Maine State Library Digital Maine Economic and Community Development Economic and Community Development Documents 1-2-1970 Watchful Me. The Great State of Maine Lighthouses Maine Department of Economic Development Follow this and additional works at: https://digitalmaine.com/decd_docs Recommended Citation Maine Department of Economic Development, "Watchful Me. The Great State of Maine Lighthouses" (1970). Economic and Community Development Documents. 55. https://digitalmaine.com/decd_docs/55 This Text is brought to you for free and open access by the Economic and Community Development at Digital Maine. It has been accepted for inclusion in Economic and Community Development Documents by an authorized administrator of Digital Maine. For more information, please contact [email protected]. {conti11u( d lrom other sidt') DELIGHT IN ME . ... » d.~ 3~ ; ~~ HALF-WAY ROCK (1871], 76' \\:white granite towrr: dwPll­ ing. Submerged ledge halfway between Cape Small Point BUT DON'T DE-LIGHT ME. and Capp Elizabeth: Casco Bay. Those days are gone -- thP era of sail -- when our harbors d, · LITTLE MARK ISLAND MONUMENT (1927), 74' W: black and bays \\'ere filled with merchant and fishing ships powered atchful and white square pyramid. On bare islet. off S. Harpswell: by the wind. If our imagination sings to us that those vvere Casco Bay. days o! daring and adventure such reverie is not mistaken . PORTLAND LIGHTSHIP (1903], 65' W: red hull, "PORT­ Tho thP sailing ships arP few now, still with us are the LAND" on sides: circular gratings at mastheads. Off lighthousPs, shining into thP past e\'f~n while lighting the \vay Portland Harbor. for today's navigators aboard modern ships. Th Py continue **CAPE ELIZABETH ( 1829, 1874], (Originally known as Two to fulfill their brilliant purposc>, guiding ships away from haz­ The Great State of Maine Lights) 129' W, 67' G: white conical tower·. S. of Portland Me. Harbor entrance. ardous shoals and into safr harbors. And therr are more Li gh thous es lights no\\' than then, tho the newer ones arP ol different **PORTLAND HEAD LIGHT (1791], 101' V•./, 80' G; white con­ ical tm'\er: dwelling. SW side of entrance to Portland Harbor. design and construction. RAM ISLAND LEDGE (1905), 77' W: gray conical tower. We wish there werr spacr' in this folder for somP of the Portland Harbor entrance. exciting histories of these lighthouses of the Maine~ coast. +SPRING POINT LEDGE (1897], 54' W: white conical lower Many of them have shone• down upon scenes of disaster and on black pier. W. side of main channel; Portland Harbor. grrat pPrsonal courage as the light-keepers ur their crews +WOOD ISLAND ( 1808, 1858], 71' W: white conical lower: or families have \·entured thPir livrs in hr~avv spas or 'thick dwelling. East end of island, off Biddeford Poul. weather' to rescuP the seamen from foundered vessPls. They GOAT ISLAND (1833, 1859]. 38' W, \\hite cylindrical tmnr; had another kind of courage, too. which held them thru lung d\\ elling. SW end of is.: entrance to Cape PorpoisP Harbor. lonely isolation faithful lu thl'ir tiring duties. Nor is then' BOON ISLAND (1811, 1855], 133' W: gray granite conical space lo dPscribP the intricate mechanism of prisms with tower: dwelling. 