Anti-Slavery Collection Fiche Listing Democratic Party (U.S.). Allen, George, 1792-1883. Opinions of the Whigs : and the character of the Resistance to slavery every man's duty : a report Whigs, given by Whigs themselves. on American slavery, read to the Worcester Central [Washington, D.C.? : Committee of the Democratic Association, March 2, 1847. members of Congress]. [184-?] Boston : W. Crosby & H.P. Nichols. 1847 8 p.; "No. 5." Caption title. "Published by order of a 40 p. ; 24 cm.; CTRG01-B30. Committee of the Democratic members of Fiche: 18,409-18,409a; 18,939-18,939a; Congress."--Colophon.; CTRG01-B2295. 23,593[1]-23,593[2] Fiche: 50,79-50,580 Marshall, Thomas Francis, 1801-1864. Grimké, Angelina Emily, 1805-1879. Letters to the editors of the Commonwealth : Appeal to the Christian women of the South. containing the argument in favor of the [Shrewsbury, N.J. : s.n.]. [1836] constitutionality of the law of 1833, "prohibiting the 3rd ed., rev. and corrected.; 36 p. ; 23 cm.; Caption importation of slaves into this commonwealth," and title. Dated (p. 36): "Shrewsbury, N.J., 1836."; also defending the propriety and policy of that law, in CTRG01-B924. reply to a pamphlet of Robert Wickliffe, Sen., and to Fiche: 10,374-19,374a the views taken by other enemies of the law. [Frankfort, Ky.] : A.G. Hodges, Printer. [1840] Woolley, E. 37 p. ; 23 cm.; Caption title.; CTRG01-B31. The land of the free, or, A brief view of Fiche: 18,410-18,410a emancipation in the West Indies. Cincinnati : Printed by C. Clark. 1847 De Bow, J.D.B. (James Dunwoody Brownson), 32 p. : ill.; No more published.; CTRG01-B378. 1820-1867. Fiche: 17,776 The interest in slavery of the southern non-slave holder : the right of peaceful secession : slavery in Child, Lydia Maria Francis, 1802-1880. the Bible. The right way the safe way : proved by Charleston [S.C.] : Steam-power presses of Evans & emancipation in the British West Indies, and Cogswell. 1860 elsewhere. 30 p. ; 22 cm.; "The character and influence of New York : [s.n.]. 1860 abolitionism--extracts from a sermon preached by 96 p. ; 19 cm.; CTRG01-B25. Rev. Henry J. Van Dyke."--P. [17]-30.; CTRG01- Fiche: 18,212-18,215; 19,659-19,660 B32. Fiche: 18,411 Lincoln, Abraham, 1809-1865. Speech of Hon. Abram [sic] Lincoln before the Trescot, William Henry, 1822-1898. Republican state convention, June 16, 1858. The position and course of the South. Sycamore [Ill.] : O.P. Basset. 1858 Charleston [S.C.] : Steam power-press of Walker & 16 p.; The "Divided house" speech, made on the James. 1850 occasion of Lincoln's nomination for U.S. senator.; 20 p. ; 26 cm.; CTRG01-B33. CTRG01-B27. Fiche: 18,412 Fiche: 18,406 Garrison, William Lloyd, 1805-1879. Garrison, William Lloyd, 1805-1879. An address delivered before the free people of The "infidelity" of abolitionism. color in Philadelphia, New-York, and other cities New York : American Anti-Slavery Society. 1860 during the month of June, 1831. 12 p. ; 19 cm.; Two poems by Garrison on p. 12.; Boston : Printed by Stephen Foster. 1831 CTRG01-B28. 2nd ed.; 24 p. ; 22 cm.; "Published by request."; Fiche: 18,407; 19,664 CTRG01-B34. Fiche: 18,413 Phillips, Wendell, 1811-1884. No slave hunting in the old Bay state : an appeal Clay, Cassius Marcellus, 1810-1903. to the people and legislature of Massachusetts. What is to become of the slaves in the United New York : American Anti-Slavery Society. 1860 States?. 23 p. ; 19 cm.; Extracts from a speech delivered [Lexington, Ky. : s.n.]. [1845?] February 17, 1859. Contains also extracts from 7 p. ; 21 cm.; Caption title. Reprinted from the speeches of William Lloyd Garrison and Charles C. Lexington, Ky., True American, Aug. 12, 1845.; Burleigh, 1859.; CTRG01-B29. CTRG01-B35. Fiche: 18,408; 19,667 Fiche: 18,414 1 Anti-Slavery Collection Fiche Listing Facts for the people. No. 1 : the conspiracy of Palmer, B.M. (Benjamin Morgan), 1818-1902. Fillmore leaders to elect Buchanan, by inducing The South : her peril and her duty : a discourse, honest men to throw away upon Mr. Fillmore, votes delivered in the First Presbyterian Church, New which would otherwise be cast against slavery Orleans, on Thursday, November 29, 1860. extension and for John C. Fremont. New Orleans [La.] : Printed at the office of the True [New York : H.F. Snowden, Printer]. [1856?] witness and sentinel. 