Weekly Compilation of Presidential Documents Monday, December 6, 1999 Volume 35ÐNumber 48 Pages 2453±2515 Contents Addresses and Remarks Bill Signings See also Bill Signings Consolidated appropriations legislation for FY California 2000 Democratic Congressional Campaign RemarksÐ2454 Committee luncheon in San FranciscoÐ StatementÐ2458 2469 Intelligence Authorization Act for Fiscal Year Southwest Voter Registration and 2000, statementÐ2512 Education Project reception in Beverly Veterans' Compensation Cost-of-Living HillsÐ2481 Adjustment Act of 1999, statementÐ2474 ``Stop the Violence'' benefit in Beverly Veterans Millennium Health Care and HillsÐ2474 Benefits Act, statementÐ2473 Economic growthÐ2508 Northern Ireland peace processÐ2500 Parental leaveÐ2466 Communications to Federal Agencies Pennsylvania, dinner for Mayor Rendell in PhiladelphiaÐ2506 Facilitating the Growth of Electronic Radio addressÐ2453 Commerce, memorandumÐ2457 Washington International Family Planning Waiver, International Labor Organization memorandumÐ2465 convention on the prohibition and elimination of the worst forms of child Executive Orders labor in Seattle, signingÐ2500 Washington State trade community in Amending Executive Order 10173, as SeattleÐ2489 Amended, Prescribing Regulations Relating World Trade Organization luncheon in to the Safeguarding of Vessels, Harbors, SeattleÐ2494 Ports, and Waterfront Facilities of the World AIDS Day, radio remarksÐ2499 United StatesÐ2500 (Continued on the inside of the back cover.) Editor's Note: The Weekly Compilation of Presidential Documents is also available on the Inter- net on the GPO Access service at http://www.gpo.gov/nara/nara003.html. WEEKLY COMPILATION OF regulations prescribed by the Administrative Committee of the Federal Register, approved by the President (37 FR 23607; 1 CFR Part 10). PRESIDENTIAL DOCUMENTS Distribution is made only by the Superintendent of Docu- ments, Government Printing Office, Washington, DC 20402. Published every Monday by the Office of the Federal Reg- The Weekly Compilation of Presidential Documents will be ister, National Archives and Records Administration, Washing- furnished by mail to domestic subscribers for $80.00 per year ton, DC 20408, the Weekly Compilation of Presidential Docu- ($137.00 for mailing first class) and to foreign subscribers for ments contains statements, messages, and other Presidential $93.75 per year, payable to the Superintendent of Documents, materials released by the White House during the preceding Government Printing Office, Washington, DC 20402. The week. charge for a single copy is $3.00 ($3.75 for foreign mailing). The Weekly Compilation of Presidential Documents is pub- There are no restrictions on the republication of material lished pursuant to the authority contained in the Federal Reg- appearing in the Weekly Compilation of Presidential Docu- ister Act (49 Stat. 500, as amended; 44 U.S.C. Ch. 15), under ments. ContentsÐContinued Interviews With the News Media Statements by the President Exchanges with reporters See also Bill Signings Oval OfficeÐ2466 Brady Handgun and Violence Prevention Seattle, WAÐ2493 ActÐ2472 Interviews Northern Ireland peace process, Ulster Mark Little of RTE and Steve Grimason of Unionist Council actionÐ2454 BBC from SeattleÐ2503 Vieques Island, U.S. military trainingÐ2511 Michael Paulson of the Seattle Post- Intelligencer from San Francisco, CAÐ Supplementary Materials 2485 Acts approved by the PresidentÐ2514 Letters and Messages Checklist of White House press releasesÐ Hanukkah, messageÐ2474 2514 Secretary of Defense William S. Cohen, letter Digest of other White House on review of space launch failuresÐ2483 announcementsÐ2513 Proclamations Nominations submitted to the SenateÐ2514 National Drunk and Drugged Driving Prevention MonthÐ2484 World AIDS DayÐ2456 Week Ending Friday, December 3, 1999 The President's Radio Address useful check list. You can find the complete checklist at www.consumer.gov. November 27, 1999 But today I'd like to emphasize at least Good morning. On this holiday weekend, some of the essentials. First, in the on-line when we count our many blessings, Ameri- world, you must pay close attention to details. cans are also busy buying gifts for the next Carefully check for shipping and delivery holidays, right around the corner. Today I'd dates, for extra fees, warranties, return poli- like to speak with you about the remarkable cies, and phone numbers to call if you run rise of the Internet as a destination for holi- into a problem. Second, always buy with a day shopping and about how we can ensure credit card. With credit cards you are pro- that on-line commerce will live up to its enor- tected by Federal law against unauthorized mous promise. charges. Third, guard your privacy at all On Thanksgiving, beyond our family's per- times. Look for the unbroken key or padlock sonal blessings, my family and I gave thanks symbols on the order page to ensure that for the enormous prosperity America is car- your credit card information will be trans- rying forward into the 21st century. One of