,(c4 , November 6, 1997—November 19, 1997—WISCONSIN LIGHT-1 SECTION THREE le Anniversary Issue DECADE OF 11 19971997~g—Getting Reedy. Ready. The PFLAG The PFLAG conthgent contingent foms forms up md up andgcts gets lcady ready for forthe the 1997 1997 Pride Pride Parade Parade held held onon Sunday, JuneJune 8.8. 1997—Successful Fund Raiser—Among those attending a Saturday, June 14. fund raiser for U.S. Senator Russ Feingold (D-WI) were (1-r) Dr. Robert Starschak, Blaine Roberts of Connecticut, Senator Feingold. Draegert , Ross Draegert and Tony Rhodes. The event which as hosted by Dr. Starschak an his partner, Ross Johnson at their Fox Point home. raised several thousand dollars for Feingold's 1998 campaign. Jerry 19961996-Tom—Tom Reed, Reed, Ihirector Director of of public Public Affiirs Affairs for for the the Mfller Miller Brewing Brewing Company, Company. presents presents a a checkcheck forfor SS10.000 10.00{) to Tony Rhodes, President of the Cream City Foundation. The Miller grant will allow CCF to continue its important:#rw°od£S;fHproen€=°#etsct=ycitydL:£tifu#eMmergrantwhallowccFtoconthueits work of providing rants to Gay and Lesbian groups. friends with a special presentation 1996—Ross Draegert and Dr. Robert Starschak were surprised by their LesBiGay community. The couple is thanking them for their long years of commitment to Milwaukee's Shown with them is Cream City moving to New York where Dr. Starschak has obtained a new position. a farewell dinner held at Milwau- Foundation President Tony Rhodes. The presentation took place following Johnson kee's M&M Club. Jerry 19961996-David—David MinerMilner signs signs a copya of his bock at a special recapfron held in his honor at the Broadway copy of his hook at a special reception held in his honor at the Broadway TheaterThcaterCenterinMilwaukee.TheaffairwasabenefitforMAP.David'spuner.Patlick,isstandingbehind Center in The Milwaukee. affair was a benefit for MAP. David's partner. Patrick, is standing behind him.him 0 19961996-The—The rain rain and and strong strong winds winds on on the the outside outside didn't didn't douse douse the the spirits spirits of of those those inside inside thethe ShepherdShepherd Ex-Ex- press Cafe for the PrideFest '96'96 openingo|>eniiig ceremonies ceremonies on on Friday, Fridey, June J`me 7, 7, 1996. 1996. Pictured Pionred above above and and ready ready to to cut out to open are: Dr. Karen Lamb, wife of the former Mayor of Milwaukee, the late Henry "Quilt: A Musical Celebration" had its way. the ribbon to open PrideFestPrideFe8t are: Dr. Karen Lamb, wife of the fomer Mayor of unlwaukee, the late Henry 19961996-Thel.ewouldbelioSnenceandNoDeathifthecastof"Quilt:AMustcalCelebradon"haditsway.—There would be no Silence and No Death if the cast of W. Maier,Maier. Rev. Lou Lou Broyles;Broyle8; Milwaukee Milwaukee Police Police Chief Chief Phillip Phmp Arreola;Arlcola; andand Milwaukeer`tilwaukee County ExecutiveExecutive show which has opened to good reviews. "Quilt" Part of that castcast isis shownshorn above drugduring a ascene scene from from the the show which has opened to good reviews. "Quit" Standing on the stage behind them is PrideFest founder and Co-Director. Bill Meunier who at the Prospect Mall. Tom Ament.iinent. Standing on the stage behind then is PrideFest founder and Co-Director, Bin Meurier who willwiubeatMilwaukce'sCirclestageThcater.whichislocatedattheProspectMall. be at Milwaukee's Circlestage Theater. which is located Hawkins g?;]pegave the the emotional enotional and and rousing routing Callcall to March and cdehate.Celebrate. GoryGary ffow*;.»s I ` , . _ITitE NovemberNovonber 6,6,1997-November 1997—November 19, ly,1997-WIScONSIN 1997—WISCONSIN LIGHT IJGHT-2-2 loo10th ADdiv€rsary Anniversary Issue ls9u. This isis notnot aa time for thingsthings thatthat are easy. I fi,in not anLastlad july, July, overover 1,650I,650 people people diddid something something that that most most of of them them never never dreamed dreamed theythey could.could. Together they rode their their bicycles bicycles 500500 milesmiles forfor sixsix days, from the Twin Cities Cides through through \MsconsinWisconsin toto Chicago, to to raiseraise overover an against AIDS. And not $5 million for the fight "I'm $5 million for the fight against AIDS. And they defined what itit means toto make a difference. Next Next July,july itit happenshappens again.again. And you can joinjoin them. Grandparents. Brothers and sisters. FriendsFriends and lovers. AllAll united by a feeling thatthat it is timetime toto make aa differencedifference athlete. again. Time to do something big. As aa rider athletel again. Time to do in TwinTwin itiesDWisconsinDChicago ities3Wsconsin3Chicago AIDSAIDS 'm not a RideRIde 3 3 youyou can can participate participate inin thethe most successful