THE BEOIBTnB'B ' ' All the New* 61 Broad Street to tin fitm BED BANK '. 8«weri on Kitty «(•*••* And Sun-oundlni Tomu * A PubUe OomJoH itattoa Told Fewlwaly and Without Blu. IER Mora Parking S Weekly, Estonl u BMond*Clui M»tUi it th» Poit- VOLUME LIU, NO. 23. Bed Dink. N. J, ando tit Aet of Murcb I, 18I)». RED BANK, N. J., WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 26, 1930. $1.50 PER YEAR PAGES I TO 12. Drunken Father Theater to Hold \VU XOSK ELECTRIC PLANT. Big Find of Honey Expedition to S8IWICE WAS TOO GOOD, Unique Plan of Bed Bank'* Station Has Been Inade- Fair Haven Man Charged With 'Horseshoes" at Gets Dose of Jail •* Poster Contest quate for Several Year*. in OlcKfok Tree Peruvian Wilds 1'eddllng Liquor. Liquor Control The Jersey Central power and light A dCBlro to glvo the best of serv- the Public Park company's power plant on Control Charles B. Read" of Colt's Neck Robert Shippee and George ce to his customers resulted last Joseph Brown of Fair Haven Prinking Orgy «t Campbell'* School Children Invited to Sub- avenue at Bed Bank, which has not week In tho arrest of Joseph Fords Busineis Men in Animated Ccnv mit Ideas Concerning Tom boen capable of supplying Bed Gathered Enough of It to Fill Johnson Head Archaeological Has Method of Eliminating Junction Elided by the Ap- of Fair Haven. Charged with ped- Prohibition and Spreading tests Sunday at Ihe Public- pearance ' of Officer—Vouth Sawyer—Film to be Shown at Bank's electric power tho past sever- a Large Sugar Barrel—Tree Research Party—Christening dling Intoxicating beverages, tho man Owned Court* Near the Rlv-ar al years,'will soon be converted for of Planes Today. was arraigned before Recorder El- Temperance. HM Narrow Carlton. • • use as a distribution office and store- Cut Down to Get the Honey. —A Great Variety of Drew, mer C Walnrlght of Shrewsbury and Joseph Brown of Fair Haven has An art pouter contest, In. whloh pu- house. Most of the plant's equip- Treasure In the form of honey was An expedition, led by Robert held under $500 for tho action of the Adolph Czembor ia & widower at ment will bo sold or scrapped. The devised a plan for liquor supervision That tho new Hed Bank rdoreatlon 1 Cntnpbell'a Junptlon. Ho has four pils of Red Bank publlo echools are gathered last week by Charles B. Shlppco of Red Bank and George R. grand jury. Tho arroHt was mado by which he feela sure will solvo tho grounds at tho foot of Bro«d ftrtet eligible to enter, la to be conducted by station hag been used of late aa a Read, from a hlvo In an ancient oalc Johnson of Long Branch, will sail on Police.Chief Joseph Hcrdcn of Fair children, who since Me death of their booster plant, ' • perplexing problem of prohibition. are not only popular wllh the young the management of tho Carlton the- tree on his farm near Colt's Neck. Friday of next wook for Peru, whoro Haven upon complaint of neighbors Although it has been outlined In let- folka who frequent the tcnnln court* mother, have, been at a Catliollo of Fords. Tho latter lives on Grange homo In a distant part of the state. ater in conjunction with the showing Red Bank Will soon recolve its The tree WBB enormous and It was In thoy will employ aerial photography ters to many public men and has re- but by i?rown-up9, wan clearly dem- of the film production "Tom Sawyer," power from tho new South Amboy a woods about an eighth of a mile In archaeological research of country avenue. ceived favorable comment Irom them onstrated Sunday, whon a scorn or 'When ihe children were placed In from Mr. Read's homo, Last spring, bohlnd tho Peruvian Andes. Shippee ' the homo Mr, CzBmbor promised to an adaptation "of Mark Twain's plant, erected at a coBt of $6,000,000. Two gallons of tho alleged liquor, It has never been fully, presented to more mon reprosontlng official, com- famous story. This plcturo is to be The company will retain Its battery wnllo plowing near tho edge of the and Johnson will bo accompanied by tho nature of which according to the the- public. Mr. Brown hopes to do mercial, Industrial and domestic* *c- pay $10 a woek towards their sup- woods, Mr. Read noticed that honey Irving G. Hay, Valentine VanKeurcn port. Of Into he had been falling shown at the theater Thanksgiving of transformers, transmitters and police has not yet been determined, this through addraseu to Bervlco livltlos ot tho town, gathwfid nt tht> and the day following and has a cast awltchoB on Central avenue, oppoalte bees had made their homo in a largo and Max Dlstcl of the Red Bank Air- was seized. It wan tested