Is I ESTABLISHED JUNE 23, 1862.--V0L. li. PORTLAND, SATURDAY MORNING, MARCH 10. 1877. TERMS $8.00 PER ANNUM, IN ADVANCE. TI1E PORTLAND DAILY PRESS, INSURANCE, THE PRESS where her adversary engages one-fourth of Cap and Bells. Men and Women. the _MISCELLANEOUS._ her army. Besides, when the sheer despair Published (Sundays excepted) by Archbishop Howard, recently created a Car- every day of her subjects or the intrigues of evil-minded We went 19 CO., and SATURDAY MORNING, MARCH 10. heme the way that was longest, dinal, second cousin to the Duke of Norfolk, PORTLAND PUBLISHING Staunchest, Strongest 33d ANNUAL STATEMENT OF THE neighbors can raise new enemies in rear And and at their the way was not very fir, one time held a command in the Guards. But At 109 Exchange; St., Portland. in the disaffected Provinces of the way seemed not at all iar. He is well the Best l We do not read letters and commum j Thessaly, Epi- knowu for bis mastery of Rnss'au anonymous At the we a Year in advance. Tc rus and in gate took quite a long rest, and of Terms: Eight Dollars cations The name and address of tlic writer are In Albania, Crete, and possibly even many Oriental His nomina- Year it in ad- Thtn I languages. mail subscribers Seven Dollars a paid said—looking up at a star— tion to all ca es indispensable, not necessarily lor publication in the Asiatic Provinces, it is difficult to see gives the nations four Vance. Said to Mattie—but not to tbe star— English-speaking NEW ENGLAND but as a guaranty of Cardinals who will good faitb. how the devotion of the Osmanlis to the de- have a voice in the next “Could I kiss you without doing wrong—lesl Wc cannot undertake to return or reserve comrnu- conclave. THE MAINlTsTATE PRESS scendant of all the and even the fa- 1 that are Caliphs, Wroug-ooing your feelings would mar— nications not every Thursday Morning at $2.r>oa used. published naticism of the Mussulmans for the cause of Your very floe feelings would mar?” An Englishman says: “The yeir, if paid in advance at $2.00 a year. attractions of Said she: ‘‘Not unless yon’ro the French women born of Mutual Life Insurance ^ Islam, can, in the long run bear up either strongest: French parents as a Rates op Advertising: One inch of Die Every regular attache of the Press is furnished And I know space, INSURANCE Comuany quite well that you are role, consist of a movement CO., the labor and cost of so graceful of tbe length of column, constitutes a “square.” with a Cord certificate aga'mst unequal a countersigned by Stanley T. She added: “I'm sure that you are.” small $1.50 per square daily first week; 75 cents per week — OF — body, feet and tvell-shap-d bands; a OF 13 Pullen, Edi.or. All steamboat and hotel struggle, or against the and after; three insertions, or less, O ST ON. railway, wearying dispir- $1.00; continuing will sometimes npr»s too to every other day after first 50 cents. managers confer a favor us anxieties of its bare fa-rinatiug belonging week, London & A New Vork. upon by demanding iting anticipation.” “The gla‘S of fashion:” bine Half square, three insertions, or 75 one Edinburgh of glass. irregular features and a conversa- lees, cents; credentials every person claiming to represent our facility for week, $1.00 : 50 cents week after. INCORPORATED IN BEN.J. F tion per and AcciutiulationH over 1835. STEVENS, PBES’T • which often makes do not Capital journal. _ you forget they Special Notices, one third additional. The who will be years Under head aud “Auction Pope, eigbty-flve They have a “spirit drum" in New York It belong to the of “Amusements” Million Hollars! l>ec. !*?<;. Phryne ideal. They dress better Sales,” $2.00 week; three insertions Twenty-light For Hie Year ending »lst, The old on the 13th of next May, and has is per square per Washington Situation. already probably operated by tbe ghosisof deadbeats. than aoy other lading m the world.” or less, $1.50. Fire Insurance will ns is Advertisements inserted in the “Maine State Parties wanting please give Imaginative correspondents at reigned nearly thirty-one years, evidently Seward's a call. ASS*ETS , Washington statue in New York is Press” (which has a large circulation in every part not to or the noted sen- cross-legged, have amused this inclined adopt repeat A parrot is said to live to be two humlrid and a woman of the for lor first themselves week by in- writes about this ‘‘b'ot upon the State) $1.00 per square insertion, JOHN n. DO tV, J. H. FAU1ER. as Accounts. an 50 per Ledger tence of Louis of France: ''After old. A biroer does not live so but 1 cents per square for each subsequent insertion. lormiug the country that the King me, years long, taste of tbe city” to the Post She Address all communications to Republican Evening Milk. Cost of Estate exclusive ot all the I” On the he is he talks more. has studied POUT LAND PUBLISHING CO. Exchange Street, corner oi value Real inenmluanees...