"'-ji• , • ,., '" r .' (".- ,.,." • .A~~.-- .........---:---:-.". W\....,.,,_~_~. All forms 01 USED CAR Insurance SALE CONTINUES AT THE DAILYNE Water st. HI~A MOTORS (1962) LTD. Elizabeth Av. THE DAILY NEWS, ST. JOHN'S. NFLD .• SATVRDAY, NOVE\-IBER 3, 1962 (Price: 7 Cents) • • : I 1 • - Isman In O( e ases I Kell11edy Sees Record Fallout Toward U};ITED NATIONS ICP) - I A recont increase in radioac­ I live fallout in Canada during the summel' points up the need Ifor a comprehrnsil'e study on bean Peace radiation. the United Nations was told Frhlay. Canadian del ega t e Heath uA(Hlr~(jTON (AP}-President K'Elnnedy told ~larQualTie spoke in the Gen­ en,l Assembly's speci"1 rolit!­ ••"""nn people Friday night the Soviet ('al committee in support c[ a Cmwdiiln resollition, co-spon­ bases in Cuba are being dismantled, the I ' sored hy 40 ot~'er countries. are being crated and "progl"Elss is now l1r~in~ a world·wide sturly 'm made towards the restoration of peace atomic radiation. .., Canadian health al:thorities, .: """'- .. _:l,~".n ,11 " .. ill their most rreent rcport on radioactive f a I lou t co':ering Ihe president appeared on radio and tele­ .~ ..... .lul,·. August and tbe fii'st part afler little more than an hour's advance of September, said that the 81'e1'3.1e conccntration o[ stron­ , wilh a brief progress report on settle­ tium 90 in milk re3chcd record of Ihe crisis that a week ago had the GUAHTANAMO . lel·cls. ~lacQu:trrie, parliamental'Y leetering on the brink of nuclear war. assbtant to E,ternal Affairs Hesoid it is our firm hope and purpose" that :llinister Green. said the le\'cIs did not )'Pt require "precau­ ,.rft~rI!~~ he said is being made will continue. tionary me~lsures" but were "highly disquicting," '~ dtd~i(\11 III dl'li\'('1' , .Japan·s Shintaro Fukl'shima. rt)'{'rl came aflc;' ,:., the only otiler speaker as de­ rlrparlmcnt had bate on the Canatli"n resolution :.!t~r! l: opened Friday. said the fact c;: e;!enlially Ihe ~amc lI thal no agreement han been 1 reached 011 a nuclear test ban 11:n~!lnrrll1cnt. rlln· MOSCOW: Premier Nikita Khrushchev October 28th, announced that the Soviet Union had ordered that Russian missiles in Cuba ": !w th,,' 11\0 minnles, I emphasizes the recent. findings ,!!:lei! hr ali ma md 10 (located on lUap) be dismantled and shipped back to Russia. In a letter to President Kennedy, Khrushchev said he had ordered the : of the 1o·memher United Na­ '"r r;· : tions scientific committee that t!:~d':nn nct\rork~. lie ~. I"' . action Lo be perfol'me~1 under international supervision-pre~umably the United Nations. President Kennedy welcomed the an­ health damage from f3110ut '111ll 10 ta~,e tili, "ppor- ! i II reporl nn the <'oneIll' : i . nOUllCemf'nt as a "statesmanlike decision" but Cuban Premier Premier Fidel Castro, in It statement broadcast over Havana Radio, : m<ll' not be fully m<lnifc;ted fOI' ; decades or even generations, It 'h'rn thi, cOl'cl'Ilmcnt i; .' said the lJ .S. must get out of its Guantanamo Naval Base on theeast coast of the island as one of five conditions for settling the on Ihe hn;i, of . 'was urgently necesary to de­ I. Hi current Caribbean crisis.-tUPI Photo). • termine with scientilic oCCll!'­ lerial pholo~raph, -------------_.-.. ---------_. - --- --------~--------------.--------- l,e m~dr :ll'oilohle.· , <Ie" exacth' what the effects ~ II Irell R' 01hrl' in­ · radi"tion are. tl:;]t Ihe So- This 'u.s. Begins Arms Airlift To India YEMEN • NEW D~!.1n filcutcrsl- '\n were reported frum the eastel'll' wcapon! and other ~quipment: WOIlIrl nol disrln,p it~ ronlents. premicr f,-om :\r.hpi. PRESIDENT KENNEDY IAmel'ican ait'lift o[ arms fOI': h'ont, ; w~re !lein" flown Il'om West! [ndia·.~ nrw amha"ador to (;~Ibraith. p,nnotJncinl! t h. MASSES 1'1lllGIll: SS : day night to pel'1l1it Rny kind. India began Friday as fresh i ,Iohn GillhrHith. Canndian- . Germany and American plane~! the SOI'iel Cnion, T. ;\, Kalil. arms .irlift. ~airl tile firsl lo~d i IS Slalr~ inlclI<i.' to of United Nations inspection or loulbreaks of fighting betwcen horn United Sliltes ,lInbassador wcre in 'Turkey to h'ansport: flcw to ~!o!co\\' friday anrI or equipment lI'as olle in Cal· the complrtion 1f \'erifieation on Cuban territory. IIndian and Red Chinese tronps said American light infantry m()untain Howitzers offered to' nbseh-ers speculated he rna:; clitia tOIl a)" Othcr anm would I a rancly of , the Ilidian Army by the Turks. I ha\'e A messa)!e lor the Sol'iet· he sent hI.' sra, hI' said. FORCES nA~t\SCCS. Syria I.