0Mffrtalk .Uli PUBLzSHED DAILY under order of THE PRESIDENT of THE UNITED STATES by COMMITTEE on PUBLIC INFORMATION GEORGE CREEL, Chairman * * * COMPLETE Record of U. J. GOVERNMENT Activities VoL. 3 WASHINGTON, SATURDAY, JANUARY 4, 1919. No. 503 Explanation of Rehabilitation DISCHARGE OF MEN BEGUN FROM COMBATANT RANKS; Plans Given to Each Disabled TOTAL NOW DESIGNATED IN Soldier Upon His Return to U.S. THE U.S. OVER A MILLION COMPENSATION FOR ALL CONDITIONS AT BREST OUTLINED LIST IS ANNOUNCED Statement by Surgeon Gen- INREPORT FROM GEN. HARBORD BY GENERAL MARCH eral Ireland of Army Is "Were Very Bad But Are Im- Nearly 300,000 Additional Placed in Hands of All Ill proving Daily," Says Cable- Men in France Assigned and Wounded-Will Re- gram to Secretary Baker. for Early Convoy-Status ceive Warm Welcome, But Press interview with the Secretary of of Emergency Army Offi- Is Soldier Still and Should War, January 3, 1919: cers Desiring Commis- Continue to Act as One. I have received from Gen. Harbord the following cable in regard to conditions sions in the Regular Army The War Department makes public the at Brest: Awaiting Congress Action. following statement by the Surgeon Gen- " Climatic conditions at Brest due to Casualties Among Amer- eral of the Army, which is being put into .d~ily rain are the worst of any port at every returned disabled sol- the hands of our disposal in France, but the lack of ican Troops at Archangel. dier: I Upon your arrival at the port you deep water at other ports force certain Questions and Answers. will be sent to a debarkation hospital for ships to come to Brest, the one port they a very brief stay. From there you will can enter. The policy of beginning the Statement to the press by Gen. March, b sent to the general hospital, base hos- January 4, 1919: center, the nearest evacuation of our troops immediately pital, or convalescent men for release to your own home. Of course, when after the armistice and the order to fill The designation of it may be from the Army has reached a point now special treatment is required all available shipping forced the evacu- where we have come to the combatant to have you sent to the hospital ation of troops through Brest before any necessary during the week I have where there are facilities for this treat- construction works suitable to an embar- divisions, and ment. If your condition is such that you kation camp could be completed. authorized orders to be issued to begin the do not need hospital treatment, you will " Work on this embarkation camp and discharge of men from combatant divi- be sent to a convalescent center in an on the necessary port facilities to convert sions, and to proceed through them gradu- your home until en- a small port into a live embarkation port ally. The number of men designated for Aimy camp nearest is now tirely recovered and ready for discharge. has been going on steadily for some time discharge in the United States 1,004,000. The list follows: Cure of Sick and Wounded. night and day. Conditions were very bad and are far from what we plan at the Depot brigades, development. 2. In the cure of the sick and wounded present time, but they are improving daily Battalions and replacements - 98, 00 soldier. not only the ordinary measure of and the Inspector General, American Ex- Industrial furloughs -------------- 18, 000 medicine and surgery will be used, but peditionary Forces, within the past week Divisional troops ----------------- 40, 500 are em- Corps and Army troops ---------- 48, 000 also physical measures, such as reported that progress was good and con- Coast Artillery ----------------- 40, 500 ployed under physiotherapy; active exer- ditions were satisfactory when the origi- Engineers ---------------------- 48, 000 cises; indoor and outdoor games; mas- nal conditions and the physical and cli- Medical Corps ------------------ 10, 000 in the hos- Ordnance ---------------------- 10, 500 sages and curative occupation matic difficulties were considered. Quartermaster Corps------------ 23, 000 pital wards, curative workshops, and gar- "Work at Brest and St. Nazaire on United States Guards------------ 26. 