1860 3 p.; "From the 'Courier and Enquirer,' Aug. 19th." 16 p. ; 23 cm.; CTRG01-B55. Caption title. Imprint from colophon. Two columns Fiche: 18,421; 18,936 to the page.; CTRG01-B36. Fiche: 18,415 Democratic National Committee (U.S.). The conspiracy to break up the Union : the plot Hopkins, John Henry, 1792-1868. and its development : Breckinridge and Lane the Bible view of slavery. candidates of a disunion party : let the masses read [New York : Society for the Diffusion of Political and ponder. Knowledge]. [1863?] Washington City, D.C. [i.e., Washington, D.C.] : 16 p. ; 23 cm.; "Read--discuss--diffuse." Caption Printed by L. Towers. [1860] title. Signed (p. 16): "John H. Hopkins, Bishop of the 16 p.; Caption title. "From the Nashville (Tenn.) Diocese of Vermont."Also issued separately the same Patriot." Dated at end: "Washington, August 1860." year. Two columns to the page.; CTRG01-B37. Two columns to the page.; CTRG01-B53. Fiche: 18,416; 24,053 Fiche: 18,422; 19,411 Collins, Robert, of Macon, Ga. Crummell, Alexander, 1819-1898. Essay on the treatment and management of slaves The relations and duties of free colored men in : written for the seventh annual fair of the Southern America to Africa : a letter to Charles B. Dunbar, Central Agricultural Society. M.D., Esq., of New York City. Boston : Eastburn's Press. 1853 Hartford : Press of Case, Lockwood, and Co. 1861 2nd ed.; 18 p. ; 23 cm.; "Note to first edition" signed 54 p. ; 23 cm.; Includes a biographical note on (p. 18): B.F. Griffin.; CTRG01-B24. Crummell (p. [3]) Includes bibliographical Fiche: 18,417; 52,686-52,687 references.; CTRG01-B49. Fiche: 18,423-18,423a; 18,870-18,870a Hancock, John, 1824-1893. To the patriotic citizens of the United States : the Dawes, Henry L. (Henry Laurens), 1816-1903. North and the South : the crisis before us. The new dogma of the South--"Slavery a blessing" [New York : Offices of the Daily news and Day : speech of Hon. Henry L. Dawes, of Mass. : book]. [1856] delivered in the House of Representatives, April 12, 19 p. ; 23 cm.; A letter to James Gordon Bennett, 1860. editor of the New York herald, signed and dated (p. [Washington, D.C. : s.n.]. [1860?] 19): "John Hancock. New York, Sept. 24, 1856." 7 p.; Caption title. Two columns to the page.; Caption title. Imprint from colophon.; CTRG01-B66. CTRG01-B47. Fiche: 18,418 Fiche: 18,424; 18,935 Holcombe, William H. (William Henry), 1825- Baker, James L. (James Loring). 1893. Slavery. The alternative : a separate nationality, or the Philadelphia : J.A. Norton. 1860 africanization of the South. 19 p. ; 23 cm.; CTRG01-B45. New Orleans : Printed at the Delta Mammoth Job Fiche: 18,425 Office. 1860 15 p. ; 23 cm.; Caption title. Signed (p. 15): Wm. H. Aikman, William, 1824-1909. Holcombe.; CTRG01-B65. The future of the colored race in America : being Fiche: 18,419; 19,622 an article in the Presbyterian quarterly review, of July, 1862. Miller, C W. New York : A.D.F. Randolph. 1862 Address on re-opening the slave trade : to the 35 p.; CTRG01-B44. citizens of Barnwell at Wylde-Moore, August 29, Fiche: 18,426-18,426a; 18,837-18,837a 1857. Columbia, S.C. : Steam power press of the Carolina Appleton, Nathan, 1779-1861. Times. 1857 Correspondence between Nathan Appleton and 10 p. ; 23 cm.; Two columns to the page.; CTRG01- John G. Palfrey : intended as a supplement to Mr. B64. Palfrey's pamphlet on the slave power. Fiche: 18,420; 18,836 Boston : Eastburn's Press. 1846 20 p. ; 23 cm.; CTRG01-B43. Fiche: 18,427; 18,838 2 Anti-Slavery Collection Fiche Listing Chesnut, James, 1815-1885. Bissell, William H. (William Henry), 1811-1860. Relations of states : speech of the Hon. James The slave question : speech of Mr. William H. Chesnut, Jr. of South Carolina : delivered in the Bissell, of Illinois, in the House of Representatives, Senate of the United States, April 9, 1860, on the Thursday, February 21, 1850 : in Committee of the resolutions submitted by the Hon. Jefferson Davis, of Whole on the state of the Union, on the resolutions Miss. on 1st March, 1860. referring the president's annual message to the Balitmore : Printed by John Murphy & Co. 1860 appropriate standing committees. [2], 24 p. ; 23 cm.; "Presidential campaign of 1860."- [Washington, D.C. : Printed and for sale by Buell & -P. [2], 1st group, includes a list of the members of Blanchard]. [1850] the Republican Executive Congressional Committee 8 p. ; 25 cm.; Caption title. Imprint from colophon. and a price list for speeches and campaign documents Two columns to the page.; CTRG01-B69. published by the Committee.; CTRG01-B42. Fiche: 18,434; 19,416 Fiche: 18,428 Campbell, Lewis D. (Lewis Davis), 1811-1882. Richardson, W.A. (William Alexander), 1811- Speech of Hon. Lewis D. Campbell, of Ohio, on 1875. southern aggression, the purposes of the Union, and Speech of Hon. W.A. Richardson, of Illinois : the comparative effects of slavery and freedom : delivered in the House of Representatives, May 19, delivered in the House of Representatives, February 1862. 19, 1850. [Washington, D.C. : Printed by L.
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