OFFICIAL PAPER Of Student Body of the North Next Week Is Smile Week Dakota Agricultural College THE SPECTRUM —Let's All Do It! Z 545a VOLUME LIII. STATE COLLEGE STATION, NORTH DAKOTA, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 12, 1937. NUMBER 9 Visitors Impress Dean Haley Compares North Dakota 4-H Club Livestock Champs 483 Attend 4-H Fargo Merchants Charm To Mosquito In Address To 4-H Club Institute As usually is the case at Achieve- One of the heaviest attended state anent Institute banquets, North Dakota Like a mosquito, but not the kind 4-H club Achievement Institutes of 4-H delegates made another favorable you slap on warm summer evenings, is any in the 28 years the junior agricul- impression for club work on Fargo the way Dean Alice Haley of the home tural and homemaking event has been held is that ending at the NDAC today, business people. economics division of the college de- the extension service 4-H club depart- scribed personality in her talk on that Altho somewhat difficult this year ment reports. because the livestock show and sale subject Wednesday. Fifty-one of the 53 counties were were no longer a part of the banquet "You can hear it, you can feel it, but represented at the session by a total of 483 official county delegates, which program, club members put on an at- it's mighty hard to see it," Miss Haley said. included also between 30 and 40 local tractive and pleasing show for their leaders who acted as chaperons and also Fargo Chamber of Commerce hosts Personality can be developed, she attended a special leaders conference. Wednesday night. In fact, they brought told the 4-H club girls. In fact, she Selected as the state's most repre- out the real cultural and social side went so far as to say she doubted if sentative club members for 1937, on the basis of accomplishments throughout of club activities—an angle which is that elusive, difficult-to-define com- modity is born in anyone; more likely, their periods of membership, were Da- not always so prominent as it was at she brought out, it's a product of en- vid Barnett, Burlington, Ward county; this year's banquet. vironment and development. Fern Allan, York, Benson county; La- On the program was a complete mix- But like the mosquito, personality verne Horstad, Cleveland, Stutsman county, and Luella McGregor, Mc- ed chorus, a lively band, a seven-voice can be brought to hand. Gregor, Williams county. These are male singing organization, a Scottish "Eventually we do chase down the mosquito and catch it," she said. "That recognized as the highest state awards dancer, a vocal soloist, a piano soloist holds good for personality, too. Our available to 4-H clubsters. David Barnett, with seven years of and a bevy of youthful speakers who job is to run down in ourselves just club work to his credit, received the concentrated on social and fun-making what makes for personality and work Alpha Gamma Rho award offered an- portions of their back-home club acti- to develop those things." nually to the highest ranking agricul- With 4-H club work for girls about vities. tural club member. The three girls the nearest approach to a "charm The Chamber of Commerce set 638 received awards from Phi Upsilon school" there is, the feminine side of Omicron, honorary home economics plates in the ballroom, and not more the ledger isn't limited to the develop- fraternity, for their work in foods, than a handful missed takers. ment of personality, important though home furnishing and. clothing, respec- President Hugo Stern of the chamber that may be, for club activities are de- tively. Both Fern Allan and Laverne told boys and girls "that of all the con- signed to bring out a list of well- Horstad have been in club work seven ventions we have in Fargo, we con- rounded qualities—including the deve- years, and Luella McGregor five years. sider this the outstanding gathering," lopment of talent as well as leadership Two first place winners in foods ac- and want to • say that "Fargo feels and personality. that we're you're guests rather than tivities in connection with the insti- These junior livestock producers Reiten, Wild Rice; Elda Strum, Hast- Page, with his 1,014-pound Angus, your hosts, and we're grateful for the tute in which there were 41 contest- PICTITRE SCHEDULE FOR THE whose entries in the 12th annual show ings; Rolland Reiten, Hastings; Robert grand champion of the beef division. invitation." ants were Blanche Carlson, Gilby, BISON and sale of 4-H club stock at the NDAC Robilaxd, Wild Rice; John Sebastin, LeRoy Miller, Minnewaukan, center The entire banquet program was Grand Forks county, and Betty Shea, Nov. 5 to 8 were favored by the offi- Langdon; Joe Subart, Robinson; John below, is holding the Hampshire bar- conducted by the delegates themselves, At McCracken's