6 1 2 miles southeast of Capp Neddick. \\'hich clc\·er inventors in thosP olden davs focused and con­ **CAPE NEDDICK (1879], (commonly known as "ThP Nub­ cc·ntrated the dim flame• of \\hale oil, trnnslorming it into blc"), 88' W, 41' G; while conical tovver; dwelling. Near a rdulgcnt signnl to sailors milPs afar. York. llnlPss ~·ou ha\'l' a boat and plPnty of time you mav npver +WHALEBACK (1831, 1872), 59', W: gray granite conical \ isit most of these lights -- but some are easilv rc'ached bv tower. NE side, outer entrance to Portsmouth Harbor car, and such a visit may bP an enlightening. part of you.r \ acation in i\.1aine. PUBLICATIONS AND INFORMATION SOURCES Vol 1--Atlantic Cuus/ Lig/il Lisi. published b\' the THIS VACATION PLANNER U. S. Coast Guard. supplir>s more detail£~d informa­ pro\·idps a list of thP major lighthouses of the tion about thP lighl signals and other functions. i\.lainl coast, with a brid dpscription of th Pm and thPir approximate location. Manv of thP lessrr Other Information and Publications about Maine: lights could not br> included. If the light to\\'ers are photogrnic and accessiblP b\ car or boat it Mail inquiries about hunting accommodations will is shm\ n. be answered by Maine Publicity Bureau (address below) Maine Department of Economic Development State Office Building, Augusta, Maine 04330 Maine Publicity Bureau One in a series of Vacation Planners programmed by 78 Gateway Circle. Portland, Maine 04102 the Maine Department of Economic Development, available from 78 Gateway Circle, Portland, Maine State of Maine Information Center 04102. Prospective visitors to Maine are interested 48 Rockefeller Plaza. New York City, N. Y. 10020 in the "facts'', and these brochures are designed State of Maine Information Center with this in mind. We would appreciate receiving your comments. Laurentien Hotel, Dominion. Montreal. Canada Please write: Other Information Centers: Maine Department of Economic Development Jct. of U.S . Rt. 1 & Me. Turnpike. Kittery, Maine State Office Building, Augusta, Maine 04330 Bass Park, Bangor, Maine U.S. Rt. 302, Fryeburg, Maine (summer only) Maine Turnpike, North Cumbr.rland, Maine (summer only) Internat'l Bridge, Calais, Maine (summer only) published by Department of Economic Development All Local Chamber of Commerce Offices State House, Augusta, Maine 04330 Appropriation Number 1230 VACATION PLANNER 2 6 .. Bucksport / '·::::;../' BeJfast~ *for!Pomflrghl ~els ledge :: Mooumeol lrghl 111 E •"'•'• ''•1 eCas1ine : t.1•t•'' •Freeport ~111 Wiscasset Lincolnville• tio1ce Head Light : •••••• Brunsw1ckO#'•·Rr--th ~ Blue Hrll ~"""' ~ Camden< J:'tGrmdel Poml Light • ,..." .,.. • • ,. Rockport ~~NE'Pornl light *Green ledpe Lrghl •"" "Spnnp Pornl Ldge Doucl111g ruin! l.ghl lnd"o Is ~~~;t~r~'::~t;~tt *Pumpkr~ Island 11 E.1c.1 Quoddy :s.~TLAND Light ,~,~~ii.~~~t ~;;~ i ~ooseRockP"ssageL1ght Ror'klandBreakwaterL1ght ~ lleadlrght •'''' Island S11u1rrel Pomt r.{,t'Odllcks 1-leild lipht ./\Machias ••• HeadPortlan~Ram Ledoe ~ Light~ wls He<d Light ~_):ofi, .~• Light Light•·® Pe1k1nstslandl11,ht B11rntlslandL1ght ,. dl hl:A. Eaglelsland Bar •••• 5 aco f ranklm hland wonroe 11son tg )...( ..J..._ ..J_. Light •''B.dd I d ~. fl PophamLrghti Pondlslan:!..!