1889 .. CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-SENATE. 965 r York as to the pressing importance of the improvement of the Harlem which fill a\ box 21\ by lf'!r by 1-r\ feet. It bas not been practicable to copy these · • vil C k t t th C · tte R' exhibits owing to the demands made upon the time of the clerks by the regular Hrver and Spuyten Duy ree. , e C.- 0 e ommi eon IVers business of the Department. To furnish such copies will require the services of and Harbors. a competent clerk at least twelve months. I will, if desired, have copies made By .Mr. FINLEY: Petition of L. J. Newton and other citizens of of said exbi?i~s for the use of the Senate, butifr~quiredatanea.rlierperiod than Catey . Couny, t· Kentu. ck y, as. k mgan· ap_propriation to build certain additwnalclencalforce.that. s.tated, It I~ respectfully suggested that proVISIOn be made for the necessary bridges across Green River-to the Committee on Commerce. Respectfully, yours, By Mr. HAYES: Two petitions of citizens of Datoka for admission, C. S, F.A.IRCHILD, Secretary. but protesting against the Sioux Falls constitution-to the Committee Hon. JonN J.lNGALLS, on the Territories. · President pro tempore United States Senate. R.Y :U.r. LEE (by request): Petition of Jane F. White, and of the heirs The PRESIDENT pro tempore. , The resolution to which this is the of \Valker Vaughn, of Culpeper County, Virginia, for reference of reply was offered by the Senator from Massachusetts [:M:.r. HoAR], and their clailllS to the Court of Claims-to the Committee on War Claims. the communication, with the accompanying papers, will lie on the table - B.v M:r. UcCOMAa: Petition of Henry Miller, executor, for reference until be comes in, if there be no objection. of his claim to the Court of Claims, and of Henry A. Poffenberger, of Mr. HALE. What is it that accompanies the letter? Washington County, Maryland, for reference of his claim to the Court of The PRESIDENT pro tempore. The papers are contained in the pack­ Claims-to the Committee on War Claims. age now lying on the Secretary's desk. By l\Ir. PARKER: Petition of the New York Dairymen's Associa­ Mr. IIALE. That is the manuscript report, but not the copy of the tion, and of C. S. Griggs and others, in favor of branding skim cheese­ testimony upon wl;licb the report is based, as I understand. to the Committee on Agriculture. The PRESIDENT pro tempore. The Chair bas not ·examined the ac­ By .M:r. REED: Petition of farmers of North Berwick, .Me., for pro­ companying papers. The Secretary will read the part of the communi­ tection to agriculture-to the Committee on Agriculture. cation that refers to the papers and accompanying exhibits. By Mr. SPOONER (by req nest): Petition of Sarah J. Martin, widow The Chief Clerk read the portion of the communication referred to. of Samuel Martin, Company H, Sixty-fourth Tilinois Volunteers, for ALASKA SEAL AND FUR COMPANY. arrears of pension-to the Committee on Invalid Pensions. By :Mr. STAHLNECKER: Resolution of the Common Council of · The PRESIDENT pro tempore laid before the Senate a communication New .York City, urging the necessity oflarge appropriation for the im­ from the Secretary of the Interior, transmitting a report from the gov­ provement of Harlem River and Spuyten Duyvil Creek-to the Com­ ernor of Alaska relating to certain operations of the Alaska Seal and mittee on Rivers and Harbor~. Fur Company, submitted by him in pursuance of section 5 of the act By Mr. STEELE: Petition and letters of citizens of Washington Ter­ of :May 17, 1884; which, with the accompanying papers, was ordered ritory, asking that a pension be granted to 1\Iary Ellen Fitzgerald-to to lie on the table and be printed. the Committee on Invalid Pensioris. PETITIOXS AND ME:U:ORIALS. The PRESIDENT pro tempore presented a joint resolution of the Leg­ The following petitions against the passage of the international cony­ islative Assembly of the Territory of Dakota, favoring t~e division of right bill were received and severally referred to the Committee-on that Territory and the admission of each portion into the Union as a l'atents: separate State; which was referred to the Committee on Territories, By Mr. DORSEY: Of citizens of Nebraska. and ordered to be printed. By Mr. HOWARD: Of citizens of New Albany and Jeffersonville, Ind. He also presented resolutions adopted by the Denver (Colo.) Cham­ By Mr. RICE: Of 3 publishers of Delano, Minn. ber of Corpmerce, ·favoring an appropriation for the construction of a deep-water harbor on the coast of the Gulf_of :Mexico, in Texas; which was referred to the Committee on Commerce. SENATE. He also presented the petition of Miss Frances E. Willard and the other· officers