.. ...... .. ·~ - - .. - .:- • ,_., _. ,.,.. - ~ ... ... ~ ':0,. ,_ ...... .. ..... 1959 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD- HOUSE 3899 from Pennsylvania [Mr. MoRGAN], and {rom without, · that seek to implant a HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES the gentleman from Dlinois [Mr. way of life which is foreign to our two CHIPERFIELD] . American Continents. It would be the WEDNESDAY, MARCH 11, 1959 The VICE PRESIDENT. On the part height of simple-mindedness to think The House met at 12 o'clock noon. of the Senate the Chair appoints as that in r,ny determined region commu­ Rev. Charles w. Holland, Jr., pastor, members of the committee of escort the nism does not exist because it has not Fountain Memorial Baptist Church, Senator from Texas [Mr. JOHNSON], shown itself to possess a -numerical su­ Washington, D.C., offered the following the Senator from Rhode Island [Mr. periority, or because it does not partici­ prayer: GREEN], the Senator from Arkansas pate in the deliberations of the demo­ [Mr. FuLBRIGHT], and the Senator from cratic system. Its task there is surrepti­ Jesus sanctioned the words of the law­ Wisconsin [Mr. WILEY]. tious and crafty, but efficacious in its yer found in Luke 10: 27: Thou shalt The Doorkeeper announced the fol­ capacity to stir up subversion. It is love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, lowing guests, who entered the Hall of thoroughly acquainted with all tech­ and with all thy soul, and with all thy the House of Representatives and took niques, including the coup d'etat, the strength, and with all thy mind; and thy the seats reserved for them: riot, and sabotage. It even possesses neighbor as thyself. The Ambassadors, Ministers, and aptitudes for gaining control of the col­ Great and gracious God, our Father, Charges d'Affaires of foreign govern­ lective conscience of the people. may our love for Thee be eternal, ple­ ments. Acting in accordance with the idea of nary, and complete. Strengthen this The Chief Justice and Associate Jus­ Lenin, that the mass is an instrument love from day to day as we study Thy tices of the U.S. Supreme Court. but not a decisive force, and that politi­ word and realize more completely Thy The members of the President's cal power can be captured most easily great sacrifice. Cabinet. by the action of audacious and deter­ Dear God, may this great body always At 12 o'clock and 30 minutes p.m. the mined minorities, the truth is that it experience a deep and abiding love for Doorkeeper announced His Excellency operates with efficient strategy and tac­ fellow man. the President of the Republic of El tics. Its few men, whether visible or May the love that exists between us Salvador. invisible, gain influence over public and our South and Central American His Excellency the President of the opinion. They push into the educa­ neighbors continue to grow and be mag­ Republic of El Salvador, escorted by tional structure, and penetrate labor nified. the committee of Senators and Repre­ unions and enterprises that disseminate We make these petitions in the name sentatives, entered the Hall of the House the spoken and written word. They in­ of our Holy Father, God. Amen. of Representatives and stood at the filtrate into political parties, and scatter The Journal of the proceedings of yes­ Clerk's desk. [Applause, the Members themselves everywhere and among all terday was read and approved. rising.] elements of the population, to carry on The SPEAKER. Members of the an effective task of undermining and Congress, I have the great pleasure, and weakening democracy. MESSAGE FROM THE SENATE I deem it a high privilege, to be able It would be well to recognize that A message from the Senate, by Mr. to introduce to you the President of a communism has some valuable allies in McGown, one of its clerks, announced neighbor and a friendly country. The this work. They are social injustice, that the Senate had passed a bill of the United States of North America does disorder and political errors, the im­ following title, in which the concurrence not want to be a big brother, nor does poverishment of nations, and the of the House is requested: it want big brothers or little brothers; wretchedness of great groups of human S. 1096. An act to authorize appropriations it wants to be a good friend of all good beings whom a weakened economy is not to the National Aeronautics and Space Ad­ people. [Applause.] able to protect fully, nor offer them com­ ministration for salaries and expenses, re­ I have the honor to present to you forting prospects. search and development, construction and the President of the Republic of El In this regard, Dr. Milton S. Eisen­ equipment, and for other purposes. Salvador. hower summed up the existing state of affairs in our