ADVERTISEMENTFOR RECRIJITMENT OF SUB.INSPECTORS, DRAFTSMAN,CO M PO UN D ER/ D RESSE R, GUARDSMAN AN D EQUIVATENT RANKS,DRIVER AND NONCOMBATANT EMPLOYEE IN THE CIVIL DEFENCE& HOMEGUARDS ORGANISATION 1. Applicationsare invited in the PRESCRIBED PRINTED FORM from both Male and Female candidateswho are Indiancitizens and are dorniciled in the Stateof Meghalaya- (i) to.fill up 20 vacanciesin the rank t>fSub-lnspector.s, (ii) to.fill up I post of Dra/isntan and I post oJ'Compounder/Dresser,ond (iii) to .fill up 207 vacanciesin the rank o/'Guardsman ancJequivalent renks, Driver and Non CombatantEmployee posts who are trained Hame Guards/Civil DeJbnceVolunteers. Thesevacancies will be trlledup as per Re3ervationPolicy of the State.Selected Candidates will have to serve anywherein the state of Meghalayaafter successfullycompleting the Basic Trainingof 9 (nine)months duration, extendable at thediscretion of the undersigned.Candidates who fail to pass the Basic Training and who perform r"rnsatisfactorilywill be summarily dischargedfrom service. Applicationform wilt be availablewith effectfrom 15'hof January,2018onwards through offices of the DISTRICT I{OME GUARDS COMMANDANT SI{LLONG/ JOWAI /TURA, DISTRICT TRAINING CENTERS NONGSTOIN/ WILLIAMNAGAR,CIVIL DEFENCE OFFICES,JOWAVTURA/NONGPOI{NONGSTOIN/BAGTIMARA/WILLIAMNAGAR AND CENTRAL TRAINING INSTITUTE, CIWL DEFBNCE & I{OME GUARDS, MAWDIANGDIANG, SHILLONG, on paymentof Rs.50/- (Rupeesfifty rupees)only. 3. THE LAST DATE FOR RECEIPTOF APPLICATION lS 15thFebruary, 2018. APPLICATIONS RECEIVEDBY HAND OR BY POSTAFTER THE LAST DATE WILL NOT BE ENTERTAINED UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES.INCOMPLETE APPICATIONS OR APPLICATIONSNOT ACCOMPANIEDBY THE REQUIREDCERTIFICATES, TESTIMONIALS WILL BE REJECTED AND NO CORRESPONDENCESINTHIS REGARDWILL BE ENTERTAINED. 4. Recruitmentshall be carriedout to fill up the tbllowing postscarrying scales of pay as indicatedagainst each. No of Nameof Posts Scaldof Pay Remarks Vacancies (i) Sub-lnspectors | 2000-300-|4 | 00-EB-390- 20 | 76l0-530-23440/-P.M. plus other allowances and other benefitsas admissible. (ii) , Draftsman 9200-230- I 08 r0- E B-3 00- I Allotmentof vacancieswill be as | 35l0-4 | 0-l 8020/-P.M. plus per the existingState Reservation otherallowances and other Policy,i.e. 40Yo fbr Garos 40oh benefitsas adrnissible. , for Khasis/ Jaintias,5olo for iii) Compounder/Dresser -do- I OtherSTs & SCsand 15% (iv) Cuardsman 7700-t90-9030-EB-250- | | 280- 180 340-I 5020/-P.M.plus other GeneralCategory. lf the vacancy allowances and other benefits as is lessthan l0 posts,the same admissible. will be treatedas reserved (v) Driver -do- 10 vacancies. (vi) Non-Combatant 6500-t60-7620-EB2l 0-9s l0- 17 Employees 290-12700/-plus other allowancesand other benefits as admissible. 5. GENERALINSTRUCTIONS :- The Application duly filled in should be submitted alongwithattested copies of the followingcertificates/documents : ti) 3[three) copies of recent passportsize photographone of which is to be pasted in theApplication Form. r ) tii) EducationalQualification Certificate.s. (iii) Birth Certificateor AgeCertificate as per schoolrecords. (iv) ScheduledTribe/Scheduled Caste Certificate/Domicile Certificate. (uJ I'lomeGuards/Civil Defence Training Certificates for candidatesapplying for the posts of Guardsmanand equivalentranks, Drivers and Non-Combatant Employees. (vi) AdditionalQualification(sJ if any. (viiJ Applicationsmay be submittedby Hand or by registeredA/P.A numbered receipt must be collectedfor hand delivered applicationsfrom the counter openedfor receiving application. (viiiJA self-addressedstamped envelope (size 10 x 24 CM)alongwith {.5/- postageshould alsoaccompany the application. (ixJ Applicationscompleted in all respect and accompaniedby all attestedcopies of certificatesand testimonialsshould be submittedto the following officesDISTRICT I{OME GUARDS COMMANDANT SI{ILONG/ JOWAI /TURA, DISTRICT TRAINING CENTERS NONGSTOIN I . WILLIAMNAGAII, CIVIL DEFENCE OFFICES JOWAI/TURA/NONGPOI{/ NONGSTOIN / I}AGIIMAII.A/WILLIAMNAGAR AND CENTRAL TRAINING INSTITUTE. CIVL DEF'EI{CE & HOME GUARDS. MAWDIAINGDIANG.SHILLONG. Jr 6. ELIGIBILITY:- The followingshall be the eligibilitycriteria for recruitmentto the various posts; (il Shouldbe a Citizenof Indiaand belonging to or domiciledin Meghalaya. (ii)Shouldhave undergone basic course conducted by the HomeGuards organization or any training conductedby civil Defenceorganization to apply for the posts of Guardsmanand equivalent ranks,Drivers and Non-CombatantEmployees. (iiiJOtherQualifications are as follows:- Minimum requirement to.be qualified for each post Selection for Rank Educational Qualification Age Physical Personal Physical Measurement Efficiency Test Interview PassMark Height:- Male (STincluding other tribes 157cm of Meghalaya)- Basedon