American Mineralogist, Volume 65, pages 808-814, 1980 NEW MINERAL NAMES* Mrcnnel Frnrscnr,n. L. J. Cnnnr. G. Y. CHeo,qNp Aoorr PABST Amicite* (Ru6 esoOsr 67alr6 e26)As1 e5 (Rua s56Os6sq3lr6 s33Cu6 62aXAs1 e2sS6615Sbs 0o1) A. Alberti, G. Hentschel and G. Vezzalini (1979) Amicite, a new (Ru6,seaOso ' 6r116 663)(As 1 otr) natural zeolite. Neues fahrb. Mineral. Monatsh., 481-488. "nnSo (Ru6 se6Oss s73lr6 63r)As 1 e7s A. Alberti and G. Vezzalini (1979) The crystal structure of ami- The ideal formula is thus RuAs2. cite, a zeolite. Acta Crystallogr., 358,2866-2869. Precession and Weissenberg X-ray studies show the mineral to Electron microprobe analysis (av. of l0) gave SiO2 36.38, Al2O3 be orthorhombic, Pnnm or Pnn2, a : 5.41, b : 6.2M and c : 29.46 Fe2O3, MgO, BaO traces, CaO 0.22, SrO 0.03, Na2O 8.22, 3.01L, z : 2; D calc. : 8.6928/cm3. Strongest lines of the X-ray K2O 12.96, H2O (loss of wt. on dehydration) 12.80, sum lO(J.UlVo, diffraction pattern (28 lines given) obtained with a home-made corresponding to K3 rrNa3 u,Ca665(417 B6Sis 24)032' 9.61H2O, or Gandolfi+ype cam€ra are: 2.000(50X121), 1.920(l00X2l l), KoNaoAlgSirO.2' l0H2O. TG and DTG curves are given; the lat- r.s0l(90)(002,311), 1.210(70x411,1s0), 1.187(70x132), ter shows a sharp peak at4O-I2O"C and a broad one at 260oC. An 1.133(80)(430),1.095(90X341), 1.083(40X322). The mineral is iso- infrared spectrum is given. morphous with omeiite (OsAs2, Am. Mineral., 64, 464, 1979) and is Single-crystal study showed amicite to be monoclinic, pseudo- thought to have the marcasite structure. An intermediate member tetragonal, space group 1r, with a : 10.226, b : 10.422, c : with a composition of (Ru,Os)As2 has also been found in the same 9.8844, B 88"19', Z: l; G calc.:2.146, meas. : 2.06. The deposit. strongest X-ray lines (48 given) are 7.295(55)(110), 4.220 The mineral is dull lead gray with metallic luster and grayish (e0x2lr,r2r), 3.238(45)(310),3.141(80x013), 2.722(t0o) black streak. It is brittle, not soluble in 1: I HNO3 and HCl. Under (132,32t), 2;7 o4(so)(t 23\. reflected light in air the mineral is white with a pink tint, pinkish The mineraloccurs as radial aggregates of smallcrystals (100- brown next to ruthenian osmiridium. The bireffectance is notice- 200microns), some showing forms {011}, {ll0}, rarely{lll} and able, from pinkish grayish white to pinkish white. It is anisotropic {l l0} . It is colorless,hardness low, av. n : 1.498,no cleavage.It from brownish yellow to grayish green, pale red to pale green. In occursin veins of melilite-nephelinevolcanic rocks at H<iwenegg, oil, the bireflectance is distinct and anisotropism pronounced, Hegan, Germany, associatedwith CaCO, (phase not specified) from reddish yellow, greenish yellow to purplish gray. Reflect- and merlinoite. ances measured along the long side and the short side of a grain The name is for Giovan Battiste Amici (1786-1863),physicist are: 55.1, 49.5 (480); s3.7, 46.7 QaQ; 55.a, a6.a (s89); 62.5, 47 .3vo and optician,inventor of the Amici lens.Location of type material (656nm).VHNro: ll20 (l13l-1266), VHN5o :1077.9. is not stated.M.F. The mineral occurs as massive grains or granular aggregates (60-100p) in a chromium deposit related to augite peridotite and Anduoite dunite in Tibet. China. The host rock is an altered dunite. The mineral is chromian spinel with minor pyrite, pyfihotite, Chromium Group and Electron ProbeGroup, Institute of Utiliza- main ore magnetite, chalcopyrite, molybdenite, galena, millerite, tion, ChineseAcademy of GeologicalScience; Platinum Group marcasite, violarite. Other platinum-group minerals present are ruth- and Electron Probe Group, Institute of Geology and Mineral and sperrylite, ruthenian iridarsenite, irarsite, osarsite, os- Resources,Chinese Academy of GeologicalScience; X-ray Lab- enarsenite, ruthenian osmiridium, laurite, and a new mineral oratory, Wuhan GeologicCollege; and X-ray Laboratory,Insti- miridium. (RuAsS). Anduoite and other arsenides and sulfarse- tute of Geology,Academia Sinica (1979)Anduoite, a new ruth- "ruaisite" often distributed around the grains of rutheniridosmine, are enium arsenide.Kexue Tongbao,15,704-708 (in Chinesewith nides, show replacement of irarsite. English abstract). closely associated with irarsite and The mineral has also been found in placers near the host rock Electron microprobeanalyses of six grains,using sperryliteand body with iridosmine, osmiridium, osmium, a Fe-Ru