_. :.A- ..Ji... .l1ght_.A.. Tenant· Harbor H H S . Blue Hrll Bav light Harbor Mrlbrrdge ,•' 1 e or ~ Half.Way Rock "(::{ Light )'{. H ~ X ~hrt'l'·'td tlrown\ llead Goose R~cks~onrngton ~ • Wint" * * * 1 5 1 Cap[,Eg/:labeth light fuller Rod lhe Cuckolds Ramd Pemaquid ' _.A_ ~ ig L11hl Lr~hl Crotch l<tand L•&ht H~;bor..4.. H*arbor Narraguagus ,.• L ~ light 1san1 Point Light ,. ).{!Ip I :.Ji... _.A_ e ~ p * ...• ..Woodl;l,nd f:\ ight .egurn Light marstal orn ~ _.A_ Oeertsl;in•Jlhorofare . Bass Harb~ }-(Bear Eg~ Rod rospectHorbor Wells• light Q l.lght light lwo &ush bland H Lr ht Halibut Rock< light X Island Light Light Porn! l1ghl * A;gRock Cutler light _.>._Goat Island light Portland L1ghtsh1p light Heron Neck light f. _.A_ Light"(::{ _.>... ..A- Nash Island light "(::{ *l1!1leRrverl1ghl .. kennebunkpnrt H· ~ * xlsleAuHaut X. J.(Bakerlsl;ndlrghl ~ ® ,,••'' reak•ater Light '51 Saddloback ledge L1ghtL1,h! Burnt Coat Harbor light P-111 ~ L1ihl @ l1bby1,1andl1ght Kitterv'''~·0 Monhegan l•land Light ..A.. Moose Peak 1rghl ~. *Cape- Neddrck Lroht C h Matinicus Is. ~Great Duck Island l.l&ht 0 ~ Br;~t.~vt~~"(( So111hrvestlleadL1ght* *vo1klla1borEn!JanceL1ght L1pht * Whaleback ~ ~ @Primary light *Secondary light light \61 Boon Island light \BJ Matlll1<us Rock light Machias ®Seal Island light ®* * Harbor and river ltght * * Skeleton tower light or other small structure ®1stesolShoabl1ghl @r.to11ntDeserlRoc~L1cht @GaonetRockL1~ht* * No longer used as a light LIGHTHOUSES OF THE MAINE COAST GREAT DUCK ISLAND [1890), 57· W, 42' 1 G; white cylin­ CURTIS ISLAND (1836, 1896), 52'1W: white tower. SE end drical tm,ver. S. end of island; S. of Cranberry Isles. of Curtis Island, South side of Camden Harbor entrance . To include 1n lh1s list all the larger lighthouses requ11ed us to l11111t to only a few I hose lights mounted on BAKER ISLAND (1828, 1855), 105' W, 43· G: white stone *NORTHEAST POINT(1932 ,1949) ,20'/W: ~red . Camden Harbor 1 'skele on ' structures these are denoted with a~ vm ol preceding the color o 'he towr~ tower. Southeast of Cranbnrry Isles . A darh * indicates 1t no longer functions as a light STEELS LEDGE MO.NUMENT [1912 ), 20' VV . \\hite cyhn Dates indicate when the lighthouses we1e built and/or rebuilt -1- BEAR ISLAND ( 18:39, 1BBD), 100' W; white cylindrical der on square stone structure. East side, entrance to Belfast 00'/W 1nd1cates the height of light in number of feet above wate1 tower. SE of entrancr to Northeast Harbor. Harbor. 00'/G indicates the height of light 1n number of feet above ground **BASS HARBOR HEAD [1B58), :JG ' W; whitP tower connect­ *FORT POINT (1836, 1857), 88' iw: white square tower: dwell­ *indicates easily reached by car (some walking 1s p1obablel * * 1nd1cates easily reached by car and is extra good for photos Pd with dwelling. SW point of ~It Desert Is .. near McKinley. ing. Cape Jellison, near Searsport: mouth of Penobscot River. +indicates easily reached by boat and 1s extra good fo1 photos *BURNT COAT HARBOR [1872), 75 V•.': whitP tcnn~r; dwell­ *GRINDEL POINT (1935), 21' W; ~white: Close to abandoned Caution when v1s1ting by boat make careful inquiries 1n advance about the advisability of landing or even ing. On Swan's Island: forry !rom l\1cKinley (cars carried). light, Gilkey Harbor entrance. Islesboro. Car ferry from approaching close it can be dangerous at some light stations BLUE HILL BAY (1935), 25' W:6black.
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