Studio Chaffee, Cass county. Commended for cial judges are well started on the path Wurgler, York. row which won for him the grand and Everett Barth, Kintyre, state vice Wednesday, Nov. 17 their work and given second ranking in to successful farming. Center are the highest placing club championship in the swine division. president, was toastmaster. Spectrum Editorial Staff 7.00 foods were Marjorie Bernstein, Durbin, In the top row are the prize winners members in the beef cattle division. Hazel Brekke, Wild Rice, grand cham- The largest groups to take the stand Business Staff 7.30 Cass county; Mary Emery, Rogers, in the lamb division of the 4-H show— From left to right, Kenneth Koenig, pion lamb producer, is at right below, were the style revue entrants and the Sigma Phi Delta 8:00 Barnes; Arlene Pietron, Larimore, an exhibit which members of the NDAC Page; Alex Ford, Park River; Roy holding her Southdown-Shropshire mixed chorus. Tau Delta Pi 8:30 Grand Forks; Phyllis Jacobson, Mad- animal husbandry department who Johnson, Churchs Ferry; Otis Nelson, crossbred lamb. Lively entertainment, vocal and in- Thursday, Nov. 18 dock, Benson, and Georgia Maize, did the judging said were the finest fin- Jr., Casselton; Bert Warmer, Hamil- Ninety-seven beef cattle, swine and strumental, was provided by a Stuts- Kappa Psi 7:00 Crystal, Pembina county. ished bunch of lambs yet turned out ton; Donald Pile, Conda; and Mauritz lambs from 26 counties were exhibited man county group of boys under the Sigma Alpha Epsilon 7:30 Five girls of 41 competing received for a state show. From left to right Johnson, Hunter. in the show. All entries were sold at direction of Harry Klose of Jamestown Kappa Sigma Chi 8:00 a blue ribbon rating in grooming. They are Hazel Brekke, Wild Rice; Florence At left below is Penneth Koenig, auction Nov. 8. who played the violin with the group Interfraternity Council 8:30 were Ellen Garske, Webster, Ramsey in its instrumental numbers. In the county; Sadie Reinke, Norma, Ren- ville; Doris Onid, Grand Forks, Grand group were John Emo, piano; Earl Lee, Conversation Problems guitar; Harry Wilson, guitar; Lloyd Sudro Headlines (Continued on Page 8) Lee, drums; William Wilson, Harold `Most Representative' Of 4-H Play Important Part Lee, all of Jamestown. Pharmacy Meeting The Highland dance was offered by In all of the varied programs now Ken Nowlan Plays Luella McGregor of Williams county. Groups End Campus Visit A speech on the history of the Phar- under way in the state on conserva- Mary Voleg, Cass county, presented a macy club by Dean Sudro was the tion of soil, wildlife and other natural For Engineers' Ball piano solo, and Rojean Scheer, Wells highlight of the evening's program re- resources, 4-H members are taking an county, a vocal solo. Group singing North Dakota Agricultural college today bids goodbye to a cently at a meeting of the Pharmacy increasingly important part. Ken Nowlan's Club Lincolnshire was led by Miss Gardner, Washington, group of people who exemplify the highest type of young woman- club held in Francis hall. A group Recognition of conservation problems band will set the tempo for the 27th D. C. hood and manhood. The 4-H club achievement institute held of nearly seventy students enrolled in is apparent in the programs of nearly annual Engineer's ball, annual opener Among those who gave brief reviews here annually at this time and concluding its 27th yearly meet- the school of pharmacy was present every club. of the winter party season. of this local group and county adivities ing today, is composed of groups of serious boys and girls who at the meeting. The balance of the This band has been playing together were David Barnett, Ward county; Ro- are gaining experience in their vocation and having fun doing it. program was made up of the follow- During the institute a lot of attention, therefore, has been given to conserva- for about four years, touring the coun- lad Johnson, Divide; Fern Allan, Ben- From the ranks of these 4-H'ers, NDAC, North Dakota's own ing features: try and looking for a place to go to son; Elif Hovi, Griggs; Mercedes Gil- The musical program (committee tion, with George McCullough of St. vocational school, annually draws many and some of its best Paul, Minn., as the principal speaker. college. Late this summer they played breath, Emmons; Melvin Henke, Oliver; students. To delegates of this year's meeting, which has earned composed of John Vincent, Anthony an engagement at Grand Forks, liked At conservation camps held in the Bernice Bliss, Burleigh; Elton Baldwin, Walter and Phil Kotts): a duet by the university, settled there and en- the title, "most representative," because of the selective method state the past three summers, Mr.
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