Index to Volume 75, 1963

Index to Volume 75, 1963

INDEX TO VOLUME 75, 1963 This index includes, in addition to names of genera, species, and authors, references to the following topics: anatomy, behavior, distribution, food habits, measurements, migra- tion, molts and plumages, nesting, parasitism, physiology, populations, predation, taxon- omy, voice, and weights. Also included are references of biological significance to reptiles and mammals. Acanthis, 441,4455446 Arenctria interpres, 437 flammea flnmmea, 205 melanocephala, 437 Accipiter cooperii, 88 Armstrong, Edward A., A Study of Bird striatus, 274 Song, reviewed, 470-471 Aechmophorus occident&, 166 Arremon aurantiirostris, 200 Aegolius acadicus, 176 Asio jlammeus, 378 AFronautes saxatalis, 453 Attila, Bright-rumped, 199 Aethia cristatella, 439 Attila spadiceus, 199 Agelaius, 399, 409 Auriparus flaviceps acaciarum, 454 phoeniceus, 24, 118, 132, 280-281, 376, Aulacorhynchus prasinus, 199, 290 401,409 p. prasinus, 292 tricolor, 381, 409 Avocet, American, 290, 292 Aix sponsa, 6, 94, 451, 457 Aythya affinis, 6, 79 Alauda arvensis, 24 cmericana, 6, 291, 374 Amzilia candida, 199 collaris, 90, 373 Ammodramus savannarum, 159 ferina, 5 s. perpallidus, 159, 455 valisineria, facing 5, 5, 11, 90, 374 Anus, 373 Bailey, Alfred M. and .I. H. Sorensen, Sub- acuta, 6, 79 antarctic Campbell Island, reviewed, discors, 6, 79 109-110 discors x cyanoptera, 450 Barlow, Jon C., Notes on an epigamic dis- formosa, 291 play of the Catbird, 273 platyrhynchos, 6, 79, 90, 92, 457 Becard, White-winged, 199 querquedula, 24 Beddall, Barbara G., Range expansion of rubripes, 291 the Cardinal and other birds in the strepera, 6 northeastern states, 140-158 valisineria, 5 Behavior, 6682, 88-94, 96, 115-139, 159-173, Anatomy, 124126,171, 229, 281,435-446 1988200, 203-205,2277234, 2622281, 342- Ani, 265 417,4477448, 450-451,4566462 Antbird, 27 Behle, William H., John B. Bushman, and Clayton White, Distributional data on Anthus cervinus, 440 uncommon birds in Utah and adjacent pratensis godlewskii, 24 states, 450-456 spinoletta, 440 Bellrose, Frank C., see Hassler, Sylvia Sue Ant-Tanager, Red-throated, 200 and ___ Antthrush, Black-faced, 268 Bent-bill, Northern, 200 Antwren, Dot-winged, 199 Berger, Andrew J., reviews by, 1033104, Apus apus, 421 469-470; Bird Study, reviewed, 222 Aquila chrysaetos, 49 Biaggi, Virgilio, Jr., The first record for Aracari, Collared, 199 Puerto Rico of the nest of the Scarlet- Aramus guarauna, 179 cheeked Weaver Finch, 91 Aratinga astec, 199 Bittern, American, 281 Archilochus colubris, 274 Pinnated, 291 473 December 1963 474 THE WILSON BULLETIN Vol. 75, No. 4 Blackbird, 401 Butorides virescens anthonyi, 450 Brewers,’ 240, 381-382, 394,406, 408 Byelich, John, see Radtke, Robert and Melodious, 200 Red-winged, 24, 118, 120, 131-133, 137, Cacicus cela, 381 280-281, 312-314, 3766377, 379, 382, uropygialis, 394 387, 395, 403, 406, 409-410 Cacique, Curve-billed, 394 Rusty, 381-382 Green, 394, 400 Tricolored, 381, 400, 408 Mexican, 394 Yellow-headed, 118, 314, 376, 382, 385, Yellow-rumped, 381 387, 392, 395, 407, 409 Cade, Tom J., review by, 287 Bluebird, 15 Calamospiza melanocorys, 455 Eastern, 278 Calcarius, 443, 446 Bobolink, 381, 387, 400, 408, 431 lapponicus, 441-443, 445 Bobwhite, 289-290, 443 1. alascensis, 456 Bock, Walter J., review by, 22-222 1. lupponicus, 456 Bolen, Eric, see Fuller, Robert W. and Caldwell, Larry