9634 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS June 6, 2000 TRP staff provides home owner education, is only fitting since these soldiers, Fernando the ensuing four-day battle.’’ His name is in- client counseling and oversees the marketing Luis Garcia, Euripides Rubio, Jr., Carlos scribed on the Vietnam Veterans Memorial and sales for its New Homes program. The James Lozada and Hector Colon Santiago are wall panel 30E, row 45. Resurrection Project also develops and ren- among the 3,400 plus brave men that have Hector Colon Santiago’s rank was Specialist ovates community-owned real estate in a sus- merited the Medal of Honor. The Medal of Fourth Class. He served in the United States tainable, affordable manner. TRP undertakes Honor is the highest award for valor in action Army, Company B, 5th Battalion, 7th Cavalry the property acquisition, financial packaging against an enemy force that can be bestowed Division. He entered the service in New York and construction management for its rental upon an individual serving in the Armed Serv- City, New York. He was born on December housing and commercial developments. TRP ices of the United States. The Medal is gen- 20, 1942 in Salinas, Puerto Rico. also oversees the physical, financial and ten- erally presented to its recipient by the Presi- A remarkable individual, Hector Colon ant management of all its properties, ensuring dent of the United States of America in the Santiago began his tour of duty on October the long term sustainability of the organiza- name of Congress, it is often called the Con- 23, 1967. He died at the age of 25 on June tion’s real estate projects. TRP is developing gressional Medal of Honor. The world lost four 28, 1968 in Quang Tri Province, Republic of the economic capacity of community residents truly remarkable people when these four brave Vietnam. A portion of his citation states, ‘‘Spe- through an innovative approach to workforce men perished while in the line of duty. cialist Fourth Class Santiago-Colon distin- guished himself at the cost of his life while and business development. The Resurrection Fernando Luis Garcia served as a Private serving as a gunner in the mortar platoon of Construction Cooperative provides entrepre- First Class in the United States Marine Corps, Company B. He heroically sacrificed himself to neurial assistance to new and emerging con- Company, 3rd Battalion, 5th Marines, 1st Ma- save the lives of those who occupied the fox- struction related businesses. The Resurrection rine Division. He entered the service in San hole with him, and provided them with the in- Juan Puerto Rico. He was born on August 14, Loan Fund provides working capital loans up spiration to continue fighting until they had 1929 in Utuado, Puerto Rico. to one-hundred thousand dollars to these busi- forced the enemy to retreat from the perim- The stellar life of Fernando Luis Garcia was nesses. The Resurrection Employment pro- eter.’’ His name is etched in the wall of the cut short when he was killed in Korea on Sep- gram offers comprehensive support to individ- Vietnam Veterans Memorial on panel 54W, tember 5, 1952. An excerpt from his citation uals seeking better employment. Staff pro- Row, 13. vides support on an individual basis, assess- notes, ‘‘He was intrepid in his service as a Mr. Speaker, I ask that you join our col- ing skills and guiding participants through the member of Company I, in action against leagues, the Puerto Rican Parade of Paterson job-seeking process. enemy aggressor forces. PFC Garcia 2000/Desfile Puertorriquen˜o, Inc. 2000, Puerto Resurrection Project’s exceptional work for unhesitatingly chose to sacrifice himself for the Rico, the United States and me in recognizing our community has been recognized with life of another Marine. His great personal valor the outstanding and invaluable achievements awards such as the LaSalle Bank’s Tom and cool decision in the face of almost certain and sacrifices of Fernando Luis Garcia, Gobby Community Leadership Award, BP death, sustain and enhance the finest tradi- Euripides Rubio, Jr., Carlos James Lozada Amoco Foundation’s BP Amoco Leader Award tions of the United States Naval Services. He and Hector Colon Santiago. Each of these for job creation, Bank of America’s Community gallantly gave his life for his country.’’ men was cited for, ‘‘Conspicuous gallantry and Impact Award and Fannie Mae Foundation’s Euripides Rubio, Jr. attained the rank of intrepidity at the risk of his life above and be- Maxwell Award of Excellence for the Produc- Captain in the United States Army in Head- yond the call of duty.’’ tion of Low Income Housing. quarters and Headquarters Company, 1st Bat- f Some of TRPs accomplishments include talion, 28th Infantry, 1st Infantry Division, building 112 new homes for low and moderate RVN. He entered the service at Fort Bu- TRIBUTE TO MARY KORTE—PRESI- income families, developing a new daycare chanan in Puerto Rico. He was born on March DENTIAL AWARD FOR EXCEL- and after school care center for 208 children, 1, 1938 in Ponce, Puerto Rico. LENCE assisting 32 local contractors to begin, de- The military exploits of Euripides Rubio velop and expand their own construction busi- were marked with bravery and valor. He start- HON. SCOTT McINNIS nesses, creating a bilingual second stage ed his tour of duty on July 10, 1966 and lost OF COLORADO housing program for homeless single mothers his life on November 8, 1966 in Tay Ninh IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES and generating more than twenty-five million Province, Republic of Vietnam. He was 28 Tuesday, June 6, 2000 years old. His citation shows he was feted for, dollars in community investment. Mr. MCINNIS. Mr. Speaker, I would like to ‘‘Braving withering fire, aiding the wounded, I have witnessed the many positive accom- take this moment to congratulate Mary Korte plishments of the Resurrection Project unhesitatingly assuming command and self- for receiving the 1999 Presidential Award for throughout my community. The organization’s lessly exposing himself to enemy fire. Captain Excellence in Mathematics and Science hard work, commitment and dedication is in- Rubio’s singularly heroic act turned the tide of Teaching. She is one of 200 teachers to re- valuable to the people I serve. I commend the battle, and his extraordinary leadership and ceive this prestigious award nationally and one Resurrection Project for ten years of building valor were a magnificent inspiration to his of four to receive this award from Colorado. affordable new homes and rental housing, men.’’ His name can be found on the Vietnam She will also receive a $7,500 grant in the helping businesses grow, challenging commu- Veterans Memorial in Washington, DC on the name of Grand Junction High School in con- nity residents to become leaders and strength- wall panel 12E, row 44. junction with the award. Her dedication and ening families through the development of new Carlos James Lozada served his country at enthusiasm are unsurpassed in the field of child care centers. the rank of Private First Class in the United math and science. f States Army, 2nd Battalion, 503rd Infantry, Mary’s real passion lies in educating her 173rd Airborne Brigade. He entered the serv- students about the environment. A class enti- TRIBUTE TO FERNANDO LUIS GAR- ice in New York City, New York. He was born tled ‘‘River Dynamics’’ is one included in her CIA, EURIPIDES RUBIO, JR., CAR- on September 6, 1946 in Caguas, Puerto curriculum. This class allows students to rigor- LOS JAMES LOZADA AND HEC- Rico. ously investigate rivers using many different TOR COLON SANTIAGO The venerable Carlos James Lozada began academic skills. She encourages students to his tour of duty on June 11, 1967. He was be ‘‘hands on’’ and enjoys seeing them ac- HON. BILL PASCRELL, JR. struck down, while missing, at the age of 21. tively participate in their environmental com- OF NEW JERSEY He died on November 20, 1967 in Dak To, munities. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Republic of Vietnam. Part of his citation reads, It is encouraging to see teachers of Mary’s ‘‘PFC Lozada apparently realized that if he stature receive awards for excellence in their Tuesday June 6, 2000 abandoned his position, there would be noth- prescribed academic rigor. Mary has also re- Mr. PASCRELL. Mr. Speaker, I would like to ing to hold back the surging North Vietnamese ceived the Radio Shack National Teachers call your attention to the deeds of four distin- solders and that the entire Company with- Award among her many accomplishments. I guished servicemen, who were honored on drawal would be jeopardized. He made this am confident she will continue to strive for Friday, May 26, 2000 by the Puerto Rican Pa- decision realizing that the enemy was con- academic excellence and continue to encour- rade of Paterson 2000/Desfile Puertorriquen˜o, verging on three sides. His heroic deed served age our future generations to pursue an active Inc. 2000 in coordination with Memorial Day. It as an inspiration to his comrades throughout role in the health of their environment. VerDate jul 14 2003 14:33 Sep 16, 2004 Jkt 079102 PO 00000 Frm 00010 Fmt 0689 Sfmt 9920 E:\BR00\E06JN0.000 E06JN0.
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