countries very recently, when he affirmed: RECESS ADDRESS OF HIS EXCELLENCY LT. COL. JOSE MARIA LEMUS. Poverty and dependence on one sole prod­ The SPEAKER. The House will stand PRESIDENT OF THE REPUBLIC OF uct of exportation, with the consequent in recess subject to the call of the Chair. ELSALVADOR marked fluctuations in their revenues, char­ Accordingly (at 12 o'clock and 2 min­ acterize the economy of the countries of this utes p.m.) the House stood in recess sub­ President LEMUS. Honorable Speak­ vast area. ject to the call of the Chair. er of the House of Representatives, hon­ orable President of the Senate, honorable At this point, I am approaching the Members of the Federal Congress, hon­ consideration of a situation which it is JOINT MEETING OF THE TWO orable members of the Cabinet, honora­ very important to clear up. It is fre­ quently said, and this prejudice is found HOUSES OF CONGRESS TO HEAR ble Justices of the Supreme Court, their excellencies the members of the Diplo­ even among some respectable elements AN ADDRESS BY HIS EXCELLENCY of U.S. public opinion, that we Latin LT. COL. JOSE MARIA LEMUS, matic Corps, ladies and gentlemen, it is a great honor for me to be with you, at Americans, when we allude to our eco­ PRESIDENT OF THE REPUBLIC OF the invitation of the Federal Congress of nomic and political situation and the EL SALVADOR the United States. I deeply appreciate problems which grow out of it, always The SPEAKER of the House of Rep­ the cordial welcome I have received, and seek to place an artificial emphasis on resentatives presided. the noble expressions of friendship for the facts, with the purpose of making the At 12 o'clock and 22 minutes p.m. the El Salvador. In behalf of my country, importance of our countries appear Doorkeeper announced the Vice Presi­ I, in turn, wish to convey the warmest of greater in the realm of global strategy. dent and Members of the ·u.s. Senate, greetings to the distinguished represent­ These persons claim that we thus seek who entered the Hall of the House of atives of the American people, who are to obtain, not the reasonable moral and Representatives, the Vice President tak­ gathered here today in this venerable economic support which a powerful ally ing the chair at the right of the Speaker, Hall of Congress. would be under obligation to provide, and the Members of the Senate the seats I also wish to take advantage of this but concessions which approach a con­ reserved for them. opportunity in order to emphasize the dition of privilege, rather than one of The SPEAKER. On the part of the profound admiration of El Salvador for justice. House the Chair appoints as members the institutional system of the United Then it is said almost outright, that of the committee to escort His Excel­ States, particularly for the solid struc­ we employ tactics of intimidation. But lency the President of the Republic of ture of its congressional establishment, this judgment does not correspond to El Salvador, into the Chamber, the and its adherence to the ideals of demo­ the truth. gentleman from Massachusetts [Mr. cratic government. [Applause.] The real fact is that our conduct in McCoRMACK], the gentleman from In­ Every day it becomes easier to perceive this regard is without either fantasy or diana [Mr. HALLECK], the gentleman the boring from within. and the threat exaggerated fear. Our actions are those 3900 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD- HOUSE March 11 ef people ·who recognize the value of all I have left for the·end the matter of ganization of American States. Some honest alliances, and therefore do not referring to my country, where one may hope is still held for the adoption of the hesitate to speak the whole truth to see an example of what, on a greater or measures proposed. Under that plan, their ally. lesser scale, is happening or may happen amplified and complemented by other . What we say, with all frankness, is ·in the underdeveloped countries of our measures, it would be possible to draft that the United States must need aid ,hemisphere, which by reason of the na­ our program of action for the defense· of itself and strengthen its own national .ture of their economy have had to suffer prices of the crop for the 1959-60 security, and in a certain sense its econ­ the impact of the . decline and lack of ·season. Perhaps our faith and the con­ omy, by offering respectful aid to its stability of the prices of the products tinuous efforts of the experts of: all the natural Latin American allies in solving .and raw materials which they export. countries interested in the future of cof­ their grave problems of an economic and Due to those circumstances, these fee may halt ·the sharp descent for the social nature.
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