mitted securely. Don't share passwords with the key reasons our economy continues to anyone and be sure to read the merchant's thrive, with the longest peacetime expansion privacy policy to see what information is in history, is that we're making the most of being collected about you and how it will be new technologies. Especially, the Internet used. and other information technologies are revo- I'm pleased to announce that, thanks to lutionizing our economy, powering one-third the leadership of Vice President Gore, many of our economic growth. leading companies and organizations, includ- As the Vice President will make clear in ing the Better Business Bureau's OnLine, a report he'll soon release, few applications American Express, MasterCard, Dell, Get of information technology have more poten- Netwise, eBay, America OnLine, and Ama- tial than electronic commerce. During the zon.comÐall are joining with us to protect holiday season alone, on-line shopping could and educate consumers this holiday season. exceed $9 billion, doubling or even tripling Many are distributing guides to help people the on-line totals for the same period last shop on-line safely and wisely. Some are of- year. fering financial guarantees that go above and About 4 million American families will buy beyond Federal law. If we want Internet some of their gifts on-line for the first time commerce to continue to grow, we all must this holiday season. I intend to join them, work together to make sure that shopping because on-line shopping has significant ben- on-line is just as safe as shopping in a mall. efitsÐnot just for consumers and large estab- I'd like to close today by asking all of you lished retailers. On-line commerce also to think not only about using the Internet opens a world of opportunity for local arti- to buy gifts for friends and family but also sans and small entrepreneurs. to give more lasting gifts to our community As with shopping in stores, when con- and our future. As I discovered during the sumers shop on the Internet, they must take philanthropy conference we held at the basic precautions to ensure that what they White House last month, charitable websites, see is what they get. To help familiarize on- like Helping.org, have made signing up to line consumers with these precautions, the contribute time or money in your community Federal Trade Commission has prepared a as easy as checking on the weather. So this 2453 2454 Nov. 27 / Administration of William J. Clinton, 1999 holiday season, let's use every avenue pos- know that many Members of the Senate and sible, including the Internet, to give some- the House who are here brought their staff thing back to our communities. members who worked on the budgetÐI want Enjoy the rest of your Thanksgiving week- to thank them for their work, as well. end, and thanks for listening. Last January, in my State of the Union Ad- dress, I asked our Congress to use this truly NOTE: The address was recorded at 6:17 p.m. on historic time of peace and prosperity to meet November 26 at Camp David, MD, for broadcast our generation's responsibilities to the new at 10:06 a.m. on November 27. The transcript was centuryÐto extend our economic prosperity, made available by the Office of the Press Sec- retary on November 26 but was embargoed for improve our education system, make our release until the broadcast. streets safer, protect our environment, move more Americans from welfare to work, pre- pare for the aging of our Nation, and Statement on Ulster Unionist Council strengthen our leadership in the world. The Action in the Northern Ireland Peace first budget of the 21st century was a long Process time in coming, but it goes a very long way November 27, 1999 toward fulfilling those historic responsibil- ities. I welcome this historic step toward lasting Though it leaves some challenges unmet, peace in Northern Ireland and congratulate it represents real progress. It is a budget for David Trimble on his leadership in bringing a Government that lives within its means and about a successful vote in the Ulster Unionist lives up to the values of the American people. Council. The Ulster Unionist decision today, We value prosperity, and this budget will which follows critical decisions by all the pro- help to extend it. It maintains the fiscal dis- Agreement parties over the past several cipline that has turned deficits into surpluses weeks, is an important move forward to full and gives us what will be in February the implementation of the Good Friday accord longest economic expansion in the history of in all its aspects. Beginning next week, gov- the United States. ernment in Northern Ireland is being put It avoids risky tax cuts that would have back directly in the hands of all the people. spent hundreds of billions of dollars from the I welcome this progress and urge all parties Social Security surplus and drained our abil- to continue working together on building the ity to advance education and other important foundations for lasting peace.
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