mineral, and pure metalsas standards,gave Ru 35.1,31.4, 35.5,3J.61, 33.44, minor sperrylite, osarsite, ruarsite, iridarsenite, and irarsite. The 33.89;Os 4.5,'1.4,5.5,6.96, 7.5'1, 5.24; Ir 2.6,0.8, 2.0,2.44,2.41, name is for the locality. Type specimens are deposited in the col- 2.20;Cu -, -, -, 0.61,-, -; As 57.0,56.'1,56.9,56.51,55.74,57.06; Sb lections of the Chinese Geological Museum. -, -, -, 0.04,-, -; S -, -, -, 0.19,0.20, 0.20; sums 99.2, 96.3, 99.9, 100.36,99.36, 98.59 wt%o. The analysescorrespond to Discussion The symmetry and cell parameters of anduoite are closely com- (Rue e62Oss 062116636)Asq e7 parable with those reported for synthetic RuAs2 (Pnnm, a : 5.41, (Ru6 67eOs6, ,olro o,,)As, ,o b : 6.17, c : 2.964; Heyding and Calvert, Can. J. Chem., 39, 955- 95'1, 196l). The material used for single-crystal X-ray work was *Minerals marked with asterisks were approved before pub- stated as a cleavage fragment, thus at least one set of cleavage is lication by the Commission on New Minerals and Mineral Names present in the mineral. The new mineral "ruarsite" and the Fe-Ru of the International Mineralogical Association. mineral "Ti Liao Kuang" should be fully documented, as the Fe- 0003-004x/80,/0708-0808$00.50 808 NEW MINERAL NAMES 809 Ru alloy has not previously been found in nature. The mineral lined voids derived from galena. These voids are typically lined ruthenian osmiridium reported in this paper may correspond to with jarosite and in one case also with fairbankite crystals, coated ruthenosmiridium as defined by Harris and Cabri (Can. Mineral., with clear botryoidal opal. Tiny milk-white spherules of fibrous 12, lO4-112, 1973). If so, a formal documentation of the mineral oboyerite are perched on the opal. H is estimated at 1.5; G meas. is may prove worthwhile as so far only one grain of the alloy from 6.4(6). Chemical analyses on 954 pg after correcting for 16 pg in- the Heazlewood district, Tasmania has been shown to be ruth- soluble gave: PbO 58.0 (58.6), CaO 0.3 (0.3), TeO2 22.1 (21.4), enosmiridium (Cabri and Hanis, Can. Mineral., 13, 226-274. TeO3 16.2 (15.7) HrO 4.2 (4.0), sum 100.8 (100.0), corresponding 1975).G.Y.C. to the formula HuPbu(TeO3)3(TeO6)2'2H2Owith Pb:Ca : 5: l. The minimum and maximum refractive indices, determined in S- Se melts, are: d.: 2.24, f :2.26; optics suggest triclinic symmetry Drugmanite* but lattice dimensions could not be determined from X-ray data. The five strongest lines of the unindexed powder pattern are: 3.180 R. Van Tassel, A. M. Fransolet and K. Abraham (1979) Drug- '1,3-040 1O,2.9765,2.92'1 5,2.862 5. The name is from the first ini- manite, Pb2(Fe3+,Al)(PO4)r(OH).HrO, a new mineral from tial and last name of Oliver Boyer, Richelle, Belgium. Mineral. Mag., 43, 463467. one of two men who first staked the Grand Central lode claim, the type locality. Drugmanite occurs as rare colorless transparent platy crystals Fairbankite crystals are colorless and clear with an adamantine up to 0.2 mm, aggregated in bunches in vugs of a mineralized and luster. They are brittle with hardness 2 and show no good cleav- silicified limestone. Associated minerals are pyromorphite, angle- age. The specific gravity could not be determined due to paucity of site, corkite, and phosphosiderite. Microprobe analysis gave: p material. The mineral is slowly soluble in cold dilute HNO. and pba62(Fe1 8.89, Al 0.85, Fe 6.19 Pb 59.76Vo,leading to 3leL.or) HCl. Chemical analysis on a 272 pg sample, after correction for I I PnooOtr_or'3Hro. The monoclinic crystals are {001} platelets pg opal and l3Vo anglesite, gave: PbO 58.3, TeO2 41.'1Vo,cnrre- bounded by {l l0}. The space group is P2r/a, cell dimensions de- sponding closely to PbTeO3. Dimensions of the triclinic cell deter- termined by 4-circle diffractometer and refined from powder data mined from rotation and Weissenberg patterns and refined from are:a : I l. 100(6), :'7.97 = : : b 6(4), c a.6aa?) A, P 90" t8(2),, Z powderdata are:a:7-81, b = 7.11,c : 6.96A,a: ll7'12', B: 2; D calc.: 5.55 g/cm3; strongest lines in the powder pattern are: 93"47', 1 : 93"24'; if Z : 4, D calc. is7 .45 g/cm3. The four strong- 4.63(e)(00l ), 3.7s2(t o)(t2o),3.350(8)(3 I 0), 3.247(8)(2r t), €st lines of the powder patttern are:3.265(10)(2tJ), 2.912(9)(12l). The mean refractive index, n. calculated from re- 3. | 48(6X I l 1,020),3.098(6)( I l2), 2.828(6)(r20,2r l).
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