the MaleOthers- t62cm Degree in any totalmarks Bachelors (STincluding other 50 marks Sub- 7.0-27 Female scoredin Streamfrom a recognized - L52cm Inspector Years tribes of Meghalaya) Physical University/ Institution Others- L57 Female EfriciencyTest no Note:- There shall be and Written measurement of weight and TCSLHOWEVCT, chest. only 2 times Guardsman the numberof and Height:- vacanciesfor ClassX passed. (STincluding other tribes equivalent Male eachcategory cms of Meghalaya)-157 of postwill be ranks 100 marks tB-27 Male (Other)-162cms. calledfor the Years Female(ST including other Personal Class-XPassed with valid tribes of MeghalayaJ-150cms. lnterview. Driver HMV/LMVdriving license Female[other)- 1 54cms. issuedby the competent authority the Non- Height:- Basedon totalmarks Combatant Male ISTincluding other tribes Me ghal ay a) -t52.5cms scoredin Employee of Male [Other)-158cms. Physical Female(S'f including other Efficiency TB-27 tribes of Meghalaya)-149cms. Test.However, VIII Passed Class Years Female(otherJ- 154cms. only 2 times the no. of vacancieswill be calledfor Personal Interview. Onlythe Draftsman Diplomain Civil 20-27 candidates Engineeringfrom a Years who fulfill the Institute recognized educational Compounder 20-27 qualification /Dresser Years and age Diplomain Nursingfrom a criteria will be recognizedInstitute calledfor the Personal Interview per Therewill be ruf"""tion of S V."rr in the UpperAge for candidatesbelonging to SC/STas the Govt.policy. 7. THE SCHEMEOF RECRUITMENTTEST: L For recruitment to the posts of Sub-Inspectors a. PhysicalEfficiency Test - 100 Marks b. Written Examination - 300 Marks c. Interview - 50 Marks Total - 450 Marks il. For recruitment to the post of Guardsmqn,Driver and equivalent ranks, a. PhysicalEfficiency Test - 200 Marks b. Written Examination - 200 Marks c. Interview - 50 Marks Total - 450 Marks Note: a. For selectionof Driver, a separatelist shall be prepared,based on the total marks obtained in Physical EfficiencyTest, Written Examination,Pcrsonal Interviewand DrivingTest. 1 b. The DrivingTest shall carry a maximumof 100 marks ru. For recruitment to the post of Non combatant Employees; a. PhysicalEfficiency Test - 200Marks b. TradeTest - cum Interview- 50 Marks ': Total - 250Marks ry. For recruitment to the post of Draftsmen and Dresser /Compounder, there will be no PhysicalEfficiency Test and Written Examination.Selection will be basedon their performancein PersonalInterview carrying 50 marks. B. MINIMUMMEDICAL REQUIREMENT:. (i) Eyesightshould not be lessthan 6/6 in one eye and 6/9 in the other,i.e.,6/6 for the Right eye in Right handed individuals and 6/6 for the Left eye in [,eft handed individuals,without glasses. [ii) Shouldbe free from colourblindness. (iii) Shouldnot have Knock Knees,Flat lroot,Varicose Veins or Squint Eyesor any other Physicaldeformities. [iv) Any debilitating diseasewhich in the opinion of the doctor is likely to impedethe candidates'functioning in the CivilDefence and HomeGuards Department. [v) Any other defects. 9. PHYSICATMEASUREMENT TEST(PMT} : a. Candidateswho do not meet the standards of minimum height requirement as prescribedwill be rejectedand further test eventsof suchrejected candidates will not be conducted. 10. REGISTRATIONAND AUTHENTICATIONOF CANDIDATES: After the PhysicalMeasurement Test, the candidatewill be required to registerthemselves at the PhysicalEfficiency Test (PET) registration counters at the venue of recruitment, where the biometricdata suchas Candidates'Finger Print in respectof eachcandidate will be capturedby the Bio-metricapplication software.The candidate'sbio-metric profile will be verified anll only the candidatessuccessfully verified will be allowedfor PhysicalEfficiency Test fRace). 11. 5 XTTIRECE POR MRLE AND 3 KM FORFEMALE CANDIDATE AND TIMING EQUIPMENT: Eachcandidate will be issuedwith a LockableRadio Frequency Identification (RFID) tag, which will be attachedto the candidateduring the courseof the Physicalefficiency test. The automatictiming equipmentbased on RFIDtechnology will be gearedto recordstart time, finish time and net time of all runnersindividually. Those who do not finish the racewithin the minimum prescribedtime will not be allowed to participate in other subsequentrecruitment events. 5 KM race for male candidateswill have to be completedwithin 24 Minutesand 3 KM race for Femalecandidates will haveto be completedwithin L9 minutes. Candidateswho are not physicalllzfit should not attempt this race. Candidatesare advisedto consult a medical doctor about their physical state of health before preparing themselvesto participatein the running test. The Central RecruitmentBoard will not be responsiblefor any injury sustainedby a candidateduring the 5 KM or the 3 KM race. L2. CONDUCTOF
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