. / 1 J \ ' “ j r I ^ 1 ^ . : ■ ' T h leTi m i e s . IW?r tC J : 'I’win I-'alls, Ida!i a h o / 9 2 n d year, N o . 2 ( __________________________ ' I ’u c s d a y , July 22, 1997 50 ccnt.s:s G o o d m oORNING T 3 Burley ‘pion-leers’ were treated and reiileased after W k a t h e r ^ o n s Today; Partly cloudyd y Avith is o l a t- ^ a g wh(oa! coveredo“ wagor>n accident ed aftemoon and eaearly evening thunderstorms. Higlighs 90 to 95. By Ore!iregory Hahn Morgan County, U tah,: Lows 55 to 65. PageA2 s.Newt writor iiff’s deputy Blaine Bresli'il.- fWWW and The.Tie Assoclatnd Press___________ !said th e w agon \s-as negotijciating a steep hill when thcc lo a d ' p M a g i c V a l lL Ei Y E AAST S CANYON RESER- 'became too much for thce team ' ■.'•.'V’r' R, Utah - Six MaRic Valley 'of t^vo mules, \vhich event ■Sl*. Second opinion: Cas<assia County residedents recreating the 'bolted. hires auditor to looklok at Rainbow Monnomen Trail-trek had a scare As the wagon barreledi dots-n( Farm plant. pagoB l iday morning when they lost 'the hill, the box where tht;he dri- 'fi'' -f'ffTIII-fiJT? lo l of th e ir wagon on a ste ep ver and pa.ssengers sit camim e off hill ouauiside l th e d ty . 'th c fram e. ] TiirCitree Burley residents were "People were screami said T om W liitaker, a ^xitne Happy 5«h: n to McKay-Dce hospital in ■ len, Utah, with minor the' mishap. "I mean, I tho Sun Valley injurie:ries when they were thro^m ■someone was going to get k -gathers to_ from1 o0 wagon participating in ,_JIt was the ^vorst thing I’ve wish itself a "■t r e k n e a r with the ' ■;> 't-y I ons.” happy birth- t Canyon ^ sa id ' S h e r i f f s I oay. hospita>ital spokes- pacchers saicaid th c -:l) PageBl manT<. Terry Beh- ’ -accidcnc oc unin. S p eople r e d a b o u c I w e ree th c a.m., shonly w g oon n th c the wagon i I le ft ' a c c id c oc- Spor^ c a m p n e a r curred. .r E a s t \ ;• .iUijV*/ Untouchable: Woodd IRiver and Valal Robins, C a n y o n S t a te P ark. m Kimberly 59. brb r o k e h is !t when he r? Kathy Ro 5 remained " J f ' th r o w n said Val Ro I undefeated from1 thccii waRon. \ ' • V- h a d b e e n ea]caeetly j[v,^ I in'the first Tori GoGoodfellow, f • .‘•v ^ •: \ anticipatingn g chc . ■ day of the !}• complained -V' - r eck pain. In ^ “I i w a s s( I KegionB c o n d itio n / / ’'-'S. thing he w as ■ Amencan Ki K a t h e r in e _ r «<C .~ *'•.■■■ ‘J looking for\irw a rd I ■ Legion A Goodfedfellow, 62, Wou to,” she sail i ■ baseball , “1“■ »w ith n e c k Kathryn Goodfellow,w,olB«rto,,i. o Suossheu ■ h HI 1 touma- 1, B e h u n in comforted by friendr d Ci C s f lM o h n ■ _ said a sh e ■ w e ree n t r e a t e d aKof sho was thrown:iwn tom s ran- h a d n o t hi 2 Page Dl, and rollrele ased . away wagon, from him ooi r th e M ibins’ grand- others yet. I D3 sons,, C:C hase F u n k , 12, a n d Cody had1 been told the wagon w F unk,k, S9, of H ansen, also w ere in bad' shape. The wagon wasIS Fallen crown: Thomamas K. Welch, the waiwagon. The identity of the a• few y e a rs ago fo r tra il ride head of the S a ltL^ ^ ei Olympic :i passenger was unknown ‘‘It’s been on just aboutt everyc dny evening. ‘one of chem in tliis area,” K Organizing Committiittee, \vas rhat’s all we know,” Val Robins' said. charged with b atterjery Monday. Robinsins’ daughter-in-law, Kathy Katherine Goodfcllillo w ’s m SS n tlK fd a S/lAM'i Page D l Robinsins of Burley, said Monday daugiiter-in-law,‘ J u li e a fte mTioon. o "We called thc hospi: . <Goodfellow, said she expc ftrom P»5S""Ser»k>»eon«sBS ono of the wagons In the Mormoirmon wagon train falls apart as it mn•tins out of ccntrol down a steep hill tal andnd they said they’re back on the' group - with help f anyon reservoir outsido of Salt Lakeake City. Another passenger Iles in1 thetl grass in tho background. O p i n i o n th e trair a i l " Please see WAGONS, PagePa; A2 No