*1 a M o H THURSDAY, MARCH 96, 1M4 ^AdB TWENTY-EIGHT Avaraffa Daily Net Pm b Rob lEv^nittg WtK the Weak Biwim T h e ' ' MkNh. 81. Itet t « f U. a. WeMtHg Mra Florenoe Stevenson will Mrs. Norman Larsoa o f • ty , IM8; WlMam O. NOTICE About iTown oonduot a Bible study class to­ Bruce Rd., a member o f the Kitmnis Spends Thousands J r, 1969; Atty. Rlehard W. 13,922 night at 7:30 at the Salvation Greater Hartford Panhellenle Law, I960; Reiman J. Heck, PUBLIC HEARING Mw 86e. flatmday ' Army. Oapt. Charles Drum­ Association, will assist senior Local Stocks Itembar af Um AndR IM l; W. J. Godfrey Oourley, ay aad azDfor, : Court, Order of mond of Hartford will officiate girls of Manchester High SrtKXd BOARD OF DIRECT0R8 . «f ObnulatloB Anunath, will «poaaor a pub­ at a Communion service tomor­ applying for the $600 scholar­ In P hilanthropic Work 1968 and WoNs C. Dennison, TENTATTVB BUDOim OF Mmneh eetor' >«A CUy o f Vittagm Charm to BZMr «ee. lic mOltaiy whist Monday at 8 Quotattoos Fbruished by 19«S. g e n e r a l MANAOmt ^ 1! , row at 7:80 p.m. at the Citadel. ship awarded by the organiza­ Coburn MIddlebraok, luc. p jn . at the Masonic Temple. tion. ^ Past presidsnts, now ds- April 6, 1964 “ 9* Bank Stocks >Tzny thousands of do!lUiu^part ot the anniversary eele- oeased, are Frank H. Anderson, Itefrealnnenta will be served. Mra Sherwood Martin of 8:00 p.m. •XII [, NO. I l l (EIGHTEEN PAGES) Bid Asked have been expended by Man iiratlon. Thomas McParUand la 1929; Fayette B. Clarke, 1981; Waddell SehooL MANCHESTER, CONN., FRIDAY, MARCH 27, 1964 Avery S t, South Windsor, will The VFW Seafood Night Conn. Bank and chairman of the event. PRICE SEVEN CBNIH lOas Jans Hald, daughter of attend the meeting of the Char­ planned for tomorrow has bMn Chester Klwaniz Club tor pbll W. George Olenney, 1982; Her- 188 Broad Street Trust Co. ...... 71 76 Manchenter Klwania Club lowe W. Willis, 1934; Joel M. Notice is hereby given that In Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Hald, 373 ter Oak Chapter, Historical So­ postponed a week and re­ Hartford National anthropic work since it was or­ was organised in January 1924, BilUard S t, and a student at ciety of Blarly American Deco­ scheduled for FYlday, April S Nichole, 1935: Tbomes Fergu­ accordance with the proviaioaa Bank Co.............. 68 72 ganized 40 years ago. Money through the efforts of the late son, 1986; R. K. Anderson, Wagner College, Staten Island, ration, and the Esther Stevens from 6 p.m. to 13:80 a.m. Fire Insurance Companies making projMts have been con of (3iepter V of the ’Town Char­ N. Y., recently attended the 15th Dr. D. c . Y. Moore, who was 1937; Herbert B. House, 1039; ter, as amended, the Board of Reds Release U. Fliers, Brozer Guild on April 2 at the Hartford Fire .... 68H 72H ducted to raise funds tor col­ then a member of the Hartford annual Washington (D.C.) Norwich Recreation Center. lege scholarshipe, clothes and John J. Ekhmallan, 1941; J. Directors of the ’Town o f Man­ The VFW Stein CTub will National Fire .... 129 137 Kiwanla a u b . th e late George Gower Elder, 1945, end Russell Seminar fbr Lutheran students. Scheduled Is a talk on the resto­ spcmsor a dinner-dance at the Phoenix Fire ____124 132 camping trips tor needy chil­ chester will hold a publie hear­ ration of old homes, and a tour dren, food bukets tor the poor, H. WaddeH, former genei^ J. Paul, 1049. ing on the tentative budgets of post home Saturday from 0 p.m. life and Indemnity Ins. Cos. manager of Manoheeter, served I b a John Dixon o f 375 Sum­ of Lefflngwell Inn. to 1 a.m. Dancing will be to Aetna Casualty ..119Vi 127Vi and to support worthwhile or­ the General Manager for mid Repeat Espionage Charge Quick GOP Appeal Seen as the first present. Dr. Moore mit St la serving as chairman the music of Dick Phaneuf’s Aetna Life ...........181 189 ganizations, such as Instructors ‘CATHOUr USED BV 107 ’Town of Manchester for the fie- I was second president of the ROME—St Ignatius of Anti­ of the scholarship committee of The choir of Emanuel Luther­ Orchestra. Tickets are available Conn. General .... 190 198 for the Handicapped, Lutz Jun­ cal year beginning July 1, 1964 och, martyred shout A.D. 107, the Greater Hartford Panhel- an Church will be featured on at the post home. Hfd. Steam Boiler 141 149 ior ''useum , and Camp Nathan ohih in 1936. N. WINiam Knight as published or to be pubUehed made the first recorded uae JOHNSON CITY, Tex.ftoday In Germany, and eald no«all along ite air control offlcere lenlc Association. The |500 a half-hour television broadcast Security Ins.......... 67 71 Hale In Coventry, is current president by toe General M an n er In The ' of the term, "the Catholic Manchester Evening Herald. - ■wap waa Involved. wera trying to make contact , award will be made at the an- on WHNB-TV, Channel 30, to­ C.P.O. Donald R. McGarr of Travelers (new) .. 