|HAO WAKATI AKITELUS009771773B2 ANIMAU MAI MULTET (12 ) United States Patent ( 10 ) Patent No. : US 9 ,771 , 773 B2 Reddy et al. (45 ) Date of Patent: Sep . 26 , 2017 (54 ) DIUTAN AS A RHEOLOGICAL MODIFIER IN ( 52) U . S . CI. SOREL CEMENTS CPC .. .. .. .. E21B 33/ 14 ( 2013 .01 ) ; C04B 24 / 34 ( 2013 .01 ) ; C04B 24 / 38 ( 2013 .01 ) ; C04B 28 / 32 ( 71 ) Applicant : Halliburton Energy Services , Inc ., (2013 .01 ) ; C09K 8 / 467 ( 2013 .01 ) ; C04B 2103 /0079 (2013 .01 ) ; C04B 2103/ 0085 Houston , TX (US ) (2013 . 01 ) (72 ) Inventors: B . Raghava Reddy, The Woodlands , (58 ) Field of Classification Search TX (US ) ; Natalie Lynn Pascarella , None Houston , TX (US ) ; Antonio Recio , III , See application file for complete search history . Humble , TX (US ) ; Larry Steven Eoff , References Cited Porter , TX (US ) ( 56 ) U . S . PATENT DOCUMENTS (73 ) Assignee : Halliburton Energy Services, Inc . , 5 , 175 ,278 A 12 / 1992 Peik et al. 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Patent Sep . 26 , 2017 US 9 ,771 ,773 B2 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - — CONTROL - - - - - LINEAR (CONTROL ) - IT XANTHAN - - - - POLY . (XANTHAN ) - A DIUTAN - - - POLY . (DIUTAN ) - - - - - y = - 0 . 0003x4 + 0 .4537x + 43 .103 - R2 = 0. 9966 - - - - - - - y = - 0. 0001x2 + 0 .282x + 8. 4887 - - - - - - R2 = 0. 999 - - - - DIALREADING _ - ? - - - - - - - = = - - - R = - * - - y = 0. 0438x + 0 .4302 - R2 = 0 .9988 - mpaamme FIG . 1 ipillustration.com 0 A ipillustration.com O 100 200 300 400 500 600 RPM A CONTROL — XANTHAN A DIUTAN - - - - - - - RPMREADING/DIAL - - Ñ©a?A - - FIG . 2 100 200 300 400 500 600 RPM Letter Draft Drawings US 9 , 771, 773 B2 DIUTAN AS A RHEOLOGICAL MODIFIER IN operations can mitigate the migration of a fluid into an SOREL CEMENTS unwanted location of the subterranean formation . Likewise, in the reverse of a fluid loss event, incomplete FIELD fluid blocking can result in production of an unwanted fluid 5 from one or more zones of a subterranean formation . For The present disclosure relates to systems and methods for example , incomplete formation of a fluid sealmay result in wellbore servicing fluids, and , more specifically , to systems the unwanted incursion of formation water or brine into a and methods for cement compositions . wellbore , which may decrease the value of a hydrocarbon resource produced therefrom . BACKGROUND 10 Certain non - hydraulic cements ( e . g ., Sorel cements ) may Achieving optimal rheological behavior in cement slur be designed to remain as a low viscosity fluid during ries is imperative to use of cement for drilling and /or placement. The cement slurry may then sets rapidly at a cementing . An effective cement system provides isolation given formation temperature . The transition from fluid state between subterranean zones . To effectively utilize cement in 15 to solid state may be almost immediate , resulting in essen a well operation , the cement slurry, upon mixing with water tially zero gas migration or channeling. This “ right angle and necessary additives, fillers , etc . , must exhibit fluid set ” occurs because the setting process is highly exothermic . behavior that allows it to be pumped efficiently downhole Due to low viscosity , however, the fluid may have a ten without hardening , settling , or damaging equipment and be dency to flow to the low side in a horizontal well . This may placed in the desired location where it will set into a 20 result in incomplete sealing of high side of the horizontal hardened material. well allowing for undesired fluids flow into the well through Treatment fluids can be used in a variety of subterranean the unsealed portions. It is important that, once placed , the operations . Such subterranean operations can include , with fluid retain its shape without flowing to lower side of the out limitation , drilling operations , stimulation operations, wellbore . The fluid preferably seals the zone uniformly upon production operations, remediation operations, sand control 25 hardening . This will require the fluid possess shear thinning treatments and the like . As used herein , the terms “ treat, " or pseudoplastic rheological properties to prevent slumping . treatment, ” “ treating ” and other variants thereof refer to Even though viscosifiers such as xanthan have been used to any subterranean operation that uses a fluid in conjunction prevent particle settling of insoluble components (magne with achieving a desired function and /or for a desired sium oxide ) of the fluid , the rheology of the resulting viscous purpose . Use of these terms does not imply any particular 30 fluid may not prevent slumping of the fluid in a horizontal action by the treatment fluid or a component thereof unless well. expressly described as such herein . Illustrative treatment operations can include , for example , fracturing operations, BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE DRAWINGS gravel packing operations , acidizing treatments , scale dis solution and removal operations , consolidation operations , 35 The accompanying drawings, which are included to pro conformance control operations, and the like . vide a further understanding of the disclosure and are When performing a subterranean treatment operation , incorporated in and constitute a part of this specification , including those noted above , it can sometimes be desirable illustrate preferred embodiments of the disclosure and to temporarily or permanently block or divert the flow of a together with the detailed description serve to explain the fluid within at least a portion of the subterranean formation 40 principles of the disclosure. In the drawings: by forming a fluid seal therein . The formation of a fluid seal FIG . 1 is a graph of rheological data obtained for the three can itself be considered a treatment operation . Whether the slurries and reported in Tables 2 , 4 and 6 according to an fluid seal is intended to be temporary or permanent can exemplary embodiment. determine the type of agent used in its formation . Illustrative FIG . 2 is a
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