TireRack.com Road to Indy iRac ing eSeries Presented by Cooper Tires W eatherTech Raceway Laguna Seca Wednesday, M ay 13 , 2020 No. Driver Hometown Residence Team S ponsors 1 Braden Eves ( IP2) Gahanna, OH New Albany, OH Exclu s ive Autosport Road to Indy/Cooper Tires/ MDRN Live ry 0 1 Prescott Campbell ( USF ) New port Beach, CA Oxford, UK Exclusive Autosport Lucas Oil School of Racing 2 Josh Green ( USF) Mou nt Kis co, NY M ount Kisco, NY Cape Motorsports JHG Investment Fund 3 Peter Dempsey (T O) Ashbourne, Ireland Ve rnon Hills, IL Turn 3 Motorsport ACR/ Easte rn/Turn 3 Motorsport 0 3 Reece Gold (USF) Miami, FL Miami, FL Cape Motorsports The Ticket Clinic 0 0 3 Flinn La zier (IL) Vail, CO Vail , CO Lazier Racing Tivoli Lodg e 4 Michael d ’ Orlando (USF) Hartsdale, NY Hartsdale, NY Cape Motorsports Focused Project Management/DB Collaborative 5 Phillippe Denes ( IP2) Los An geles, CA Carmel, CA RP Motorsport USA Fire Flighters 7 Kory Enders (I P2) Warwick , NY Austin, TX D EForce Racing MB Sugar Land/McLaren Houston 07 David Martinez (T O) Monterrey, Mexico The Woodlands, TX DEForc e R acing DE F orce Racing 8 Timmy Pagliuso (USF) Fish e rs, I N Fishers, I N HMD Motorsports Turtle Plastics 0 8 Kyle Dupell (USF) Portland, OR Po rtland/Salem, OR Cape Motorsports Opal Creek Capital/Family Help and Wellness 0 9 Jacob Loomis (IP 2) Corinth, TX Corinth, TX BNRacing Optima A nes thesia 11 Leandro Ju ncos ( IP2 ) Buenos Aires, Argentina In dianapolis, IN Junc os Racing River Plate Indiana /JEG/Juncos Racing 12 Kiko P orto (USF) Recife, Brazil Recife, Brazil DEForce Racing Banco Daycoval/Petromega 14 Lou i s Meyer (T O) Pittsbor o, I N Pitts bor o, IN Lega cy Auto sport Metalloid/Legacy Autosport/Multiple Myeloma 18 Hunter McElrea ( IP2) Los Angele s, CA Gold Coast, A ustr alia Pabst Racing Giltrap Group 19 Co lin Kamins k y ( IP2) Joliet, IL Homer Glen, IL Pabst Racing Slick Locks 2 0 Cameron Shields (USF) Too woomba, Australia To owoomba, Aus tralia L e gacy Autosport Metal loid Corpo ration 21 Yuv en Sundaramoorthy ( U SF) Oc ono mowoc, WI Guilderland, NY Pabst Racin g S team Motorsports 23 Nico Christodoulou (USF) Toronto, Canada Toronto, Canad a DEForce Racing ICC Property Management, Ltd. 2 4 Michael Myers (USF) Lizton, IN Lizton, IN Legacy Autosport Metalloid/Legacy/Myers G arage /Rusted Silo 27 Robert Megennis (IL) New York , NY New Y ork, NY A n dretti A utospo rt Andretti Autosport Da llara 0 27 A yrton Ori (USF) Orlando, FL Orlando, FL Legacy Autosport Permatex/Spray Nine 28 Keawn Tandon (USF) Calabasas , CA Calabasas, CA Jay Howa rd Driver Dev elopment Corsai r/Homebridge 33 Antoine Com eau (IP 2) M ontreal, Queb ec, Canada Chicago, IL Turn 3 Motor sport Eastern Shipping Worldwide 40 Ja ck Willia m M iller (USF) Westfield, IN Carmel, IN Miller Vinatieri Motor sp orts Indy Dental Gr o up/LLC /Lumist 41 Ma x Kaeser ( USF) Keystone, CO Keystone, C O Miller Vinatieri Motorspor ts Miller Vinat ieri Motorsport s 42 Artem Petrov (IP2) Saint Petersburg, Russia Sa int Petersburg, Russia Juncos Racing Road To Success/Bell/226ers 44 Christian Brooks ( U SF) Santa Clarita, CA Santa C l arita, CA Ex clusive Autospo rt H ot Wheels/ Chaco Flaco/Be l l Helmets 48 Ry an Norman (IL) Cleveland, OH Aurora, OH Andretti Autosport EVO 55 Sant i Urrutia (IL) Montevideo, Uruguay Migue lete , Urugua y HMD Motor sports Uruguay Natural / BSE / AN CAP 68 Danial Fros t (IL) Singapore Sing apore Andret ti Autosport DEN - JET 69 Nate Aranda ( IP2) Albuq uerque , NM Albuq ue r q ue, NM Ju ncos Rac ing CRAFT 1861 77 Andre Castro (USF ) New York, NY New York, NY Legacy Auto sport Met alloid Corpor ation 93 Glenn McGee (IP 2) Tampa, FL Tampa, FL FatBoy Ra cing! V2R Driver 95 Lucas Kohl ( IP2) Santa Cruz do S ul, Brazil M iami, FL Turn 3 Motorsp ort ACR/Eastern/T3M I L = Indy Lights Presente d by Cooper Tires USF = Co oper Tires U SF20 00 Champ ionship IP2 = Indy Pro 2000 C hampio ns hip Prese nted by Cooper Tires TO = Team Owner .
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