successful AIDS AIDS fundraising fundraising effort effort in in historyhistory... and make a powerful statement in in thethe battle battle against against AIDS. AIDS. I'm not a It'slt's a ride, nothot aa race. race. The AIDS RideRIde isis about about commitment,commitment, notnot speed. You setsat your own pace,pace, so you can ride asas quickiyquickly or or asas leisurely dsas you like.like, Riders RIders of all ages, ages, fromfrom allall walks walks of life, will will bicycle bicycle six six days days through through some some of of the the most most spectacular sceneryscenery in in America. America ItIt willwill raiseraise millions of cyclist... dollars forforAIDS AIDS services in Wisconsin,\Msconsin, and and leaveleave you you a a changed person. No way,way, I Icould could never never do do that, that, couldCould I? I? The RideRIde is not not easy. .nothing. nothing thisthis gratifyinggratifying is. is. It's it's demanding demanding and and challenging. challenging.. .and. .and you you cancan do it!it! Thousands Thousands ofof people havehave provenproven it. The RIdeRide is your but I'd chance to stopstop thinkjngthinking and startstart acting.acting. .to.to stopstop wishingwishing for change and start doingdoing something to createcreate fuit. lt'sIfs about setting aa goal andand proving youyou cancan meetmeet itit. AndAnd throughthrough the organized trainingtraining rides rides we we offeroffer throughoutthroughout the yearyear, your strength, stamina andand confidenceconfidence will will build. Taking actionaction has hev®rnever matteredmattered more. scale PhotaTornothy McAfee Sea In anyany causecause therethere are remarkable people who givegive of themselves to makemake a a difference. difference. They'reThey're defineddefined byby couragecourage and and nobilfy,nobility, riskrisk and sacrifice.sacrifice. ... .not not hoping hoping forfor easyeasy answers.answers. Easy Fas)r doesn't doesn't cut cut itrt when when thethe AIDS virus hashas already infected up to 2424 million million adults. Mt. Ev OK...whereOKEE.where do do I Ieat, eat, sleep, shower?shower? The RIdeRide is expertly organizedorganized andand fully fully supported withwith `hothot andand cold showers,showers, hot meals, five dailydaily water water and and snacksnack stops, transportstransports forfor youryour gear,gear volunteervolunteer to make massage therapists, roving medicalmedical andand Io make tech support,support and much more.more. We\^/e even provide t\^/o-persontwo-person tents. Where doesdoes the money go? The money raisedraised will will benefrtbenefit the HIV/AIDSHIV/AIDS related services of seven a differew Wisconsin\Msconsin-area-area AIDS serviceservice organizationsorganizations:.. AIDS AIDS Network, Network, a diffelehc Inc.,lnc„ AIDS AIDS Resource Resource Center Center ofof Wisconsin, Inc., lnc., CAMP CAMP HEARTLAND,HEARTLIA\ND, Great Great Lakes Lakes Inter Inter-Tr.ibal-Tribal Council, Council, Opportunities Opportunides IndustrializationIndustrialization Center Center ofof RacineRacine County, Inc.,lnc., United United Migrant Migrant Ef-_-i--i-i---H|:'iE±:iI±f=E OpportunityOpportunfy Serv`ces, Services, lnc. Inc. and and National National Minorit)/Minority AIDS Council.Council. injn thethe How dodo II registerregister or volunteer? Call now.now. OurOur staff will answer answer allall your your questions questions andand send you a rfeefree color brochure andand registrationregistration form. WeWe need , r,oto' Man Mendelsohn volunteers, too.too. This isis no no timetime toto give up.up. ThisThis is is a a time time to to strugglestru88 take action.action. CinllCall todaytoday. againstagainst AIDS."A DS.,, -Marty—Marty Starr, California & Boston3NewBostonDfiew York York AIDSAIDS Rider CALLCALL TODAYTODAY 'Iwih citieso RIDERSRIDERS •. VOLUNTEERS 11Win Cities0 DONATIONSDONATIONS TOTo THETHE CAUSE WisconsiCChicagoVvi ',Q 0 AIDS co BEBENEFITINGN E F I §2871070087-0700 T I NG AIDS Network, Network, Inc.lnc. AIDS Resource Resource Center Centerof of Wisconsin,wisconsin, Inc.lnc. CAMP HEARTLAND Great LakesLakes InterInter-Tribal-Tribal Council National Minority AIDS Council Opportunities IndustrializationIndustrialization Center ofof Racine Racine County, Inc.lnc. United Migrant OpportunityOpportunfy Services,Services, Inc.lnc. 2000 ItlDERS RIDERS . •50® 500 MILES MILES . TWIN• TWIN CITIES CITIES THRU THRU WISCONSIN WISCONSIN TO TO CHICAGO CHICAGO 6 DAYSDAys • . JULYJuly 6-11,6[11, 1998 I99e Created and and produced by:by ®Lfaiife .,-,- NovemberNovemt)er 6,1997 6,1997-Novemt)er—November 19,1997 l9,1997-WISCONSIN—WISCONSIN LIGHT LIGHTJ-4 104le Anniversary Issue lsslie It's AIIAll Our FaultFault - -Viewers Viewers of of Pat Pat Robertson's Robertson's 700700 ClubClub chowshow have been toldtold
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