000 dens. This treatment is for the purpose these embarkation features have long had Military aeronautics ------------- 40, 000 of correcting, as far as possible, the de- Spruce production --------------- 30, 000 priority over practically all other work Tank Corps --------------------- 7, 000 fects and disabilities of the soldiers. in F rance and this will continue until the Chemical warfare service ---------- 7, 500 3. The curative workshops are estab- Anthracite coal miners 0, 000 embarkation features at both places have Special service units ------------ 11, 500 lished to restore the use of injured parts reached a satisfactory stage. The em- S. A. T. C--------------------- 160, 000 of the body through useful work. The barkation of troops in large numbers be- C. 0. TI. S --------------------- 31, 500 ankle joint, for instance, that has become gan through these ports at the same time Attached, local draft boards --------- 3, 500 stiffened through injury, is made to tunc- Porto Rico troops -------------- 12, 000 as the construction of the embarkation Hawaiian National Guard - 1, 500 tion again by exercise on a foot power and, therefore, the troops passing through Bakery companies --------------- 3, 000 machine such as a band saw, jig saw, in the early period could not have ad- Construction and labor companies- 3, 500 printing press, etc. The patient while Aircraft production ------------- 3, 500 vantage of what we plan to give troops Overseas casuals ---------------- 10,000 getting the curative exercises, has some- passing through these places in future." Signal Corps ------------------- 6, 000 thing to do which keeps his hands and All deep-draught vessels, such as the Training center ----------------- 10, 000 head busy, takes his mind off his disabil- great British troop ships, the larger Navy Total ------------------ 1, 004, 000 ity, and may be of educational value to ships such as the Leviathan, George him in his occupation. Washington, Mount Vernon, necessarily The number of men that have been 4. The curative workshop activities are must use Ihe port of Brest, but smaller designated for early return to the United under the charge of the hospital educa- ships are calling at Bordeaux and St. States, in addition to those which have (Continued on page 0.) Nazaire. (Continued on page 8.) 2 THE OFFICIAL U. S. BULLETIN: SATURDAY, JANUARY 4, 1919. year the big camps and cantonments have BILLION AND A HALF PAID been paid in full at an average of the 5th BUNKER LICENSES FOR PLEASURE of the month. In several of the canton- ments, some of them containing from BOATS TO CRUISE BETWEEN UNITED INSALARIES TO SOLDIERS BY40,000 to 60,000 men, payments were com- pleted on the last day of the month in STATES, BERMUDA, WEST INDIES ARMY FINANCE DIRECTOR; which the pay accrued, and in many others full settlement has been made on NOT PERMITTED TO CARRY CARGO the 1st day of the succeeding month. ANOTHER BILLION TO COME From December 1 to December 21, 1918, 500,000 enlisted men were discharged War Trade Board Makes New DISBURSED IN CASH from the Army, and were paid in full Ruling Setting Forth Conditions without delay. This operation compre- ALL OVER THE WORLD hended such factors as clothing money Under Which Permits Will Be due, longevity pay, foreign-service pay, allotments to the Bureau of War-Risk Granted-Monthly Report Waived. How Vast Difficulties En- Insurance, and allotments through the countered, Especially at War Department system, all of which The War Trade Board announces, in must be prorated, travel allowances, a new ruling (W. T. B. R. 478), that it Battle Front, Have Been charges against the soldier for lost prop- is now prepared to issue bunker licenses erty, and many other matters requiring to pleasure boats, not carrying cargo, Met and Overcome, Re- consideration under law and regulations. valid for a period of three months, to The final pay roll of- a soldier, because cruise between ports of the United States, viewed by Chief of Finance of the requirements of law, Treasury Bermuda, and the West Indies. Division-Pay Cards and Department decisions and regulations, is The licenses will be issued on the regu- an intricate financial problem. lar forms used for trip licenses, with such Pay Books Found Help- changes in phraseology as may be neces- Problems Met Overseas. sary. Bunker Form B-3, Master's Re- ful to Men in Action. The payment of troops overseas pre- port on Voyage, and Bunker Form B-7, System in Cantonments sented entirely new difficulties, the re- Affidavit and Agreement of Master of Ves- strictions of law and regulations being sel Governing Disposition of Cargo, will and Hospitals. further complicated by war conditions not be required. that relegated the matter of pay to the The monthly report of fuel and supplies The following statement is authorized rear. It was impossible to pay troops taken out of the country and the report by the Director of Finance of the Army: in action, and the troops were not think- of fuel consumed, heretofore required for Since April 6, 1917, there has been paid ing of pay. When American troops ar- all time licenses, will also be waived as a to the officers and enlisted men of the rived overseas they were hurried to the general rule, but applicants should place United States Army $1,577,331,669.70. To front and their baggage containing their themselves in a position to furnish these this should be added $116,782,994.81 paid records followed them when transporta- reports if called upon to do so.
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