D., Eugene P. Odum, and Shirley G. Marshall, Comparison of fat Bombycilla, 436 levels in migrating birds killed at a cen- cedrorum, 117, 237, 454 tral Michigan and a Florida Gulf Coast garrulus, 441, 454 television tower, 428-434 Bonasa umbellus, 206 Calidris canutus, 438 Botaurus lentiginosus, 281 Calypte anna, 274 pinnatus caribaeus, 291 Canachites, 436 Brachyramphus breuirostre, 439 canadensis, 437 Branta canadensis, 51, 451 Canvasback, facing 5, 5, 11-12, 90, 374375 nigricans, 437 Capella gallinago, 437 Breckenridge, W. J., review by, 223-224 Cardinal, 118, 123-124, 128129, 131, 134, Brewer, Richard, Chimney perching for 137, 140-143, 1455156 warmth in Starlings, 447-449 Carduelis carduelis, 345 Brown, Woodward H., Carolina Wrens’ Carpodacus mexicanus, 342 ability to survive during severe winters, purpureus, 237 449 Carson, Rachel, Silent Spring, reviewed, Bubo virginianus, 274, 290 1066107 Bubulcus ibis, 95 Carter, Charles E., Mockingbird nesting in Bucephala clangula, 47, 91 Spanish moss in Orange County, Florida, Bunting, Indigo, 119, 137, 237, 342,455 200 Lark, 455 Caryothraustes poliogaster, 200 Painted, 131-132, 134, 137 Cassiculus melanicterus, 394 Burroughs, Raymond Darwin, Editor, The Cussicus, 399 Natural History of the Lewis and Clark Cassidix, 382, 386, 391, 399 Expedition, reviewed, 110-111 major, 381 mexicanus, 381 Bushman, John B., see Behle, William H. nicaraguensis, 386 and Catbird, 115, 117, 120, 240, 273, 394, 459 Buteo, 245-247, 249 Cathartes aura, 244 brachyurus, 247 Catharus, 27 jamaicensis, 377-378 fuscescens fuscescens, 293 nitidus, 292 guttatus faxoni, 293 platypterus, 245 minimus bicknelli, 293 swainsoni, 245246 ustulatus swainsoni, 293 December 1963 Vol. 75, No. 4 INDEX TO VOLUh'IE75 475 Celeus castaneus, 199 Contopus virens, 95 Centurus, 232-233 Conuropsis carolinensis, 276 aurifrons, 199, 204 Coot, 299, 311, 318 carolinus, 203, 227-229, 231-233 American, 79, 81, 277 pucherani, 199-200 Coquette, White-crested, 292 Cepphus columba, 439 Coragyps stratus, 244 Certhia familiaris, 278 Cormorant, 443 Chachalaca, 262-269 Double-crested, 92 Chestnut-winged, 2622264, 268 Olivaceous, 291 Plain, 199 Corvus brachyrhynchos, 47, 377, 458 Chaetura pelagica, 458 corone, 24 Chaffinch, 343, 356, 377, 385, 389, 391, 395, monedula, 385,420 404, 408 Coutlee, Ellen L., Maintenance behavior of Charadrius, 436 the American Goldfinch, 342-357 hiaticula, 260 Coutlee, Ellen L., see Thompson, William semipalmatus, 436-437, 451 L. and ___ vociferus, 436 Cowbird, 115-121, 123-124, 126-138, 214, wilsonia, 436 216, 220, 237, 312, 384, 387-388, 394, Chat, Yellow-breasted, 71, 118 400, 408-410, 459 Chen rossii, 450 Bay-winged, 401 Chickadee, Black-capped, 237 Brown-headed, 24, 115, 123, 125, 127, Chicken, Attwater Prairie, 320 130, 137, 216, 237, 381, 384, 387, 389, Greater Prairie, 320 394,40&401, 409, 459 Lesser Prairie, 321 Giant, 387, 398, m7-408 Prairie, 82, 320 Red-eyed, 387, 487 Chloroceryle americana, 292 Screaming, 381, 406 Chondestes grammacus, 132 Shiny, 381, 41)0-401, 407 Chordeiles acutipennis texensis, 453 Crane, 310-311, 321 Chrysolophus amherstiae, 374 Greater Sandhill, 310 pictus, 374 Lesser Sandhill, 310 Chura, Nicholas .I., Diurnal feeding perio- Whooping, 310, 321 dicity of juvenile Mallards, 90 Crane-hawk, Blackish, 292 Circus cyaneus, 378 Crax rubra, 292 Clan&x hyemalis, 84 Creeper, 278-279 Claravis pretiosa, 199 Brown, 278279 