* * * FOB MAKE T.Q.WNSHJP EVERY ICTORY i\ **'% PAYDAY BUY UNITED STATES BOND DAY STIiPS VOL. VII.—No. 32 FORDS, N. *J., FRIDAY, OCTOBER 23, 1942 PRICE THREE CENTS iiel-Gil - Toward Protecting Our People And Our Community Talent Is Needed Woman '$ Club Of Clara Barton PTA Scrap Lationing For Variety Show Buys $1000 War Savings Bond BLOOMFIELD SCRAP IRON No. 8007 HOPELAWN The Home and Mrs. Reitenbach presented a Drive Nets & METAL COMPANY School Association of the Hope- Baskets To Be Given To report on the club conference in lawn School will sponsor a varie- Spring Lake, which she attended 3 Delayed v. X. .T. ty show ami dance to be held Needy On Thanksgiving as a delegate. 18 Tons November 19 at the schoolhouse. Ura. CO. Peck, Salvage Chairman, It was announced by Mrs. Le- DER Music f,or tKe dancing 'will be And For Christmas Day land Taylor, welfare chairman, _H j;:g WaocibrldBa Townahlp Dafense Council. <lol7,8l provided by Frank Kreisel and High Sch^Tfo Offer that the club will give Thanksgiv- Police Reserves Plan his orchestra. CLARA BARTON—The Clara Courses To Equip Stu- One Thousand Seventeen Dollars ElKhty-One_Ceatg.ntn , ing and Christmas baskets to some To Continue Hunt For Much local talent will be in- Barton Woman's Club at its meet- needy family. ; dents For Roles corporated in the sliow and a ing held Tuesday night voted to The next session will be on No- Salvage Metals Sunday short play will be given by some purchase a SI,000 War Savings vember 2 at Mrs. Testa's home. THE RAHWAY NATIONAL BANK. of the school children. Anyone Bond. Mrs. Einer Jensen was ap- Members will bring cigarettes to pointed to purchase the bond. RAEITAiN TOWNSHIP — H. dealers, However, Will °T" RAIIIWAY, N. J. interested in participating in the each meeting for the soldiers at Warren Avery, of Stelton, chair- sliow should get in touch with During the ' meeting which fea- Camp Kilmer. man of the Township Salvage Register Next Week; Miss Mary Fee at the school. tured discussions on civics and Drive, announced last night that Consumers Apply Later legislation conducted by Miss Elsie And here is the result of the salvage drive in the Township. A check for $1,017.81 for Wittnebert, William -Spencer, a the combination Parent-Teacheif approximately 113 tons of salvage collected since school started. The check which was turned over Rites .Tomorrow Association-student drive has iARtffTAN "ioWNSiHilP—Regis- local attorney, spoke on "Dower to Mrs. Chester G. Peck, chairman of the Salvage Committee, makes a total of approximately $2,100 Eights." proved very successful. ion of all dealers in kerosene received from the sale of scrap to date. AH funds have been turned over to the Township Trea- "So far", Mr. Avery said, "we fuel oil will take place at the surer and have been, ear-marked for Civilian Defense purposes. Mrs. Peck has been aided by Miss oMiss Wittnebert read excerpts For MrB Suodpist have sold approximately 18 tons '1 War (Price and, Rationing Martha Morrow, Miss Claire Ferbel .and Miss Mary Connolly. *. Is from a clip sheet on congress bills o!f scrap. Tha police reserves rd on Tuesday and Wednesday and announced that the Trenton FORDS—Funeral services for made a drive for scrap last Sunday next week, the dates having F >O R J> S — All units of Civics and Legislation Conference Oscar Sundquist, 42, of New local Civilian Defense are in readi- and are continuing their drive this n postponed for a week due to had been cancelled due to. trans- Brunswick Avenue, who died yest- Sunday. I understand they have fact that all the necessary Service Club No Let-Up In. Drive For Scrap; ness for the coming surprise, real- portation difficulties. erday morning at the Perth Amboy istic air raid drill which will take collected approximately 25 tons of ns were not available. Reports were made by Mrs. L. General Hospital after a short ill- place throughout the state in the salvage so far, but they have not When the dealers register, H. ness, will be held tomorrow after- turned the scrap in yet because To Conduct Masque Next House Collection Nov. 9th near future, local defense officials American Home chair- V will be given application man, and Miss Emma Moore, lit- noon at 2 o'clock at the home of they are still sorting it." stated this week. iks which they will distribute erature and history chairman.'Mrs. his brother, Police Sergeant Carl FORDS—The Morris Service The air raid test is to include 'Mr. Avery also said that event- their customers who, in turn, nylon stockings for salvager" Mrs. David Eckert, New Jersey Club Sundquist, 100 Hornsby Avenue, Glub will sponsor a masquerade 'Scrap