49H 62H A Kiwanis Radio Auction, Other ptimt presidenU of the (AP) President Johnimi Church.” Said hearing will be held in The official Bast German with too {Sane until it was shot ’ nual spring luncheon to be held morrow at 1:30 p:m. Mrs. Roy the United States Navy was re­ PabUc Utilities started in 1959, Is the club's Bfanoheeter olub are CSiarles was gratified today ovar the Auditorium o f the Waddell news agency ADN aeeerted the down and has Indicated Bast May 16 at the Hartford Ck>lf C. Johnson and Ronald J. Erick­ cently relieved as the Navy’s re­ Conn. Light Power 36 % 38^ largest source of Ipcome. Be­ Ray, 1926; WlMam A. Knofia, School, 163 Broad Btraet on release of two American fli­ plana carried "an i4>paratua tor German jamming etattoris may Club. son will be soloists, and the Rev. cruiter for Manchester by Rich­ Hartford Gas Co. 38 41 fore the auction began an an­ 1927; (Sarence Qutanby, 1938; taking pictures from the air and nual peanut sale provided funds Monday, April 6, 1984 at 8 ers by the Soviet Union and have knocked out its radio. On Redistricting Order C. Henry Anderson will be nar­ ard R Breitenstein, petty offi­ Southern New Ehig- Arthur A. Knofla, 1929; Ste­ tor Its numerous charities. INVITATION o’clock in the afternoon, at pleased that the matter a epeclal apparatus for conduct­ Holland and Kessler rolled Beoause o f Good Friday, the rator. PYederic Werner, minis­ cer first class. The chief has land Telephone . 56 60 phen C. Hale. 1930; WlUlam ing military InvesUgaUons with over toe Helmstedt frontier VFW AuxlHary will not have a ter of music at the church, will been transferred to Newport, Manufacturing Companies Last year’s disbursements tor Hatatead, 1933, Thomas Bent­ which hearing any eleetqr or *‘has been swaibly settled.” Uie Kiwanis a u b show 11,876 TO BID taxpayer may hava an gpoor- radio-technical means.” point in a U. 8. Army sedan. card genM tomorrow night at direct the choir in the presenta­ R. I. Allied Thermal ... 44^ 48^ ley, 1938; Chnriee S. Burr, 1940; The chief execuUve received ’tberefore, the agency said, it ipiWS’lF 3 used for scholarships, including tunity to be heard. For la a by They were sitting In toe ’ back ttM Post Home. tion. Arrow, Hart, Heg. 55 59 Burner Weden, 1942; James T. Sealed bide will be received word by telephone from aldee la clear that the plane was on asst and appeared to be In good ■ t*- Barden ............ 10^4 one to Manchester Community at the Office of toe General order of toe Board of Diraetors that the fUtre who were Shot Adoniram Council, R and SM, 11% College, 1676 for boy and girl Blair, 1943; Everett T. Keith, A spy flight. condition. Events Bristol Brass .... 8 ^ 1944. Manager, 41 Center Street of toe Town of Manoheeter, down March 10 over Dazt Ger­ Pinney Slams o f Ellington, will meet tomor­ 9% campers, and $211 tor clothes Connecticut The pilots were released, The sedan barely halted at C o le co ..................... 4% 5% Manchester, Connecticut, until many were turned over to U.fl, ADN eald, because ’ ’the govern­ row at 8 p.m. at Masonic BAll. tor needy children and Christ­ Atoo, Atty. Harold Qarrlty, David M. Barry, toe checkpoint. When It started Dimham-Bush ... 4 ^ 5% March 31, 1964 at 11:00 A.M. authoriUes at Halmetedt, Ger­ ment of the United States of ElUnglon. mas food baskets. 1946; Dr. Eiugene Davis, 1947; Secrets^ up again, a German police car N. B. Machine .... 24 H 26% for Street Sweeper Rental. many. America has expreased Its sor­ In State Time Period On Tuesday, April 7, a special Herbert J. MIcKlnney, 1948; Board of Dlraotora proceeded It down toe highway North and Judd .. 18 H 20% Bid forms and specifications The President is at hie ranch row over this offense and has toward toe airport at Hannover, S econ d Congregational Peter Paul .......... 30 H 40th anniversary luncheon will EJdgar H. Cterke, i960; Russell are available at toe Controller’s Manchester, Conn. In toe Texas hiB country tor the PALM O LIVE Church will hold special Maun­ 33% S. Potiterton, 1951; Ray Owens, given assurancea that Ameri­ where a U.S. military plane Plastic Wire Cable llii % be held at toe Manchester Office, 66 Center Street, Man­ Dated at Manchester, Con­ Baxter weekend.
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