$1,361,136 8 party is divided against itself, that irrccon- deluge contrary prepar- art iu Milan, Paris aud Florence, fe24 dlaw6w Loans on Ronds and Mortgages, (first liens) on Real Estate. 2.491,716.C his • and ciiable differences of opinion have ing lor what is to be done after death. she never heard of such a thing as a cross- 2 arisen be- If you want to be in style you will wear an Premium loan notes ou policies in force...... 1,*23,940 l 3 tweeu the President and the First, it is announced that at a consistory to legged statue before. To sit cross-legged tu tbe Time Tried and Eire Tested. Cost value of Bonds and Stocks owned Senate, and that amethyst ring on the third of tbe left ENTERTAINMENTS. absolutely..... 7.2fi4,034.* finger of Cash in Banks. new be holden on the 12th of this month, he will presence any one she considers "ad-eadful deposited 182,127 4 a the Administration has turned against band. Also cough sadly now and then, a9 if Annual Statement Quarterly and semi-annual premium notes on policies in force... 223,846.* * add to sin. It is not a sin in the Forty-fifth its friends at the eleven members the Sacred College of were the last of an il decalogue however; Notes receivable... 2,390.6 start. The question at you u-trious family. — OF THE — Interest due and and. although it may be for Sew- accrued. 243,783 5 issue is saiu lu ue me Cardinals, now consisting of fifty-scven, the uudigotfied Market value of souihern question. Company’s funds over cost. ... 340,700.* ard, who was a of whole number when It has Secretary State, to sit in Net deterred premiums on policies iu force... 168,894 o ] These reports fortunately are untrue. The complete being seventy. been inferred that Dryaen wasn’t op- broi ze with his legs there are It is declared that a measure to be to a a crossed, many Southern policy of President Hayes as out- proposed posed sherry cobbler from remark be TOTAL ASSETS .14,515,803 4( ; statesmen of the pr-sent day who would be im- Pluriiix Ins. Co. lined in his inaugural address met regarding the conclave which will assemble once made—“Straws may be made the instru- Gospel Meetings tne almost proved by similar treatment — BY — LIABILITIES- if not quite unanimous approval of the on the death of Pope Pius will establish that ments of happiness.” OF HARTFORD, COXA. party. According to the Figaro, Sardou carries his a voice has any Cardinal may be elected to succeed Net present value of at 4 per Not been lifted against it in the him, < ta I lie First Bay of Jaunary, IS77. outstanding polices cent.$12 518,029.6 In the of nature is lost. personal supervision of all stage Claims for death losses not of his economy nothing arrangements ascertained, yet payable......" *168 369 0 ) nor is any Senator known to irrespective nationality, thus setting matured endowments .16 Senate, disap- The inside of an refresh one to extremes. He makes chalk marks The Ansel* arc a* follows: 866.0 aside orange may man, where Amount of unpaid it. the Pragmatic rule which has long been distributions.137,011,6 j prove while the outBide of the same fruit may serve every art cle of furniture is to stand—and woe SC9D1Y, Cash on hand and in Bank, In hands of received from Agents in advance of their accounts. 579 l in restrictive which Italians The situation is this: The creden- operation, by to break another man's to the if chair for Christian workers at Slate Street Agents and in course oi transmission.. $018,485 40 ; simply leg. stage carpenter or table is ont of Meeting TOTAL could be chosen. It is said that the Church at 9 A. M. Real Estate. 135,341 23 LIABILITIES...$73870,855Al f tials of Mr. Kellogg, assuming to be a Sena- only its line. In the ardor of interest he rehearses United States Stocks and Bonds. 118,000 00 SurpluN above every liability, (by the most Preaching at City Hall at3 and 7 P. M. rigid tcsl)... 1,044 040.04 general opinion among the Cardinals who the whole State, County, and Municipal securities.
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