On the Inside , Weather City Hlqh WlDa CIne aM a aWe MOler • . Pa.qe 2 iNa,.. 8_"'" doll'" .... Gr. lAtter Home . ~ Illa'il aHa,.. II: "w, 5S. IlitIl n-wa,., 77: .... '" Paq.' owan IS. Free leer Offend cr. at. ••• Paqe 6 Eat. 1868 - AP Leased Wire, AP Wirephoto. UP LeaMd Wire - Five Ceota Iowa City. Iowa, Saturday, September 16, 19S0-Vol. 84, No. 292 Congress Okays Marshall For TOKYO (SATURDAY) (AP) - Big gains by United Nations Defense Post amphibious forces landed at Inchon were reported today by a WASHINGTON 1111 - Conll'ess South Kor n naval polce man as troops along the southeast Friday nleht approv~ the ap­ Korea beachhead began a gen ral attack to cut up the Reds' pointment of Gen. Goor,e C. Mar. 140,000 mao arm . shall as secretary of defense. The spokesman told As ociated Pre Correspondent BiJI Shinn By big votes both the hou e and senate passed a lpecial bJll * * * that the force which tonned waiving - tor Marshall only - a hore llt Inchon, on the west a provision ot the 1&47 unifica­ War at a Glance coast Friday, have captured all of tion law which forbids appoint. th.t port and are drivln, Inland ment of a military man to the de­ KoreaD Ironl - u.s. marin .. toward a town only 10 miles W~l t fen!e secretaryship. and 10th army corp drive Inland The house acl~ tlrst by a vote after darin, amphlbloUi landlnp of Seoul Inchon Is 22 miles west ot 220 to 105. The senate loUowed at west coast port ot Inchon. Gen. of the Communlst-h~ld South Ko­ UN I Forces Sweep Ashore at Inchon suit a few hours later. MacArthur reports "the whole op­ rean raplta!. 9c In boUt ehamben the oppo­ eration Is proceedin, on schedule." Whll~ Gen. Douela. MacAr- OPEN ARROW POINTS TO SEOUL. Red-held capital of ouO! lillon "'.. led by Jlepubllcaos North Korean radio reports Amer­ thur personally dl~ted the U.s. Korea aDel th, lint objective of tIfe Allied amphlblou tornel which who waraeel a,alost "undermJn­ Icans have cover~ 11 miles, or 10th corps in a drlv~ Ilm~ at .."decl ai Inehon Friday. Marines landed first on the ialand ot In~" tbe traditional prlnc:lple of half way to tbf!ir Imm~late ob­ Ieizin, Seoul', .upp)' routes, l",.lm1 and .hen u.s. Infantry troops ,tonned anross the Inchon e1v11 eoatrol over the mlU*ar:r. jective of Seoul South Koreans U.S., Britlah and South Korean (AI' Win".,., trooPl at the beachhead open~ a ill walla. Breken line outline$ the Island, on Incbon'l approaches When the b/U goes to the White . '" , .. make three landlnp on east coul 1\'IXIeh were ~pled by South Korean mar.nes before the main In­ House President Truman wUl sien WuJal..... - Responsible of­ heavy offensive thia mom In,. ...Ioa. Ihcholl' is 22 mUes trom Seoul. ." ." '" Almond, Smith, Doyle Lead Invasion Moves . It at once and then tormally sub­ !IclalJ outHne U.S. plans to pr Sap....-tN b, iaaka, plaD.. mit Marshall's nomination to the wartime Pacific allies to accept aM arilller" "e, Irine.k alell6 senate tor confirmation. COMMANP(NG THE · UN INVA JON FOR ES at Inchon Ire these three men. Left to rlrllt: Maj. Gen. loft peace with Japan, without re. a troDt 01 mere thaD 'It mil .. That will be mere routine arter Edward Almond. den. MaeArlhur'. chid of taft: Maj. Gen. Oliver mlih, eommanetlnr the Fin' strlction, on rearmament. "'- "e beac!bllead'...... eD4 ~11_n~ic Pact Nations Open the votes at confidence In the 89- Manne division; and Jlear Adm. James Htnr), Doyle,ampblbloUi attaft eommanc1er. They are In eom­ up .. a" beJODet THIlL year-old five - star .eneral who man. ot loreta which po hed ..hore FrIda), near Indlon Ind Immediately be,an a cIrlve towaret the A naphip dispatch from AIso­ served during World War II 81 key ell;, nul. cllt~ Press Correspond~nt R~I­ army chief of .taff and later as 0' Hickenlooper Blocks man Morin aald relntorcem~nt. Talks -on European Defense secretary of state. were pourlne Into the .cene of Mr. Truman called Marshall Friday', landinp while the flrs~ out of retirement earlier this week u.s. to , Convert American Sol d iers See O'Dwyer's Approval; NEW YORK (UP) - Foreign ministers of the 12 North At· waves quicldy seized all objec­ to succeed Defense Secretary Lou­ tives and .wept ...t of Inchon. lantic pact members opened talk Friday on merging their military is Johnson who resl,ned under might into an unprecedented unified force to defend western congressional fire. Johnson', res­ New Luxury Liner · B d B R d Does Not Give Reason (A naval spokesman in Wash­ Europe. ignation Is eLtectlve next Tues­ Bu dd les urne yes WASHINGTON RrI- Sen. Incf,on estlmllt~ the total torce day, and barring a bitch, Mar­ To Troop Carrier Bourke B. Hlckenlooper (R-Iowa) Involved at upwards of 40,000.) . ~ )(eynote of the session was struck by Dutch For ign 1inister shall should be confirmed and " ITH TilE U.. E 0 0 DIVISION IN KOREA (AP) - By mld-momln, today, the ad­ American soldiers told on anny inquiry board Friday that at blocked temporarily Friday ni,ht D~ ' ~. Stikker who, informant said, asked his colleagues: "What ready to take over the cabinet WASHINGTON RrI - Four pas­ vancinl leathernecks ceal~ call­ post by Wednesday. t 11 .enate confirmation of President ine tor warship fire, .u,culin, w'II ,llappen to OUf countries if .en,er vessels, Jllcludin, the 48,- J thr e or th ir buddi wt'r thrown into hug roaring fir representing 10 European coun­ The house wrote In by voice by tl1 eir ned captors on the we tern front recently. Truman's nomination of former they were meeUn, lI,ht opposi­ I .,g~nernr CQnflict breaks out?" vote an am ndmenl. sayine the 000 • ton luxury liner S.S. Unit~ New York Mayor William O'Dwy­ tion In their bid U> aelu all vital tric , plus Canada and the United Thi . hl! .. t grist story ifl a list of North Korean atrocities Jil this t:oDliectlon, observers States, was the problem of quick­ appointment should not be a pre­ Stales, wiU 'bo fitted out 18 troop er to be U.S. ambauador to Mex­ avenues M ' lu""lJlil. and reln­ ~i'it~ out that tlte United States ly boosting the numbers of sol­ cedent for naminl mllJtary men transports, the maritime board Ilgaimt captured mcricllns came to light at 8 U.S. Second di­ Ico. forcln, the bypassed R~ army. • , 'j .' to the cabinet pOIIt. U.S .. Britllh .... South Ito­ is Illl record a/l willing to throw diers. guns and planes "on hand" d18cl08~ Frldlly. vi1ion illv stigntion. d with the R~ . not to burn him, Later he sald he would not de­ reaD &rOOPI Wa, harle. a ..... - In Europe to det~r any ageresslon The other three are 13,OOO-ton There have be n many proven but "they ,lUleed him with some­ lay action when the I ue comea i~ ' full. weight into the fight In up a.aln Monday. His move ap­ mul .ttaft, led by tanIr., a. E,",ope on the fjrst day of any at­ from the east. Instances ot American prisoners thinl and threw hlm In.'' vessels - the Presldf!nts Jackson, parently was an eflort 0 block .u,-Ill ene"" &rooPi nortb 01 tack, rather than plan tor any * * * Pcln. shot to death with their Stcphen said he wu unable to Iowans Vote ... Hayes and Adams - belnll built hands tled behind their backs. [n watch the third man thrown into unanlmoUi consent approval or to Tae... la~r - day "!illeration." Two More Polio tor American President lines. one of these estabUshd cas , a the Clr~, but heard the soldj~r 10 on public record apinst the The infantrymen struck ~oward -Howevel:, the United States has Case's Reported WASHINGTON (.4") - Seven of The United States, beln, built North Korean woman guerrllla dld cream with pain. nomination. Seoul, Communiat - held South Itlpulated that western Europe Iowa's eight Republican represen­ Korean capiUil now menact<t from with the other ship. under ,ov­ the shooUnil. St phen said a Red spotted him HJckenlooper objected without must pledee its full share ol sup· Thrce polio patients entered latives in conlress Friday voted The burned Americans were and fired at him but that he man­ explanation when O'Dwyer's name the sea by a bi. al11~ amphlbloua ])Ott and has taken the view that University hospitals Friday, bring­ with the minority as congress ernment supervision, will be captured when Reds overron their ailed to escape to American Hnes. was read on the routine u.t or tandi.n. at the nearby port of In­ such support mUlt include armed ing the number of active cases passed a bill, dearin, the way equipped to carry 12,000 troop advance outpost Aug.3!. The area where the bumlnl presidential appointments to be chon. utilis from west Germany. to 33. for Gen. Gear,e C. Marshall to and the smaller vessels from 2500 Th~ir escaped comrades told the took place has not been recapt- confirmed. In their path, however, were be secretary of defense, $eCretary ot State Dean Ache- The patients, both admitted in U> SO()O each. board of Inquiry thaI at least three ured. A showdown on the IlSue was the enemy's Third, 10th, 13th and son, chairman of-the foreign min- "fair" condition were Glen Wall­ Sen.
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