at Record- clubs and civic organizations. quoit courts nnd spont tho morning bohlnd In his payments. The oldest hollow in tho old oak tree. He re- port. of the four children wrote a letter to Including Jackie Coogan, Mltzl Green the power plant. New linos will bo er Wulnrlght's court and found to be The propoHUl la called "The Liberty pltchlnK horseshoes. and Junior Durkln. erected from Red Bank to Fair Ha- solved then that he would cut tho Johriaon sorved OB chief photo- ninety per cent proof. The bevcrago Joseph Kozack, afrlsnd of tho Czem- treo down and get tho honey made Plan for Liquor Supervision" and Tho thrco courts wero "kept hot" 1 Tho subject of tho poster must con- ven and to Long Branch. One of the grapher of- the Peruvian naval air smelted like wine,-but had a licorice has for Its purpose the spread of with tho fast pitching and soma ex- bor family, about this. Mr. Kozack lines to Fair Haven will have steel by the bees. Due ta pressure of farm is the Janitor of St. Agnei's church cern Tomjjawyer and hlB adventures, service In 1028 ana 1020. His dis- flavor. temperancer and tho ultlmnto ollmln ceptionally good gfltfies word wit- poIeB and armored steel cable. With- work, ho was obliged to put off this coveries and photographs In the Altl- Pollco stated that the man had sold and-St. AfrneB's parochial school at A five-dollar goldplece will be award- task until later than bo had ex- atlon of the vice and other evils nessed. So popular wan tho gatna ed to tha winner, John L. Balnhard, in a your most of the Red Bank line* jplano, tho high and llttlo explored more than a gallon in his houBC-to- which havo been attributed to pro- that thoro was a waiting list during Atlantic, Highlands., He lives at will bo replaced with new ones. , pected. Campbell's Junction1,' In the letter manager of tho Carlton, announced. plateau between tho Maritime Cor- liousc canvass In tho borough. hibition. tl-n morning for the uno of tho quoit which Mr. Koiack received the writ- Tho boy or girl winning second prize However, he got at tho job last dilleras, bordering the Peruvian Under the plan tho government courts. coast, and the Eastern Cordilleras er expressed the (ear that Mr. Czem- wUl bo given a two-and-a-half dollar week on a day that was unusually shall cause to have registered and In addition to ,tho players thera bor was sick or that some other goldpieco while tho pupil whose pos- warm and mild for November. Tho aro ombodlod In tho book "Peru protected as a monopoly tho for- From the Air," which will soon be were a number of enthusiastic on- harm hud befallen hint ter Is adjudged to be third beat will ProgreBS in State bees wero flitting about, despite the The Rotary Spirit mulae and p^oceunes_ for obtaining lookers who spurred on tho players) receive complimentary tickets to the lateness of the season, and they bo- published by tho American Geograph- splrltoua bcybraRCH Ijif^overntncn On Sunday Mr. Kozaok went to ical society. "" 1 by their good-natured interest In tho Bhow. , , camo somewhat truccujent when Mr. standard^and also tho stylo of c.ori- games. Somo of tho moro advanced tho Czembor homo to find out what Park Proposition Read and his farmhand started cut- in Fellowship was the trouble. Mr. Czembor lives Edward C. Gllland, superintendent The expedition has been endorsed talnef, informatlvo label and original plnyers camo to tho courts ready tux of schools, has boeij aBked to serve ting down tho- old oak treo with a by the American Geographical and package. This matter would como the contests dressed In sport ap- In rooms over Charles Cohen's store Highland! Mayor Telk Municipal two-man saw. Mr. Read and his An Address on This Subject Made at CompboU'o Juncton. Ho moved as chairman of the committee of Harvard Geological societies' and It under the control of tho department parel, yet' thoro wero several who Judges, which Is to consist ol mem- Official* That Hartihome helper worked the saw about two 13 understood that the llnar.clal back- by Rev. E. M. Wiley of Mont- of commerce, did not object to pitching horananotis)- thore'about two WCOIJB Bgo from an- t above the ground. Part of tho other part of Mlddlctown township.' bers selected by him. The winning Heirs Will Relinquish Claims er Is Shlppco'g father, Carl C. Shlp- clair at the Meeting of the Red The department of Justice would in their "Sundny go-to-mo«llng" posters and thoso rccelylng honor- wood was rotten and this made caay pco of the firm of Shippee & Raw- ciotheH.
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