cheats caesar 4 Here is a list of cheat codes for caesar IV. They may come in useful if you're doing certain tests, or if you're really desperate. Otherwise, it is better if you play the game without using them. To enter the cheats, first hit the return/enter key, then type any of these: * Win Instantly win on the map * Denarii *amount* Replace *amount* with any number. The keyed in amount of Denarii appears in your coffers out of nowhere * Savings *amount* Replace *amount* with any number. The keyed in amount will be added to your personal savings * Unlock Unlocks all campaign missions, so they can be played from the Scenarios menu * Fire disabled or Fire re-enabled Disable or re-enable fires * Dissatisfaction disabled or Dissatisfaction re-enabled Disable or re-enable dissatisfaction amongst your populace * Plague disabled or Plague re-enabled Disable or re-enable plagues resulting from poor health coverage * Military morale disabled or Military morale re-enabled Disable or re-enable the effect of morale on your cohorts * Requests disabled or Requests re-enabled Disable or re-enable requests and demands from Rome cheats Berikut adalah daftar cheat kode untuk caesar IV. Mereka mungkin akan bermanfaat jika Anda melakukan tes tertentu, atau jika Anda benar-benar putus asa. Jika tidak, lebih baik jika Anda bermain game tanpa menggunakan mereka. Untuk memasukkan menipu, pertama mencapai mengembalikan / enter, kemudian ketik salah satu: * Win Langsung menang pada peta * dinar * jumlah * Ganti * jumlah * dengan nomor apapun. The mengetik sebesar dinar muncul di kas Anda keluar dari mana * Tabungan * jumlah * Ganti * jumlah * dengan nomor apapun. The mengetik dalam jumlah akan ditambahkan ke tabungan pribadi Anda * Unlock Membuka semua misi kampanye, sehingga mereka dapat dimainkan dari menu Skenario * Kebakaran kembali dinonaktifkan atau Fire-diaktifkan Menonaktifkan atau mengaktifkan kembali kebakaran * Ketidakpuasan kembali dinonaktifkan atau Ketidakpuasan-diaktifkan Menonaktifkan atau mengaktifkan kembali ketidakpuasan rakyat Anda * Wabah dinonaktifkan atau kembali diaktifkan Wabah- Menonaktifkan atau mengaktifkan kembali malapetaka yang dihasilkan dari jangkauan kesehatan yang buruk * semangat kembali semangat Militer dinonaktifkan atau Militer-diaktifkan Menonaktifkan atau mengaktifkan kembali pengaruh moral pada kohort Anda * Permintaan dinonaktifkan atau Permintaan diaktifkan kembali Menonaktifkan atau mengaktifkan kembali permintaan dan tuntutan dari Roma Housing Requirements Plebs (Insulae) To keep plebs happy, they need: y One type of food y Access to water Housing level Requirements Number of occupants Small Insula Nothing 70 Medium Insula One type of basic goods 110 Large Insula Two types of basic goods, fountain water 150 Equites (Domus) Equites would like to have: y Two types of food y Access to water y Two types of basic goods If they don't have any other complaints about the city, they will be satisfied with just one type of food, one basic good, and water. Housing level Requirements Number of occupants Small Domus Nothing 40 Medium Domus One type of luxury goods, fountain water 60 Large Domus Two types of luxury goods, city walls 80 Patricians Patricians would like to have: y Pipe access provided by a reservoir y Three types of food y Three types of basic goods y Two types of luxury goods However, if other matters in the city are to their liking, they will be satisfied with only two food types, two basic goods and one luxury good. Upgrading patrician housing does not change the number of people that can live in the house: there are always 30 patricians living there. Entertainment requirements in parentheses are suggested entertainment buildings, see below for more information. Housing Exotic Entertainment Requirements level goods points Small Villa - - Nothing Medium - 10 Healthcare: clinic or hospital, (entertainment: odeum) Villa Hygiene: barber shop or bathhouse, religion: one god, Large Villa - 20 (entertainment: theater) Small Estate 1 type 30 Education: school or library Medium Religion: two gods, justice: basilica or forum, 2 types 45 Estate (entertainment: arena) Large Estate 3 types 60 Healthcare: both clinic and hospital, education: school Small Hygiene: both barber shop and bathhouse, religion: 4 types 70 Mansion three gods, city walls, (entertainment: coliseum) Medium 5 types 85 Education: both school and library Mansion Grand 6 types 100 Religion: four gods, justice: both forum and basilica Mansion Entertainment explained A house's entertainment access is not measured by the number of different venues the house has access to. Instead, each type of entertainment venue contributes a certain number of points, and each patrician housing level requires a number of entertainment points to evolve, as listed in the table