17(3-B), pp.520-697, 2019 ISSN 1334-46844 INTERDISCIPLINARY DESCRIPTION OF COMPLEX SYSTEMS Scientific Journal B. Zhang 520 On Development of Information Communications in Human Society W. Akram, 546 Towards Agent-Based Model Specification of Smart M. Niazi, Grid: A Cognitive Agent-Based Computing Approach L.B. Iantovics and A.V. Vasilakos A.F. Barišić, 586 The Intensity of Human Resources Information J. Poór and Systems usage and Organizational Performance M. Pejić Bach S. Banerjee 598 Towards a Quantitative Model of Epidemics during Conflicts D. Šoštarić, 615 ECG Simulation and Integration of Kalman Filter in Gy. Mester and Cardio Pediatric Cases S. Dorner D. Šoštarić, 629 Mobile ECG and SPO2 Chest Pain Subjective Gy. Mester and Indicators of Patient with GPS Location in Smart S. Dorner Cities N. Dubreta and 640 Subjectivity and Technology in Work of Technicians I. Mikulić in Periodical Technical Inspection Stations Maroje Višić 659 Renaissance of Herbert Marcuse: A Study on Present Interest iin Marcuse’s Interdisciplinary Critical Theory T. Krajna and 684 Croatian Highly Cited Papers J. Petrak 697 Palić, I.; Banić, F. and Matić, L.: The Analysis of the Impact of Depreciation on External Debt in Long-Run: Evidence from Croatia. Interdisciplinary Description of Complex Systems 16(1), 186-193, 2018. http://dx.doi.org/indecs.16.1.15. Scientific Journal INTERDISCIPLINARY DESCRIPTION OF COMPLEX SYSTEMS INDECS, volume 17, issue 3, part B, pages 520-697, year 2019 Published 30th September 2019 in Zagreb, Croatia Released online 30th September 2019 Office Croatian Interdisciplinary Society c/o Faculty of Mechanical Engineering & Naval Architecture I. Lučića 1, HR – 10 000 Zagreb, Croatia E-mails: [email protected] (for journal), [email protected] (for publisher) Editors Josip Stepanić, Editor-in-Chief, University of Zagreb, Zagreb (HR) Josip Kasač, Assistant Editor, University of Zagreb, Zagreb (HR) Mirjana Pejić Bach, Assistant Editor, University of Zagreb, Zagreb (HR) Advisory Board Vjekoslav Afrić, University of Zagreb, Zagreb (HR) Aleksa Bjeliš, University of Zagreb, Zagreb (HR) Marek Frankowicz, Jagiellonian University, Krakow (PL) Katalin Martinás, Eötvös Loránd University, Budapest (HU) Gyula Mester, University of Szeged, Szeged (HU) Dietmar Meyer, Budapest University of Technology and Economy, Budapest (HU) Sibila Petlevski, University of Zagreb, Zagreb (HR) Wei-bin Zhang, Ritsumeikan Asia Pacific University, Beppu (JP) Editorial Board Serghey A. Amelkin, Program Systems Institute, Pereslavl-Zalesskij (RU) Nikša Dubreta, University of Zagreb, Zagreb (HR) Robert Fabac, University of Zagreb, Varaždin (HR) Francesco Flammini, Linnæus University, Växjö (SE) Erik W. Johnston, Arizona State University, Phoenix (US) Urban Kordeš, University of Ljubljana, Ljubljana (SI) Dean Korošak, University of Maribor, Maribor (SI) Anita Lee-Post, University of Kentucky, Lexington (US) Olga Markič, University of Ljubljana, Ljubljana (SI) Damir Pajić, University of Zagreb, Zagreb (HR) Petra Rodik, University of Zagreb, Zagreb (HR) Biserka Runje, University of Zagreb, Zagreb (HR) Armano Srbljinović, University of Zagreb, Zagreb (HR) Karin Šerman, University of Zagreb, Zagreb (HR) Karolina Ziembowicz, The Maria Grzegorzewska University, Warszawa (PL) Technical Editors Jelena Ćosić Lesičar, University of Zagreb, Zagreb (HR) Amalija Horvatić Novak, University of Zagreb, Zagreb (HR) Published by Croatian Interdisciplinary Society (http://www.idd.hr) quarterly as printed (ISSN 1334-4684) and online (ISSN 1334-4676) edition. Printed by Redak d.o.o. (HR) in 50 pieces. Online edition, http://indecs.eu, contains freely available full texts of published articles. Journal INDECS is financially supported by Croatian Ministry of Science and Education. Content of the journal INDECS is included in the DOAJ, EBSCO, EconLit, ERIH PLUS, Ulrich’s and Web of Science Core Collection. INDECS publishes original, peer-reviewed, scientific contributions prepared as reviews, regular articles and conference papers, brief and preliminary reports and comments to published articles. Manuscripts are automatically processed with the system Comet, see details here: http://journal.sdewes.org/indecs. The accessibility of all URLs in the texts was checked one week before the publishing date. Interdisciplinary Description of Complex Systems 17(3-B), i, 2019 TABLE OF CONTENTS REGULAR ARTICLES Bangwei Zhang 520 On Development of Information Communications in Human Society Waseem Akram, 546 Towards Agent-Based Model Specification of Muaz Niazi, Smart Grid: A Cognitive Agent-Based Computing Laszlo Barna Iantovics and Approach Athanasios V. Vasilakos Anton Florijan Barišić, 586 The Intensity of Human Resources Information József Poór and Systems usage and Organizational Performance Mirjana Pejić Bach