cookie-cutters:: OiO ne size doesn’t fit all countyIty govern- Canadian fishermeifi :n allow f{Perry to le: ment, today’s editorio r i a l s a y s . save iINlE E L PageA6 Issoclated Pross___________________ PR^INCE I^ RUPERT, British Colunilumbia ‘ ifiSflE! C o M M U N r n^ ’ ( A P) )— - A fter blockading an Ala:Vla.ska. mM corQtinues boimid d 1ferry in port for three days, ara n g rj’ .. ^ . Canadi;adian sahnon fishermen let ic contin-cor Dancing uenono n h la te M onday, 1 s h o e s : le Malaspina, wich 135 passenf ■ TT and 8388 vehicles on b o ard, gav e th re•ee e longi )t bum m Hagerman ts of ics hom and puljed away shcsh o n ly f f ' M ^voman ful- afterrlO 1C p.m. Pacific time. By N.S. Noklikkcntvcd H fills her Tlic1C < decision to end the protest c;c am e ' f j m k ^ Tlmos-Nows writor_________________________..wi B d r e a m o f hours nfier fishermen met withv j|H| ' adian I'isheries M inister DaD a v id T W IN 'F'ALLS A - Despite instrum ent;enc; ■ dancmgon erson, who urged them to let le t th e '•‘■■•J ? readings tinhat showed a problem, opera.';ra - ■ Broadway. ferry/ passp so tiiat officials from CanCanada /:rr^'!: ‘ors continutiued a test bum of a radioac- ■ Page Cl and thelh United States could resie su m e :e incinerator at the Idaho!iho! M l ncgociaiciations on a salmon quota disfd ispute tiv e w a s te Engineering and;m d : = 3 th e spa:iparked the blockade, Canainadian fishermen argue that AJcA laska ^ Environmerental Liiborauiry. i D u rin g flee ts:s a re in te rce p tin g th o u sa n d s of s>sock- ; a test in May, Waste; •ra-j e y e salsalmon as they head for spawra w n in g • [ .___________ _ Experimentntal Reduction Facility opera-; M o n k v ing: streamim in British Columbia. ’ ■ tors thougliililt a m onitor w as noC w orking^ ;wtu Show me the money;By: Rnd out Duri:Liring a n e w s c o n fe re n c e Mlo an n d a y and contininued the burn for about twtu ,ver th e Canadian (Ishing IwatsIts block tho Alaskan ferry f^alasplrspina ot tho dock In Prince Rupery.ry. B.C.,I h o u r s , s alid ii Bob Knighten, Enecgy^ how your investmenlents are doing cveninjling, Anderson said he flew over to protest tho fishing of Canadlan-bon-bound sock-. D e p a rim eint n facility rcpresentativc'aqr a q in the \vild world of i es Island area along the BriiB r itis h Sunday. Tho boats surrurroundod tho forry on Saturday to r Df m o n e y . 7 c Zimbia Z coast and spotted aboui}ouc 50 oyo salmon by Alaskananflshormen. thc incinerarato r, ’ Page D M u.s.-na•flagged boacs cacching salmonn titiicre B ut d c pa rtmr en t m anuals r e q u ire oiwi-;;w i - in violaolation of tiie Pacific Salmon Treap',Tre only worsened thc:ic situation. A:Anderson said. “They iiaveive made the ators to shshut down operations wb<ili-f e n ' :h has been in limbo since negclegotia. “We have to ro(regain thc focus'on thc poincpt they set out to make,:e, andx. at this instrumentsIts show unusual readings uiitil'iitii; S e c t i o n b y 'SECTION s :Si.;;troke do'Mi several years ago.0. fishcrj-, the moral;il high g ro u n d C a n ad a timetii the detention of the ferferry is coun- the problemtm is found and c o rrec tc d . ButIt Anderson/ said the ferry blocklockadc itas over the takingca of our fish,” Please sec CANAOIWOIAN. Pafi0A2 Ploase see BURN. Page A2j ... Section A Com)omics.....;.... 6 " Weather..........2 ________ A n c hHORS( AWEIGH Gingrich( sayss; he’s ncOt leaving,) -u Naiion.........J 4 Se(iection C “ Movies........^.4 Com;ommuriily....l-2 [ ||« h ■ ( Opinion.........^6 Peo|'eople............3 . I' »,l,Wl\\\ L ^ colleaguessmustv^orl:k togethe^u World.............7- Legeegal notices ...3 / N * w -^ nTho As'soclated Press___________ West..............8 ClasIlassified....J8 f t l l i WASHINGTON - Concedireding turmoil ^ 'You hwxi: I don'tt 't \'■ irin che Republican ranks.
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