above. The following table lists the number of entertainment points per venue. Venue Points Odeum 15 Theater 20 Arena 25 coliseum with gladiators only 15 coliseum with animals only 30 coliseum with gladiators and animals 45 circus 10 Example calculation: a patrician home has access to a theater, an arena, and a coliseum with only gladiators (no animals). From the above table, we see that it has 20+25+15 = 60 entertainment points, so the home will evolve to a large estate. Perumahan Persyaratan Plebs (insulae) Untuk menjaga plebs senang, mereka butuhkan: * Salah satu jenis makanan * Akses ke air Perumahan tingkat Persyaratan Jumlah penghuni Insula Kecil Tidak 70 Sedang insula Salah satu jenis barang dasar 110 Besar insula Dua jenis barang kebutuhan pokok, air mancur 150 Equites (Domus) Equites ingin memiliki: * Dua jenis makanan * Akses ke air * Dua jenis barang dasar Jika mereka tidak memiliki keluhan lain tentang kota, mereka akan puas dengan hanya satu jenis makanan, salah satu dasar yang baik, dan air. Perumahan tingkat Persyaratan Jumlah penghuni Domus Kecil Tidak 40 Sedang Domus Salah satu jenis barang mewah, air mancur 60 Domus Besar Dua jenis barang mewah, tembok kota 80 Bangsawan Bangsawan ingin memiliki: * Akses Pipa disediakan oleh waduk * Tiga jenis makanan * Tiga jenis barang dasar * Dua jenis barang mewah Namun, jika hal-hal lain di kota sesuai dengan keinginan mereka, mereka akan puas dengan hanya dua jenis makanan, dua bahan pokok dan satu mewah baik. perumahan ningrat Upgrade tidak mengubah jumlah orang yang dapat tinggal di rumah: selalu ada 30 bangsawan tinggal di sana. persyaratan Hiburan di kurung yang disarankan bangunan hiburan, lihat di bawah untuk informasi lebih lanjut. Perumahan tingkat Exotic barang Hiburan poin Persyaratan Kecil Villa - - Tidak ada Sedang Villa - 10 Kesehatan: klinik atau rumah sakit, (hiburan: ruang konser) Besar Villa - 20 Kebersihan: tukang cukur toko atau pemandian, agama: satu tuhan, (hiburan: teater) Kecil Estate 1 tipe 30 Pendidikan: sekolah atau perpustakaan Sedang Estate 2 jenis 45 Agama: dua dewa, keadilan: basilika atau forum, (hiburan: arena) Besar Estate 3 jenis 60 Kesehatan: baik klinik dan rumah sakit, pendidikan: sekolah Kecil Mansion 4 tipe 70 Kebersihan: baik toko tukang cukur dan pemandian, agama: tiga dewa, tembok kota, (hiburan: coliseum) Sedang Mansion 5 jenis 85 Pendidikan: baik sekolah dan perpustakaan Grand Mansion 6 jenis 100 Agama: empat dewa, keadilan: forum baik dan basilika Hiburan menjelaskan akses hiburan Sebuah rumah adalah tidak diukur dengan jumlah tempat yang berbeda rumah memiliki akses ke. Sebaliknya, setiap jenis tempat hiburan memberikan kontribusi sejumlah titik, dan setiap tingkat perumahan ningrat membutuhkan sejumlah poin hiburan untuk berkembang, seperti yang tercantum dalam tabel di atas. Tabel berikut berisi jumlah poin per tempat hiburan. Tempat Poin Ruang konser 15 Theater 20 Arena 25 coliseum dengan gladiator hanya 15 coliseum dengan hewan hanya 30 coliseum dengan gladiator dan binatang 45 circus 10 contoh perhitungan: rumah ningrat memiliki akses ke teater, arena, dan coliseum dengan gladiator saja (tidak ada hewan). Dari tabel di atas, kita melihat bahwa ia memiliki 20 +25 +15 = 60 poin hiburan, sehingga rumah akan berkembang ke sebuah perkebunan besar. Buildings table The table below lists for every building the cost on the three difficulty levels, the size in tiles, and the number of employees needed to staff the building. In general, the cost of a building on Easy difficulty is half the cost on Normal; on Hard, buildings are 25% more expensive. = plebs needed; = equites needed Cost (dn) Service Building Size Employees Notes Easy Normal Hard range Easy Normal Hard Service Building Size Employees Notes Cost (dn) range Road 1 1 1 1×1 - Minimum size: 3x3 Housing Insula 23 45 57 6×6 - Domus 33 65 82 9×9 - Villa 50 100 125 12×12 - Food Grain Farm 20 40 50 6×6 30 Grain Field 10 20 25 12×12 - Place on fertile land Vegetable 20 40 50 6×6 33 Farm Vegetable 10 20 25 12×12 - Place on fertile land Field cattle Farm 20 40 50 6×6 33 cattle Pasture 8 15 19 15×15 - Place on fertile land Raw materials Gold Mining 20 40 50 8×8 42 camp Iron Mining 20 40 50 8×8 42 camp Timber cutting 20 40 50 7×7 40 camp clay Digging 20 40 50 6×6 27 camp Sand collecting 20 40 50 6×6 27 camp Marble Quarry 20 40 50 8×8 72 camp Olive Farm 20 40 50 6×6 27 Cost (dn) Service Building Size Employees Notes Easy Normal Hard range Olive Grove 13 25 32 9×9 - Place on fertile land Grape Farm 20 40 50 6×6 27 Grape 13 25 32 9×9 - Place on fertile land Vineyard Sheep Farm 20 40 50 6×6 31 Sheep Pasture 8 15 19 15×15 - Place on fertile land Industry clothing 25 50 63 9×9 40 Factory Glass Factory 25 50 63 9×9 40 Olive Oil 25 50 63 9×9 40 Factory
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