Soumya Banerjee 598 Towards a Quantitative Model of Epidemics during Conflicts Damir Šoštarić, 615 ECG Simulation and Integration of Kalman Filter in Gyula Mester and Cardio Pediatric Cases Sanja Dorner Damir Šoštarić, 629 Mobile ECG and SPO2 Chest Pain Subjective Gyula Mester and Indicators of Patient with GPS Location in Smart Sanja Dorner Cities Nikša Dubreta and 640 Subjectivity and Technology in Work of Technicians Iva Mikulić in Periodical Technical Inspection Stations Maroje Višić 659 Renaissance of Herbert Marcuse: A Study on Present Interest iin Marcuse’s Interdisciplinary Critical Theory Tamara Krajna and 684 Croatian Highly Cited Papers Jelka Petrak CORRIGENDUM 697 Palić, I.; Banić, F. and Matić, L.: The Analysis of the Impact of Depreciation on External Debt in Long-Run: Evidence from Croatia. Interdisciplinary Description of Complex Systems 16(1), 186-193, 2018. http://dx.doi.org/10.7906/indecs.16.1.15. Interdisciplinary Description of Complex Systems 17(3-B), 520-545, 2019 ON DEVELOPMENT OF INFORMATION COMMUNICATIONS IN HUMAN SOCIETY Bangwei Zhang* Hunan University, College of Physics Changsha, People’s Republic of China DOI: 10.7906/indecs.17.3.13 Received: 21 May 2019. Regular article Accepted: 27 September 2019. ABSTRACT Information is very important. Information is also very complicated, making that people have no common understanding and conclusion for the nature of it up today. There are too many papers and some books to describe information; however it is rather difficult to find the description and analysing for the whole history of information from the advent of human beings to the present day. Two parts of information in prehistoric period and the time interred divinization are described. Every part is separated according to several succeeded stages for description. It is near impossible to describe in detail such entire historical facts of information in human society in a paper, so the description and discussion is focused on their comprehensiveness and integrity. By knowing and analysing all these solid historical facts of information, some relative issues e.g. “did information age really exist in the development of material civilization in human society” can be recognized easily. KEY WORDS information, history of information, information communication, matter, substance civilization, six-stage theory CLASSIFICATION JEL: B10, D83 *Corresponding author, : [email protected]; +0731 88822715; *College of Physics, Hunan University, Changsha 410 082, People’s Republic of China * On development of information communications in human society INTRODUCTION Near everybody knows the importance of information because nobody can leave the information and it communications. From the moment human beings leave their mothers’ bodies, they use crying to attract the attention of the parents. Especially, they proclaim to the world in a high-profile way: I am coming. Except a person has died otherwise he/she is never left information communications. We use every emotion that we portray on our faces, the movement of our hands, the way we look at someone and our speech to communicate our ideas to others. In fact all aspects of our life such education, study, work, social, movement, travel, love, etc. need information and its communications. However, do we understand the history of information for humankind? How does the development of information communications in human society progress from the advent of human being to the present day? A lot of papers on the field of information subject have published; no one has answered these problems with the solid historical facts completely and comprehensively. Fortunately there is a good book of The information: a history, a theory, a flood by Gleick [1], but it is not a real book of the history of information. From the book people are rather difficult to understand a rather complete history of information because the stories are more than history in it. Similarly there is a good paper of History of information science [2], in which the authors write “We have treated IS (information science) inclusively in two senses. First, we include specialized applications areas, such as archival, library, and corporate information services as specialties within a broad view of IS rather than specialties outside of it. Second, we agree with VAKKARI (1994) that it is misguided on theoretical grounds (as well as difficult in practice) to separate the theory of library science and of documentation from that of IS.” That is to say that that paper is still not mentioned the whole history of information as we want. That is why the aim of the article is focused to discuss such problems in order to sketch out the history of the entire information communications of human
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