of the National Woman's Christian Temperance Union, SATURDAY, Jamtary 19, 1889. representing 150,000 members, praying for prohibition in the District The Senate met at 11 o'clock a. m. of Columbia; which was referred to the Committee on the District of Columbia. Prayer by the Chaplain, Rev. J. G. BUTLER, D. D. The Journal of yesterday's proceedings was read and approved. He also presented the petition of J. 1.!. Dalzell, late a private in the One hundred ~d sixteenth Ohio Infantl:y, praying to be reimbursed CREDENTIALS. for commutation of rations alleged to be due him; which was referred Mr. DAWES presented the credentials of GEORGE FRISDIE HOAR, to the Committee on Military Affairs. chosen by the LegislatUre of MassachUsetts a Senator from that State .1\Ir. TELLER. I have a petition from the Denver (Colo.) Chamber for the terni of six years commencing on the 4 tb of :March 1889 · w bich of Commerce like unto the one just presented by the· President of the were read, and ordered to be filed. ' ' Senate, but I do not think it worth while to present it, inasmuch as The, PRESIDE~T pro tempore. The Chair lays before the Senate a one has already been presented. ~mm~nicatio? signed by the presiding officers of the senate and house 1\Ir. HARRIS presented a petition of 572 citizens of Tennessee, pray­ of rep~esentatives of the Legislature of the State of Delaware, which ing for the enactment of a Sunday-rest law; which was referred to the will be read. Committee on Education and Labor. The Chief Qlerk read as follows: :Mr. DANIEL presented a petition. of 1,222 citizens of Virginia, pray­ .STATE OF DELAWARE, ss: ing for the enaetment of a Sunday-rest law; which was referred to the Be it known that the Legislature of the ~tate of Delaware did, on the 16th day Committee on Education and Labor. of January, in the year of our Lord 1!!89, at an election in due manner held, ac­ Mr. BLACKBURN presented a petition of the Southern Methodist cording to the form of the act of Congress in such case made and provided. elect Anthony Higgins to be a Senator from said State in the Senate of the United Church of Hardin, Ky., and a petition of the citizens of Louisville, Ky., States for the con!IUtutfonai term to commence on the 4th day of :1\:larch next. praying for the enactment of a Sunday-rest law; which were referred Given under our hands the 16th day of January, A. D. 1889. to the Committee on Education and Labor. B~~AIAH L. LEWIS, Speaker of £he Senate. Mr. PALMER presented the petition of Catharine Fish Stebbins, Attest: praying the l'emoval of her political disabilities; which was referred to ABRAM VANDEGRIFT, Clerk of the Senate. the Committee on the Judiciary. JOHN H. HOFFECKER, REPORTS OF COMMITTEES. Speake1· of the 'House of .Representatives. WILLIAM A. GREEN, 1\Ir. CHACE, from the Committee on the District of Columbia, to Clerk of the Douse of .RepresentaHves. whom was referred the bill (H. R. 11785)to authorize tlie commission­ Mr. EDMUNDS. The chairman of the Committee on Privileges and ers of. the District of Columbia to permit the temporary occupation and Elections is not present. I move to refer that communication to that crossing of certain streets in the city of Washington and District of committee. It is evidently not in conformity with the requirements Columbia by the tracks of the Baltimol'e and Ohio Railroad Company, to meet the demands of increased travel incident to the inaugural cere­ of t~e laws of the United States. They had better consider it. monies on the 4th of March, 1889, reported it without amendment. The PRESIDENT pro te~ore. The communication will he referred to the Committee on Privileges and Elections and printed. He also, from the same committee, whom was referred the bill w (S. 3709) to authorize the commissioners of the District of Columbia to DUTIES ON SUGAR. permit the temporary occupation and crossing of certain streets of the . T~e P~E~IDENT pro tempore laid before the Senate the following city of Washington and·District of Columbia by the tracks of the Bal­ communicatwn from the Secretary oftheTreasury; which was read: timore and Ohio Railroad Company, to meet the demands of increased TREASURY DEPARTMENT, OFFICE OF TITE SECRETARY · travel incident to the. inausrnral0 ceremonies of March 4, 1889, reported Washington, D. C., January18, i889. adversely thereon, and the bill was postponed indefinitely. · AIR: As directe~ by Senate resolntion dat~d the 8th instant, I have the honor DILLS INTRODUCED. to transmit h~rew1th ~copy oftbe manuscript report. of frauds in sugar at New ~ork and PhJladelphta, dated Nove!Dber 1,1887, which _was submitted by sp{­ Mr.
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