cap turned up in front. Bugleho, hobgiiblin. Cadge, to carry. Cod, a pillow. Bimnie, hanilsmne, beautiful. Cadgle, jovial, happy. Coff, to buy, to purchase. Bonntiirnljix, tuys, gewgaws. Cadgibi, jauntily, ducrfully. Cog, or coggie. a wooden dish. Bonspit'l, a curling or golf match. Cadie, a porter, erraml-gocr. Collie, a sheplierd's dog. Boo, to bow. Caff, cauf, chatt"; a calve. Collieghangie. an uproar, squabble. Boots, boys' marbles. Callan. a boy. Coof, cui/, a fool, a blockluad. Booxt. was under a necessity of. Caller, cool, fresh, soimd. Cooger, a stoneil horse. Bniik, ))nlk. a whole carcass. Caingtrarie. uninanageable, cross. Coost, cuigt. did cast. Bonrd, jest or dally. Cangle. to wrangle. Corbie, a raven. Hour-tree, the elder-tree. Canker'd, angry, snarling. Corrie, a hollow in a hill. Bougcr, a rafter. CawM', cannot. Cosh, neat, snug. GLOSSARY, 551 Cosy, snus. Dens, a tui-f seat on the outside of Droning, moving lazily. drurket. drenched. CoKt, a colt, a young horse. a cottage. Dronked, tlihst.

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