\P '-111"­ , arri"l "'!'I·Ci!·; or h e defence .department·s M'KOYA ! (The first of 10 U.S. trans· ----------.. - .. ----. ~~------" .\assel· - hacked rel'olutional'Y _u~h t1me "' an earlier announcement that aer- port planes operating 1I round- I.r 'I" ,gorcl'Ilment of Yemen said F~i· I 0 S I, , . 5Rhsfacl0l'y , . 1111.~r- ial reconnaissance p hot I the - clock airlift of military day nigl1t it~ land. sea and air of rcnficatwil ~ showed work on dismantling : equipment for India took off : forces are massing on frontiers Ih . : the missile bases had started , '1l . B ~ i from Frankfurt's Rhine-Main in readiness to im'ade Saudi ~ qll~ranhnc :'e-, was even briefer than the pres- U ss tao a c ~S 1Air Base for Calcutta, flying hy Arahia "when ordered." Ilfect. we are hopefnl ident's " way of Adana, Turkey.) San'a radio in Yemen's cap­ , prore~lIre; can· . A defence ministry spokes- · for intern;]tion;11 man said Indian and Chinese ital quoted Ahdul Rahman Ai- · Baydany. "ice-premier an1 for­ ..I Cuha-hnund c:Jr· Castro" trool's exchanged fire near Wa- eign minister of the 35·day-o!d Ill! ir,t/rnalmnal ('lImmit- Three D-Ie ' , IIOnl!-on the eastern side of the republican regime. as s?~·ir.~ ~ t~! Rrd Cro~" in 0111' ' northeast frontier age n c y- Yemen was forced to act m ;o'.'!d he ar. ;]prrOpriale NEW YORK (,\P) _ In a I, "These proposals of the revo- '. Thursday hut sai<l otherwis.e ,elf-defence because 5,000 Saudi .~ thl! mailer. I statement, Mikoyan refe1'1'!ld to lutionar" government of Cuba: Ihere was nIl ch ange In th e 51- h~d cCnlmuation. of these IF-n re " ' and Jordanian troops t!'iC:\ . "the proposals of Premier Fidel aimed at ensuring the seclirity I tuatwn. to invade Yemen in the last two in air and sca. llnll'l . B th rl h Idln~ Castro which comprise five well- of Cuba are supported by the 0 s~ e~ were. Ul ~ days. to.peare posed b)' ~!oNTRICAL (CP) _ Three known points." Soviet Union which considers' forces WIth R major clash ex- President A h d u I t a Sallal, oIf el'lle wea"on~ . I ' i! in 'kee ' ".. IS JOys, an members 'of the same Mikoyan did not cite the tllem just," ~Iikoyan said. I peeted soon. leader of Yemen's armed forces 10 'ecu~tn~ ,qth 0111': family, dierl of asphyxiation points. However. Castro has de- lie issued his statement befol'e' NEHRU ~ETS ~ESSAG~ . said the army is "standing alert ~ 0: !l;minalio~h~',r "Sh:. Friday as fi~e swept through manded that the United States boarding a plane to Cuha [01': ~Ieanwhl1e, Pnme Mmlster along the frontier to teach ag­ . 10m liS. theIr home In suhurban La- withdraw its naval blockade of talks with Castro . :-Ielu'u reeeh'ed a message gressors an unforgettable les­ , fleche on the south shore of the Cuba, give up the naval base Milwyan said 'in his state-, from Soviet Premier J(hru~h- son." the t:nitcd Arab Republic II Mil' beino ma<lc 51 I F'd t I affaIr- Ih ' . Lawrence River opposite at Guantanamo and halt Cuhan ment: ' c le\' 1'1 ay, an ex ern a ., radio in Cairo reported_ · ,e restoratioll o[ :\1 t I .. k ounced lIe ~.I~e Caribbean and it .• on rea. exile attacks against Cuba. "I am going there for a: s P 0 • I'S man ann . Irm h . Castro also caned for a halt friendly exchange of viell's with: 1 : I , . ~rogr~~: :~~I Pllrpre Lafleche police identified the to e con 0 m i c measureR the our close friend, Premier Fid~1 .-----------, ~o or.; hoys as Michel. 8, Francois, 5, United States has taken against I' Castro. on questions of the I MIKOYAN To Choose that the InternJ- : lind Real Lafreniere, 4. Cuba and air - sea intrusions international sit u a tin n." He: I I .• the nom. In ' Crol h I into Cuban territor!'. ad<led: : i , lon's shoet tlta~J role in! . e ,a,~kl'd to. Police said that Mrs. Albert I I . ~ I New Leader thl word comfort­ Ih! miSSi:er~~liIg re-; Lafreniere, mother of the boys i IN CUBA 1 HALIFAX (CP )-Nllva Scotia I the S~\'i atetr ~'a! Iescaped injury as the fire swept Commons Discusses . L i her a t s meet here today 10 ,• fashionable. 01 h t~· mono the building. Her husband was , ! . , O\\' I~ lI'ould at work at the time of the HA "ANA f.... P)-Soviet First · chllose a new provincial leader. : Two camiitiales, and a pussible , have to he: blaze. l)eputy premier Anasta~ Jltiko- ) · , I shades of B dg t P opos Is · third.
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