Matinee' Sched- a drill with Army ground and air ually he hopes to have a tin can complete and submit them to Peck has received notification that Magazine chairman, urged mem- this place. Rev. Robert Schlotter dinner next Friday night at forces joining collection if some method can be ration board together with a Deutsch's Tavern, according to uled At Local Movie stockings will be collected but she I bers to subscribe to the magazine, will officiate. Burial will be in worked out whereby the whole ;ement of the oil used for the is waiting for more definite infor- in "defense of the state against Valhalla Cemetery, Staten Island. plans made at a meeting held Mon- Theatre Tomorrow a simulated enemy air attack." Township can be covered efficient- lve-iaonth period ending May mation before she makes any ar- dent, asked members to partici- Besides his brother, Carl, who ly. In the meantime, Mr..Avery day night. As usual, the first warning to This statement must be eerti- rangements for the collection. pate in the work being done at is a member of the Woodbridge urges that housewives save their A report was given on the iden- WOODBiRIDGE—Mrs. Chester civilians will be the wailing of the by the dealer. the Red Cross workroom in the Township Police Department, the cans. A box can be used for stor- tification bracelets for service men G. Peck, chairman of 'the Salvage air-raid sirens. All persons are to firehouse in Amboy Avenue, where late Mr. Sundquist is survived by ing for if the cans are properly LS soon as the consumer com- by Mrs. J. Gough who announced Committee of the Defense Coun- black-out their establishments im- Red Cross work may be done or his mother, Mrs. Emma Smith; two prepared they can be stored in ;es the application it should be they would be sent as soon as pos- cil, announced today that through Basic War Training mediately and summonses will be taken out. other brothers, John Sundquist and very little space. led to the board and when the sible. Christmas gifts of cookies the co-operation of A. J. Sa"bo issued to all violators. The plan, Mrs. Henry William iSmith; two sisters, Mrs. 1 coupons are ready the appli- and candy will be sent to all serv- another "scrap matinee" will be according to Leonard Dreyfuss, Stockel, chairman Proper preparation means cut- of the Little Woman's Club, re- Alex Bollman, o'f Minneapolis, t will be notified. The board ice men who are on the mailing held at the State Theatre tomor- For Township Youths State Civilian Defense Director, ting off both ends of. the can, ported on the club's meetings and Minn., and Mrs. Bernhardt Jensen, ed strongly that no applications list. All local clubs have reported row morning at 10 o'clock'. The calls for the drill to approximate washing thoroughly and flatten- FOR'DS — Supervising Prin- progress and_ read a letter from of Fords. brought into the office person- in favor of the community street admission price will be 5 pounds of as nearly as possible the conditions ing the body of the can by stepping cipal Victor C. Nicklas, with the Miss Rosa Galaida thanking mem- The deceased as a member of because time will be required banner and a general committee scrap metal and" 2 pounds of scrap of an actual enemy attack. on it heavily. :• meeting of all clubs will be held rubber. approval of the Board of Edu- bers of that organization lor its the Exempt Firemen's Association figure the ration' to which the cation, inaugurated action this It is understood that high rank- The Conservation Division of within the week. The feature picture will be contributions to the county wel- of the Fords Fife Company. the WiPIB made the following state- sumer is entitled, and the trip week to 'mobilize' high school stu- ing officers of the eastern defense "Captains of the Clouds," starring fare board for'aid to. needy chil- ment this week: "Our war effbrt only be wasted! New members admitted to the dents in the High School Victory command of the Army have under James Cagney. In addition there dren. Mrs. Stockel also reported needs every used tin can—.until >ealers will be able to register club were: Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Corps. consideration a plan to • stage % the -offices of the ration board Bennington, Mr. and Mrs. Percy will be comedies and other short on the group's recent merbership Openings In Ordnance the war is over. Tin and steel— features. The preliminary work is now be- simulated enemy night air attack, drive, stating that iit now hah s we want every single ounce.. "Not ii 9 until "9 Tmesday and from Bullock, Mrs.
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