Clark, George A. Jr., review by, 103 Crocethia alba, 438, 452 Coccyzus erythropthalmus, 237 Crossbill, 348 Coluptes auratus, 204, 228,237,275, 289 Red, 348 Crow, 47, 52, 378 Colinus virginianus, 289, 443 Carrion, 24 Coliuspasser, 408 Common, 47, 377, 458 axillaris, 401 Crypturellus cinnamomeus mexicanus, 291 Collias, Elsie C., see Collias, Nicholas E. soui, 199 and ~ Cuckoo, Black-billed, 237-238, 241 Collias, Nicholas E. and Elsie C. Collias, Squirrel, 199 Selective feeding by wild ducklings of Curassow, Great, 292 different species, 6-14 Curlew, 321 Columba nigrirostris, 199 Eskimo, 321 Condor, 320 Cyanerpes cyaneus, 200 California, 208, 320 Cyanocitta cristata, 228, 459 THE WILSON BULLETIN December 1963 476 Vol. 75. No. 4 Cyanocorax, 341 318,420,450-451,457 caeruleus, 341 Black, 291, 311 chrysops, 341 Fulvous Tree, 198, 451 c. chrysops, facing 341, 341 Hawaiian, 318 c. tucumanus, 341 Laysan, 317 cyanomelas, 341 Mexican, 318 yncas, 199200 New Mexican, 318 Cypseloides niger borealis, 453 Ring-necked, 90, 312, 373375 Dabchick, New Zealand, 166 Ruddy, 6-10,12, 79,299 Dactylortyx thoracicus petting%, 292 Wood, 6-8, al, 9495,451,457 Dendrocincla homochroa, 199 Dumetella carolinensis, 117, 240, 273, 394, Dendrocopos borealis, 204 459 major, 231 Dunlin, 260 pubescens, 228 Eagle, 42-54, 92, 318-319, 388 villosus, 203, 231 American, 313 Dendrocygna bicolor, 193 Bald, 42-47,49, 51, 53-54, 3X-319, 451 b. helva, 451 Golden, 49, 319-320 Dendroica, 436 Easterla, David A., Ruff observed in Mis- caerulescens, 118 souri, 274-275 coronata, 89,44-442 Egret, 321 discolor, 118, 230, 293, 461 Cattle, 95 kirtlundii, 137, 203, 216 Reddish, 321 magnolia, 429 Eider, 443 pensylvanica, 118 Common, 291 petechia, 117, 237 King, 291 striata, 441 Eifert, Virginia, Men, Birds, and Adventure: tigrina, 461 The Thrilling Story of the Discovery of virens, 1 la American Birds, reviewed, 108-109 Dickcissel, 131, 133-135, 137, 280, 456 Eisenmann, Eugene, Is the Black Vulture Distribution, 42-55, 83, 86, 91-93, 95, 140- migratory, 244249 158, 161, 174189, 198, 204206, 244245, Elanoi’des forficatus, 179 250, 262, 273-274,276, 273230, 341, 41% Emerald, White-bellied, 199 427, 435, 442, 449-456 Empidonax, 237 Diver, White-billed Northern, 83 minimus, 117 Dives dives, 200 traillii, 117 Dolichonyx oryriuorus, 331, 431 virescens, 117 Dove, 310 Eremophila alpestris, 4.40, 461 Mourning, 81, 237-238, 241, 309-310, 452 Ereunetes, 446 White-winged, 452 mauri, 438, 445 Dowitcher, 250259 pusillus, 433 Long-billed, 2500251,451 Erolia, 436 Short-billed, 250, 256 acuminata, 438,442 Drinkwater, Howard, An observation of alpina, 260, 433, 442 parental behavior of a Rough-winged bairdii, 433, 442 Swallow, 277 melanotos, 436, 433 Dryocopus lineatus, 293 minutilla, 260 pileatus, 204, 223-229, 231 Estrilda melpoda, 91 Duck, 5-7, 10-12, 47, 54, 73-82, 92, 94, 96, Eudyptes crestatus, 291 170-171, 299, 305-306, 309, 311-312, 317- Eudyptula minor, 291 December 1963 Vol. 75. No. 4 INDEX TO VOLUME 75 477 Euphagus, 382, 391 Jungle, 278272 carolinus, 381 Red Jungle, 270 cyanocephalus, 2%, 381 Fregata magnificens, 245 Euphonia, Blue-hooded, 293 Friedmann, Herbert, Host Relations of the Olive-backed, 200 Parasitic Cowbirds, reviewed, %9-470 Euplectes, 401 Frigatebird, 2% ardens, 397 Magnificent, 245 axillaris, 481 Fringilla coelebs, 343, 377 Falco albigularis, 292 Frith, H.

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